Season Pass: 4000 MSP

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Let's be honest, Need For Speed will hammer this game. Also look for big discounts around the holidays.

You're probably right but 9/10 FM fans will buy this and that's a big amount of people, maybe not enough but I won't see it flop hard.
You're probably right but 9/10 FM fans will buy this and that's a big amount of people, maybe not enough but I won't see it flop hard.

It won't flop at all, however this announcement will not do it any favors, but it's up to us to vote with our wallet.
The FM4 Season Pass and Porsche Pack were originally 2400MS and 1600MS, which is 4000MS. PG is offering the same exact value as T10 did for early adopters of FM4.

I think they would have been better off to match the price of the FM4 Season Pass (2400MS) and just charge 1600MS for the expansion pack later. At least it would be consistent.
Wishful thinking, but the press release said six NEW cars. Who knows yet, it could include four returning cars too.
Except FM4 has 10 cars per pack, and FH will only have 6.
I missed that part. That kind of lends itself to my second guess on the pricing:
If the car packs are $6 and the expansion is $20:
(480 x 6) + 1600 + 170 + 170 = 4820MS​
And you'd save 820MS by getting this Season Pass.

We'll just have to wait to see how the car packs are priced.
It's getting pretty nasty with this DLC thing, cutting content from the original game. I understand that some content is created while game is being approved, and produced, and that does make sense to be day 1 DLC.

I guess this is the good / bad of DLC. Added content is always a great thing to add to the longevity of a game you love. But sure enough companies will start to use that to their advantage and hold assets for later sales. It sucks, but the choice is always yours. I might splurge for map expansions and such, but cars I do not need anymore of. Except the E39 :sly:
I guess this is the good / bad of DLC. Added content is always a great thing to add to the longevity of a game you love. But sure enough companies will start to use that to their advantage and hold assets for later sales. It sucks, but the choice is always yours. I might splurge for map expansions and such, but cars I do not need anymore of. Except the E39 :sly:

If it's a map expansion then yes, it's worth the value. Beemers will be fun to drive in Colorado :-). My favorite cars in any racing game.
If it's a map expansion then yes, it's worth the value. Beemers will be fun to drive in Colorado :-). My favorite cars in any racing game.

If its a Map expansion then that makes the DLC almost compulsory for most.
The selling point of this title is the open world theme.

Plus as I've said before, tracks or map expansions seriously screw with the online community with regards to segregated lobby's.
cars are a different matter. Those wont dissect the online community.

Another note. Whilst I'm sceptical about how much content is actually produced post release or cut prior to.
I would not believe a map expansion to be created after release. Only cut before release as DLC.

I'm not against a map expansion 6 months into the game to reinvigorate the title though.
Plus as I've said before, tracks or map expansions seriously screw with the online community with regards to segregated lobby's.
cars are a different matter. Those wont dissect the online community.

Map expansions won't necessarily split the online community into different lobbies.

Burnout Paradise had a map expansion which they added to a game patch. That way, everyone downloads it, therefore it's in everyones game. Then, if you bought the expansion, the tollbooths on the bridge to the new island opened, and if you didn't they weren't. This means that if you want to cruise with others, just stay outside of the new area, and if you drive in there, they simply won't be able to follow you.
This is straight up daylight robbery. I feel sorry for the people who fall for schemes such as these. The DLC cost rivals the actual game cost. Since this is preplanned could they have not included some DLC into the game. many companies today, they seem to be withholding extra content from the disc just so they can sell it later on for DLC. Disgusting.
This is straight up daylight robbery. I feel sorry for the people who fall for schemes such as these. The DLC cost rivals the actual game cost. Since this is preplanned could they have not included some DLC into the game. many companies today, they seem to be withholding extra content from the disc just so they can sell it later on for DLC. Disgusting.

They're not necessarily cutting content out. There's quite a large window between release and when they have to finish development, for beta testing, bug-fixing, and then printing the game, distribution, etc.

It is expensive, but you get a lot, and if you don't like it, don't buy it. In fact, if you're that opposed, don't buy Horizon, sell your XBOX, and wait 4 months to get 3 new cars, one of which is almost exactly the same as 2 already in the game on GT5.
You're high if you think they're gonna shortchange the Xbox's DVD size limit just to sell DLC. On an open world racing game with ~200 cars with interiors and aftermarket parts.

Yeah, I'm sure they swung low and had hundreds and hundreds of megabytes to spare. :rolleyes:
This is straight up daylight robbery. I feel sorry for the people who fall for schemes such as these. The DLC cost rivals the actual game cost. Since this is preplanned could they have not included some DLC into the game. many companies today, they seem to be withholding extra content from the disc just so they can sell it later on for DLC. Disgusting.

You still post here?

I may get this but it shows they have it done already and just thinking of the money.

Or it shows, they were done because of the release date window and had many ideas they just didn't have time to finish and would still like to get paid for them? From what I understand the Horizon concept went from an idea to a gold product in two years, not an especially long time in game development.

Maybe the season pass discount should be more in line with the 33% of fm4, but without seeing the full content I'll reserve judgement for now.
This is straight up daylight robbery. I feel sorry for the people who fall for schemes such as these. The DLC cost rivals the actual game cost. Since this is preplanned could they have not included some DLC into the game. many companies today, they seem to be withholding extra content from the disc just so they can sell it later on for DLC. Disgusting.
Good thing it won't affect you.

They're not necessarily cutting content out. There's quite a large window between release and when they have to finish development, for beta testing, bug-fixing, and then printing the game, distribution, etc.

Well, that's not unusual. I'd assume that that's as much of a reason as the attempt to create additional revenue. Anyone who thinks that it's not about the money is a moron, in my opinion.

Even more moronic are people who seem to think that there are any bigcompanies that aren't like that.

Anyways, if there's a map expansion, I'll get it seperately. Probably when it's on sale, much like the Porsche expansion pack. I might pick up some cars I really have a craving for, but I doubt I'll be buying any full packs.
I'll patiently wait as I'm curious what exactly this expansion will be. Very obvious it wil include additional roads, perhaps races.
There appears to be an open block on the east side of the map, or else the northeast corner just sticks out.
I bought the Forza4 limited edition and getting all the extra cars was great but I only cared for a few of them and having VIP was no big deal for me. I'm a casual player who loves track and street racing but can't see my self spending more for the Horizon limited edition. I'm good for the regular copy and just picking and choosing DLC cars and packs/expansions if worth it. I have no problem with game makers making more money from DLC, you can't fit everything in one disc from start but putting out DLC that we can choose from is cool with me,keeps the game interesting for the 2 years till next game comes out.
I may wind up with it, don't like the price but my "other game" does not look as if it will provide any more goodies so what the heck. At least Turn 10 is giving us a choice, I like that. I will be a bit miffed if the cars are predominately what we are driving in Forza4.
Beings I've already spent a bundle of money on Forza 4 DLC, I think I'll pass on any DLC for this game. They have already gotten enough money from me so unless there is something spectacular to be had, I too will stick to whats on the disc.
I have the LCE and that comes with a launch day car pack, is that same pack the one included with the Season Pass?

It would suck if it's the same pack...
It is the same pack. Pretty much like FM4., There was a DLC pack that was included in both the LCE and the Season Pass. Back then, we got 250,000 credits to compensate for that. Laughable, really. I hope we're getting something better this time.