POLL: Shuffle Racing in GT7?

  • Thread starter VBR

Do you want Shuffle racing back in GT7?

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Meme Dissident in Exile...
Racing with the online Shuffle community in GT5 was without a doubt the single best experience I've ever had in the Gran Turismo series. When PD abandoned Shuffle mode in GT6, I & many others were devastated, & I ran a poll requesting its return to which 563 fellow GT Planet Shuffle heads voted yes.


In fact, it was such a popular game mode that it's still the 4th most voted for feature in GT Planets Suggestions/Features Forum with 518 likes.


I also ran a poll requesting Shuffle's return to GT Sport, & 90% of people wanted it back.


PD have been silent on the issue & have said nothing whatsoever: will they continue to ignore the majority of GT fans that want this feature back, or have they secretly been working on it for GT7?

For those of you who don't know what Shuffle Race mode was in GT5, simply put the game randomly chose a car which it loaned you for the race. All you had to do was join a Shuffle lobby & click "Go To Track", simples. It made racing in online lobbies fast & hassle free as you didn't have to spend ages in your garage finding a car, or tuning it either (all races were Tuning Prohibited with Reverse Grids). Couple that with the fact that most lobbies ran sprint races, & it became the crack cocaine of online racing with races happening every few minutes.


There were 3 main options; the first was setting the Game Mode to Shuffle Race (all races were then locked to Reverse Grid Based on Previous Results).


The second main option was the Shuffle Base, which was essentially the same as choosing the PP for the pool of cars. All depending on the setting, the cars were assigned either CS or SH tyres. You couldn't change this, which was a good thing as it became the perfect antidote to the Racing Soft Brigade mentality on show in most other lobbies.


The third main option was the Shuffle Ratio. This setting affected how big the pool of available cars was & thus the difference in speed between them. Choose a higher number, & you'd end up with lots of cars with many seconds difference between the fastest & slowest ones assigned. Choose a smaller number, & you'd have fewer cars but ones closer in performance. The general idea was that faster drivers were given slower cars, & slower drivers were given faster cars (based on their finishing position in the last race). It didn't always work how it was intended to 100% of the time, but it sure was a heck of a lot of fun & produced some incredibly interesting races!


The problem with most Shuffle lobbies was that the host wasn't discerning enough to set the Shuffle Ratio properly; the default setting of 5 produced way too much of a difference in speed between the cars, & the field spread out far too much during the race. A setting of 1 gave too many of the same cars in the pool, while a setting of 3 would start to produce too much of a difference in the relative speed between the cars again. My favourite setting was 2, as it gave out a great selection of cars that were also, for the most part, fairly evenly matched. With the exception of Grid Order, all the other settings you can see in the screenshots above were available for use in Shuffle Mode as well.

Shuffle racing is the only way PD will get me to consider racing online. Without shuffle racing I have no interest in racing online and will stick to track day lobbies. However, unless they fix the mileage not being added to your car, even track day lobbies have no interest to me.
Shuffle racing is probably the feature I miss the most from the GT series. You'd get a lemon once in a while and be 4 seconds off the pace but then you'd get a hot car next race because of your poor finish in the lemon. Easy peasy, no tuning, wide variety of cars, just get in and go. Sure hope they bring it back. It might be enough to get me to buy a console and the game:cheers:
Shuffle racing is probably the feature I miss the most from the GT series. You'd get a lemon once in a while and be 4 seconds off the pace but then you'd get a hot car next race because of your poor finish in the lemon. Easy peasy, no tuning, wide variety of cars, just get in and go. Sure hope they bring it back. It might be enough to get me to buy a console and the game:cheers:


Racing with the online Shuffle community in GT5 was without a doubt the single best experience I've ever had in the Gran Turismo series. When PD abandoned Shuffle mode in GT6, I & many others were devastated, & I ran a poll requesting its return to which 563 fellow GT Planet Shuffle heads voted yes.

Do you know why PD killed shuffle mode? Because it makes their franchise look like the wonka factory...I hear u, there is a place for it on consoles, but it isn't where Kaz is headed...sry.
Shuffle Racing may be made better with race cars; With the right BoP in place, nobody is too far behind in terms of performance(that is, luck is not a main factor), while everyone can get to use different race cars(and not just the one on top of the meta or their favorites). Perfect mix between variety and balance. That said, there should still be some trackday lobbies and the like, so I am rather skeptical.
Great mode. Though I can’t recall what was the smallest shuffle ratio. Was it possible for everyone to get the same (random) car?

The lowest value was 1, there was no 0 setting. But, it would be great if there was a 0 setting & that it produced a random one make race.

Another GT game, another Shuffle Racing poll, hey @VBR :lol:

I'd love for Shuffle racing to make another appearance to the GT series... for all of the reasons given in the posts above. 👍
Shuffle racing is the best option for casual racers.

Even daily races can be quite stressful as drivers wary of maintaining/improving their ratings. While I assume Shuffle races would still have the penalty system. By its very nature it’s a more casual affair.

A no brainier for PD to include.
While I assume Shuffle races would still have the penalty system.

In GT5, Shuffle mode was an option in user-hosted lobbies, so it would be up to the individual host whether they were on or not. I was the only host I know of who had them all off, & I had little to no trouble with bad drivers.
I'd like to vote 'Sure. Why not?'

It's another option. It'd make perfect sense in Sport Mode. Imagine the Pole Sitter gets the 930T and the person in last gets the X-Bow. Sweet justice! ;)
I think I'd prefer something new, or a spiritual successor instead. I don't think it'd be like PD to bring back a mode, entirely intact from a previous installment.

If anything, I wanna see the ability for more customizable lobbies. For example, picking which models are eligible, as well as permitting certain settings to be tuned while not allowing tuning for others, or the ability for every car to be as-stock. That way, we could at least recreate certain events from the campaign, like Boxer Spirit. There could even be a drop-down menu of event names, and when you select one, the rulesets for that event are reflected in the lobby. Or, alternatively, I'd love the ability to share rulesets for lobbies, as well as tuning settings.
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Er, have you been playing the same games I have? The core GT Mode in GT1 to GT6 is essentially the same thing each game.
I don't mean that, I mean something as specific as an online option like Shuffle Racing. Even with GT Mode, it feels like they evolve it in various ways - it's not like it's always been the exact same...
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