SixAxis Championship Thread - Finished.

  • Thread starter Jack
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Good job guys.

Me and timeattack are racing on the Sunday.

We just had a fun race, we waited 20secs and then went as it was just us in the Evora race. It ended up with 0.001 seconds difference at the end! Going to be savage...

Zissou, maybe you can race the loser out of me and timeattack for 3rd place trophies :)

Yea mate, the winner is going to be anybody's guess, REALLY. You were quite quick and consistant so I definately won't be able to relax ONE bit in our races :) For sure no partying for me the night before :dunce: The pressure will DEFINATELY be on after we complete the first race and one us must win the following in order to stay alive...can't wait :sly:
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Come on then, post a write-up! I missed the race, know the result but would love to know the details!

All the best
Come on then, post a write-up! I missed the race, know the result but would love to know the details!

All the best

There is video aswell. Think both recorded the race 👍
Semi Final: GTP_timeattack vs. GTP_RPM Winner: GTP_timeattack (2-0)

Let me first start off by saying, WOW, what a pair of races we had :) Our battles were just as intense as I expected, especially being that we had so much on the line. We had progressed all the way to round 7, which was some 5 months since the start of this failure was not much of an option or outlook for me.

Looking back, the outcome could have easily gone in RPM's favor, who had great pace and drove as cool as ice like always :scared: Both of us drove extremely consistent, mistake free races. The finish of race 1 was separated by .05, as RPM used my tow to almost pass me before the finish line :crazy: The second race really looked to be in RPM's favor half way through the last lap, until he left the door open through the chicane and allowed me to regain the lead.

I believe I can thank my game plan for coming out on top though, as well as not showing my cards until the late stages of the race. Even though I believed my pace was a few tenths quicker then RPM's, I knew being at Fuji this advantage would be negated due to the long straights and nice tow the driver behind receives down the straights and also through the corners. My game plan coming in was to take it easy up until the last lap, especially in the first race where Ian really had no idea of what my strategy would be. The winner is not decided on who is ahead on lap 3 but who crosses the line first at the end of lap 5, so I tried to put myself in a position to go into the last lap with the lead and then lay the hammer down. Most of my prior laps reflected me not taking the lead even if I could, although on lap 2 I took the lead in an attempt to not make my strategy look too blatantly obvious :sly:

Video from Race 1 👍

Race 1

Lap 1: Ian started on pole, so I let him take the lead without question the entire first lap.

Lap 2: I took over the lead on the straightaway as we went onto lap 2. Unfortunately as we exited turn 2, we were making ground on a straggler ahead that was driving quite erratically. Approaching T3, the long right hand sweeper, I predicted the stragglers loss of control well enough to make it through without issue. Unfortunately for Ian, he had no where to go as the RX-8 loss control and came down on him. Luckily, the contact had little to no affect on Ian's stability, as he continued to put pressure on me.

Lap 3: Going into lap 3 I let Ian regain the lead so that I could get back to my strategy of staying behind, yet still putting pressure on him to try and force a mistake. Of course my attempts didn't have any affect on Ian :lol: At the exit of the last corner I blatantly (swerved and pulled the e-brake) made it look as if I got a bad exit out of the corner, so that I could once again stay behind going onto lap 4.

Lap 4: A pretty uneventful lap, that saw me put in a solid 1'51.8 behind Ian as I started picking up the pace through the last sector to get back into the lead for lap 5.

Lap 5: Now it was time to follow through with my strategy and put the hammer down. As I got RPM's tow and drafted by him after the start/finish line, I let off the throttle a bit just prior to hitting our braking points going into T1. I wanted to ensure that I had the ideal position to take the lead out of the T1, as I figured that's where the race would be won. RPM continued to chase me up to the chicane, where I would say he managed to make up a bit of time under braking as we approached the chicane. I had a solid run through the chicane, so now it was really time to turn the heat up and give it everything I had through the last couple of corners, without overdriving the thing of course. The two corners after the chicane I nailed perfectly, which gave me just the last corner to get a nice drive through. I ended up missing the apex by a foot or two at the last corner and saw that Ian was hot on my heels. As we exited the last corner, I pulled to the inside of the straightaway, which was probably just enough to prevent RPM from getting a strong enough tow to beat me to the line. And boy was it a close one! I ended up crossing the line just .05 before Ian...:crazy:

Race 2

Now it was 1-0 in favor of me, myself needing just one more win to advance to the Finals, and Ian needing to win the next two races to avoid elimination. The pressure was certainly on him more than me, but I still knew that he could pull off two wins in a row if I even had the slightest hiccup.

