Remember The Name - An actual GT4 story by VTiRoj

  • Thread starter VTiRoj
Celica, Celica..........was that a friend of old mate in the Bread Van? I can't remember!:P

Good chapter, but a rather predictable car to buy. Yeah, I'm being an arse, I know.:lol:
Celica, Celica..........was that a friend of old mate in the Bread Van? I can't remember!:P

Good chapter, but a rather predictable car to buy. Yeah, I'm being an arse, I know.:lol:

Aw, considering he was in my last race report too. :grumpy: :P

I dunno, I think another Silvia would've been more predictable. :lol: But yeah, I see what you mean.

Thanks for the comments, glad your all interested in this. :D
Yeah, when is the next chapter? I'm getting impatient already LOL, none of the stories have new chapters in the last day or 2.:sly:
Sorry, I was being evil and holding back release just to see the responses. No not really, but I managed to write 2 whole chapters by accident so I'll give you one, make you sweat, then post the other. :D


Remember The Name - Chapter 7

“Welcome to Luis’ Bread Shop, home of Luis and his delicious bread. How may I help you?”
“I’m looking for the owner of the red Celica outside.”
”Ah, so you’re the one in the red Z31 who was trying to keep up with me. Don’t feel bad that you couldn’t keep up.”
”I don’t feel bad!”
”Yes you do. You have that look on your face, the same look all of the locals here had when The Bread Van used to run these roads. Ah, I miss him so much now. I still can’t beat his delivery times you know!”
”The owner of The Bread Van, the white Impreza Wagon.”
“He wouldn’t go by the name of Richie, would he?”
”No, he doesn’t. He went by the name of Roj.”
”Oh. Then I won’t bother you further.”
“What’s your name?”
”Come with me.”


So here I was, staring at the R33. I thought it looked good in the Auto Trader, but up close, it looked amazing. On the outside, it looked no different to a regular silver GT-R, with the exception of the lower ride height, the HKS exhaust system and the upgraded Brembo brakes, which hid behind black Nismo wheels. Inside though, nothing seemed to have changed from standard, until I opened the bonnet, that is.

“Amazing, huh?” The seller grinned. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Half the HKS catalogue was in this engine bay! I began to suspect something. A car of this spec for 2 million Yen and no one even rang for more details? Does this car have a local history I don’t know of? My curiosity was rising but I didn’t want to accuse the guy of being dodgy, especially not at his own house in front of his family. Test-driving the car would be my only way of telling this car is straight. I opened the door and got in, enjoying the comfort of the seats, yet already feeling the support they give.

“May I?” I asked, hinting at the ignition.
“Sure. Take her for a spin.” He gave me the keys and stepped back. Was he not coming with me? I guessed not. Although I was now suspecting the car to now blow up or something, my curiosity took control and within seconds the Skyline was now breathing at a healthy idle.

“It’s only on the standard 5 speed, but its good enough to handle the power.” I looked over to the seller, who was clearly reading my mind. I took a deep breath and put the gear into first. The price tag once again came into my mind. No way is this piece of perfection up for sale at 2 million Yen. You’d have to be a mad man to sell it for such a low price and then you’d have to be a fool not to buy it.

“I lied about you being the first caller.” The seller walked over to the driver’s side window, leaning on the A-pillar.
“Truth is, I use that line all the time to get people rushing here in the first place. Then when they come back from the test drive, they either hand me the keys and run or they need men in white coats to take them away!” He laughed.
“What the?” I was most certainly intrigued now he said that. What does this car possess that seemingly scares drivers that much?
“Just drive it. But if it feels like it’s too much, just slow down and come back.” He stepped back and pointed to the main road. I carefully rolled out of the driveway, making sure no traffic was around.

Then I floored it.
The R33 she comes. He's going to be much faster than his mate with this car.:sly: Good chapter, leave it on a cliff hanger, and what did Luis (is that his name in the Celica?) want to show Tanaka? Interesting.:D

Then he had an orgasm.

