PS4: Trophies

  • Thread starter TT92
How to Gold the Brands Hatch Wet Test with Ver. 1.6.5

I am using the AMG GT3 (love the sound it makes)

I will include a screen shot of the Gold and of my times (see below)

Career Setting on easy, manual gears, auto everything else. Fuel and tyre wear OFF.
Tune: I used aggressive DRY with wet tyres, 1 click up on rear wing, 1 click down on rear springs and roll bar, 2l of fuel

The idea of this test as I finally worked out is to get in 7 clean laps, as fast as you can and be as close to 11min as possible as you see I did 11.03.

Tip: as soon as you hit DRIVE get out of the pits as fast as you can (using pit limiter). You will be surprised at how much time you can make up (or lose) here.
Brands Gold.jpg
Brands Gold Times.jpg
Does difficulty settings affect gold medal times in test sessions?

No, you can have it on easy,turn fuel and tyre wear off,your basically beating the clock and winning the races and if your lucky your game won't crash every time you pass the finish line like some of us here...
Does difficulty settings affect gold medal times in test sessions?

No. But you cannot change difficulty while in career mode. So if you start on a level too high you may not get on the podium in the races and so miss out on the gold medals. That is if you are chasing trophies. If you aren't, do what ever you want

Also, in my experience racing with the AI too closely, although entertaining, you may end up crashing and also miss out on the podium necessitating in redoing the event so you can get gold.

And believe me this game crashes enough without having to do it yourself while racing ;-)
That's what I thought.
Thanks for the replies dudes 👍

Regarding game crashes: Had my fair share as well, it's very frustrating.
That's why I started to manually save before or during a session.

I'm currently doing a medium career on hard and only have the 24h of Spa left,
will start a short career on easy afterward 👍
I have a major problem now with career :-(

Basically PS4 Pro with update 1.6.5 has more crashes than a demolition derby :-(

So what I do is practice and the two qualifying rounds, exit career, exit the game and do a application save data save to a USB. Restart game, complete race one, exit and resave. So *IF* (when!!) I get a crash I do not lose a whole round. Then when that round is complete, exit game and resave anew.

Great. Works fine, up until now.

I have all gold medals so I start the Hungaroring round and do the same as before. I don't know what happened but I may not have been awarded the gold medals for the qualifying sessions even though I was the fastest. Rushing to get through I suppose but anyway I did the races with the saves as described. So I finish the weekend first in everything and I end up now at silver!!! I only have the game save for the last race.

Panic sets in in a big way. (I should add I do have an extra game save that takes me back to Brands Hatch) That is a lot of work to get back to here though.

So brilliant idea :-) Exit game and the online storage has the game save from yesterday, BEFORE I started Hungaroring so I down load that saved data.

Here is the interesting part. So I finish Hugaroring on about 100,00 points and silver, the online save should take me back to 82,000 points and gold BUT it takes me back to 82,000 points and silver! I mean WTF!!!! i am screwed by this game again >:-( And yes, I definitely finished Misano on Gold.

All I can think about is if I am having this much trouble with the short career what will it be like with the long!!!!!

On a side issue here is another bug to add to the ever growing list. At Hungoring when the race starts and you are told to keep in double file just before the last turn onto the straight the race actually starts there and yes, the lights go green there too. It is now a standing start race! The first time I did it I cruised on up the start line and all the cars overtook me. So I restarted raced from the very go.

Here is another interesting thing. When I restart the game and go to the next session my tune is always set back to default, I have to reload my tune. The tune will still stay there race to race, or qualifying to qualifying/race BUT not after an exit.

I am parking this bugfest until the next update and see if it gets any better.

So D3T you are doing a great job............ Not!
Yep it is a weird game in the way it randomly does ****.I have done another reinstall and all the other stuff that you do i am now playing off line,pulled the plug.I am at spa and boy i have had problems here,i have passed it once but it knocked me back to silver.So now after all the things i done previously spoken, i am an hour in to race and no crashes yet,so hopefully this time i complete it,it will have good results.Good luck to all
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i am now playing off line,pulled the plug.

Snap! great minds must think alike or is it desperate people try desperate things ;-) I had considered this and thought that this must be the solution too.

I was going to start the PS4, check for updates, then "pull the plug", run the game, of course saving as I go and then when I am finished, shut the game down, save to USB and then go back online and do a save to the server as well.

Further, I am thinking that every time I finish a track and save to USB I will now save for each track I complete and store. So in future, if (*WHEN!!!*) I need to go back to previous a previous track I will have the game save for it.

Again, all I can think of is if I am having this much trouble on Short Career what will happen when I do long >:-(
I really hope they fix the ps 5 version and the trophies. If not i wont buy it.
If you like racing games you are obliged to play ACC imho, it's the best racing sim on consoles right now.
Sure, the 3 career trophies don't seem to work properly but that shouldn't keep anyone from playing this.

