Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
I have to try a Sig in the near future. Never have shot one. :crazy:
a6m5 seeing your pic makes me wish I was going shooting in the morning. Sadly, I have to get some rest before going into work. But on a more positive note, that's awesome that you were able to make some improvements with shooting your Glock.
Yeah, thanks. 👍 Now I want to try the same technique, but with the large back strap put back on, one with the beavertail. I had to remove it for Micro Roni, but I've been prioritizing the handgun situation over everything else!
Man, I'm really considering swapping the grips of my 1911 with these.
Are they cheesy? Yes! Do they make the gun look like cartel? Kinda. Are they awesome? Hell yeah! :dunce: :dopey:

Now talk me out if it.

Man, had so much fun at the range today, among other things I wanted to check zero of my 45-70 lever action, standing at 50 meters. That escalated quickly though, instead of the planned 5 shots I did 45. Also I loaded the rounds to silly power level, that banged so loud that people gathered around me, I bet even my ancestors could hear me blasting away today. :D
My load was 300 grain Speer soft point doing about 2250 fp/s for 3370 ft/lbs.

Also I shot my RIA 1911, slide stop did not engage and I even got a FTE (Case got stuck between slide and chamber) I then changed my grip and all the troubles disappeared. Slide locked back reliably, no other malfunctions, nothing. I guess my former grip technique DID suck. Hard. :embarrassed:

I now use a grip where my thumb rests on the extended thumb safety lever and my support hand thumb rests just in front of the slide stop lever. I noticed with this grip my hand rests higher under the beaver tail. That obviously does all the difference.

I put the backstrap back on the Glock, and along with the corrected grip, I did shoot little bit better today(left w/backstrap). Still doesn't come close to consistency I can achieve with the 1911. Last time I shot, I got on track with Glock, but I couldn't shoot USP anymore. New trend continues. :crazy:

I've been having a lot of fun where I shoot, but today was a major bummer day:

I'm having a good day out there as usual when this red truck approaches. It's only the second time I saw a vehicle come down to my new favorite spot(somewhat isolated area), and when I walk over to greet him I notice he's wearing orange workers vest. He looks at me & goes "Let me guess, you can't read English". My welcoming smile's gone & I ask "What.... did I do?".

It turns out they(I assume logging operation) closed off the entire side of the mountain, and "no target shooting" sign was posted near the turn off, but I missed it. I of course apologized & got talking to the guy & he says that they are contemplating closing off the entire area due to people leaving trash. Some of you know I make it a point to pick up extra trash, because it's that bad. Today, as I drove in, I saw Sea Doo parked on the side of the road. As I pass it, I see it's been totaled. Yeah, it's getting worse. :rolleyes:

So my favorite area's closed. Latest area I found after "it" is on the same side of the mountain, so that one's off limits as well. First area I've found that you could shoot to 50yds, 100yds, possibly more. :( I found couple of small plinking area on the way out to the other side of the mountain, but it was in middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees & downed logs, creepy as hell, so I won't be shooting there by myself, at least not yet. :nervous::lol:
Also I shot my RIA 1911, slide stop did not engage and I even got a FTE (Case got stuck between slide and chamber) I then changed my grip and all the troubles disappeared. Slide locked back reliably, no other malfunctions, nothing. I guess my former grip technique DID suck. Hard. :embarrassed:
Should a grip make that much difference? :crazy: I am glad to hear that problems stopped. 👍
I now use a grip where my thumb rests on the extended thumb safety lever and my support hand thumb rests just in front of the slide stop lever. I noticed with this grip my hand rests higher under the beaver tail. That obviously does all the difference.
My grip's the same, except the thumb of the shooting hand rests under the safety. I just tried resting it on top of the safety, but with my hand/gun, web between the thumb & index finger gets slightly pinched. :lol:

Two weeks ago I was at the range with a coworker of mine and gave this drill a try. We shot this drill at 5 yards because it was the shortest distance available at the gun range. We were also in a bit of a hurry because the range was closing soon. Let's say I didn't do so well. All excuses aside I need to work on this drill and try it at a shorter distance under no time constraints.