Unfortunately I didn't record this race, so it's a bit hard to recall exactly what happened throughout the entire race, but I'll make a summary and highlight some of the key parts of the race. Hopefully Ian will post a video of this race when he gets a chance, as it was a epic battle that really came down to the wire 👍

The first couple of laps were fairly uneventful, as I sat back for the most part once again. We had to deal with a few more stragglers in this one than in our first race though. Exiting the chicane on lap 3 or so we encountered a straggler that was once again lacking any type of car control. Ian was in the lead and made it by cleanly, while I tried to go around the guy, he lost control and spun into me, which of course gave me a penalty...luckily it was only a 2 second penalty though :)

Lap 5: Going onto lap 5 I got a nice run exiting the last corner and passed RPM approaching T1. We were pretty close to being side by side as we hit our braking marks, with RPM on the outside and me on the inside as we entered. Being that I hugged the inside, my run exiting T1 was less than ideal. I looked back and saw that Ian was making ground on me quite quickly, and was likely going to make a pass/move going into T2. Ian got a half car ahead to the inside before hitting the braking zone going into T2, so I respectfully let him take the lead, which wasn't at all part of my game plan.

At this point I had to give it everything I had to try and make a move prior to the chicane, if I wanted any chance of winning race 2. I got a perfect run going through the T4 and was able to pull up just about even with Ian as we approached the entrance of the chicane. Ian stayed to the inside as we hit our braking points, while I was stuck on the outside, the long way around. I managed to hit my braking points perfectly and made it stick well enough on the outside that Ian decided to let me through as we made the left (switchback) through the chicane exit. After I made a clean pass on Ian, I once again put the hammer down through the last few corners and nailed them just about perfectly. As we approached the last corner, I could hear Ian really working his tires as he tried to catch up. Luckily I didn't crack under pressure and got an ideal run out of the last corner. I believe Ian had a slight bobble at the exit which cost him any chance of using my tow to make it past before the finish line. I believe I ended up winning by a tenth when it was all said and done. Man it was a close one though! That last lap really had me on edge, especially once Ian passed me out of T1 and threw me off my game plan.

Big thanks to RPM for giving me such a great race and quality competitor :cheers: I have a lot of respect for Ian on the race track, as he is probably one of the most feared 6-axis drivers around 👍 I'd also like to thank all of the stewards for helping out in our race...thanks guys! :cheers: better get ready! :lol: 👍

I can't wait to see what's in store for the next update, and more importantly Stage 8 of the Championship. Hopefully we get a race at Suzuka in order to really test our skills :) May the best man win :cheers:
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That sounds like it should have been the final, excellent write ups and a thrilling experience for both, of that I'm certain.

Ian is indeed one of the very best to race against, he doesn't do pressure cracks and I always race side-by-side with him without issue, a superb competitior very worthy of a Division 1 GTP tag.

I do feel bad for him that he got drawn with you as most would feel that the winner of this championship and runner up position should be out of you both, I am D2 bronze after all, but I think back to our BMW races in Round 4 I think, and during that first race I was 2 corners away from beating the both of you. We'll not mention my off-track excursions in the second of those races :lol:
Also my recent races with both of you in the Evora has consolidated my feeling that I deserve a shot at the title and have earned my place here.

As for getting ready for you Brock, like I said I'm just thrilled to have made it this far and to be able to call myself a Sixaxis Championship Finalist, I'll be relaxed for the race and will just try to enjoy it. The disappointment of losing in Event 02 can't be matched for me, so I'm just looking forward to racing such a terrific racer again 👍

The greatest of congratulations and respect to you and to GTP_RPM :bowdown:

All the best
Nice write up timeattack.

