PS3 General Discussion

Wow, so it looks like something more happened to my 60GB than just the usual YLOD. It will not load anything that requires a video switch, such as games or Netflix type apps. Browser, PSN Store, etc work, but anything where it flicks to a black screen (my TV even occasionally says "No signal for a second) and then starts loading the game freezes at the black screen.

I tried a file system restore and database rebuild, even wiped even the settings clear. When doing this it told me my HDD was corrupted and would be corrected by the file system restore. Still didn't work. Switched HDDs with the 120Gb from my new slim (which now has my 320GB I was using in the 60GB) and got the same thing. Hardware is totally caput now.

Any ideas?

This could be an HDMI thing with the video switching and whatnot that won't be an issue on an SD signal. So, I will test it again that way, but with the HDD is corrupt message coming up on even new drives I am not holding on to any hope. I have already accepted the hardware is done for. Once I try all ideas and advice to no success I will pull the HDD and BD drive (might want the diodes) and then trash it. Maybe make some innards art work out of it.

The ultimate bonus in all this is that my wife has found a new bit of respect for my geek side. She didn't know that I was comfortable enough to take electronics apart to their base parts and mess with them the way that I do. When I switched HDDs she commented that she might get dinner in an hour, because she'd have to wait for me to finish and I said, "I just need to tighten these two screws and I'm done." She also understands why I never admit to being willing to do this. I already get annoyed with fixing computers from a software angle. I won't spend hours doing hardware for people that have no clue what they are buying.

I too am having an entirely new issue with my old PS3... (link)

In regards to your issue, I have yet to run into anything like that. If you already tried both the Restore File System and Rebuild Database options, you may want to go ahead and do the full Restore PS3 System option from either the Safe Mode menu or to save time, directly from the XMB from the System Settings menu in the main Settings menu. This will basically bring your PS3 software and HDD back to it's original state, thus wiping out all data from the hard drive and reformatting it.

You may also have to try doing the Restore PS3 System for different HDDs in case there is an unrepairable problem with one or more of the HDDs you have.
I thought Sony ganked the Safe Mode menu out of the system with 3.56?

Safe mode has never gone away. In fact, I used it just this weekend on my old PS3 to try and remedy the problem I am having with the disc drive.
In regards to your issue, I have yet to run into anything like that. If you already tried both the Restore File System and Rebuild Database options, you may want to go ahead and do the full Restore PS3 System option from either the Safe Mode menu or to save time, directly from the XMB from the System Settings menu in the main Settings menu. This will basically bring your PS3 software and HDD back to it's original state, thus wiping out all data from the hard drive and reformatting it.
I've done every restore possible from every menu. It is as clean of a slate as I can get. It said three different drives have errors, says it fixed them, and then still does it, just to say it has errors again. My Slim reads the drives without a problem and does not detect any errors.

I imagine something more than just the typical YLOD happened last time around. It didn't YLOd immediately, it just shut itself off a few times. Then after the initial YLOD it came back on long enough for me to back up my GT5 saves and get my disc out without me doing anything to it, and then went YLOD for good. It didn't die as expected and didn't revive completely as expected either. I am not too surprised. Short of opening the system back up and playing with the HDD connectors I have accepted that the system is now dead.

If you're willing that may work out in your favor as I now have an unused BD drive in my system.
If you're willing that may work out in your favor as I now have an unused BD drive in my system.

Thanks for the offer, at the very least it would be nice to see if replacing the drive will fix my issue. If it doesn't then I'll know the issue isn't the drive, but instead it might be a bad cable.

I'll call you to work out the specifics. 👍
I need some help guys.
My PS3 has got the "Red Screen of Death"!!!!


Ah!! Help me!!!
Turned on PS3 and this red screen comes up. What more details do you need?

Hmmm.. kinda getting the feeling you don't really want help, but to start with how about what model PS3 is it, which system software were you running, what was the last thing you did on your PS3 before turning it on and discovering this message, have you tried activating the Safe Mode, if so have you tried restoring the file system and or rebuild the database?

Things like that are what are known as details that are often needed to troubleshoot a problem.

For instance, would you take a photo of an engine warning light on the dashboard of your car and then expect someone to tell you what's wrong by just looking at the picture?

And yes, I have looked at the Sony website for solutions but there don't seem to be any.

If so, then maybe you should contact them. I had an issue with re-downloading songs from the SingStar store to our new PS3 and it took less than a 5 min toll free call to resolve the problem.
While trying to plug in different HDMI and AV into my PS3 (a potential fix found on the Internet), I have noticed from looking into the vents, that the fan does not seem to spin.

I think that the fan is the cause of the problem but I cannot confirm. Does anyone else have a similar problem with the fan, if it happens with YLOD PS3s then I guess that it could be a sign that my PS3 may get a YLOD soon.

Meanwhile, I'll leave it because I don't want to risk it breaking even more.
All of those things that Digital-Nitrate suggested telling us are still needed for us to help you.

It doesn't matter now, I plan to get a new PS3.

My old one, well, I'll probably sell it off before it gets a YLOD.

One interesting fact that I found is that PS3 consoles dissipate heat better when they are placed upright.