Earlier this week I was having a conversation with a coworker of mine about gun options for personal defense while in the woods. To my knowledge the largest predator we have in Arizona are black bears. He mentioned wanting to get a .45ACP but I recommended a 10mm or .44Mag. Pistol caliber wise what would you guys recommend?

a6m5 it sucks that your favorite spot is closed but I hope this is temporary. We've talked about your local gun range(s) in the past. Maybe you can shoot there until your outdoor shooting spots become available.
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Two weeks ago I was at the range with a coworker of mine and gave this drill a try. We shot this drill at 5 yards because it was the shortest distance available at the gun range. We were also in a bit of a hurry because the range was closing soon. Let's say I didn't do so well. All excuses aside I need to work on this drill and try it at a shorter distance under no time constraints.
I’m going to have to try this. :lol:
Earlier this week I was having a conversation with a coworker of mine about gun options for personal defense while in the woods. To my knowledge the largest predator we have in Arizona are black bears. He mentioned wanting to get a .45ACP but I recommended a 10mm or .44Mag. Pistol caliber wise what would you guys recommend?
In the Northwest, where we also see black bears, I hear most speak of .357 magnum for protection in the woods.
a6m5 it sucks that your favorite spot is closed but I hope this is temporary. We've talked about your local gun range(s) in the past. Maybe you can shoot there until your outdoor shooting spots become available.
Sorry, I didn’t clarify: I can still shoot up in the same mountain, but not the side where I typically go shoot. Area my buddies like, that area is still open & I ended up driving over there(only upto 25yds, but good for handguns). Range is nice, but woods is so much more relaxed & fun. I do hope my favorite spot reopen in the near future. I feel like I got banned from the Garden of Eden. It was that good. :(:lol:
Man that sucks, I hope you find another spot.

Since I am a poor dirty European who cant just go into the woods and shoot without getting swarmed by police helicopters and getting my face kicked in by anti-terror unit boots: isn't there a proper designated gun range near you? Might even have a few upsides to blasting around in the woods like crazy bum or a criminal on the run. :D ;) ;)

As for me, a friend just offered me a nearly brand new cap and ball revolver in.36 , a brass frame Colt Navy. For 200 whoopin' bucks! I've never had a cap and ball revolver but I am fairly familiar with shooting muzzleloaders. Last thing I considered buying next, but I think I cant pass it up! :drool:

This one:

Man that sucks, I hope you find another spot.
I'll keep looking. One I lost was just perfect, as it was isolated, but not creepy, because instead of dark woods, it dropped you down into a wide open area with a view. I'm still bummed!
Since I am a poor dirty European who cant just go into the woods and shoot without getting swarmed by police helicopters and getting my face kicked in by anti-terror unit boots: isn't there a proper designated gun range near you? Might even have a few upsides to blasting around in the woods like crazy bum or a criminal on the run. :D ;) ;)
Yes & no. One I used to go to is good, but it's as long of a drive(nearly an hour :crazy:), then I pay another $18 for day pass. That's about how much it cost me in gas when I drive up into the mountain.

Other ranges that are closer, you have to get on waiting list, pay annual dues, volunteer, or buy their ammo. Plus of course you are waiting for turn, or other people waiting for their turn behind you, etc. "Plinking" in the woods is so good, it's therapeutic!
This one:
Bad. Ass. Priced right, too. 👍
Yes & no. One I used to go to is good, but it's as long of a drive(nearly an hour :crazy:), then I pay another $18 for day pass. That's about how much it cost me in gas when I drive up into the mountain.
Hm still sounds kinda good though, especially since I go to a range and its exactly that far away for me, too. An hours drive, I remember in the first year it was a chore to get there and back again, but now after 10 years of going there once week for 4 hours I don't mind the driving anymore, feels more like 15 minutes. I pay 90 bucks for a year, and I do play range officer once in a while to help out, which I don't mind, since the guys are already like a family for me. No plinking though, but I learned a TON from all the people there, especially when it comes to reloading. :dopey:
Hm still sounds kinda good though, especially since I go to a range and its exactly that far away for me, too. An hours drive, I remember in the first year it was a chore to get there and back again, but now after 10 years of going there once week for 4 hours I don't mind the driving anymore, feels more like 15 minutes. I pay 90 bucks for a year, and I do play range officer once in a while to help out, which I don't mind, since the guys are already like a family for me. No plinking though, but I learned a TON from all the people there, especially when it comes to reloading. :dopey:
There definitely are pros & cons to both sides. I’m just so one way on this because I dislike lines & crowds, but I love the rural country driving + nature. Haven’t visited range in years now. :crazy:
There definitely are pros & cons to both sides. I’m just so one way on this because I dislike lines & crowds, but I love the rural country driving + nature. Haven’t visited range in years now. :crazy:
I think we both need a bit of what the other has. I'd love to be able to have a shooting spot in the woods simply for variation and plinking which I cannot do at the range. :(