I've not got much else to add, other than Brock is pretty much the man with the pad around here and I'm sure he could hone his skills pretty easily to the wheel and any other decent racing game 👍 👍

I spoke with my brother yesterday about you and he said you need to get on r-Factor, adding you'll be very welcome in the Mo-Fo league :) (same to you Maz, of course!)

Best of luck in the final, to you both. Had some great races on the way and although I today turned switch off to my PS3 for the first time since purchasing it, I will remain in the family of GTP and will be back for the bigger events like this one.

Both top guys, hopefully I can come and watch the final, what-ever it may bring!

(p.s. I'm building a topic about my new gaming situation. Keep a look out for it when I post it :))

Ian 👍

Importantly: Thanks to Jack Stanley. Fair play for putting all the effort in, without doing much racing yourself. I still owe you that membership buddy ;)
Was a great race to watch from the side of the track and even better to watch the video 👍

RPM dont be so quick to turn off that PS3 :D If you and EL_ZISSOU want to race the same as the final for thrid spot Im more than happy to let you both do so :)

If you dont fancy it, fair play, and have fun with rFactor.

Final coming soon.

Jack & JP
Hey Jack, can we put bets on the person we think it's going to win the competition??haha :lol:
Nice write up timeattack.

I've not got much else to add, other than Brock is pretty much the man with the pad around here and I'm sure he could hone his skills pretty easily to the wheel and any other decent racing game 👍 👍

I spoke with my brother yesterday about you and he said you need to get on r-Factor, adding you'll be very welcome in the Mo-Fo league :) (same to you Maz, of course!)

Best of luck in the final, to you both. Had some great races on the way and although I today turned switch off to my PS3 for the first time since purchasing it, I will remain in the family of GTP and will be back for the bigger events like this one.

Both top guys, hopefully I can come and watch the final, what-ever it may bring!

(p.s. I'm building a topic about my new gaming situation. Keep a look out for it when I post it :))

Ian 👍

Importantly: Thanks to Jack Stanley. Fair play for putting all the effort in, without doing much racing yourself. I still owe you that membership buddy ;)

Thanks for the kind words're top notch mate 👍 I'm definitely looking forward to getting into Rfactor as soon as possible! To be able to race with your brother and the rest of the MOFO league would be an absolute privilege and honor for me :bowdown: Keep in touch mate :cheers:

That sounds like it should have been the final, excellent write ups and a thrilling experience for both, of that I'm certain.

Ian is indeed one of the very best to race against, he doesn't do pressure cracks and I always race side-by-side with him without issue, a superb competitior very worthy of a Division 1 GTP tag.

I do feel bad for him that he got drawn with you as most would feel that the winner of this championship and runner up position should be out of you both, I am D2 bronze after all, but I think back to our BMW races in Round 4 I think, and during that first race I was 2 corners away from beating the both of you. We'll not mention my off-track excursions in the second of those races :lol:
Also my recent races with both of you in the Evora has consolidated my feeling that I deserve a shot at the title and have earned my place here.

As for getting ready for you Brock, like I said I'm just thrilled to have made it this far and to be able to call myself a Sixaxis Championship Finalist, I'll be relaxed for the race and will just try to enjoy it. The disappointment of losing in Event 02 can't be matched for me, so I'm just looking forward to racing such a terrific racer again 👍

The greatest of congratulations and respect to you and to GTP_RPM :bowdown:

All the best
Maz are more than a deserving finalist Maz, and an absolute class act at that 👍 I've had many races with you and your performances each and every time tell me that you deserve to be in the final against me, without a doubt! Anyways, can't wait for the Championship race...should be a great show :)
Great video and write-up. Commiserations rpm, congrats timeattack 👍

Synwraith, of course you deserve to be in the final. You got here because you're good and committed. Don't doubt your capabilities 👍
Just an update guys. Dont worry we havent forgotten about the final :)

Reason for the delay is, I thought I would wait for JP to get back off holiday and for him to make the chioce of the final round, as the whole thing was his idea 👍

Hope you dont mind!
The Final

GTP_Synwraith vs timeattack07gt

Race Information:
  • You will both arrange a time and date, allowing a maximum of 2 hours free to race.
  • You will meet JP, myself and another steward in the GTP Race Chat, where a private room with a password will be setup.
  • You will be told car settings for the up coming races.
  • You will race 3 races on 3 different tracks.

