Polyphony Digital is "Considering" Releasing Gran Turismo on PC

  • Thread starter Jordan
I'm pretty sure that's a mistranslation and that he really said they're definitely working on it, but can't officially announce it yet, but to stay tuned.
The translation is correct, and what you're saying is just what you want it to be.
And will all the cheating stuff currently going on in Sim racing it's a good thing GT is not on PC.
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The game was leaked for PC from the Nvidia huge leak list and for now almost everything on that list (especially from Sony) is legit.

Obviously Yamauchi may have said no and that initially it was a translation error because Sony will not have liked that he talked about a possible PC version of GT7 ahead of time.

If people want to believe that the game is not going to come out on PC it's up to them, I'll still believe that the game is going to come out on PC sooner or later.
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The game was leaked for PC from the Nvidia huge leak list
facepalm GIF
I would like to know what is wrong or fake in that...
We wrote an entire article on why it wasn't actually true. For a quick summary: the name's on the list but there's no corresponding Steam ID entry for it, because there's no PC version of the game. Every other game that was on the list and has subsequently appeared on PC had a Steam ID entry, confirming that.

And here we are, 18 months later, with Yamauchi saying it was considered (to us) but no development work has actually happened (to Japanese media), and people who only saw the name "Gran Turismo 7" on the Nvidia GeForce Now list still think it's definitely coming on that basis alone, despite that not even being true back then.
We wrote an entire article on why it wasn't actually true. For a quick summary: the name's on the list but there's no corresponding Steam ID entry for it, because there's no PC version of the game. Every other game that was on the list and has subsequently appeared on PC had a Steam ID entry, confirming that.

And here we are, 18 months later, with Yamauchi saying it was considered (to us) but no development work has actually happened (to Japanese media), and people who only saw the name "Gran Turismo 7" on the Nvidia GeForce Now list still think it's definitely coming on that basis alone, despite that not even being true back then.
Not everything, Project Excalibur (the codename of NFS Unbound) did not have an ID for Steam either, the same with Project Orlando (The Crew Motorfest), and it is normal, it is likely that Sony when the list was leaked did not have an ID yet from Steam prepared (in fact it was like that with Returnal)

As I said before, if people don't want to believe that there might be a possible PC version of GT7, that's up to them.
TLOU port was kinda bad .
Yes, the TLOU port has issues. But after these are addressed you have a very solid title. Success/failure is not decided in a few days, weeks or months, but in quarters and years, because that's how companies are measured. Not by the average attention span of gamers, which is like 2 seconds. ;) :P

But that's not the only thing that is happening right now: Now that we are seeing more and more games that are no longer releasing on PS4/XBX, developers are no longer bogged down by their limitations. With PS5/XBSX games usually consuming around 10-12GB of RAM (out of the shared 16) for graphical assets, we see that all of a sudden PC-gamers are finding their fancy 8GB VRAM cards are reduced to low-end. These folks are used to be able to run PS-to-PC ported games at max settings at whatever resolution at high frame rates, but they can't anymore now that modern releases all of a sudden consume 10-12 GB of VRAM just to have the same graphical assets as the PS5 (which translates to Medium settings now, oops :lol:). Oh, you want those fancy PC Master Race textures on Ultra and play at 1440p/4k/60FPS/120FPS? Not unless you have a 16GB card you don't. :lol: Many PC folks don't want to accept this new reality yet.

Check system requirements for TLOU and other recent releases or many upcoming titles that do not release on old-gen consoles:

Minimum = 720p/30FPS Low (nobody uses this right, except Steam Deck?)
Recommended = 1080/60FPS High -> 8GB required
High/Performance = 1440p/60FPS High -> 10/12 GB required
Ultra = 4k/60/120 FPS Ultra -> 16GB or more

Of course you can still tweak settings and reduce VRAM consumption in other areas than textures so you can dial them up a notch and not have reduce resolution, but that requires effort and doesn't come out of the box.

I think this is also something that Kaz had in mind when considering to release for PC or not. GT titles typically squeeze every drop of performance out of the PS hardware. He knows that most GPUs out there (because they were friggin' expensive the past few years and still are) can't run a PS5-native title at the quality he wants. And again: a hard to swallow pill for PC gamers. Blame nVidia for skimping on VRAM. ;) But instead they say that developers are not optimizing memory properly. :lol:
They already developed the game. It’s just a port
While true, it's not just copy/paste. Often there's revised/upgraded content as well as unique-to-pc technical stuff.

And before folks call me a PS fanboy: I'm a PC gamer. And yeah, I have an 8GB card. ;)
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As I said before, if people don't want to believe that there might be a possible PC version of GT7, that's up to them.
While we’re not going to rule out a Gran Turismo title heading to PC eventually, this particular leak doesn’t make it any more likely.
There is literally zero evidence that there is a PC port of GT7 - and straightforward confirmation that it had been considered but no actual development work has taken place on it.

That's not the same thing as it not being possible, but at this point you're better off believing you'll win the lottery in your F1 championship season.
I didn’t know TLOU was ported by ND. Hopefully they’ve learned their lesson and just let the studio that specialises in ports to the porting to PC.
It wasn’t, Iron Galaxy ported it (they also did Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection). Nixxes and Jetpack Interactive (who ported God of War) must’ve been busy, because their ports have been well received.
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Whilst most of the modelling, programming and game engine is done on "probably" Linux machines

It is unlikely this is a "simple" port to PC game. It's a Sony first party game optimised for the PS ecosystem first and foremost.

