Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
I took the liberty to search through this thread to find almost every question ever asked about mods. I want to update the OP with these questions and links to the questions so people can look through all these question and never ask the same questions again.

Any questions?
That's a good idea.

Has anyone ever been banned for doing something in real life?

If somebody was a complete bastard and was bragging about a rape they'd commitedanand served time for, or something along those lines, is there anything that would prevent them from being banned even if it was in the best interests of the forum?

Just curious.
That's a good idea.

Has anyone ever been banned for doing something in real life?

If somebody was a complete bastard and was bragging about a rape they'd commitedanand served time for, or something along those lines, is there anything that would prevent them from being banned even if it was in the best interests of the forum?

Just curious.

Discussion of illegal activities is prohibited, which is a pretty big catch-all, right there.
I was trying to avoid that answer, perhaps I should word it better.

Let's say a member is a complete scum bag. They've mentioned some sick, but not illegal, things theyve done, say, animal torture and other twisted activities.
Would that be grounds for banishment?
I was trying to avoid that answer, perhaps I should word it better.

Let's say a member is a complete scum bag. They've mentioned some sick, but not illegal, things theyve done, say, animal torture and other twisted activities.
Would that be grounds for banishment?
If they posted graphic images of it then that would be grounds for a ban I assume. If it's just a discussion of beliefs or opinions and it is kept civil then I am not sure that can be grounds for a ban.
Let's say Rev. Knobhead McDildo from that hateful Baptist Church in the States became a member.
He doesn't actually break any site rules. What would the situation be?
Banned for being a disgusting bit of dirt, or not, for having not broken the AUP?
Let's say Rev. Knobhead McDildo from that hateful Baptist Church in the States became a member.
He doesn't actually break any site rules. What would the situation be?
Banned for being a disgusting bit of dirt, or not, for having not broken the AUP?
Probably as I said above. As long as he keeps his nose clean on here he won't be banned. If he were to go into a certain thread and attack members there (which he would probably do if he found the site AND the thread), then he gets smacked with the hammer.
Let's say Rev. Knobhead McDildo from that hateful Baptist Church in the States became a member.
Someone as far out there as the good Reverend o' Westboro can't help but break the AUP, and no one would hesitate to cut them loose.

We've had those that tip-toe the AUP line without crossing it, but eventually they will. And usually rather publicly. And loudly. There may be a picketing sign or two, too.
Has anyone ever been banned for doing something in real life?

There's absolutely no policy or mechanism for this to occur, other than the policy of banning known spammers or previously banned members if they register a new GTP account.

There's no way of knowing exactly who is signing up, and anyone can become a GTP member - but they can only stay a member if what they contribute to the site falls within what is defined by the AUP.

If it turns out that an active member of GTP who abides by the rules (which include not behaving in a hateful manner toward anyone) is actually a hateful bigot in their outside lives, then frankly it is not our concern or business to deal with that. All we can do is to ensure that such behaviour is not tolerated or promoted here. As TB says, it is perhaps unlikely that such a character would last long on GTPlanet anyway, but if they were able to abide by the AUP, then maybe they might learn something...
According to the The Daily Hunk Thread, Jaime Alguersuari and Giedo van der Garde are better looking.
Yeah, but popular opinion also states Emma Watson is better looking than Zooey Deschanel too. Which isn't true

I will say one called me "a waste of space", so I freed up some server space on GTP by banning him.
Yep it was tacom08. I seen the comment. ;)

I find it ironic how he talks about being a "waste of space", yet I have seen him quote a large post to make a one line response before and then of course there is that you mentioned. ;) Like you said, trolls will be trolls. ;)
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Mods, if you were given the option to make another account and post on that without anyone but yourself and the other site staff knowing, would you do it?
I think every mod has a "standard" account, but usually just for tackling and batting practice. We'll make other mods aware of it, as an unofficial rule ("if you see XMember123X banned, please ignore"). Mine has one single post, and no...I won't give out the username. After all, it's hard to recall how the sign-up and login process works if you did it over a decade ago.

It would be extremely bad form to use that account as a strawman in an argument, for supporting a mod's argument (sockpuppet) or using it to incite others to circumvent any censure. In fact, Jordan would probably ban a moderator for that type of behavior. After all, each of us can tell if there's been duplicate accounts from the same places...

Let's say Rev. Knobhead McDildo from that hateful Baptist Church in the States became a member.
He doesn't actually break any site rules. What would the situation be?
Banned for being a disgusting bit of dirt, or not, for having not broken the AUP?

We can tell a lot of things, but we can't tell exactly who you are in real life, unless you give out your information. For all we know, he's an aspiring Division 3 racer that's upstanding and keeps his thoughts to himself. That's the great thing about the internet, you can be as good or bad as you wish, up to a point...but we have given infractions for deceiving others and causing trouble that's become unnecessary. But for all we personally know, there could be both inmates and heads of state on our site. We only patrol this jurisdiction, and what happens off the 'Planet isn't usually our business.
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niky stole the Mariokart joke so I'll have to go with GT then.

Fave motorsport is and has always been F1.

What joke? I was serious! MarioKart (especially with the four-player mode and battle mode) is the best party racing games there is.

GT3 is a close second. Best soundtrack ever.
Shouldn't this be in the "Site Support" forum?

Also, can mods ban members who use this GIF?
What is your favourite racing game?
Chocobo racing in Final Fantasy VII. 👍
Mods, if you were given the option to make another account and post on that without anyone but yourself and the other site staff knowing, would you do it?
Most of us have secondary accounts, but they're used strictly for testing purposes. Unless you'd like to volunteer to be an infraction guinea pig. ;)
Shouldn't this be in the "Site Support" forum?
No. It has nothing to do with how GTPlanet is run.
Also, can mods ban members who use this GIF?
Can we? Obviously we can. Would we? Depends on the situation.
No. It has nothing to do with how GTPlanet is run.
But this thread's about questioning GTPlanet moderators and they help GTPlanet run.

Can we? Obviously we can. Would we? Depends on the situation.
What if they're spamming it for no almost no reason?

also, you guys should use this meme:
Do you guys ever feel overwhelmed with all the moderation you sometimes have to do?