OK, I have to say something - but sorry for not saying anything

  • Thread starter amar212
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''An oven in an oven''

I am thinking 2 games in one, GT5 + TT2 with an almost double price tag. TT2 would never sell as much copies as GT5 as a stand alone game, but double the price of the GT5, sell it as 2 games in one and you have a very clever way to make double the money. (I can dream)


Even if GT5 was x2 the normal price, with PD justification being 2 games in 1, with huge content, we would no doubt get moaning, but none the less, it would never effect sales.

I would pay anyway, as after all I am a helpless consumer!! lol
I'm trying to not get swept up in this. Sky-high expectations / hype leads to disappointment. I don't think we should hope for a totally different game. What I took from this post is that our realistic hopes / speculation for the game has been implemented... so maybe damage, weather, night / day cycles, and perhaps GT5 sooner than we expect.

I am semi-aware of Amar's post history but for those such as myself that don't know - who does Amar work for? PD themselves, SCE, an internal tester? Also, someone mentioned he is a level headed guy... so the excitement in his post is intriguing.

One thing I remember is Guerilla Games saying they worked with PD... perhaps PD have borrowed their environmental / weather code from Killzone 2?

So, having re-read Amar's post, I think:

Nice big juicy update to Prologue soon.
GT5 is closer than we thought.
All will be revealed between now and E3 (June).
Something else I cannot even imagine.
Another thing I cannot even imagine!
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And if just about anyone else had posted it I would agree, however in a situation like this it is different.

I think I speak for a very large percentage of GT Planet when I say I'm glad that Amar has given us a heads up that some news (and big news at that) is coming, as it does answer a lot of the 'why are PD so quiet' questions that have been asked.

No it doesn't answer them with specific details........................................................................................................................................yet, but I'm also confident that when Amar can say something definate, we will be among he first to know.



+ a few hundred invisible plus reps to you my good man !...
One thing I remember is Guerilla Games saying they worked with PD... perhaps PD have borrowed their environmental / weather code from Killzone 2?

So, having re-read Amar's post, I think:

Nice big juicy update to Prologue soon.
GT5 is closer than we thought.
All will be revealed between now and E3 (June).
Something else I cannot even imagine.
Another thing I cannot even imagine!

Or all Aston Martin's will have weapons and you'll receive a debrief by Q!

"When you reach the Karrussel, Bond, don't use the rockets or you'll miss the apex!"
Thank you so much Amar!!!

My guess is, that GT5 is finally ready.

Now when economic situation is also littlebit poor, they will release it so soon as possible, and fix bugs what we find afterward with patches. That might also explain why our 'big fall update' never came in that way we expected... PD needed to put more speed to develope full-version, and forget about being too perfectionists, and use months and months to test things in Prologue.

Second guess: If PD still continue with their overly-perfectionist way, we are going to have Private-rooms, Tyre-wear, Fuel-economic, Damage, and maybe few cars and tracks to get us interested again to do some 'beta-testing' to PD.

If they really aint gonna test those things before full version, with big growds, it's huge risk. I could live with some failures there, if I would know they will fix things when time goes... but many 'game sites' are very cruel when they rate new games, and they very often give too much weight to 'small bugs', and forget 'big improves'.
my guess for the pricey thing? Bugatti Veyron. my guess for the one that's in the oven? Porsche or Lamborghini are negotiating about their cars being in GT5
Thank YOU SO MUCH Amar! I've been here on GTPlanet for awhile, and it seems like if there is ever any new GT news, Amar is the one to post it, so I have complete trust in what he is saying.

I'm trying to not get swept up in this. Sky-high expectations / hype leads to disappointment. I don't think we should hope for a totally different game. What I took from this post is that our realistic hopes / speculation for the game has been implemented... so maybe damage, weather, night / day cycles, and perhaps GT5 sooner than we expect.

I am semi-aware of Amar's post history but for those such as myself that don't know - who does Amar work for? PD themselves, SCE, an internal tester? Also, someone mentioned he is a level headed guy... so the excitement in his post is intriguing.

One thing I remember is Guerilla Games saying they worked with PD... perhaps PD have borrowed their environmental / weather code from Killzone 2?

So, having re-read Amar's post, I think:

Nice big juicy update to Prologue soon.
GT5 is closer than we thought.
All will be revealed between now and E3 (June).
Something else I cannot even imagine.
Another thing I cannot even imagine!

I am also curious as to how he gets this information. Care to fill us in, Amar? :sly:

And I'm going to take a stab at the riddle:

GT5 is the oven.
The two things cooking in the "oven itself" is either damage and weather, or possibly Porsche and Lambo being in the game.

