Photomode Tournament - ROUND 1

  • Thread starter NTX


Porto, Portugal





Vr6gti72 VS Brock5000
Theme:'Ring Master (Show yourself dominating the Nurburgring, it can be a battle or solo)
Cars: Any
Tracks: Nurburgring only
Phototravel: No​


Atlop VS Slick 6
Theme: Japan Import (Take a picture of a Japanese car anywhere except Japan)
Cars: Any Japanese Car (except Racing, Rally cars and most Tuners).
Tuners allowed:
Civic Type R (EK) '00
Integra Type R (DC2) '99
S2000 '00
Performance 350Z '04
X540 Chaser '00
Celica SS-II (ZZT231) '03
And all Nismo, Mugen and TRD
Tracks: Any, except Japanese ones
Phototravel: Yes, but not in Japanese locations


Nickysereia VS Observer
Theme: European Cars (Shots of any European car)
Cars: Any European car
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: No


mnm_bmx VS greycap
Theme: City life (shots only in City Tracks)
Cars: Any
Tracks: Any City Track
Phototravel: No


lmracer VS LDS
Theme: Old School cool (Shots of any car made before 1980)
Cars: Any, but must follow the theme
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Yes


SimmiS VS Venari
Theme: Black and White (Shots of black car with white wheels, or white car with black wheels)
Cars: Any, except Race, Rally and Formula cars
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Yes


Tomcat79 VS Driftnewb110
Theme: JGTC (shots of JGTC cars only)
Cars: Any, but must follow the theme
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: No


Tommi2000 VS UnoMoto
Theme: Gold wheels (Cars with gold rims only)
Cars: Any, except Rally, Race and Formula cars
Tracks: Any
Photomode: Yes



Speedster502 VS Minicooper120
Theme: Classic GT (only use cars and tracks that appeared in the first Gran Turismo)
Cars: Any, but must follow the theme
Tracks: Any GT1 track
Phototravel: No


TapeTape VS Moglet
Theme: The 80´s (only cars from the 80´s - 1980/1989)
Cars: Any, but must follow the theme
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Yes


Jacoja VS Revolution
Theme: Elite (Get a shot of any car that you feel might be considered "Elite" because of heritage, racing history, styling, etc.)
Cars: Any
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Yes


Jay VS Franz
Theme: Orange (Get a shot of any orange car)
Cars: Any, except Race, Rally and Formula cars
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Yes


Krame VS Slipztrem
Theme: TVR cars (Shots of TVR´s only)
Cars: TVR cars only
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Yes


NTX VS Mouser
Theme: I´m in Gion (Shots only in this Phototravel location)
Cars: Any
Tracks: See bellow
Phototravel: Gion location only


Streetz VS Beerzgood
Theme: Architecture (The car should almost be secondary. Find a nice building(s) in the game)
Cars: Any
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: No


Loon VS Tangled Web
Theme: Convertable Cars in the City (Convertable cars in City Courses)
Cars: Any, but must follow the theme
Tracks: City Tracks only
Phototravel: Yes, but only in City Locations


Do not use pictures already viewed by other people (i.e. from your gallery), and do not post your entry in your gallery until it has been placed in the poll. You will have 8 days to PM me (NTX1982) your final entries. And remember, do not post your final entries in this thread.
If you can, please include a preview image (300 x 400 pixels) next to your thumbnail in the Private Message.

*Entries can only be changed once*

Here is Round 1, U have until September 9 to submit.

I want to say another thing, in 2.0 Division there are only 7 matches, so to make the numbers right to Round 2, the most voted person that "loose" in Round 1 will get a spot in Round 2.

NTX VS Mouser (10 votes to me, 20 to mouser)

Streetz VS Beerzgood (5 votes to Streetz, 25 to Beerzgood)

Making the counts, I lost with more votes, so I would have a spot in Round 2. This only a example guys, just to make things clear. When this happens, all matches will be considered of course.

Go shoot your entry!!!
The only thing I'm concerned with is, and I'm not accusing NTX as being a cheater or anything, but don't you think that if I PM my entry to NTX, who is the host AND my round 1 competitor, that he'll have an unfair advantage by seeing my shot beforehand and knowing what he has to do to beat it? Again, I'm not saying NTX is a cheater but it just seems like that's a slight flaw in the system.
The only thing I'm concerned with is, and I'm not accusing NTX as being a cheater or anything, but don't you think that if I PM my entry to NTX, who is the host AND my round 1 competitor, that he'll have an unfair advantage by seeing my shot beforehand and knowing what he has to do to beat it? Again, I'm not saying NTX is a cheater but it just seems like that's a slight flaw in the system.

Well its my third time hosting the Tourney and I always see my opponent shot after doing mine, so U can trust me mate...when I have a Final Entry, is really Final. Also there were hosts before who did exactly the same thing.
If U still feel unsure U can send me your Entry in the last day of the deadline:tup:

Good luck mate:)
Krame, we meet again good buddy, and without aid of turbos and four-wheel drive :cheers:
Does anyone know what cars and tracks were from GT1? Good luck Mini! This could prove to be intresting....
There's only 1 car which popped into my head when I saw that theme... Hopefully I'll get a good shot of it. Ooh, haven't done this in a while. :)

Best of luck Revolution 👍
Haha, thanks Jacoja. Long time no see, eh? :P
It has indeed been a long time.. I might see what I can come up with in GT a bit later.
alex - INTERESTING?! :scared:

I suck at building/scenery shots!
I love the GT1 theme, certainly will bring up some memories 👍

Also, good to see Rev enter once again, Krame vs. SlipZ will also be interesting to follow :cheers:

Good thing I passed huh? :lol:
Orange cars. Hmm!

Feeling fruity Franz?

I'd wish you luck but you don't really need it. :P

Some great themes for this Tourney. Can't wait to see the entries.

Good luck all!
Well its my third time hosting the Tourney and I always see my opponent shot after doing mine, so U can trust me mate...when I have a Final Entry, is really Final. Also there were hosts before who did exactly the same thing.
If U still feel unsure U can send me your Entry in the last day of the deadline:tup:

Good luck mate:)
I trust you, and I'll send you my entry once it's done. ;)
Well mate, I´m almost finishing mine. Good luck to U all the other guys.👍
Wait, aren't I in the 2.0 competition? This is a photoshop comp correct? I mean I don't mind to compete in both, just confused a tad.

Edit - Oh silly me, I read it wrong. I am in 2.0, again though; I thought the theme was toys?

Edit #2 - Oh boy, I was looking at the wrong thread. Maybe I should go back to sleep for a bit :lol:
Wow, my theme sounds interesting. Should start working on it by tomorrow :D
Entry has been sent 👍.
I recently browsed though your gallery Revo, and by-golly gosh... I almost forgot how insanely awesome your shots were. Hope I stand a chance for the poll 0_o
Going to take the shots today, I would have done it yesterday but I had internet troubles thats why CCCL hasn't been sorted out either. So I will begin work on my shot probably today.
Gah, I get SimmiS? I'm going to get annihilated! :D

Black&White, hmmm... but which to choose...
I'll be undoubtedly out after the first round but whatever, at least the better one will keep going! 👍
My entry is ready. Hope its good enough...or I will be out again in the 1st Round...

Keep them coming people!!!