And yes, I am also a trophy hunter but when it comes to ACC
Racing > Trophies.
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If you like racing games you are obliged to play ACC imho, it's the best racing sim on consoles right now.
Sure, the 3 career trophies don't seem to work properly but that shouldn't keep anyone from playing this.

And yes, I am also a trophy hunter but when it comes to ACC
Racing > Trophies.

I would amend the last to read "Racing + Trophies" ;-)
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There is one guy over at PSNProfiles who shared some thought about the career trophies and why they dont award gold rightfully.

"Quoting his post"

Turns out that the game auto-saves after each event and that only your FIRST results counts. When you use the button "restart event" your new and improved results don't overwrite the old results.

I did restart qualifying a couple of times though as I use this time to finally set my car up. This is what *MUST* have happened >:-(
It was a fair slog but finally got it done...100% complete and the plat...

Congratulations. Well done. You have achieved a very rare and hard thing to do and I for one am very impressed :-)

Sorry for the late reply but I have been away camping and not able to check in here.

Congratulations. Well done. You have achieved a very rare and hard thing to do and I for one am very impressed :-)

Sorry for the late reply but I have been away camping and not able to check in here.


Cheers,Must admit,as i got into the longer career's the game crashed far less than on the short.Still don't forget those back up saves just in case...Good luck to all and if i can get it,anyone can.
For anyone who is having trouble in carrer at Silverstone gold medal test, yes you need to be faster than 2.04.500 for gold.
And yes for some its a gamebreaker. And thats what i tought when i couldnt get close
But the track is wet, and my best time i did was 2.06 or 07. I cant do better, until i accidentaly found the solution.
I tried to copy and set up someones setup from youtube for that test, while doing so i think it took me around 5 or 7 min till i copied, but when i finished and started the test (go out from pits) it showed me that the slick tires were optimum cuz the track was dry or getting drier. so the next lap i went back in to change tyres to dry, and got back out and the tires were straight on temperature, and i could do a 2.04.300, each lap was a big improvement.

There is no chance to get gold on wet tyres, cant get near gold time, all you need to do is simply start event go out of pits and then press pause and restart event and then wait around max 10min so the track in background get dryer and dryer, then go out again on wet tyres and on your outlap go back in to the pits for dry tyres. And that should be it, my best time in full dry is around 1.59.
If you select dry tyres from start they will be stone cold, and by the time u get them on temp time will be up, so it is important that u go back on outlap straight to pits for dry tyres cuz you will get them on full optimal operating temperature, and from there on all you need to drive fast to keep them on temp.
When u have tyres on temp the test is a piece of cake
ACC Platinum Trophy Guide

For up to and including version 10/04/2021

ACC Plat.jpg

Let me start off by saying that this is the hardest Platinum Trophy I have ever achieved in a racing game ……. Ever!

So for anyone wanting to give it a go, here is some very important information to bear in mind.

If you think you are too slow, all you have to be is 2.5sec faster than the AI in career on easy and you will get the goals. (5 secs at Spa)

Here is THE most important tip. This game has more crashes than a demolition derby so it is vital to continually save and back up to USB. The game usually crashes just as you finish an event or go to exit to the next one so if you don’t diligently back up every time before an event (or practice/qualifying session) ends you WILL get caught and lose hours of hard work. Example: long career Spa 24hr race is 12hr in real time. It crashed on me half way through so I would suggest doing a save to USB every other pit stop or every couple of hours at least.

The career has a few test sessions that range from easy to almost impossible if you don’t know what the goals are. Once you know what is expected you can work towards them.

Usually all you have to be is quicker than the AI and you get through but there are 3 events where you must beat a time.

First is: Brands Hatch Wet Test. The goal here is to do 7 (clean!) laps in about 10minutes. I have achieved Gold with the slowest at 10:12 on one play through.

Tip: don’t be slow out of the pits at the start, there are valuable seconds going to waste here and do a save every lap so if you mess a lap up you can redo it. And don’t forget to save to USB before the orange countdown timer triggers

Then there is Silverstone wet/damp/greasy test. You must achieve a time here of <2:04.5. This is by far the hardest and I have personally spent a lot of time on this on each run through.

Now here is something very interesting I found about this test. When you first do it the track goes from Wet > Damp which makes it **VERY** challenging. If you hit re-start before the event finishes it goes from Damp > Greasy and actually appears dryer. On short it got the time on damp but on medium I couldn’t do it until it was greasy. Having said that there was an update and the physics and some cars performance were adjusted. I have also done this with wet and dry tyres so it is down to picking the exact track conditions for the tyre you are using

Lastly the Spa test. Not hard, you just need to do a 2:24 lap. Like I said above, knowing what the game wants is half the battle. What makes this “challenging is the 15 mobile chicanes that the game throws at you and all at the wrong time. The time is not the hard bit, getting a clean(ish!?) run is.

The trick for career is to drive > save > back up, rinse and repeat ;-)

Tip: You can’t do a save when the orange overtime event timer has triggered. VERY important to remember for Brands Hatch and Silverstone. You MUST do a save (and back up) before the timer triggers. It is almost guaranteed to crash on you at least once here.