This is something different and fresh. Gives both racers an even playing feild. The races are all about driving talent, who can adapt the quickest to unknown situation and who dares to push an unknown car to the limit.

Best of luck and have fun.

GTP_Wanna_B & GTP_JackStanley
Sounds absolutely brilliant! Might be an absolute white wash with Brock destroying me on all tracks/cars, but at least it'll be great fun and excellent anticipation and excitement right up until the firts race starts.

Great idea lads 👍

This will be the last hurrah for my Sixaxis racing days, whatever happens it's a wheel for me after this championship is done.

All the best
Wow...that sounds interesting :lol: I was hoping we would have a multiple car/track final, but I wasn't expecting it to be this much of a toss up. This should be an interesting way to retire from my 6-axis racing days 👍
Yeah, this sounds great. Good luck with the promotion, guys, and it'll be sad to lose you (regarding the Sixaxis to wheel!)
Hi all.

Congratulations on a great driving for both of finalists.:)

I wish I was one of them ;) too bad I had to quit because of my personal issues, this could have been my PADdriving goodbye party too :(
but enough about me - again - amazing driving from both drivers and what is equally important - thank you to Jack and JP for organizing the series, great work guys, hope to hear from you two again :)

I look forward to watching that final races - do not forget to record it and upload on yt :)
1 hour to go until the final showdown, some 5 months after the start of this Championship. It's all or nothing for both drivers :crazy: Can't wait to see what the final brings :cheers:
Well it's over, after 5 months we managed to whittle down to timeattack07gt and Synwraith from the original 33. The final was three races using three cars at three different tracks,
1. Ford Focus ST at the Fuji FWD event, power was changed to +15, weight 85% and tyres R1's
2. Skyline R34 at Daytona AWD event, power +30, weight 85% and tyres S3
3. Jaguar XK at Suzuka RWD event, power +10, weight 85% and tyres S3

Synwraith took race 1 by 0.1xx, timeattack took the second by again 0.1xx, then timeattack took the third and deciding race, sure one of the guys will do a right up.

Big thanks to Jack for his dedication from start to finish of this Sixaxis championship.
Thanks to the stewards who monitored the final and previous rounds.
thankyou to all who joined up, took part and made this entertaining.
Well done to Maz for reaching the final and making sure it was a battle to the last race
And well done Brock showing that wether time trial, one on one or group race he is the man to be had with the pad

Thanks all

JP GTP_Wanna_B
Congratulations on winning the Sixaxis Championship, Brock 👍

But well done to Maz aswell. Winning from TA is very difficult for everyone, but seeing the time differences at the line, it seems like you were giving him a hard time. :cheers:
After we first made the thread back on the 5th November, the competition was exciting from the start. From the 33 racers we began with the numbers started to drop throughout and today we came to the final.

The final itself was between the best to racers not in only this competition, but highly regarded in the GTP community aswell.

After about an hour and half we finally had a winner. Congrats to both for getting this far but even bigger congrats to timeattack for winning. A D1 Gold driver who is super fast in any situation.

This competition may have seen the end of alot of the SixAxis racers now. JP switched to a G25 when starting the competition, Jamie, Dan and EL_ZISSOU also. Myself, Maz and Brock all about to start up with theirs.

So 5 months on and its finally over. Thanks to everyone that has taken part and the stewards that have helped out during it. Thanks to JP for the idea of the competition and letting me help him out.

