One year after release opinion

  • Thread starter fernandito
You complain about segregation of online rooms yet you want this...

I'm not sure you meant segregation, did you? I worry about low participation, but that boat has already sailed due to the lobby blunders more than anything else. Most people that race casually, no matter their skill level, have gone back to other titles that didn't fail to deliver a decent lobby system.

Currently, the ONLY way to keep away from people completely unable to control their cars is to set the rating so high they can't get in (not that that helps with people that can control it, but just want to cause mayhem anyway), but a progression system from the start of the game encourages drivers to progress by skill.

I am convinced that if the game had had a decent progression system when launched, online casual racing might have survived. And to a degree, host kick helped early on. But the largest participation rooms unless private leagues have always been bashfests. And that, more than anything else, has resulted in an abandonment of PC2 for other games that a) have robust, problem free online systems and b) have not alienated their newcomers by allowing them in cars and conditions they don't stand a chance in hell of controlling until they work their way up to them.
I'm not sure you meant segregation, did you? I worry about low participation, but that boat has already sailed due to the lobby blunders more than anything else. Most people that race casually, no matter their skill level, have gone back to other titles that didn't fail to deliver a decent lobby system.

Currently, the ONLY way to keep away from people completely unable to control their cars is to set the rating so high they can't get in (not that that helps with people that can control it, but just want to cause mayhem anyway), but a progression system from the start of the game encourages drivers to progress by skill.

I am convinced that if the game had had a decent progression system when launched, online casual racing might have survived. And to a degree, host kick helped early on. But the largest participation rooms unless private leagues have always been bashfests. And that, more than anything else, has resulted in an abandonment of PC2 for other games that a) have robust, problem free online systems and b) have not alienated their newcomers by allowing them in cars and conditions they don't stand a chance in hell of controlling until they work their way up to them.
You're not trying to say that GT Sport has "robust problem free online system" aren't you?

Cause you can cheat in sport mode in "monza, Barcelona, Fuji, Red bull ring and le mans.

In personalized lobbies you don't have matchmaking and the next problems

-No qualy session setting.
-no singlemake setting.
-issue" players keep stuck on track at race start"
-issue "autopilot that don't disengage in rolling starts"
-issue "players that don't see each other on track"
-issue "keep stuck in Pitstop"
-issue "autopilot don't disengage after pit stop"

And all those issues happen quite frequently and are game breaking.

So there are quite a lot of people who prefer PC2 private lobbies and participating in nice racing leagues with full lobbies.
Could the public lobbies been a bit better? Yes, for sure, none game is perfect

GTS sport mode has good potential with the matchmaking, but only 3 short races weekly... Become really boring, and rating and penalties system has also his issues like I said above.

Assetto has also great lobbies for private racing leagues but is weak in "public configuration"

So, like I said, NONE game is perfect and has a "robust problem free online system"
Not even the real popular iracing is a "robust problem free online system"

If you don't like the simulation and /or what PC2 offers you are free to erease PC2 from your PS4 HDD like I recently did with GTS and go enjoy the games that "are perfect in YOUR personal point of view"
I'm loving offline in PC2 at the moment, hot lapping with other cars on track just like a real track day. Yesterday, Catalunya, Practice mode set to 1h10mins, multi class Road A, Road C, Track day A, Track day B, 32 cars, me in the Lamborghini Huracan, overtaking and being overtaken. Was awesome. No frame rate issues, no stuttering, just perfection. Better still? I was using the DS4 (too lazy to set up the wheel) and I think I've found the sweet point in the controller settings. GTS has got nothing on this game! I've platinumed PC2 and I keep coming back for more.

For those interested try the below on the DS4 setup:
If you unlock those cars with safety license, then where is the problem? You don't have enough safety to use a gt3, then you can't race in a gt3 league. Develop your safety skills and then you will be able to use more powerful cars
I have been sim racing online for something like 20 years. I have no need for a safety licence system and no desire to grind through such a process to unlock cars. If PC3 has cars locked away in that manner then I'll be out. It's the prime reason I turned away from the Gran Turismo series.
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You're not trying to say that GT Sport has "robust problem free online system" aren't you?

1) Cause you can cheat in sport mode in "monza, Barcelona, Fuji, Red bull ring and le mans.

