Robot WarsTV 

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43
The second and last of the World series specials is on tomorrow at 7pm on BBC 2, Team UK this time is team captains Eruption with Big Nipper, Concussion and Thor.
Hopefully the bot from Robo Challenge will be put to better use here. Rabid M8 and Diotoir were driven no better than they were as Dee and Kadeena Machina. Though the promotional photo shows a little wear and tear, to say the least.

With Terror Turtle, a Sergeant Bash lookalike and the repainted Arena Cleaner on the side of the ROW team now, I'm not thinking too highly of their chances at all.

Should hopefully be an alright spectacle, though. Especially given that Thor and Concussion are representing UK now.

I say, I really do wish that the competitors from RW and BattleBots weren't contracted as stars of their respective shows, so we could have a proper bit of destructive fighting. Would also be good to see what British teams could do with a 250-pound weight limit.
I say, I really do wish that the competitors from RW and BattleBots weren't contracted as stars of their respective shows, so we could have a proper bit of destructive fighting. Would also be good to see what British teams could do with a 250-pound weight limit.
The top 4s of both Robot Wars and Battlebots should do a tournament. Who wouldn't want to see Nuts 2, Behemoth, Carbide and Eruption represent the UK against the best of what the USA can produce.
Thought I should share this. You've probably seen the complete out of the arena compilation on YouTube, I've decided to make one in a similar vein of every time a robot was eliminated via the pit. Note: It does not include any pittings from the re-boot, or robots that were pitted either after they had been counted out by RefBot or deemed immobilised by the house robots, or robots that had already either defeated their opponent(s) or already qualified for the next round.

Just as bad as last week.

Terror Turtle: Got hit once and died, then somehow managed to die when it was Big Nipper that was hit by Matilda.

The Bash/Tough as Nails: It was interesting to see this as only a few weeks ago I saw a couple of videos on YouTube of Jeroen van Lieverloo building The Bash in a tutorial of how to build a robot. It's made in the most basic way possible; using old wheelchair motors. Great move to bring out Tough as Nails; the only actually competent robot on the rest of the world team. For those who don't know, this robot originally appeared in Series 7 where it reached the semi-finals and qualified for the 3rd World Championships, and had two titanic fights with Bulldog Breed and Storm 2. But like many others with a lot of pushing power it's suffering on a metal floor. At this point it's taken so much damage (more than the originally wooden one) that they may as well just go back to plywood and then maybe the robots won't slide around so much.

Weber: I like that they've solved the problem of cold temperatures and pneumatics, and they seem to be decent engineers, but this robot sucked. I did noticed that at one point the team captain was posing in front of the template heavyweight axe bot that can be built from the instructions in the Make Your Own Robot book.

Cathadh: "Cathadh" is actually just Arena Cleaner from the Celebrity Special last year. Somehow they couldn't find a single American robot that could do this, so they settled for an extremely basic stock robot that can have its drive-belt and tyres taken off by a flipper.

Team UK: Nothing to say since they didn't have to do anything, besides Big Nipper doing an impression of Rapid.

Both these specials sucked. If the BBC wants to keep this reboot alive then their specials are gonna have to do better than putting the best UK robots against stock robots posing as foreign ones and some of the worst actual foreign ones out there (note: Terror Turtle barely counts as the team have lived in Sussex for at least the past 20 years). As well as Cathadh being Arena Cleaner, Diotoir was Kadeena Machina and Rabid M8 was Dee. It would have been far more entertaining and nostalgic if they'd brought back the original Diotoir with the spring-loaded bucket scoop; it would've survived more than one hit. Interesting how this time they decided you have to actually obey the rules whereas in the olden days the tag team fights were always just a free-for-all, often with teammates attacking each other. Shunt took a battering this series; breaking the axe twice, and I'm amazed Dead Metal's saw stood up to Concussion's bar.
Yup. Thought so. Four robots that really didn’t stand a chance in the arena from ROW. And Arena Cleaner did a lot worse than the first time round.
It was a bit embarrassing really, UK just annihilated them and the only points ROW had were given to them by Team UK, they didn't earn them, it wasn't really competitive at all.

Thor and Tough as Nails had a good scrap that went to the judges and I thought Weber was quite good but apart from that I didn't really enjoy it.
I agree, could they not make it so embarrassing and actually find some powerful competition from abroad to make it a decent fight.
Fear not people!