Oh and BTW, I just ordered me a 1860 Army revolver. I thought about getting the Colt Navy with the brass frame I mentioned in my previous post, but I read they are prone to frame stretching if they are shot with anything but really light loads. I don't want to have any of that! :scared:

So ordered me this one, all steel construction in .44. It was also the service revolver in the US civil war, officers carried those into battle and later several infamous gunfighters used those as well. Cant wait! :dopey: (well I can but I don't want to!)

Earlier today I went to the range gave the Dot Torture drill another try. This time around I was actually able to shoot at 3 yards and there were no time constraints. Although I shot better, there is still room for improvement. The biggest thing I need to improve on is shooting weak hand only. I shot better with my strong hand but I need to shoot with my weak hand more often. Something else I need to improve is preventing myself from pushing the muzzle downward in anticipation of recoil. This usually happens when I fire the very first shot of my range visit and the following shots are just fine. Bear in mind that these are 2 inch circles, my first shot was intended for circle #1 but landed in circle #3. Something else I found interesting was my point of aim (POA) vs point of impact (POI). Once I became more comfortable I noticed that my POA had to be at the very top of the circle in order for my POI to be at the very center of the circle. I am by no means blaming my gun or ammo, I think it's human error. But we'll see what happens next time.

Another drill I decided to give a try was the 5x5 drill (video below). I did this drill shortly after finishing the the Dot Torture drill and actually passed this drill at 7 yards. 10 yards was a bit of a struggle but I will give it another go next time around. 15 yards and further I am completely satisfied with being able to land shots inside of the circle.

Overall this was a very fun and productive range visit. My range just got a Ruger PC9 as a rental and I'm really excited about being able to rent one. I've been interested in this gun for awhile and even though I have no intentions of buying one; I am still interested in experiencing what it is like to shoot one. From all the videos I have watched about this gun, I feel like it is the equivalent of a 10/22 for adults :lol:.
I'm still working on shooting with my Glock 19 & Kimber 1911.

With Glock, I need to start shooting from set distance to record any changes in accuracy. I shoot from 10 yards, then 20 or 25 yards. I'm going to go with just 10 & 20 yards from now on.

Long story short, going by my records(pics) on 12" x 12" paper, I've upped hit percentage from 58% to 80% with the G19 at 20 yards. I'll happily take that, but on a 12" paper, I need to up that to nearly 100% at 20 yards, then move onto types of drills @Xavier2342 is working on.

I've shown practically zero improvement with the Kimber, but I'm not that surprised, because I've been spending most time just trying to figure out how to shoot a Glock, and I still shoot Kimber better than I can Glock. :crazy:
My range just got a Ruger PC9 as a rental and I'm really excited about being able to rent one. I've been interested in this gun for awhile and even though I have no intentions of buying one; I am still interested in experiencing what it is like to shoot one. From all the videos I have watched about this gun, I feel like it is the equivalent of a 10/22 for adults :lol:.
Carbine model does look pretty cool. Me, I just wish Micro Roni took the Glock 19 w/backstrap. My bad for not researching before ordering one, but it didn't even enter my mind. :dunce:
Long story short, going by my records(pics) on 12" x 12" paper, I've upped hit percentage from 58% to 80% with the G19 at 20 yards. I'll happily take that, but on a 12" paper, I need to up that to nearly 100% at 20 yards, then move onto types of drills

Dude that is awesome, keep up the good work 👍. This is very encouraging, it makes me want to step out of my comfort zone and shoot at further distances with a handgun more often.

