Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28
Love that gray color!!! A gray tuxedo!
(Not all tuxedo cats are black and white. It's OK to be gray and white and still be a tux! of course, i can't see her back so I don't know if the gray is solid... ;))
All grey with very subtle slightly darker stripes... and already starting on the bad habits :lol:.


Despite having ample water bowls Amba-rose drank out of our water glasses so much when she was young we ended up caving and giving her a glass of her own on the coffee table. Looks like that may have to be repeated.
Can I post pics of doggos I meet on the job? Some of them feel like my pets because they are so friendly, and loveable.

Met this good boy today. A little out of my normal area so might not get to see him often. (He kept being distracted by another dog inside the house, so bad angle for pic.)


These two puppers are MY FAVORITE. I see them once or twice a week.

Well, my very senior kitty, Mocha, had to make that final trip to the vet's yesterday. I've had her since November 2004, and she was an adult rescue then, already spayed. No idea if she was two, five, or what, but she was definitely not still a kitten.

She stopped eating several weeks ago, and while I was able to force feed her soft food with a syringe, she wasn't taking enough to keep from losing nearly half her body weight. The vet tried an appetite stimulant, said she wasn't hurting, but after some time it was obvious that she was either going to starve or we had to put her to sleep.

She didn't like to be held, and she wouldn't sit in my lap, but she was always close enough to touch. She liked napping with her head on me, or her paw touching me.



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I’m left (temporarily) with one cat ^.

My other cat has decided that somewhere else is more comfy/offers better food/gives better scratches because she only comes home briefly every 4-5 days.

Cats are strange things.
There is a cat on our street and he’s owned by the house at the top but pretty much lives at two other houses too.

He’s also followed us down the street after we’ve visited the Chinese takeaway at the top, I’m guessing in hopes he gets some chicken.

He’s alway crossing into other cats territories and getting in scapes with the other cats on the street.
Wait... what??? You restrict your cats' movements in the house?!?!?

That's gotta be illegal. Or something! :lol:

I agree, certainly some cat law broken if no bed time. Ours at this very second curled up on his mums lap.

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There’s a “no pets” sign on the bedroom door handle. Sadly, I’m yet to accomplish the teaching of English to a feline.

I snooze with the cats on the bed all the time, but only when nobody else is home.

The only real restriction is the cars. No cats allowed in the cars.
Wait... what??? You restrict your cats' movements in the house?!?!?

That's gotta be illegal. Or something! :lol:
My sister has been successful in this method. There are two rooms her two black cats never enter (or rarely do) because the doors are closed almost always. The boiler/electrical room and my 2nd oldest niece's bedroom (the latter is nearly closed because she is allergic to the cats and cannot have her room covered in cat hair). They only go in there if someone is foolish enough to leave the door wide open.
She passed away yesterday morning, most likely because of a stroke. We'll miss the fluffy ball of feathers. To not let the other one feel alone I picked up 2 new tiny fluff balls.


One of them will turn more beige, the other will be like the big one but also with beige/brown spots.

The big chicken hasn't fully agreed to the new feather balls just yet but that will be settled in a week or so.
If cats could drink they’d go where? Easy one. They’d go to the semi outdoor bar area.

The what!? Ok, whatever. Prove it.

Okay, here ya go. See?
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If cats could drink they’d go where? Easy one. They’d go to the semi outdoor bar area.

The what!? Ok, whatever. Prove it.

Okay, here ya go. See?
We've never been quite sure what to call that area as it can either be fully enclosed, fairly open or many varied stages inbetween (semi outdoor). Penny does love to come out there when we're having a beer or two though. It's a really good area to have for an indoor cat (thanks council regulations :indiff:).

On the way back to the office from a customer site a couple of Friday's ago, my route takes me past the city's animal shelter. I had time, so on a lark, I though, "Why not? Let's go take a look."

The lady showed me the newly arrived first, not ready for adoption. They still had to get their vet work done, spayed/neutered, shots, and all that. There was a solid gray cat that caught my eye, with big golden eyes. We moved on to the room with cats ready to go, and I absolutely fell in love with a long-haired calico there! The most beautiful cat I've ever seen!!! Think of Maine Coon fluffiness with calico coloring! I asked what I needed to do, and they required that I have my own carrier ready for transport, which I didn't have. It was too late in the day for me to go home for it and return before they closed, so I said I'd be back first thing in the morning.

Well, I got there the next morning, but not first thing... The cat was gone!!! I'd missed her by less than an hour!! I was so disappointed!!! I remembered the gray I'd seen, and asked when he would be ready, I'd think about that cat, and was told Wednesday, the 8th.

I got there, first thing, on Wednesday, carrier in hand, and picked up the gray. I had another look at him, and he was younger than I really wanted, at about 5 months. I wanted an adult, not a kitten, but those big golden eyes became liquid pools of love and sucked me in! The papers had his name as Chevy, which I found completely unacceptable. I posted him on my FB and asked for suggestions, and my favorite was Maserati. Mazzie (MAH-zee) for short.

So meet Maserati!!


Taking over Chipsie's chair...

He and Chipsie are not friends, yet, and I expect it to be several days for her to accept him with tolerance. She hisses if he's moving within sight of her, and should he actually approach her, she'll really growl, and even bat at him.

As for Mazzie, he's found all the toys, and it took a day or so for him to learn about the scratch pads and post as opposed to the furniture, but he did! The litter box is no stranger to him, although one of Chipsie's favorite lounging spots is the dinette bench which overlooks the box, which made it difficult for him to reach it without suffering the hissy-fit. He figured out that hissing is not actually attacking, though. Brave boy!

There is a dish for kitten food and a dish for Chipsie's adult food, and they each eat their own food, amazingly enough. Mazzie will have some of Chipsie's, but generally sticks with his own, which is fine.
Congratulations on the new addition!

Slow introduction is by far the best way to go.
Give Chipsie a break every now and then by putting Mazzie in a room or isolate them somehow.

I’ve been a vet tech for 20 years working in a feline only medical clinic. If you ever have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to ask.
*call your vet for any emergencies *

She’s a beauty!