And that the day of the fiest, which we supposedly already know, is probably a release date that has been mentioned somewhere on these forums....however, with all the release date threads, we have no idea what that could be haha.
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Hey amar, btw. could you maybe tell us if you think its possible that we might see something maybe at the GDC? lol
Thank YOU SO MUCH Amar! I've been here on GTPlanet for awhile, and it seems like if there is ever any new GT news, Amar is the one to post it, so I have complete trust in what he is saying.

I am also curious as to how he gets this information. Care to fill us in, Amar? :sly:
I'm sure I've read that he works for a games magazine in Croatia.
Hey amar, btw. could you maybe tell us if you think its possible that we might see something maybe at the GDC? lol

I'm fairly sure he can, but not as sure he will ;-)
...you do all realise that Feb 17th is the Croatian equivalent of April 1st don't you?

:lol: 👍 - nice one Amar
...you do all realise that Feb 17th is the Croatian equivalent of April 1st don't you?

:lol: 👍 - nice one Amar

That would be a cruel trick to play... surely not! Amar sounds sincere and has not taken advantage of his privilidges in such a way before. If it was a trick, surely there would be more concrete fabricated details. Unless you're calling his bluff... :P

(*still has doubts now*)
He must be joking. Didn't find anything about Feb 17th and croatia on the internet. I don't think that amar would destroy his credibility just for some joke that's definitely not funny. You just can't make fun of something that is this serious, not on GTPlanet ;)
Haha we all must be crazy, I just did the same thing and found nothing on February 17th.

I think all of GTplanet would all of the sudden dislike Amar very much if that was the case :lol:
finally some news, and from the amar's words seems that the game will be spectacular.
A very revolutionary gran turismo?
Haha we all must be crazy, I just did the same thing and found nothing on February 17th.

I think all of GTplanet would all of the sudden dislike Amar very much if that was the case :lol:

Of course we are crazy! :lol:
Crazy fans from a crazy game from which we have almost zero crazy information.
Just be released already!! lol

The PD people must be pretty a tight nit bunch as all 100+ have very priviledged information that none of them has leaked to beyond the outer cirlce of the trusted. Is this a Japanese thing you think? I am guessing many other developers could not keep quite for this long.

I am thinking something very special now from PD, maybe matching the realistic expectations from some of us here. In the past PD have fell short of expectations so heres hoping.


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I'm beginning to think I might get driven away again before anything substantial happens!
Such a shame we can't find out more info but I understand the reasons for this.

Personally I would like to know because I won't bother renewing my xbox live subscription. I said to my friends the other day, once GT5 is released my 360 is going in the bin because why on earth would I want to play RacePro on my 360 when I can play GT5 on my PS3!
my attempt at transating...

Something so big is cooking, you can't even imagine the size of it.
1,000 CARS, 100 TRACKS

And there is something else cooking, which you can't even imagine the price of it.

And the third thing is also in the oven, but you can't even imagine it's even baking.

And besides that third thing there is something else in the oven, I'd say it's the oven itself.

And I guess everything will be presented in the gala dinner in the weeks or months to come, but at the E3 latest.
And then you'll find out that day of the Fiest is also known even today.

And yes, my NDA is killing me so much that I can't even tell you how much you should be hungry. But I can assure you it will be the Fiest of the Gods.

I'm just short of 5 years as a member of GTP and nearly all my favorite posts are Amar's. thanks for the heads up Bud.


damn, 5 years!
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I'm just short of 5 years as a member of GTP and nearly all my favorite posts are Amar's. thanks for the heads up Bud.


damn, 5 years!

Tell me about it, I'm going on 6 (hence the 2k3 in my username haha). I joined up here in April of '03. And it's been awesome becoming a part of this community.
who's amar? :odd:

this thread as no sense at all... 🤬

Believe me, it has. Amar is probably the guy that fom ALL the thousands of gtplanet members ... will be the absolute FIRST to play GT5 (at least, the PAL version).

Check how he was the first to play GT5:P PAL (even before it was released), and how he was so kind to share with us whatever he was finding:

https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=103447 - World's first GT5P PAL hands on

or, before that, how he kept us with the most recent info about GT5:Prologue, sometimes even before it was posted anywhere

https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=96425 - Official GT5:Prologue thread

Yep, he knows something he can't tell us, so the only thing he can tell us is that - whatever it is - is awesome!

And that is great news, especially the part when he says it will all be public in a few weeks or months.
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