Carbine model does look pretty cool. Me, I just wish Micro Roni took the Glock 19 w/backstrap. My bad for not researching before ordering one, but it didn't even enter my mind. :dunce:

You live and you learn. You sharing this info will help other potential buyers. Plus, this could potentially lead to future improvements on next gen Micro Roni setups.
Dude that is awesome, keep up the good work 👍. This is very encouraging, it makes me want to step out of my comfort zone and shoot at further distances with a handgun more often.
Yeah, it’s a pedestrian performance + pedestrian improvements, at best, but I’ve come a long way with this gun. :lol:

I long for the day I achieve these results I’ve seen online & from you guys called “grouping”. Someday soon...... :(:lol:
You live and you learn. You sharing this info will help other potential buyers. Plus, this could potentially lead to future improvements on next gen Micro Roni setups.
I should post my feedback on the Botach review. Thank you for bringing it up. 👍

I recently came across this video and just wanted to share it with you guys as food for thought. There were some things discussed in this video that I never really thought about. But long story short, this is something I truly believe should be discussed more often within the gun community.

I recently came across this video and just wanted to share it with you guys as food for thought. There were some things discussed in this video that I never really thought about. But long story short, this is something I truly believe should be discussed more often within the gun community.

Somebody brought this up before. I don't think it was here. Maybe at my work, but most likely something I saw on one of youtube channels.

Ever since, while it started just this year for me, I've carried handsoap in my car. After I finish plinking, I wash my hands(w/soap) before snacking, or driving home. Previously, I just washed hands before heading home. Water, no soap.

I've also been more conscious about the lead in the air. However, since I do my shooting outdoors, I haven't worried too much about it.

This video brings up good points about how lead also gets on your clothing & on your body. I'll be honest, I'm not going to pickup this lead removing soap, or change shoes every time I shoot(even though I already have outdoor shoes in my car), but after watching this video, I do plan on handling clothes I shot in differently, and perhaps taking shower as soon as I come home.

Great share, as usual @Xavier2342 👍👍
I just got my two 1911 magazines, they're Mec-Gar's, apparently among the best you can buy.- Each one cost me 40 bucks! :eek:

Compared them to my two mags that came with my RIA 1911 and they really seem to be far better quality. I cycled the pistol with a few dummy rounds I quickly made on my press and the hold-open and the whole cycling process felt smoother. Also one thing I noticed is that the follower of those mags have a ''nose'' whereas the standard mags do not. I guess this prevents rounds from nose-diving when they get picked up by the slide, and/or it prevents follower tilting/binding.
But that's my assumption.

Here are the two Mec-Gar mags, on the right, two standard mags I got with the pistol on the left.


Also, I got my reloading dies and bullets for .45ACP. I immediately went ahead and built me some .45's with 230 grain Hornady XTP's. Using N340, 6.1 grains, which is a middle-of-the-road load, I have yet to test how they do on the range before I make more. Being able to make your own ammunition is so satisfying, and it makes me feel so independent. :D

@a6m5 I felt like some of the practices mentioned in the video were a bit extreme but I get it. I already wash my hands before after I'm done shooting and wear nitrile gloves when I clean my guns. I am interested in seeing what the CDC and OSHA recommend for lead poisoning prevention.

@Michael88 dude that's awesome that you've started reloading 45ACP. Are you a single stage or progressive press? What brand of dies are you using?
dude that's awesome that you've started reloading 45ACP. Are you a single stage or progressive press? What brand of dies are you using?