2) In personalized lobbies you don't have matchmaking and the next problems

3) -No qualy session setting.
4) -no singlemake setting.
5) "players keep stuck on track at race start"
6) "autopilot that don't disengage in rolling starts"
7) "players that don't see each other on track"
8) "keep stuck in Pitstop"
9) "autopilot don't disengage after pit stop"

And all those issues happen quite frequently and are game breaking.

So there are quite a lot of people who prefer PC2 private lobbies and participating in nice racing leagues with full lobbies.
Could the public lobbies been a bit better? Yes, for sure, none game is perfect

GTS sport mode has good potential with the matchmaking, but only 3 short races weekly... Become really boring, and rating and penalties system has also his issues like I said above.

Assetto has also great lobbies for private racing leagues but is weak in "public configuration"

So, like I said, NONE game is perfect and has a "robust problem free online system"
Not even the real popular iracing is a "robust problem free online system"

1) You can cheat in innumerable places in PC2. Quite a lot of track boundary penalties are served by slowing normally for the next corner, making the penalty moot.

2) Nor do you in PC2. I said nothing about matchmaking, Sport Mode (I hate it with a passion!) or anything other than public lobbies.

3) Qualy is overrated for public lobbies. It's rare to get even a half full room with more than a couple of people within a few tenths of each other. It's great for leagues and tight groups of friends, but mostly a waste of time in public rooms. Great that we have the option, but TBH, the lobby option that made the most sense in GT6 was the reverse grid start. Run a race, start the next one straight away (or throw in a few minutes of practice if you like) in reverse order, give the fast guys the challenge of picking their way through the field cleanly, give the slower guys the chance to get a win if they can get to the flag before the fast guys arrive. Nice ego boost (positive reinforcement if you want to get PC!) for the slower guys. Completely missing in PC2. And nothing to offend the sim purists, there are real life series that run two races and a reverse grid start...

4) LOL... you can't be serious? Lose the original host, and often that's ALL you can run... Whatever the host picks even when he doesn't mean to..! Project Bugs 2. At least in GT, you can label the room with the car you choose, text box everybody and tell them what car they MUST run, and boot someone that refuses to do it. Can't in PB2... At least, not on console.

5) Far rarer a bug than the lousy rolling start implementation in full damage rooms in PB2. I played GTS for quite a long time before I came to PC2, can't remember EVER being stuck on track. It's usually ping/connection related, and don't get me started on the litany list of ping and connection issues in PB2!

6) Autopilot that crashes you in auto starts... TBH, rolling starts are pretty buggy in both games. Once again, usually a net issue in GTS, an AI (who drive your car prior to release) issue in PB2. Not a good example if you are looking for issues PB2 doesn't have!

7) Rare problem in GTS. Used to be an occasional issue in GT6, usually solvable by leaving the room and rejoining. Probably the same in public lobbies in GTS, a much bigger problem in Sport Mode where you can't leave and come back (but this isn't about Sport Mode).

8) "Pitstop clogged with out of fuel AI" "Pitstop where crew put on wrong tires on Automatic by Weather (they look like rain tires, but when you leave the pits, they turn out to be slicks)" "AI that make rubbish pit decisions" etc., etc.. Once again, I don't think you are making a good point by picking issues that have far MORE issues in PB2.

9) "Autopilot that crashes and damages you leaving the garage"

All of your issues are, in my experience so far, pretty rare. Some of the PB2 bugs I have pointed out happen EVERY SINGLE TIME!

"Could the public lobbies been a bit better? Yes, for sure, none game is perfect " A bit? It is honestly pretty tough to think of how they could be much worse. I agree, race in private leagues, you are good to go. But the plain truth is, that is a TINY fraction of the casual player base. And don't get me started about matchmaking! PB2's rating and penalty system is at least as half-:censored:ed as GTS's is. Even if it had it, PC2 would be just as bad as Sport Mode is. We are a generation or two (or five!) away from sufficient CPU horsepower to divine intent and steward effectively. Maybe the whole idea needs shelving until we do, and we all go back to public, human hosted rooms!

Perhaps 'problem-free' was a poor choice of words. But compared to the public online lobby system on console, GTS's issues are minuscule, microscopic... virtually unnoticed (the squeaky wheel syndrome). I've played both. Can't remember a single time any of your mentioned bugs happened to me - I got a decent connection. I've seen a ton of lag in GTS (worse than GT6), but no invisible cars, never got stuck leaving pits, never got auto driven at the start. Most of the issues with PB2 I mentioned, I see them every time I play...