Then he had an orgasm.
I don't think this R33 has that optional extra. :lol:
The R33 she comes. He's going to be much faster than his mate with this car.:sly: Good chapter, leave it on a cliff hanger, and what did Luis (is that his name in the Celica?) want to show Tanaka? Interesting.:D


Yes Luis is the Celica driver. He wants to show Tanaka his stamp collection. :sly:
You said you had the other chapter written, how much longer must we wait!?:scared:
Well I got this funny way of doing things. I write a chapter, then write a bit more, then release the chapter with this "bit more" still unreleased. That way I can make edits to the storyline easier without worrying that I've already released it. Problem now is, I haven't wrote that "bit more" yet. :ouch:

*a few minutes later*

Okay. Here. :P


Remember The Name - Chapter 8

“So, you know Richie?” Tanaka asked as they stopped near a car outside the shop. The car itself was covered in a thick sheet.
”Why didn’t you say?”
”Richie said if anyone by the name of Tanaka or Roy came looking for him, let them know.” Luis started running his hand down the side of the cover, revealing the saloon shape of the car.
“And if not?”
”Act normal, Richie doesn’t exist, that sorta thing.”
”Oh. So we’re going to see Richie now?”
”No. Richie is long gone.”
”What?! Where to?”
”I can’t tell you that.”
”But, you said…”
”I know what I said. I didn’t say I’d tell you where he was, I said I knew him.”
“Then your wasting my time, I’ll go now.”
”No, you wont.”
“If you want to know where Richie is, help me out.” A devilish look appeared on Luis’ face, just as his hand stopped at the roof of the car, holding the sheet firmly.
“Help you how?” Tanaka looked puzzled. Suddenly, Luis pulled the sheets off the car.




I wasn’t even pushing that hard, but my word, if this were the Silvia, I would be back in that hospital bed. Going at 60mph, still accelerating towards 70mph, the R33 took the corners of R246 like they were nothing. In the 300ZX, I wouldn’t have dared go this fast, but in the Skyline, I just can’t explain. It’s like it was glued to the road! I didn’t push my luck though, this wasn’t actually my car yet. I did however push the throttle. Pushed it wide open.

100, 110, 120, 130, 140mph. The speed just kept increasing. Power came from seemingly nowhere and never stopped. I now realised what scared the previous buyers. This Skyline, really isn’t that powerful at all. But it’s the way the power is delivered, the way it holds the road, it tells you to push harder every time. So everyone must’ve pushed so hard the car bit back and nearly ended their lives, a mistake I wasn’t going to make, for obvious reasons. The brakes performed amazingly, coming up to a mild S in the road, a simple tap of the brakes brought the speed down enough to clear the corner with ease. I didn’t even need to brake really.




I came to a stop approaching a busy junction. At this point after a spirited drive I would take this time to relax a bit. But what I just did in the Skyline, took no effort at all. Where it looked like I was driving like a wannabe race car driver, I was actually barely pushing the thing. Not one drop of sweat, not one trembling hand. This wasn’t a deal I was going to let slip by. The moment the lights turned green, I rushed back to the seller’s house, this car is going home with me.



“Where’d you get this from?”
”Roj had it sent to me. Apparently he won big in America.”
“Big enough to win this?”
”Well, not really. He actually embarrassed the entire Aston Martin Owners Club by whuppin’ their asses at Laguna Seca. 5 Aston Martin DB9’s, all annihilated by one Impreza Wagon.”
”No way.”
”Way. They were so embarrassed they offered him about $100,000 to keep hush about it. Gotta love rich folks.”
“So he spent it on a new car just to send it to you?”
”Some of it. The rest he spent on the Wagon. Tyres, clutch, brakes, everything. He abuses it so much, yet it never gives up on him. He treats it well, it treats him well. The perfect relationship.”
”I take it he would never consider replacing it then?”
”Never. That Impreza is a part of him. But enough chat, get in.”