Thanks! Using LEE single stage and LEE dies. Wanted to switch to RCBS a long time ago but I'm getting such good results with LEE that my motivations to switch have ceased entirely. :D
Also, I use a single stage exclusively as it gives me more control and it gives more precise loads. Takes more time for sure but the safety aspect is much higher, accidental double charges etc. are very unlikely if you load the rounds step-by-step on a single.
Bought a friends Pietta 1851 Colt Navy black powder percussion revolver. Its a little worn but not rusty and totally in functional condition, so I got it for 60 bucks. Could not pass up that offer. .36 is not the most powerful chambering, it shoots a 80 grain round ball at around 900 fp/s with 25 grains of black powder, but its very economical and fun to shoot. Think of it as a single 00 buckshot pellet at around 20 yds. :D

Though Wild Bill Hickok used a pair of those with ivory grips and he was a happy camper with them.

Nice piece, really nice price @Michael88 Score! 👍
@a6m5 I felt like some of the practices mentioned in the video were a bit extreme but I get it. I already wash my hands before after I'm done shooting and wear nitrile gloves when I clean my guns. I am interested in seeing what the CDC and OSHA recommend for lead poisoning prevention.
Yeah, I wear disposable gloves when cleaning, too. Recently started doing this, not for exposure to harmful chemicals/metals, but I realized it's more convenient than having to wash my hands while cleaning, or after I'm done(while cleaning, I sometimes have to youtube for cleaning/disassembly tips). :P

Somewhat gun related, 5.11 has very low prices on eBay right now. Two items that really interested me were the watch(used to go for $199 I believe) & Mira backpack($100+ when it first came out). Watch, I bought the set with patches, stickers & hat for $28.
I just went ahead and fixed the one thing that caused me problems with my Glock. Added a magazine funnel. Always managed to slow down my reload by hitting the sharp edge of the frame instead of getting the magazine straight in. :crazy: No more I say!


Also got me a second spare magazine with a +2 floorplate and a mag holster + holster. I don't have a carry license (And wouldn't carry a large G17 anyway) but its good to have these items and to practice drawing and shooting a little I think. Its just part of becoming proficient with a pistol.

The holster is extremely basic, its just a sturdy near un-flexible piece of plastic with a belt loop and button loop on the top to secure it in place. It covers all the controls.


Also I cannot really understand all the complaints about Glocks. I like the grip angle, its like pointing my finger, so the gun points very easily. The finger grooves match my paw exactly, the sights are good for duty and the trigger is pretty standard, and after the first shot with the tiny reset its actually really good.

So a very good pistol right out of the box, even ergonomically. At least for me. But then again I'm an Austrian so this pistol was specifically made for my kind! :sly:
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So I got the gift cards I was expecting to get this year, totalling $1,000. For most the year, I had planned on using this on a handgun, but now I'm not sure. I'm starting to seriously consider a nice AR upper(complete). For thousand bucks, you can get a Daniel Defense complete upper on sale.


I did jump the gun on the Blackout upper. I stand to lose money on that one. :crazy: Either way, my thinking is that I should probably go for either a nice handgun, or nice AR upper? Honestly, I don't think you could go wrong with either of those.


*Just couple of many handguns & AR uppers I have in mind.

So a very good pistol right out of the box, even ergonomically. At least for me. But then again I'm an Austrian so this pistol was specifically made for my kind! :sly:
LMAO. :lol:

I received kydex “in-waist band” holster for my Kimber in the mail last week. I can’t carry either, but it’s for when I go plinking. I always “carry” in the woods now ever since the mountain lion encounter. XD

Recently bought standard Blackhawk holster, but it was unbelievably bulky.
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Yeah because you are the target demographic of giant Austrians that they used to design the gun in the first place.

I have Austrian hands! If you lift enough weights and climb enough mountains it will shape your hands into a perfect Glock grip fit. Of course a Glock frame does not fit your hands if all you do with them is holding donuts and sodas! :sly:
Excuse my crude photochop job, but I need opinions:


I'm really interested in Daniel Defense uppers, but have hard time choosing between these two handguard styles. Upper is picatinny quad rail & the lower is M-Lok. I was under the impression quad rail's kinda outdated, but I like the aesthetics of it. What are your takes on M-Lok versus Picatinny handguards on AR?