First of all, incredible thanks and congratulations must go to JP and Jack for conceiving, running and putting so much time and effort into this GTP Sixaxis Championship. There are so many wheel users out there, more and more every week, that sometimes Sixaxis users can be forgotten about and we really struggle to be competitive in serious time trial competitions over a multitude of combos. In addition, the WRS, GTP Event 02, IFTC, Enhance Your Skills and Race Of Champions events have taken a lot of people's attention and priority, so this little tournament may have been forgotten by some. But not by Jack and JP, who took the time to dream up interesting combos, imaginative ways of letting people compete on a level playing field, and injecting a sense of worth into this tournament whereby the eventual winner would be thoroughly pleased with his achievement and would be able to wear his title with total pride.

So here's how the final of the Sixaxis Championship went for me:

GTP_Timeattack vs GTP_Synwraith

Race 1 - Fuji - Ford Focus STi

Brock started this one on pole. Immediately I felt comfortable in the Ford Focus STi at Fuji FWD and was able to push it and be competitive. Brock and I exchanged the lead on the straights and in the chicane a few times. Most notably one of the first and only other drivers in the race we came across moved to block me as I tried to pass on the inside of the final Fuji turn, so I went wide and took him around the outside. Brock went inside him, and clearly the punter was spoilt for choice and ended up wasting too much time figuring out who was the better target, but by then we were both past and Brock was considerably ahead. The lead changed back and forth, with some bumps being received here and there as we tested the limits of the cars we had not been allowed to practise in at all. Last lap, last corner, Brock was ahead but I pulled off my very best T3 at Fuji for some time, was right up behind him at the beginning of the straight and drafted past him to win by something like 0.1 seconds. I shouted pretty loudly, and whatever happened from heron in, I had made the final, and I had won a race against the best Sixaxis user I have ever come across.

Race 2 - Daytona Road - Nissan R34 Skyline

It was my turn to start from pole in the pitlane and Brock jumped the start slightly, braked, and I started on time so managed to get quite a jump on him as he had to react to his own jumpstart. I wasn't far enough ahead to lose slipstream and Brock smartly stayed behind me throughout the first lap and let me lead into turn one at the start of lap 2. I totally overcooked it and ran wide onto the runoff but not the grass. Brock had a good lead now and was out of slipstream. I kept him in sight for the next 2 laps and as he came across another driver he went in too hot at turn 1 and I made back some time. The driver in front of him then proceeded to block him and force him wide before turn 4 but Brock recovered very well from his off-track excursion to be just behind me. I led into lap 5 and by the time the bus stop was done I made my biggest mistake of the night. I continued to stay ahead knowing full well I was going to get drafted. What I should have done was come off the throttle, let Brock take the lead and draft him myself to the line. It wasn't to be and I lost race 2 by 0.1 seconds. However it should be noted that Brock would have won by a good margin were it not for the interfering punter. So 1-1 it was.

Race 3 - Suzuka - Jaguar XK

Brock was to start on pole for this one but the start was pretty confusing with a stack of GTRP guys waiting also. Not their fault, they couldn't have known we would be racing. I got a better start and Brock yielded into turn 1. I made it through the melee of scattered Corvettes better than Brock and was a clear second ahead into Degner with a car between us. Brock dispatched it quickly and took Degner 2 way better than I did (much more courageous speed from him and better line/gear into Degner 2). So he was on my tail. The lead exchanged hands a few times for the first 2 laps, but Brock started to pull away. We started to lap the drifters and I was able to use their ghost drafts to catch some way back up to Brock, but in this car and this track where drafting won't keep you in touch, he was in a class of his own. This is where he outclassed me and really won this final. At the end I was about 5 to 7 seconds behind and could not have any complaints about the outcome. The better Sixaxis user was the champion, but boy, I pushed him close :)

As JP says, GTP_Timeattack was the best at Time trials, hotlaps, tuning, one-on-one racing and even multi-car races. Always at the front, always setting benchmark laptimes in every stage. He is without a shadow of a doubt the best Sixaxis user on this forum, and probably most forums in the OLR world.

