PC gamers, where are you?

  • Thread starter Tom M
What games is everyone looking forward to on the PC? It doesn't have to be a racing game.

I'm looking forward to:
Anything Need4Speed.
Return to castle Wolfenstein
The new Doom
Originally posted by Magic069
if its our already, excuse me, since my I got my PS2, i haven't even looked at PC games... :D

Yeah, me too. My kids have a PS2, and ever since they got GT3 I haven't played anything but GT3.
NEW DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WAY!!!

How awesome!!

I am waiting for the Yuri's Revenge Expansion 4 Red Alert 2 and Unreal 2!
Man alll i ever play all night every night is Command & Conquer Tiberian sun. and a little bit of Unreal Turn. :D
Originally posted by NocturnalPS
Man alll i ever play all night every night is Command & Conquer Tiberian sun. and a little bit of Unreal Turn. :D

Tiberian Sun!!! That is anicent!
Originally posted by ZeroCool85

Tiberian Sun!!! That is anicent!
Lots of people still play it.... Thats one of the reasons im like one of the best at it. Ive had that game since it came out. :D
Originally posted by Tom McDonnell
Shoot, I play Starcraft at least once a week.

Starcraft. Thats the All time Pimmed game. along with Warcraft 1&2.:D
I havent played UT in a while but when i get my DSL everyone better watch out. I was ranked in the top 10 at the Recon 2000 LAN party this past summer!
Originally posted by ZeroCool85
I havent played UT in a while but when i get my DSL everyone better watch out. I was ranked in the top 10 at the Recon 2000 LAN party this past summer!

Good, then maybe you can answer me this:

In the games stats that are built in I see guys with scores in the billions. How is that possible? Is that frags (obviously it would be through cheating) Or is scoring set up different, such as 100 pts for CTF and so on?
That really would depend on the scoring system they had in place. I seriously doubt u can get billions of frags! My uncle, my uncles best friend and I were on the same team, and we never died but they got in the top 5 while i was in 8th or 9th. I did capture all the flags for our team but they killed most of the guys.
Finally, upgraded my entire PC, and she's runnin sooo smooth right now. So I come back to check the boards, and ohh! a forum where I could post all kindsa ****! :)

MotorCity Online!!
Return To Castle Wolfenstein!
MS FlightSim 2002!
Red Faction!
Carmageddon TDR 2000!

and the list goes on and on and on :P

BTW for anyone interested, MotorCity Online should be released final in a month or so. The beta's going REAL strong. And so is my car :D
Too many cheaters on there ATM, but still damned fun.
Originally posted by SmokeAlot
Finally, upgraded my entire PC, and she's runnin sooo smooth right now. So I come back to check the boards, and ohh! a forum where I could post all kindsa ****! :)

MotorCity Online!!
Return To Castle Wolfenstein!
MS FlightSim 2002!
Red Faction!
Carmageddon TDR 2000!

and the list goes on and on and on :P

BTW for anyone interested, MotorCity Online should be released final in a month or so. The beta's going REAL strong. And so is my car :D
Too many cheaters on there ATM, but still damned fun.

Red Faction is out, and it is really good. The multiplayer is weak though, it doesn't run as smooth as similar games do.
I like how you can bust your own tunnels and create your own ways to get around by blowing holes in walls and floors. Red Faction makes this all possible and it is so cool!:eek:
Yea, I already got kinda tired of playing Red Faction. The offline play is WAY better than the multiplayer game. It got borring real quick. If only they made the enemy die the way they do in Soldier Of Fortune or something, then it would RULE! :D
Originally posted by ViperConcept
I like how you can bust your own tunnels and create your own ways to get around by blowing holes in walls and floors. Red Faction makes this all possible and it is so cool!:eek:
Yeah i played that game on PS2 and its cool that it came out on PC:eek:
Oh MAN, have y'all seen the previews for GTA3? (that's Gran Theft Auto 3) for those wondering :)

Damn it looks so sweet!
Supposedly PS2 version should come out in a few days.. then PC version comes out in feb of next year :(
Anyways, check it out, it looks so awesome!
Originally posted by SmokeAlot
Oh MAN, have y'all seen the previews for GTA3? (that's Gran Theft Auto 3) for those wondering :)

Damn it looks so sweet!
Supposedly PS2 version should come out in a few days.. then PC version comes out in feb of next year :(
Anyways, check it out, it looks so awesome!

Yeah ive seen pics. of this game. Looks good. But im not a GTA fan. But if i have any extra money laying around ill prb. get it.:D
Originally posted by NocturnalPS
Yeah i played that game on PS2 and its cool that it came out on PC:eek:

Yeah I plan on buying it in the near future. Doesnt it have different features on PC than PS2?