For my particular model, the fan is a small and cheap 15 blade one placed at the bottom of the console. If I placed my PS3 down horizontally, it means that there wouldn't be enough breathing space for the fan to get rid of the heat.

The fan will then try to turn faster in order to get rid of the heat. I never really noticed this when playing on my PS3, even when I did, I thought that it was normal. All I know now is that the fan has stopped functioning for some reason.

So, in conclusion, place your PS3 in an upright if you can so that the fan isn't under as much strain. Slim PS3 owners don't have to worry as much, the Slim consoles each have a reasonably 17 blade fan.
Ugh, guys I have a problem now...
PS3 keeps kicking in the fan in highest speed after playing only 30 - 60 minutes.
Happens with any game I tried and I looked it doesn't look dirty inside.
Haven't opened it yet though.

Problem is the hdd gets really hot, but the system stays rather cool outside.

I tried my old original hdd and same thing happens, so I'm running out of ideas... Should I open my PS3?
I really don't get why the hdd gets so hot so fast?!

Any ideas and I don't think its the hdd because the original does the same?
Sounds like the thermal paste needs replacing, and/or it needs to be blown out.

After searching and some reading I think you're right. I will have to open it and clean / replace thermal paste...

Now I need a easy to use guide to do that as I don't have much experience.

Mostly I'm unsure of how to remove the old thermal paste.

Anyone help with this?
Q-tip, rubbing alcohol and patience. Starting with this post here, there was a month long discussion in this thread that frequently brought up replacing the paste. And make sure you check the link posted in that post, because there is surprisingly a healthy amount of information available on the PS3 forums.
A couple of quick questions regarding YouTube on the PS3...

In standard mode, I can't click "Search" and therefore have to use the horrible XL version... unfortunately, in the XL version, it does not produce the same results for a search as I can get on my laptop using standard mode.

Any idea how to fix this and why there's different results between a PS3 and a PC search??

edit: Bonus points if the following can also be answered... why are videos at lower resolution on the PS3, and why do videos not load on the PS3 when they load straight away on the PC??

I know the PS3 web browser is utter rubbish, but this is getting silly...
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A couple of quick questions regarding YouTube on the PS3...

In standard mode, I can't click "Search" and therefore have to use the horrible XL version... unfortunately, in the XL version, it does not produce the same results for a search as I can get on my laptop using standard mode.

Any idea how to fix this and why there's different results between a PS3 and a PC search??

edit: Bonus points if the following can also be answered... why are videos at lower resolution on the PS3, and why do videos not load on the PS3 when they load straight away on the PC??

I know the PS3 web browser is utter rubbish, but this is getting silly...

I think I've had this problem before, did you try clicking every single pixel of the search button? One of them might do it or sometimes reloading the page a lot can finally load the button correctly
I have no idea what the issue is, but I have the same issue with YouTube on the PS3 browser. If I want to watch something on YouTube on my TV, then I just hook my laptop up through HDMI to my TV.
You Tube on the PS3 = grab iPhone, laptop, drag desktop from the bedroom (it's still less hassle).
I think all the problems are because some sites default to some sort of mobile version on the PS3 browser for some reason.:odd: Basically the PS3 browser is rubbish.:yuck:
With Sony now doing internet TV's you would think they would update the PS3 to run Google TV software with a modern browser and proper updates.
I'm hoping someone can answer a quick question I have. I can't find anywhere else to put it, and it doesn't really deserve its own thread. I'm looking to get DIRT 3 when it comes out, and the only platform I have that can support it is a PC. However, I'm also looking to get a USB (or possibly wireless) controller because I don't like the A-Z-space-directional arrows setup. As much as I'd love to get a steering wheel for it, that's out of my price range. So I'm just wondering which controller I should invest in: there's a Microsoft XBOX 360 controller with USB or wireless connection, or a Logitech one that is similar to the PlayStation ones.

My question revolves around which is better to use. The main difference between the two is the placement of the D-Pad; the PS3-style controller has the analog sticks together, whilst the 360 controller has the left analog stick and the D-pad swapped about. I'm wondering if there are any major ergonomic difference between the two - I'm used to a Sony controller, having been a Sony gamer since 1998 (my parents bought us a PlayStation for Christmas instead of a Nintendo 64 because the PlayStation had COLIN McRAE RALLY on it and they knew I'd love it), but if the 360 controller is better, then I'm willing to look into it.

Any suggestions?
I have the 360 controller for my PC and I really like it. Although wirelessly it is a bit hard on batteries, but I use rechargeables and never really have an issue.

I hate the PS3 controller for anything other then sports games but that's just what I'm used too. Since you are used to the Sony layout you might want to get something along those lines. The 360 can be a bit clumsy at first if you aren't used to it.
Well, wireless is a last-ditch effort if a) the 360 controller is clearly better and b) they don't have any USB ones in stock, largely because it's an extra $40 for wireless.

I don't mind clumsiness with the controller. I've used a 360 controller before, but not nearly enough to pass judgement on my own. I particularly like the setup for trigger buttons. If I can calibrate it to use the triggers for gear changes (or if this is the default), that would be great.

Now, I just need to hope my PC has the required performance specs for DIRT 3.