Congratulations to you Brock (GTP_Timeattack), fully deserving GTP Sixaxis Champion. :gtpflag:

Also many thanks to the excellent competitors I raced against on the way to the final: GTP_rpm, EL_ZISSOU, GTP_Marooned, GTP_SteveO1965, GTP_Belifant, and thanks to all who stewarded the many races in this tournament.

I have sincerely loved every single minute of it :cheers:

All the best
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Wow...thanks for ALL of the kind words you guys :embarrassed: :cheers:

Special thanks to Maz for giving me such a challenging, rewarding, and memorable couple of races to finish off this Championship :cheers: Maz is an absolute class act on and off the track and was really able to push me to my limits in the 3 races we had to determine the Champion :scared: I'd also like to give a HUGE thanks to Jack and JP for putting in such thought, effort, and time to provide us 6-axis drivers with such a reputable Championship to compete in. :cheers: to you guys! Lastly, I'd like to give a shout out to ALL of the drivers who took part in this Championship and made it what it was. Great effort put forth by all of you 👍 Hopefully there will be future 6-axis competitions for you guys to have a second shot at.

I don't have much to add to the Maz' marvelous write up, but I will add a few little tid bits from my point of view.

Race 1 was even as could be, as was to be expected with a 5 lap FWD 550PP race at Fuji. After I passed Maz under braking on the last lap coming into the chicane, I was really hoping to hold off or pull away from him through Sector 3, but Maz put in an incredible drive through sector 3 which allowed him to get close enough to use the draft quite well in order make the pass before the finish line. Much respect to him for remaining so cool and collected under such immense pressure, especially through a sector that is particularly easy to over drive when you have a lot on the line. Great job! 👍

Race 2 was drama filled until the very end, with A LOT of pressure on my shoulders to pull off the win somehow. Going into Race 2 I was a bit on edge after losing race 1 by just a tenth and now being faced with having to win the next two races against such a fearsome and determined competitor. I knew 600PP AWD Daytona was going to be another event where neither driver would dominate unless a mistake was made, so my confidence going into the race wasn't exactly as high as it could have been. I knew how quick, solid, and comfortable Maz was at Daytona, as we had many races there prior in the 600PP RWD days.

As Maz stated, the first laps we're quite even between us until he broke a bit too late going into T1 and had a short off track excursion. Once he went off I knew this was my chance to blitz him and try and get a large enough lead to where he couldn't catch my draft. By the end of lap 3 I had a comfortable lead and was pulling away just slightly from Maz until I came up on a back marker coming down the main straight onto lap 4. I was able to draft by the guy quite comfortably prior to the entrance of T1, but was a bit paranoid of him being fairly close behind me under braking into T1. Unfortunately this distraction and lack of focus caused me to miss my braking point by a meter or two. I ended up throwing a wheel off at the outside of the entrance of T1 and ran off into the grey run off area. Luckily I was able to recover quickly enough to where Maz was still roughly 1.5 seconds behind, but I was now faced with trying to get by the relatively slow back marker again in the infield. I couldn't just sit behind the guy and wait for a comfortable/safe pass though, as this would clearly give Maz a perfect oppurtunity to catch up again. I caught up to the back marker again by turn 3 (the fast left hander) and had a half car lead to the inside before turning in for the apex. The back marker ended up blatantly turning into the rear of me, causing a sudden loss of traction in the rear. Luckily my off track excursion didn't waste too much time, but by now Maz was right up on my tail putting the pressure on once again. I knew that by now my chances of trying to regain any type of comfortable margin had diminished, and I was now going to have to rely on a strategy that would give me the best shot of crossing the line first in order to retain any chance of going to a sudden death (race 3). So yea the pressure was on to say the least :crazy:

Going onto lap 5 I let Maz hold onto the lead and was waiting to make my move on him after the bus stop chicane. Luckily for me, I nailed the bus stop perfectly and actually carried a bit too much exit speed, considering Maz probably exited a good 5mph slower. I knew if I passed him as soon as possible he would likely get behind me again a good distance before the finish line and make a pass on me that I could do nothing about :scared: So I let off just a bit and tucked in behind Maz until I figured it would be a good time to draft him so I could safely cross the line in P1. It wasn't exactly the easiest thing trying to stay perfectly in his draft but I managed quite well and made a clean move on him to cross the line just a tenth in front. Boy oh boy was that a close one...a simple tenth of a second allowed me to still have a shot at the Championship, which I had worked so hard for over the past 5 months. Now I could relax a bit and focus on the challenge ahead.

