Ps4 screen blurry on uhdtv

  • Thread starter chrishagan
I can confirm this issue on my 50 Inch Samsung Plasma TV. I couldn't make it through a ten lap kart race due to the blur it's especially bad when running in a pack of cars, I know there's a game mode on the TV, I'll try that and report back.

Massively disappointed with this, feels like it's Shift2 on PS3 all over again.

Edit: Tested TV in game mode and the problem is still there unfortunately.
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Looks great for me. With the depth of field and the concentration needed to race I rarely look at the background. When the focus is on cars ( even far away ) they appear perfectly detailed.

I did notice the eqaa bug in some hairpins with lots of car but this can stay if its the price for a nice Global image perception. Thank god it is 1080p.
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I have this issue too. Almost unplayable. Tried various settings like "game" mode etc.. PS4, 60 inch Plasma
I can confirm this issue on my 50 Inch Samsung Plasma TV. I couldn't make it through a ten lap kart race due to the blur it's especially bad when running in a pack of cars, I know there's a game mode on the TV, I'll try that and report back.

Massively disappointed with this, feels like it's Shift2 on PS3 all over again.
Same here,surely I should be able to purchase and play a game without having to mess with my TV settings?
My other games like driveclub and the crew play great, I hope they bring a fix out for this.
Also as stated above it's unplayable sometimes as it affects your eyes as it gives you blur vision.
It can't be the TV, as I don't have this on any other game. Plus my TV is a 46” Samsung 7 series LCD TV from 2013, so doubt it's processor or setting related.

It's not that noticeable so much now, maybe I'm used to it, but it was the first thing I noticed on my first lap.
Pretty sure its the game.
Im having the same problem on panasonic vt30, which is known for its low input lag.
And i haven't got that problem with other ps4 games.
It actually looks like gaming on a elder LCD screen
On PS4 the ghosting is in the game :(

I hope we'll get an option to disable this kind of "AA" on PS4.





Yes as I said before, this is something only the PS4 is having problems with. That would drive me absolutely insane.
Are the developers being sufficiently notified about this? They seem to be aware, but they also seem to think i'ts a trivial issue. I will not play much until this is fixed. It actually makes me dizzy and sick.
I'm not keen on the hand/wheel animation (PS4). in-race it looks like there are animation frames missing and it's not very smooth. I watched some replays and it looks fine then, nice and smooth. it's a bit weird. now I've hidden the hands & wheel so no biggie, just thought I'd point it out.
Tomorrow I will swap TV's with my Son. He will get a good 3d 42inch plasma Panasonic, I will have his 40 inch Sharp LCD. I will keep it like that until my wife notices I changed the TV's.

We should have a sweepstake going.
I'm using a 50 inch 720p (ancient stuff right?) plasma TV, do you or other know if these types of TV can make you nauseous?
Yep I have the same issue aswell on my 55 inch samsung uhd. Like a couple of people have said above it actually makes you feel unwell, in my case its giving me headaches.
It's definitely the game, anyone saying its people's tv's are totally wrong.
However on my LG LED TV I can honestly say that I don't really notice it , if I really look for it I can see it ( looking out the side windows whilst turning ) but whilst concentrating on the road and cars ahead I don't see it . Maybe a poll involving experience and Tv type would help .
On PS4 the ghosting is in the game :(

I hope we'll get an option to disable this kind of "AA" on PS4.

"SMS said
It's not a bug. It's a side effect of the way we do AA on PS4, and is arguably a good thing (hear me out!). It's there, and very noticeable from static images of non-direct feed footage especially, but also undeniably in the game itself (mainly when paused). I spotted it and reported it as soon as it got checked in long ago (so we didn't "miss it" as many would have you believe).

However, I also "spotted" that the PS4 version has really lovely image quality, a very smooth and slightly soft (not low res!), "non-gamey" look, which is very natural, and (imo!) rather fantastic, due to this very clever AA approach. It also greatly minimises the distant "shimmer" you often see in console racing games, which is a side effect of low quality AA on thin vertical objects such as fences.

So yes, the ghosting effect is there, if you look hard enough. The advantages far outweigh this small disadvantage however. Notwithstanding that, if customer feedback demands it, we have a plan to add a UI slider in a future update, which will enable you to tune out the ghosting, at the expense of more aliasing and distant shimmer."

I'm so glad to hear they plan to introduce a slider in future so the ghosting can be tuned out. I don't mind it so much when the game is in motion, and agree it's not such a bad thing as it makes the game look nice and natural in motion, but perhaps I would tone it down slightly if I was able to, so it's good they are planning to give us this option :).
However on my LG LED TV I can honestly say that I don't really notice it , if I really look for it I can see it ( looking out the side windows whilst turning ) but whilst concentrating on the road and cars ahead I don't see it . Maybe a poll involving experience and Tv type would help .
One of the main problems for me is that I can't just ignore it and concentrate on the cars in front because that's where its most noticeable.....on the other cars.
I have a solution for you guys, at least it worked for me. Turn off motion flow or similar smooth motion effect in your TV setting. It's common setting that causes smooth "soap opera" effect that people see on their TV. After turning off mine it removed the double visions. There are still some motion blur in game but no more double lines.
The double image you see is the artificial fill-in graphic TV is filling in, not the game engine. I think that's the cuprid.
It can't be the TV, as I don't have this on any other game. Plus my TV is a 46” Samsung 7 series LCD TV from 2013, so doubt it's processor or setting related.

It's not that noticeable so much now, maybe I'm used to it, but it was the first thing I noticed on my first lap.
A certain game's image processing and a certain TV's image processing may clash - doesn't have to mean that there's anything wrong with either.

Anyway, you might want to have a look in those TV menus for game/PC mode and how to switch off 'everything' - the newer a TV is, the greater the chance is of it having lots of image processing going on by default.