Did I mention this game crashes all the time? ;-) Just wait until you get a gold time at Brands or Silverstone only to have the game crash on exit and delete your time. *&$%!

Another idiosyncrasy of this game is that you must be made aware of and your regime of game saves will help here too. Even when you finish an event and meet the required time having scored Gold when you exit to the next career event the game *MAY* downgrade your overall score to silver. I hear you all say WTF!? If you complete an event and don’t get the required time and score lower than gold *IF* you hit restart the game remembers the first score and awards that when you complete it with a Gold score. So DO NOT hit restart event if you fail you *MUST* exit the game and do a saved game restore from your USB. Ignore this tip at your peril ;-) Also, if you know you aren’t going to make the requirement it is perfectly safe to “Restart Game” before the end

Tip: use two USBs. 1 that has the current saved game restore point and the other from the end of the last event you did in case you need to delete a whole game.

Just ask me how I found this out. I did a game restore from a USB that had a restart event on it with a silver time L

While we are discussing game saves I also back up my USB saves to files on my PC so that I can go back to any point in the career.

Why is that you ask? Well you may wish to change cars (like I did) and there are two points in the career where you get to choose what car you want to use. Or (like I did) you merrily carry on with career getting gold and then notice your overall score has dropped to silver EVEN though you got gold at every event. (see above about the game remembering previous scores in restarted games) >:-(

Perhaps I should elaborate further on games saves. The game automatically saves at the beginning of an event. A saved game during an event will take you back to that exact same point even if you quit out and restart the game. If (*WHEN!!!*) there is a crash your game save point gets deleted and you are started back at the beginning of your current event. This means in an endurance event you could lose a free practice session of 15min, 3 x15 min qualifying sessions and a 4 hour (or 12hr) race. So by saving 10 seconds before the end of each session (and race), quitting out of the game and doing a saved game data backup you are potentially saving yourself many, many hours of lost time. When (not IF) it crashes you only lose 10 secs of racing and the time it takes to quit and reload the game. Believe me when you do it for every session and race during the career you do get pretty quick at it. Also it seems to reduce the number of crashes. Certain events are more prone than others like Brands Hatch wet test and Silverstone wet test seem to crash the most for me. Don’t forget, you can’t save once the orange countdown timer triggers. BTW you will be racing into this at Brands Hatch Wet Test so save before it triggers.

Tip: Assists, stability control, is a waste of time and can actually make you slower so don’t even think about it in those wet tests.

I think I have covered all the points here and like I said there are only 3 hard ones BUT you have to do them all 3 times each ;-) Short, medium and long careers ;-)

Another tip that *WILL* catch you out. When you re-start a saved game the game will change your current set up to default “SAFE SETUP”. If you restart during an event your old tune will be current *until* that session is finished and when you start the next session it will be the default safe setup. Guess how many races I started to discover the car handled like a POS only to find out that I was running the default tune.

Tip: ALWAYS before a session starts check your current tune.

I hope some of my points here will you and good luck (you’ll need it) in getting your Platinum Trophy. I think this will be a very exclusive club I am now in ;-)

Just some rambling thoughts now. This has to be one of the best driving sims I have ever driven, it is really great but at the same time this has to be one of the biggest buggfest games on PS4! I don’t think D3T have a clue about racing or coding for that matter. Here are some examples, after this last update Hungaroring Career the race starts before the start line, there is no driving in formation before the start, when the game loads you are off and racing and at Spa you have be *exactly* in the right place on the track or the race won’t start.

In career the hammer time, overtake bonuses etc etc have no meaning what so ever so don’t bother trying to get them.

Did I mention this game crashes all the time? The record is 4 save game restores from USB before it would actually proceed to the next event.

Button mapping disappeared with the last update too >:-(

So I am going to replace my first message in this thread with this so anyone searching here will find this easier.
For anyone who is having trouble in carrer at Silverstone gold medal test, yes you need to be faster than 2.04.500 for gold.

There is no chance to get gold on wet tyres, cant get near gold time, all

I will beg to differ here. After my 3 play throughs (short, medium and long) I have achieved this 2 x on wets and once on dries. The trick (?) is to match the exact tyres to the exact conditions with exactly the right temps and pressures. And we haven't even discussed what cars to use yet ;-) This is what makes this a very hard event.

Further, everyone will have a slightly different experience here depending on the variables and their skill level.
Well said and explained mate..It was a brute and really tests the patience of one,plus the fact that you have no idea what you are chasing...

Good luck to everyone chasing this one, some will need it more than others....
ACC Platinum Trophy Guide
This will be helpful, thanks dude :)
Congrats on your shiny platinum!

I got platinum on pCars, GT5 and GT Sport and was planning on attempting this one as well.
The only thing that keeps me from trying is the many crashes; I am in no mood of constantly uploading/backing up my savegame.
This game is too much fun so may be we'll get platinum someday, may be we don't :)