Race 3 saw us driving the Jaguar XJR around Suzuka with the default settings. This car was fairly stable but had exessive understeer especially considering most of my time lately had been spent driving the RX-7 (ROC spec) and 350Z around Suzuka, both of which had a lot less understeer. The first couple of laps I struggled a bit with understeer in Sector 1 but by lap 3 I was starting to feel pretty comfortable with the attributes of the car and being able to time everything well enough through the crucial "S" section. By now I was pulling away at a decent rate but still couldn't afford a mistake as this would leave the door wide open for Maz to come within striking distance again. On lap 4 at Casio I had ghosted through a GTRP member driving a yellow Corvette. Maz was able to use the massive straight line acceleration advantage of the Corvette to give him a nice tow down the straight leading up to 130R. I still felt fairly comfortable though as I knew being that there was only one lap left, Maz would have to put in an inspirational lap 5 to come within striking distance. Just as I approached the start of lap 5 I was able to use the draft of another Corvette to the cancel out the tow/advantage that Maz had recieved just prior. From there it was pretty smooth sailing for me, as I tried to keep up a reasonable pace without making any mistakes that would cost me the Championship.

Being that we had no prior experience driving these cars and the fact that we're using a controller to push a car to its limits, it was certainly quite a challenge for both of us to say the least. I commend Maz for putting in such a great effort and pushing me to my absolute limits :cheers: Anyways, that's about all for now. Unfortunately I only recorded race 1 and part of race 3...if there interesting enough I'll post them on youtube 👍 I certainly can't wait to move on to using a wheel :) I hope to improve my performances to the next level 👍

Thanks again to ALL who took part in this Championship :cheers:
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What a championship and a nice finish! Unlucky Maz, sounds like you took it to the wire! You must be proud 👍 Congrats to timeattack - fantastic attitude and the benchmark for us Sixaxis users. Good luck to you both migrating over to the wheel.

timeattack, I was stunned to see you drive with the external camera (in the video from the semi-final with rpm). Did you mention before that you use the d-pad / buttons...? Unbelievable! You're something else (I mean that in a good way!) :)

Thanks a lot Jack and JP, for your time and efforts with this great championship. I have really enjoyed it. Thanks to to everyone else that took part. It's a little sad to see people hanging up the pad for a wheel, but I guess it's part of GT life :P
Congratulations to both finalists on a great racing during the whole championship and BIG 👍 for timeattack on winning that championship.

Also thank you guys for great write-ups - we are all waiting for videos !

And of course BIIIIG thanks for Jack and Wanna_B (sorry do not know your first names) for making all that possible - hope you guys do something like that again in future ;-)

Since more and more players switches to wheels I think there is no other way than do the same - some time before GT5 to have some training with the wheel .. - see you guys online (with GT5) or in other time trial based championships (unless you have JP version of he game ;) )
Here are the videos from race 1 and 3. There's not much to be impressed about in terms of our driving though. Race 1 looks like a bunch of rookies out there battling :lol: As was pointed out earlier, all three race events weren't announced until just a few minutes before we met up for the Final, giving us absolutely no opportunity to get any practice in before hand. So of course it was a bit of a learning experience as we familiarized ourselves with the cars and tracks after each lap was completed. In most cases we were taking it a bit easy as we didn't want to get ourselves into trouble, being so foreign to these cars. :dopey:

Sorry about not capturing the entirety of race 3 or any of Race 2. On Race 3 my cameras memory card exceeded it's memory limit on lap 5. It was a rather uneventful finish to the race anyway...

I suggest viewing these with the youtube HQ (High Quality) option turned on 👍

Race 1

Race 3

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