I have zero intention of deleting this game. There is no better game to go back to (or I'd be there). But that doesn't mean we give a free pass to this game. It could be SO much better, with a few simple changes. I think I'd rather just keep them on the front burner..!
How good is it vs assetto corsa and playing with a wheel. I tried forza 7 last night after playing assetto corsa on Xbox and I won’t go to forza Motorsport again. Assetto corsa is better. But how about project cars. F1 2018 was great as well.
I prefer Project Cars as a game to AC which I find a bit dull, however the feel with my steering wheel of some of the cars in AC is great - particularly the Porsche RSK 60 - just a pleasure to drive. I like the feel with my wheel (T500RS) in both games. There aren't many tracks in AC, but some feel more accurately modelled and have more bump effects which is nice. I think you will enjoy both games with a wheel.

I haven't tried F1 2018 because I'm not really interested in modern F1 cars - to be honest that type of car has too much performance for my skill level. I think you will love the feel of the Historic Lotus F1 cars in PC2 and the 1950's Maserati's in AC.
I will try those old cars you mentioned. Also f1 2018 has sone old f1 cars. Thanks for the info. I’m enjoying my wheel as well. It’s a lot fun. I do need to figure out how to bolt down the steel plate the pedals sit on as they slid sometimes on my next level racing stand. But I’m enjoying the g920
Ok, so a year later & we now know pretty much that the end is near/here, (been & gone) that's it, no more patches/support or dlc, PC3 has been officially confirmed & in the pipeline for possibly the next generation.

However, what I would like to know is what 2 thing's within PC2 annoy you the most that haven't been fixed or adjusted in some way regarding feedback from fans & that you now know you're going to have to live with until PC3.

Remember this is a personal opinions thing so what one person says might be of no importance to someone else.

Also just to reiterate PC2 is the only game I own/play/enjoy & absolutely love it. I do think @IanBell/SMS have done a pretty good job in bringing this amount of content to us sim racers especially on consoles despite hardware limitations compared to PC hardware.

With all that out of the way, here's my 2 niggles & I'm mainly an offline player so.

1. The puddle intensity/aquaplaning & the fact that the AI drive straight through it all with no issues. I love messing around with crazy weather races but this really does piss me off.

2. Screen tearing/adaptive this, that & the other, if it can't maintain a solid 60fps for whatever reason just lock it at 30fps, (or give us the option to). All this adaptive resolution/graphics must put more load on the cpu/gpu while out on track (I don't know) instead of just loading what needs to be loaded & letting the cpu/gpu just handle physics/fps while out on track.

Other than that, everything else is fine & dandy my end.
On the 1X btw :)
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My 2 is chase cam looks weird with almost every car and the smoothness of the graphics. It gets real choppy and ugly compared to like FM7 and GTS.
Here's real first world problems... the only issue I have is not being able to choose liveries for cars I'm racing against in offline. I reload the session about 15 times until I get a realistic grid to race with. Talk about a waste of time
The long load time after you press X the first time is my main thing. Time trial issues that were removed in the patch before last then reintroduced.
No screen tearing or fps issues here it's quite pretty.
I agree the aquaplaning is a bit over done.
Hard for me to come up with any issues other than FFB still feels a bit bland but as I said in the other thread it is probably on my end needing to tune more.
I only have one really, the fact that I can't save a 'best lap' replay in Time Trial - the data is there (must be, 'cos the ghost is!) so it's frustrating not to be able to save it as a replay.

Yes, first world problems indeed....
No random weather in career was also something nobody understood when announced, other than showcasing the livetrack thing. This can't happen again too
The difference in car behaviour of the AI in 'other' conditions is caused by the simpler model they use, a compromise that had to be made due to resources available. For PC3 this should be either extremely reduced or equalized.

Random career weather / custom championships / advanced grid editor are also highly requested features it seems
1. Better AI strength balance to classes. There are still some classes where a car or two is too strong and you can't get a competitive race in anything else. The Nissan ZX Turbo comes to mind, the Jaguar Roadster, and a few others I can't think of right now from work. It really causes a problem when as a single player I choose to do only races with no practice and qualifying and random starting grids, the grids are anything but random. The fastest cars start out front and zoom off into distance. It's like qualifying actually took place but I wasn't in it. GTE fields are front loaded with BMW's, etc.