You also have to be pragmatic in that PC racing games are very much at the simulator open API end of things and that's just not PDs ethos. At the end of the day Sony want to shift consoles and subscriptions in the PlayStation landscape im not sure they would cannibalise that to sell a few hundred thousand copies of GT.

I'm sure they also the considered PS Go ports and such like.

I'm also sure they considered a lot of things like the economy and MTX.

As a live service game that is 1st party exclusive and backed having a lot of support for launching on platform outside of the ecosystem.
The risk of diminishing game quality? We already see it happening. PS definitely isn't my main platform, but you're right, I don't care about more people getting to play if it means we all get a worse experience in the end. Sometimes less is more and that definitely applies to game development.
the game was made for console first and ported to PC. you get all the benefits of 'technical marvel exclusives' without the issue of being made for PC since the PC port comes after main development
We wrote an entire article on why it wasn't actually true. For a quick summary: the name's on the list but there's no corresponding Steam ID entry for it, because there's no PC version of the game. Every other game that was on the list and has subsequently appeared on PC had a Steam ID entry, confirming that.

And here we are, 18 months later, with Yamauchi saying it was considered (to us) but no development work has actually happened (to Japanese media), and people who only saw the name "Gran Turismo 7" on the Nvidia GeForce Now list still think it's definitely coming on that basis alone, despite that not even being true back then.
I'm not sure the lack of Steam ID means anything other than it's probably still a bit far off. Horizon Forbidden West and Helldivers 2 don't have Steam IDs either and we know from another SIE XDEV leak (this is not the source but it's the quickest link I could find) that a PC release is planned for both.

With the incredible accuracy of the GFN leak so far, Kaz's statements to the press are the only thing that would give me pause since saying "no comment" is easier than saying it's not happening. But it could always be a case of something that's technically true (if they're not handling it themselves) or just straight up lying since they don't wanna give any hints of it.
I'm not sure the lack of Steam ID means anything other than it's probably still a bit far off. Horizon Forbidden West and Helldivers 2 don't have Steam IDs either and we know from another SIE XDEV leak (this is not the source but it's the quickest link I could find) that a PC release is planned for both.

With the incredible accuracy of the GFN leak so far, Kaz's statements to the press are the only thing that would give me pause since saying "no comment" is easier than saying it's not happening. But it could always be a case of something that's technically true (if they're not handling it themselves) or just straight up lying since they don't wanna give any hints of it.
The lack of a Steam ID tells you that as at that time, there was no PC version of the game in development that was being prepared to release on Steam. We can go further and see that Gran turismo 7 also lacks an Epic listing, another store that was scraped as part of this list. So we actually know that as at the time the list was scraped it was not being prepared to release on either Steam or Epic.

That is all we have, a list that confirms Gran Turismo 7 at the time the list was scraped, was not being developed with a release on Steam or Epic being prepared as at that time. It basically means nothing except what we know, GT7 is availalbe on PSN for the PS4 and PS5.

Granted, some games that also didn't have a Steam and/or Epic listing, have since appeared/been announced, however the developers of those games didn't flat out state that they were not developing those games for PC 2 years later. When you look at the information 2 + 2 really is 4. None of this means that we won't ever see GT7 or a future GT appear on PC, but what it does heavilly imply is that it's not happening now regardless of what the future holds.
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Well, if they are planning the PC port, definitely the Microsoft fight with Sony over Call of Duty with Blizzard acquisition its not going to help.
The translation is correct, and what you're saying is just what you want it to be.
And will all the cheating stuff currently going on in Sim racing it's a good thing GT is not on PC.
It's easy for the coders to reduce or mostly eliminate [online & multiplayer] cheating in the online version. In GT5 it could have been done much sooner. But offline&single player it is grand that we have the GT5 save game editors!
Well, I see it pretty clear, you won't release your games on our console? We won't allow ports to Windows/PC, as simple as that.
The extra money that Microsoft gets from people who would be exclusively swayed to PC gaming because of Sony games (and who don't already own a Windows PC for work or casual use) is literally nothing. If anything they'd be hurting Valve (by a miniscule amount too) and missing out themselves on all the extra revenue they make from late PC ports that sell at near full price.

That's without even taking into account that the majority of PC ports have released after MS already bought Bethesda and made their games exclusive.
Sony don't consider PC a rival to their console business. Which is why you're going to see pretty much everything ported across in time that can justify the development cost.

You also need to look longer-term towards streaming & cloud gaming. It's much more cost-effective to stream PC ports than it is to have server farms with PS3, PS4, PS5, PS6 systems.
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Well, I see it pretty clear, you won't release your games on our console? We won't allow ports to Windows/PC, as simple as that.
Microsoft cannot stop a developer from releasing a game on Windows, all they can do is not distribute it on their own stores if if breaks their terms and conditions, i.e. the Microsoft store. Windows is an open platform and therefore developers do not require Microsofts approval or permission to develop and release games and software on Windows.
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Microsoft cannot stop a developer from releasing a game on Windows, all they can do is not distribute it on their own stores if if breaks their terms and conditions, i.e. the Microsoft store. Windows is an open platform and therefore developers do not require Microsofts approval or permission to develop and release games and software on Windows.
Microsoft don't even exclusively release their own games on their own store on PC any more, since they realised that everyone hates it. If they're fine with putting FH5 on Steam there's no reason they would care about anything Sony does on PC.
Well, I see it pretty clear, you won't release your games on our console? We won't allow ports to Windows/PC, as simple as that.
my dude, MS cant deny a "pc release" Steam and Epic would laugh at that, they only have control over the MS Store or whatever remains of that