What's he doing up there? :rolleyes:
Sweet! I was beginning to wonder.:P Another great chapter, another cliff hanger, keep it up, we're fully hooked now.:sly:
Sweet! I was beginning to wonder.:P Another great chapter, another cliff hanger, keep it up, we're fully hooked now.:sly:

He is not hanging off the cliff, he is firmly on top of it. What you talking about? :confused:
Progress has been slow and now TCv4 is taking up a lot of my GT4 time. Small chapter update follows.


Remember The Name - Chapter 9

“So, I see you’re not like the others.” The seller was still sat on his wall, grinning.
“Yeah well, it’s not my car, so I didn’t want to wreck it.”
“Ha! That’s utter nonsense and you know it. You can feel the potential this car has within, right? Anyway, 2 million Yen, as the ad said.” He walked over to me with all the paperwork to the Skyline.
“Yeah, about that. How about 1.9 million?”
”Haha! I like you. But 2 million is already a steal, take it or leave it.”
”In that case, here.” I handed over the envelope with the insurance payout money. The moment I handed over the money, he gave me the paperwork and a 2-inch thick book.
“What’s this for?” I paid 2 million for a Skyline, not a huge book!
“The history of the Skyline GT-R. A nice read if you have the time.”
”Oh, well thanks, uh?”
”Call me Hiro.”
”Thanks, Hiro. I’m Roy by the way.”
”Well then Roy, I hope never to see your name in the papers, if you know what I mean.” Hiro chuckled.
“Yeah, I know what you mean. Well then, I’ll see you around, maybe.”
”I’m sure you wont.” Hiro walked back inside his home, not looking back at me, or the Skyline he just parted with. I sat there in the Skyline, gazing over all the dials and switches. The feeling this car was too cheap to be true was still there, but I wasn’t going to complain.


“It has excellent grip.” Tanaka noted, steering the Impreza into the first hairpin of Capri.
“Expect nothing less from this car.” Luis replied, holding onto his seatbelt.

“The exit acceleration is amazing too.” Tanaka put his foot to the floor. The Impreza shot uphill, without one chirp of the tyres.

“The brakes too!” The brakes made quick work of the Impreza’s high speed, slowing the Impreza down faster than Tanaka expected.
“Would you believe this is all standard performance too?” Luis laughed.

The Impreza went for some air time as they launched up one of the hills. Tanaka held it with ease and flew into the next hairpin, holding the road like nothing else could.


Tanaka finished off his test drive of the Impreza with some smoky power slides, near missing the guardrails on more than one occasion.



Tanaka backed off down the sea front, he didn’t need to test the Impreza’s acceleration on ground level. It’s performance up and downhill amazed him to no end.

“So, you want me to drive this? Piece of cake.” Tanaka smirked. The car had performed so well to his expectations, it was almost a win-win situation.
“Every day, in the morning. I want you to run the deliveries for me from now on. You can park your 300ZX out back where I keep the Celica at night. If you need anything, ask. Tonight, you sleep in the guest room.” Luis walked into the shop, disappearing into the back. Tanaka stood there in front of the Impreza, looking down on the gleaming blue paint.
“So, I’m stuck with you until Luis feels like telling me where Richie is. Great.”
New chapter and new developments, great!:D So he must do deliveries until Luis will tell him where Richie is.
I thought I'd throw my two cents in. I'm really enjoying reading this story so far. You do write it really well and a like the two different stories happening at once.

But.....You'll do deliveries for me.... in an Imprezza. Where have I heard that before.
I thought I'd throw my two cents in. I'm really enjoying reading this story so far. You do write it really well and a like the two different stories happening at once.

But.....You'll do deliveries for me.... in an Imprezza. Where have I heard that before.

I know, I know. The reasoning for my madness will become clear at some point though. 👍

Thanks for the kind comments, nice to see new faces commenting and of course the old too. :D
great reading so far! im hooked! can't wait to hear what happens next =D I finally got round to writing chapter 10 in my thred btw :) not many pics though :(