2. AI behavior. It was terrible when the game first came out. The AI was much too fast through certain corners and would ram into you. They still seem to have supernatural braking ability in some classes. Then there was the excessive twitching at the start which I still see from time to time in Vintage Prototype. As each patch came out it got better but there's still work to be done.
The difference in car behaviour of the AI in 'other' conditions is caused by the simpler model they use, a compromise that had to be made due to resources available. For PC3 this should be either extremely reduced or equalized.
I know that's why the AI don't suffer from the same lack of grip that we deal with, but it's not an excuse for the imbalance, which could be corrected without a more complex model.

If you're suggesting (as others have requested) that the AI should have the same physics model as the player, with all of the same complexity and detail, I disagree. I think the AI should remain on a simpler model, because they're not people (duh) and therefore they have no need for a more authentic experience or the full range of handling behaviors (eg. accurate drifting). The scope of what really needs to be simulated on the AI cars is narrower than for the player.

Trying to balance two distinct physics models may be challenging, but I assume it would also be challenging to balance an entire grid's worth of full-bore physics calculations with other needs. I would rather see that processing power go towards things that are more directly beneficial to the player, like ensuring a locked 60fps and eliminating the physics bottlenecking that PCARS2 exhibits, with leftovers to spare on "next gen" visuals (more advanced droplets/wipers a la Driveclub would be a nice next step for weather effects) and other concerns. :)
For me, I was really surprised to love this game this much! I now play it more than Assetto and this says a lot.

However I still find many small issues with it, some of which are pretty normal due to the weakness of our consoles and the heavy resourceful LT3.0 system:
1- Long loading times.
2- Blurry/poor AA/pixelated graphics.
3- Not so great FFB feeling (it could be more realistic though, dunno) (compared to AC at least).
4- Low volume overall on my USB headset (on regular 3.5mm to DS4 it's fine) (compared to AC at least).
5- Slow AI on rain (not a big deal).
6- Lagging in online lobbies when someone joins or leaves.
7- Very VERY limited filter options in multiplayer. What if I want to filter available races to join? (not the ongoing ones)or filter by car or by track? (filter not sort)... etc...
8- Inability to name an online lobby or to even use a description for it.
9- Frequent disconnects when joining a lobby or sometimes even during sessions.
10- The ONLY game that doesn't play well with my 4g wifi-hotspot. Sometimes my wifi is down or slow so I use my 4g as wifi-hotpost on my phone to connect my ps4 to and enjoy gaming online. All of the games work fine except for PC2 (maybe coz it's P2P connection and not server based?!).
11- Online replay saving is limited to ~40min (if I remember well).
12- Very confusing penalty system (especially slowdowns; we don't know for how much we need to slow down; and sometimes it goes away). The penalty system in GTS and AC is much better when it comes to conveying info and showing exact time to slow down.
13- No online matchmaking whatsoever. (Yes I know rating a lobby can narrow a bit the gap but it's not always a good indicator).

Yes AC probably has better physics and FFB feel, and GTS has better graphics and/or online experience but overall PC2 is by far the best and most complete racing game on consoles, period.
@Wolfe I'm not sure whether I requested the AI runs the similar model, but the result we'd like to see is that we can race the AI better in all circumstances. Because that is the real shame right now such a nice weather system can't really be used for proper racing.

I have to say though that this is something that I experience in the F1 series now for a few years as well although this year has been a big improvement there.
@Wolfe Because that is the real shame right now such a nice weather system can't really be used for proper racing.
It can be used perfectly fine against other players online. Problem is 90% of folks flee when they see weather conditions on, or don't join simply. I won't even comment on snowy tracks (when you set Christmas day). I have been able to complete just one single race since against one single human opponent (it was 8 but all left eventually) since the game was released, and that's a whole year already. Online community is sad, very very sad, and all the devs work that is put on the livetrack thing, which is by far best weather system ever in any game, feels as if those countless hours working on it would have been useless. Pretty sure that's what devs feel after gathering their data one year long.

Nobody should be surprised about many folks already loathing GT3 and tracks like Monza adn Spa. It's truly inevitable, specially in a game such as pc2 with so mmuch stuff to do other than GT3.
@fernandito I should have expressed myself more careful. I meant for offline racing.

I hardly ever race online since it remains hard to find a proper race online. Difference in skill level is very high, people leave races after disappointing qualifying or starts and indeed the variation of playable lobbies is too little