[PROJECT LOG] My DIY SimVibe racing rig

  • Thread starter miahallen
Was only kidding friend, your sub looks excellent.
If you really like low bass, I'd recommend you test the big LFE models.. :)

I was just getting excited with the possibilities the Behringer inuke dsp amplifers have brought to my tactile and the new configuration I have been testing combining dual units with a sub. See the WMD forums as some chit chat going on...
So, I just setup a new Youtube channel where I'll be exploring options for racing in virtual reality. I'll be getting my rift dev kit next month, so I wanted to give a tour of my rig as-is. And I'll be adding more videos as news & reviews for VR options become available :)

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@ Mr Latte....300W is plenty for an efficient woofer in a huge ported box. It hits about 110db at 25Hz in my room :D

Most guys with motion don't have rigs capable of this kind of motion. The point is to trick your brain with G-Forces realistic to the real thing. Do you really think tipping a rig by 5 degrees or so mimics accurately the G-Forces in a real race car? Obviously not, can the brain be decieved and make small G-Forces feel bigger than they are, sure....but more real G-Force would decieve the brain even more accurately. Forget how it looks, and think about how the brain percieves the motion. ;)

Nice updates to the rig!
And I'd agree with the above. You find the same with tactile, while a small transducer with give an effect it's not enough to trick you into thinking your in the real thing.
But add multiple good equality units good amplification and a good surround sound set up and you can fool your brain into thinking that the last crash actually hurt :ouch:
You even get a sense of motion with a good tactile/surround sound setup
Hey guys, I've got a couple updates to post...I just moved back to the US and decided it was a good time to rebuild the bottom piece of my rig. So, you can see the results below:

I also wanted to mount the pedals on rails so I could adjust them for shorter people (like my 10 year old :))

My next task will be mounting my new Acura TSX powered seat on the rig....check my other thread for those details LOL :)

So, I've just completed a major update to my rig. I got a new power seat out of an Acura TSX and mounted it. I also recently rebuilt my PC putting it into a smaller case. And I've rerouted wiring for a much cleaner look.

The rig has incredible flexibility now, anyone from 4ft 6in to 7ft 6in could easily be comfortable in this rig :)
The seat move 8 ways, and the pedals slide forward & back, and the screens can be moved up and down as well....












Thanks guys :)

@vasiliflame, you should have seen the rats nest before I did wire management LOL :D

I can imagine mate you got a hell of a lot of things going on there , I mean its just madness like I said best rig I seen diy wise I had a rseat before but that's junk compared to yours ... This is the dream
Yes, the Oculus IS the future. The Rift dev kit is a small taste of the future, and it tastes very good. But, I'm really excited about the full meal, the taste that we have right now is just enough to make you start salivating for the commercial release :D

As many have said, it is VERY immersive, but the resolution isn't great right now...so bad in fact, that I really still prefer my triples. But with SimVibe rumbling you in all the right places, man it is a cool experience, it feels like you're there, really it transports you to "on-location" is such a compelling way, its quite surreal...but it feels like you're wearing a dirty pair of goggles that you cannot get clean...and that's very distracting and makes your brain really focus to figure out what is happening. I did a youtube video attempting to relate my initial impressions with iRacing here:

This setup is BOSS. I like how from the front it looks very clean and simple, and then you swing around back and it's like BAM. Engineering sucker!!! :lol: