Searching For Evidence of Hidden Things

  • Thread starter HACKr
It's true that this technically isn't the modding thread, but then we can't make one, so either we share what we find about modding, or we don't. In which case better close the thread 'cause there's nothing else to find.
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Makes sense guys I just didn’t want to go through a ton of pages to see what happened. Lol
No worries ^^ Though you might want to go through the whole thing if you want to learn everything.. Unless one of us decides to compile everything into one giant post. Which would have to be made into its own thread because this one's so old and I don't think the OP is still around...
Some of you may have read this already, but I've finally cracked the connection between 'body codes' like 0x0B0CB318 and the filenames of the car on disc, like a2abn. The short answer is that it's the same data, just in a custom character set.

To convert between them, take your hexadecimal body code and view it as a binary number - I'll use 0x0B0CB318 as an example:
0000 1011 0000 1100 1011 0011 0001 1000

Discard the first two bits, and split what's left into 6-bit chunks:
001011 000011 001011 001100 011000

Each of those chunks corresponds to a character in a simple, bespoke character set listed at the end of this post.

This means that, on the code side at least, it's possible to add arbitrary new models to the game and figure out what their body code is from the filename. Once there is a tool that can rebuild the gtmode_data.dat file to make space for new entries, that opens up custom race mods with texture hex editing, but also restoring deleted RMs like the Honda Life or TRD2000GT. Progress creeps forward!

Body code character set:
- - 000000
0 - 000001
1 - 000010
2 - 000011
3 - 000100
4 - 000101
5 - 000110
6 - 000111
7 - 001000
8 - 001001
9 - 001010
a - 001011
b - 001100
c - 001101
d - 001110
e - 001111
f - 010000
g - 010001
h - 010010
i - 010011
j - 010100
k - 010101
l - 010110
m - 010111
n - 011000
o - 011001
p - 011010
q - 011011
r - 011100
s - 011101
t - 011110
u - 011111
v - 100000
w - 100001
x - 100010
y - 100011
z - 100100
One more step:



Restored the 4-Door GT-R race mod, and fixed its missing logo. It currently replaces the Primera estate RM, but I'll fix that before long. edit: Already bypassed that limitation with a fair bit of manual patching, it's now standalone.

edit 2: And here's the next step:



The '98 Honda Life race mod from the Test Drive demo, that was entirely removed from the retail game - the body isn't even on the disc.
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@pez2k nice work as always! I did noticed when tring to add " extra" cars like the different variations into gt2 it would start to cut off the last of the suzukis, because it only knew of an alotted amount of cars ingame, so Ive gotten around that by renaming the "extra cars" to start with "Z" instead of "x"(like suzuki), kept all the original cars, and all my extras too....... just body swap code them.

And so you manually patched some of the menu screens over the "not available" rm mods to access them? Thats another nice party trick!

Do you think its possible to have both jdm honda and vauxhall into usdm disc at the same time as acura and opel is still visible and accessable?
I've not done anything to the menus, I've added new race mod parts for those two cars. The Skyline points to the existing body on disc, while the Life body is off a demo disc and patched to load in the retail game. It takes a fair bit of manual editing to fit new parts into the data files, but it's a task that can be automated.

Having Acura and Opel at the same time as their alternate equivalents would need menu edits which I haven't looked into yet. I'm certainly considering replacing the fictional Vauxhall-badged Calibra DTM and Tigra Chamonix with their Opel versions, and if Acura has anything really unique I'd maybe add them as a used car in the Honda dealership with their dealer ID patched so they can be modified at the Honda / Mugen shop. This is part of the reason I'm patching the PAL game though - Vauxhall and Opel are both accessible just by changing language.
Jesus, it has been a while since I last was here. Had a rough 2017 which severely messed with my modding/videomaking time and resources, and missed a good part of our progress.

Having now read through multiple pages of new content, I can say: that's some wonderful work you guys got right there! Audio (both sound + music) modding, data file fixing automated with coding, texture modding... :bowdown:

Really, I can't stress enough how important this progress is towards a fully customizable GT2. Not only to fulfill some of our age old wishes, but also to fix what PD didn't have time to — or didn't want to. Bringing the CLK DTM and Polo back to life as prize cars, for example, that helps a lot those who don't want to resort to GameShark. Bringing the long lost beta models and palettes from the PD graveyard, adapted and fully functional in the retail game, is yet another fantastic feat.

Again, congratulations guys. Who would think that a 18-year old game would still have so many undiscovered secrets under its hood? :cool:

RE: GT mode menus and dealers — if you can force the game to always load the NTSC-U/C version of South City (or simply replace what is loaded in PAL with the U/C version in the gtmenu file, something yet unknown), Acura will be there ready to go. Opel/Vauxhall will be a bit trickier because they don't coexist in a single map screen, so some file editing will be (again) needed.
Well since everyone is now complaining about gt2 mods, well let me say this......

Its the natural order of evolution of the discovery of hidden things....... let me ask, what happenes when everything is discovered? Huh? We just sit around? No the next step in the process is to fix the errors and mistakes thats in the game, and the only reason why I know of that it wasn't done before is because NO ONE figured out those files until @pez2k did. And thank you to @pez2k for that hard hard work! And next which is modding is just the next step up from fixing errors, to make the game better......... so ok maybe the mods should have gone into they'er own thread (except it wouldn't have stayed on the forum, as admins kept deleting my titlescreen mod thread.......) so in theory this thread is the only one that allows the mods to stay. Everyone should be happy about the progress that has been made rather its hidden things, fixes, or mods and just enjoy them all!

Ps hey bisharp and to whom this may concern (including everyone who complained about mods), why dont you actually post something usefull for once instead of 1 every couple of months posting you want a gt2 track viewer, leo said its not going to happen, and with this negativity about gt2 mods from alot of people, I don't blame leo one bit for not wanting to make it, hell, I wouldn't.

With that said, I am not going to stop modding and enjoying gt2! Have a good one and happy trails!
Now I didn't say what's happening here sucks. On the contrary, it is interesting, and I actually did try modding sometime back when I did have time.
And I don't see much negativity towards modding. Didn't see "a lot of people complaining" anywhere around here.
And it would be nice if your responses were less harsh. I'm trying to respond as respectively as I can, and so should you.
After all, we all have one thing in common: Gran Turismo 2 and its secrets.
Let's not start arguments. :)
RE: GT mode menus and dealers — if you can force the game to always load the NTSC-U/C version of South City (or simply replace what is loaded in PAL with the U/C version in the gtmenu file, something yet unknown), Acura will be there ready to go. Opel/Vauxhall will be a bit trickier because they don't coexist in a single map screen, so some file editing will be (again) needed.
I still can't get my code for the ACURA/Honda line-up to work properly. Just freezes my game.
everyone is now complaining about gt2 mods
everyone who complained about mods
negativity about gt2 mods from alot of people
lmfao what

As far as I know, there are only two kind of people who wouldn't want to see GT2 mods here:
- GTP staff, who are naturally against having anything involving piracy on this forum;
- TannerD92, who'll complain about everything that's not made by him; but then, he doesn't appear here.
lmfao what

As far as I know, there are only two kind of people who wouldn't want to see GT2 mods here:
- GTP staff, who are naturally against having anything involving piracy on this forum;
- TannerD92, who'll complain about everything that's not made by him; but then, he doesn't appear here.

Hi :)

Well,i never complained on better work of other modders,and instead i'm always thinking this:if one guys makes better things than me,that is a good guy which i have to say thanks to him (because have maked better mods for the scene),and making congrats to him.

And in fact,some examples:

B_rad88 have maked better (and i say:better) things than me,pez2k have showed greater things,better than my mods!,and i'm really happy for them and for the modding scene as well :D.

And just for your information:I don't appear here because i have a work and quite frankly - i prefer places with more freedom than here :) (with due all respect to this forum)

And again,just for your information:i have modders and testers as my friends,to be honest i have just 2 friends here..but these friends are honest guys and are NOT people which taking mods without quote original authors.

With this,i DON'T wanna say that here are all bad people...instead,i wanna say thanks to the good part of people which have supported the modding scene here and in other places.

If you have payed attention:you have noted that i've no more released publicly mods due this,and i have addressed this yesterday in an another place.

Sò Sirius....are you serious with saying some things on me? (sorry for bad pun,i hope this doen't offend you).

Have a nice day!
" but these friends are honest guys and are NOT people which taking mods without quote original authors."

Can we actually know who are those people taking mods and not quoting the original authors? I'm not sure if you are referring to me or not (since I'm actually uploading mods in my YouTube channel lately), but in case.. The mods I'm showcasing are all from pez2k, I got his permissions to show them in my channel and in the descriptions of each mod video I always write who is actually the maker/creator of the mod.

Responded just in case you was referring to me and to my recently uploaded videos. With that said.. Sorry to hear that your Modding Project is temporary stopped. Have a nice day
Can we actually know who are those people taking mods and not quoting the original authors? I'm not sure if you are referring to me or not (since I'm actually uploading mods in my YouTube channel lately), but in case.. The mods I'm showcasing are all from pez2k, I got his permissions to show them in my channel and in the descriptions of each mod video I always write who is actually the maker/creator of the mod.

Responded just in case you was referring to me and to my recently uploaded videos. With that said.. Sorry to hear that your Modding Project is temporary stopped. Have a nice day

With that quote,i didn't make a reference to these days,but a facts which have happened during 2016 and 2017 (at the times of original modding project and post closing of original project).

So you should not feel involved,because i didn't maked references directed to you or other modders here with that quote.
No the next step in the process is to fix the errors and mistakes thats in the game, and the only reason why I know of that it wasn't done before is because NO ONE figured out those files until @pez2k did. And thank you to @pez2k for that hard hard work!

Don't give me too much credit - all the hard reverse engineering was done by adeyblue for GT2DataExploder and I'm working based on his research. If he'd been interested in modding instead of just datamining he'd have cracked virtually all of this too.
With all the car adding, I wonder...

Can we do the same with tracks? Y'know, throw em in game, make them somehow accessible and stuff?

The short answer is yes.

The long answer adds 'but...' and goes from there. Basically, the current limiting factor is that menu editing is not yet cracked. It's not just the appearance of the menus that matters, the game also presumably tracks in some way which bits are buttons and what they do. This means that the new car dealership is off limits for now (but not used cars, prize cars or race mods), and track selection too, which means adding tracks is probably possible, but a way off.
You could add tracks though, and using a Gameshark code presumably you could force load the track? Only question would be, would the AI follow the track lines?
1. Can you add tracks and force load them via GS?
Yes. You'll need to figure out its hash code though, or modify the master track list file to be able to load it via ID instead.

2. Would the A.I. work properly?
It depends on how finished the A.I. for said track is. If you port Indi, it won't work any better than it does in the demo builds it's present - getting stuck in the start/finish line. If you port Côte d'Azur, it will again work just like in the demos - functional, but will get stuck in the invisible wall before the start/finish straight. In a nutshell, the A.I. programming lies within the track's file.
It should be yes. Think of it as an actual line object (though they may have done it differently) that's literally the trajectory that the AI is programmed to follow. There might also even be a second line for the passing trajectory too. Unless you can mod that line, you can't force the AIs to do anything.
Hey, hows everyone doing? I've had the flu for 2weeks now, haven't eatin in that time, but things are little tiny better, atleast I'm not running a 102*f temp at the moment.

Well, during the down time I realized that I haven't shared the laguna fix so here is goes

Renault Laguna RM (error fix):!Kw1UnJAR!r2n7BLT1gkvbwBsAZT-K88Y3XQw-BFKjf-Pt8thoe8Y
Thanks for that B_radd88!
Works great.

No problem. Once I figured out the car texture mapping I decided I'll be the one to fix the texture errors. It looks good to you? I've only heard from my beta testers, so all feedback is welcome!
Yeah it works great in game.
I've got a challenge for you and I'm not sure it's possible. Take the N180r and give it a black/grey hood to make it look lie a CF hood.
I know you have this HEX editing thing more down pat than everyone else so if anyone can get it done, I assume you could.
What do you say? Can it be done?
Yeah it works great in game.
I've got a challenge for you and I'm not sure it's possible. Take the N180r and give it a black/grey hood to make it look lie a CF hood.
I know you have this HEX editing thing more down pat than everyone else so if anyone can get it done, I assume you could.
What do you say? Can it be done?

Well its plausible, but I'm not quite sure. Will look into it.....

and if it does work, it will just appear as black...... as gt2 doesnt have the detail capabilities to show carbon fiber....... also if I was to try to replicate the carbon weave pattern it will most likely show up as way to big of a weave...... because the texture map goes by pixel by pixel.

Another thing that has to be considered is hopefully the coloring shows up as the right palette(which it should {hince the restored renault logo on the laguna rm front bumper/bar)

But most likely black would be the safest bet.... (aka spoon civic type r)......
Only a minor thing, but on the medium LOD the top line of pixels of the Renault text on the front bumper is now missing.

Ok, thank you for the feedback, but to be honest, I never touched the M.lod. (only used the M.lod as a reference for reconstructing the front bumper design..... which also to be honest the bottom of the bumper is freestyled........)

How I got the renault logo was from the rear bumper........ so it maybe where the H.lod logo is a pixel to high........ but I look at it again!