After two underwhelming RW specials a new programme has appeared (for me anyway) out of nowhere. It's called King Of Bots and is a Chinese robot fighting competition that use heavyweight robots of the same weight as RW (110KG). With the show's format and combat arena based heavily on the the US Battlebots series.

There's plenty of international interest and you'll be sure to recognize more than a few faces in the first episode. Only episode 1 has aired so far, so it is brand new.

And for anyone who's still a little bummed by Razer's poor performance in Series 8 of RW, well the spiritual son of Razer has truly arrived. Built by the guys who build the RW house robots plus the guy from Terrorhurtz (that isn't John Reid).

Behold Spectre...


After thinking Robot Wars and Battlebots were done I'm so pleased to see this new show.
This week's episode is up. The "main" Brit bot featuring this week is... Tanshe.


Clear Terrorhurtz/Beta design cues on this one although not a axe bot but a flipper. Sure to be just as resistant to spinners as Terrorhurtz was, with what I can only assume is super strong armox armour.

The second episode is now out and well worth a watch. One of the battles is pretty incredible so watch it just for that.
Today marks 20 years since Robot Wars first aired on UK television! Back then it was presented by Jeremy Clarkson with Phillipa Forrester as the pit reporter. The roboteers first had to test their driving skills in the gauntlet, then do a trial challenge against the house robots (which at the time consisted of Shunt, Matilda, Sergeant Bash and Dead Metal) before facing each other one-on-one. The competitors in the first episode were Roadblock, Killertron, Nemesis, Shogun, Grunt and Barry.
So I read on Twitter that the next series of Robot Wars will start next Saturday, any truth to this? :odd:
You guys really need to watch King of Bots if you haven't already. It turned out to be a really good show with some great battles. If you want me to post the episodes on here let me know.
The only slight concern would be the language barrier, however one of the members of the Megabyte team has streamed 7 out of 8 episodes on his Twitch channel while providing some commentary and insight. and if one goes through the reddit thread on KOB, you’ll likely come across a link to it. 👍

I won’t spoil who won, but go into it knowing this, It’s definitely destructive. :D
Well it seems that whatever the robotic god gives with one hand(Return of Battlebots) he takes away with the other one, Robot Wars is once again axed. :(

Suddenly those final great fights carry alot more weight with them as being the last ones.

You were great while you lasted Robot Wars, who knows that maybe we’ll cross paths again one day when you hopefully return to our screens. :cheers:
Gutted that its gone again, hopefully it'll return to our screens soon. :(
Well - looks like it’s just F1 and Millionaire that’s worth watching in the UK for now.

And probably Top Gear, but I haven’t watched any of the current series, so I can’t say anything to that.
The only slight concern would be the language barrier, however one of the members of the Megabyte team has streamed 7 out of 8 episodes on his Twitch channel while providing some commentary and insight. and if one goes through the reddit thread on KOB, you’ll likely come across a link to it. 👍

I won’t spoil who won, but go into it knowing this, It’s definitely destructive. :D

I've seen them all and the language barrier isn't that big of an issue. I did like the commentary from Bradley but it did come at the expense of video quality so it was a case of picking what was more important. The fights themselves explain themselves at the end of the day.

Regarding Robot Wars I did think it was going to be cancelled so it wasn't a massive shock, still a big shame... Carbide's successor Tungsten is going to fight in King of Bots 1.5 so not all is lost.
Need your robot fighting fix? Start here then... Courtesy of a kind person on Reddit*

The whole of King Of Bots season 1 on YouTube in HD.

EPISODE 01: (Round Of 48: Fights 01 - 07)

EPISODE 02: (Round Of 48: Fights 08 - 15)

EPISODE 03: (Round Of 48: Fights 16 - 24)

EPISODE 04: (Round Of 24: Fights 01 - 06)

EPISODE 05: (Round Of 24: Fights 07 - 12)

EPISODE 06: (Round Of 16: Fights 01 - 08)

EPISODE 07: (Quarter Finals: Fights 01 - 04 & Tag Team: Fights 01 - 02)

EPISODE 08: (Semi Finals: Fights 01 - 02, Third Place Playoff, Rumble, & Grand Final)
