Perfect Balance's Gallery | Lancer Evo GT-A

That's what I am thinking too, but how can you get a full view calipers?
since the wheel may block part of it? use brush or smudge?
There was a spoke covering this one, and I just had to select the spoke, and match the colors with the calipers, and then smudge it together. Thanks

Thanks MY and sejtur.

@freddy: Thanks, I acually had to paste both the green and the purple car on, because at that camera angle, you can't put the car up there. I just Imagined the angle it would be at and took a pic.
Amazing man! Liked that so much, decided to take use of the wallpaper.👍

This part of the site just continues to make use of my Desktop, though I might need to get in touch with reality again later. :D
I could have never thought that that leadslead of a car (in my opinion in GT4) can pack that much action! It could be even better if you had put a red or orange car on the right but it's very good as it is. 👍
Thanks appie and greycap for stopping by.

Heres a list of things that I did to that pic:
1.Added the green and purple car
2.Changed all the colors of the cars from a blue mini
3.Made the backround blurred
4.Motion blurred the reflection on the yellow mini
5.Recolored the stairs, due to that annoying green discoloration
6.recolored the side of the yellow mini, again due to green discoloration
7.Radial blurred the wheels on the yellow mini

And some other stuff that were very minor, or I forgot.
Thanks for the comments at my gallery mate, they are much appreciated! What can I say that hasn't been said before? I like your use of darkness, and choice of cars, excellent stuff! the Hemi 300C update is awsome, as are the others. Keep those updates comin' dude! :dopey:

EDIT (again...): Just saw your Mclaren SLR shots... Unbelieveable! The Italian Job is fantastic too, didn't think you could do moving shots with phototravel, but you passed it off nicely, excellent! :crazy:
Well, I was just messing around, and decided to make some cars with Color shifting paint, so enjoy.

And the two originals:

Leave a comment!​
Nice job on the colorchange, I thought the green one was the limegreen one in the game :)

I reallly like the SS and Mini pics too 👍
nice pictures man! i think if u turn up the contrast on the color change it would look better, iono its just my 2 cents. ill give it a shot and post the results

heres my shot at it: god i need to work on this

I think it would be a lot helpful if when you say you don't like something, to also say whats wrong. A thumbsdown doesn't help much unless I know why You put that. Use constructive critisizm. 👍

Thanks everyone, although I don't like these pics. (show car paint)

Fallenangel: Good work on that pic, the colors don't chage much, but if you were going for just a regular blue car, the I suggest making the highlights blueer
It's The Italian Job all over again! I read about how you added in the green and purple Minis. It takes a lot of skill to be able to imagine the perspective and angle that the cars would be at, take a different pictures, and, of course, edit them into the original. Do you draw in your spare time? I think most people that didn't would screw that up horribly. I am in love with the mechanical drafting class at school, so I'm so good at perspective that I can't satisfy myself unless I have a ruler to get the lines correct.
The green Mini looks spot on. It's very convincing that it's turning and heading for the stairs. The purple Mini looks a little odd, too foreshortened, but I'm not really sure how to fix it.The placement is good; it looks like he went a little too fast down the steps and is sliding to his left while going down. But the change in width from the front of the car to the rear is too extreme. If realism is not the object, though, and Minis chasing each other down stairs and through subways is definitely not realistic, then the two stragglers are about perfect.
I really like the bright tree colors, though the yellow tree to the left is too bright and washed out. It detracts from the yellow Mini. I think if you had made the reflections on the yellow and purple Minis a little brighter they would stand out further, but then again they are shaded byt the trees. I also like the shadow on the sill of the yellow Mini; it shows that the side is curved very effectively. Maybe a little too effectively. So I'd say just turn the contrast of the yellow tree doen a notchertwo. I also read that you changed the colors of the stairs and the yellow Mini a little. I couldn't tell before I read that, and I still can't! I do see the tint you're talking about, though, its on the building, and I never noticed it before. I love the stationary caliper behind the front wheel; there has to be a complicated process to seperate the two after the radial blur.
Did you enter this in the photoshop comp? I haven't checked yet, I've been busy with der schule (semester finals and such) lately. Oh, and, add another to the list of who uses it as wallpaper!

Your "color shifting" pics, in real life, would probably be called pearlescent ot chameleon. They actually, back in the day, anyway, used pearl powder in paint. It would add a yellow hue to the base color, depending on the color it's self. You can see it on the earl whites fro Caddillac and Lexus, especially. Those whites have a beyond-mettallic shimmer and are a little yellowish. Mixed with red, it would look orange, green with blue, it would be like mixing a little yellow with any other color.
Take TVR for example. With the Speed Six, the Chameleon Orange would most likely be a red base color with a clear coat on top that has a lot of pearl effect in it. Hence the orange tint in areas. The Chameleon Blue also has this yellowish clear on top to give it a slightly green tint. Flip Flop Yellow looks to me like an already metallic silver with a heavily saturated pearl clear on top. The metallic effect on bottom and the pearl effect on top work together to make the paint really pop and shimmer vibrantly. In contrast, reflex, or color-shifting, paints actually have multiple layers of paint, many different colors, and usually they're metallic. These colors are very thin, though, mixed with some clear to make them a lttle translucent. In modern paints they go so far as to have different shaped crystals in each color so they capture light differently and pop in different areas. But that's in real life. I think PD screwed up a few colors, like Blue Pearlescent, because that color appears to have no shimmer at all, which is unrealistic. Good job at making pearlescent paints, though! They look great if labelled that. And you are just acceptional at swapping colors. I can't even see the cut lines.

Forgot something: These colors you've created would be a good base for a great looking color shifting paint. Take an airbrush and lightly add a poofertwo of red and green to blue, or blue and yellow to red, or yellow and red to purple, or red and yellow to green.....
Thanks for the comments everyone, especially keef. The purple MINI's perspective is a bit screwed up, but I did the best I could. Doing a color shifting paint job that goes into 3 colors is really hard, but I could give it a try sometime. I also havn't entered it in the comps yet, because I don't want too much people to get inspired, and come out with stuff alot better than me. I have yet to win a comp, so I'm gonna use a bit of strategy.
I see your point, but you can't win a competition at all unless you submit a picture that's better than everyone else's! Most people just have a couple cars in the pic, but this picture actually has a theme. Whereas others just show the cars racing or whatever, yours pretty much recreates a scene from a movie. It's not just another multicar picture.

If you can get a true color shift painted car to look good, you could put one in a 2.0 comp, that would shake things up a bit!