SLRE Honor System League

  • Thread starter Pfei
United States
I am putting together a league where we use the honor system and submit screenshots of rally times to organize a DiRT Rally-style league system for Sébastien Loeb Rally EVO. We rely on the honor system. The only prize here is fun and enjoying a superb rally game that has been lost in between all the racing titles that followed it.

Here is the link to the official league page with all the details, but it's in Spanish, so I will state the important things here in this thread.

First of all, all are welcome, whether GT Planet members, friends, anyone basically.

The rallies will be done in Single Rally mode in the Quick Play menu. Each rally will be set to two days. That's four of the eight stages for each country. You will need about 30 minutes for each rally. The only imposed settings are two-day rallies, medium damage, zero rewinds and Easy AI (to facilitate capture of stage times). Everything else is open.

  • Rally Calendar: Two Days
  • Driving Style: Open
  • Auto-brake: Open
  • Stability Control: Open
  • Traction Control: Open
  • Transmission: Open
  • AI: Easy
  • Damage: Medium
  • Rewind: Zero
  • Look to Apex: Open
  • Ideal Line: Open
This is what your Racing Options screen should look like:


The honor system means no practicing the stages and no restarting stages or the whole rally. At the service park you can save and exit and come back later or another day to finish.

One stage will be set as a shakedown. You may use five runs through this stage to set up your car and familiarize yourself with the rally.

Power Stage points will be awarded in addition to the standard FIA points for the first ten finishers.

To participate you must take a screenshot or photo of your final cumulative time after finishing SS4. To participate in the Power Stage you must also grab your time on SS4. Ideally, to foment fair play, it would be great to take seven photos per rally: SS1, SS2 + cumulative, SS3 + cumulative, SS4 + cumulative.

The Calendar and Car Classes (subject to change to accomodate time constraints):
  1. 1/5 to 15/5 - Monte Carlo - Class R5
  2. 16/5 to 31/5 - Sweden - Class A8
  3. 1/6 to 15/6 - México - Class Rally Cars '70
  4. 16/6 to 30/6 - San Remo - Class Production
  5. 1/7 to 15/7 - Finland - Class 4
  6. 16/7 to 31/7 - Australia - Class Modern Rally Cars
  7. 1/8 to 15/8 - Alsace - Class 2WD Pro
  8. 16/8 to 31/8 - Wales - Class Evo Rally Cars
Welcome aboard SLRE fans!
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The season kicks off in the frigid winter of Monte Carlo with the R5 class. Mixed surfaces including tarmac, ice and snow require maximum caution and presicion. Rally Monte Carlo will be run from May 1st to May 15th.

These are the four stages:

SS1: Le Moulinon - Antraigues - 10,53 km

SS2: Sisteron - 5,97 km

SS3: Vitrolles - Faye - 4,24 km

SS4: Moulinet - La Bollene Vesubie - 10,71 km

The rally configuration should look like this:


The shakedown takes place on the Faye - Vitrolles stage, the seventh option in Single Stage mode:


In the R5 class you can choose between the following cars:
  • Ford Fiesta R5
  • Peugeot 208 R5
Don't forget to get screen captures of your total time as well as the time on SS4. Even better are screenshots of all your times during the rally.
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Seven on our end have already run Monte Carlo (myself included). Was wondering if anyone here was planning on participating. Once all interested parties have run we might move the Sweden date forward.
Seven on our end have already run Monte Carlo (myself included). Was wondering if anyone here was planning on participating. Once all interested parties have run we might move the Sweden date forward.

I'm going to have to give this round a miss sorry, too busy working all the time. Will try to participate in the upcoming events.
My car got stuck in the last stage on the edge of a cliff. Not R or 1st could move it. So i supposed i should retire.
I recorded the whole rally as a video doing it all straight and without any practice with HUD completely OFF without any assists. Should I upload that video or is it useless since i didn't finish?
My car got stuck in the last stage on the edge of a cliff. Not R or 1st could move it. So i supposed i should retire.
I recorded the whole rally as a video doing it all straight and without any practice with HUD completely OFF without any assists. Should I upload that video or is it useless since i didn't finish?

Give me your time up to then, and then re-run the last stage in single stage mode and we'll apply a 2' penalty. Something similar happened to another but on the first stage. The results have been wild and varied so far. Grab the time from the last stage and I can add it to what you had done up to SS3.

On wheel you hold down L2 to reset. Not sure on controller but it's in the controller config.
Give me your time up to then, and then re-run the last stage in single stage mode and we'll apply a 2' penalty. Something similar happened to another but on the first stage. The results have been wild and varied so far. Grab the time from the last stage and I can add it to what you had done up to SS3.

On wheel you hold down L2 to reset. Not sure on controller but it's in the controller config.
Yeah i pressed all buttons trying to reset it. Never thought about long pressing!
Well it was catastrophic to say the least! :lol:

We have all ran into problems. Our resident alien got a puncture on the PS. I broke my steering in an off on the last turn of SS3 and didn't realize it until I was 150km/hr on SS4 and smashed into the wall. Lost 2:30 on the PS :lol:.

Re-run Moulinet - La Bollene Vesubie if you want. Otherwise I'll just assign an arbitrary time for the PS.

Here are the other competitors' streams. I tried but my internet is bad and it kept cutting out.

nachosimo97 Opens the Season with Victory in a Wild Monte Carlo!

Full report (in Spanish) with driver quotes here:

You can spin that through Google translate. Here I will just post the necessary data.

@Georgeagea I ended up assigning the time of the slowest AI car to you in the Power Stage. In Sweden we should all be a bit more cautious LOL.




Round 2: Sweden - Class A8

Sweden will run from 16 May to the end of the month with the Group A cars. Rally configuration should look like this:


Shakedown will take place on Rada 2 (the fifth stage in single stage mode):


The following cars are available in Class A8:

  • Lancia Delta Integrale 8v
  • Ford Escort RS Cosworth
  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI
  • Subaru Impreza '95
  • Toyota Celica ST185 GTFour
OK so I've not it touched SLRE in ages, I'm tired and rubbish at Sweden.

Let's give this a go.

Hahaha same with us. That's exactly why we decided to put this together. We're all rusty in SLRE and have made a pledge to only use the test track for practice. It's been months so we're all flying by the seat of our pants, too.

Glad to have you on board. Feel free to run Monte as well and I'll add you when it comes time to tally up the Sweden results.

Here is our first competitor's stream (didn't go well. He accidentally mapped the brake to the clutch pedal) :

Hahaha same with us. That's exactly why we decided to put this together. We're all rusty in SLRE and have made a pledge to only use the test track for practice. It's been months so we're all flying by the seat of our pants, too.

Glad to have you on board. Feel free to run Monte as well and I'll add you when it comes time to tally up the Sweden results.

Here is our first competitor's stream (didn't go well. He accidentally mapped the brake to the clutch pedal) :

Thanks - I will give Monte a go as well (should have some time over the weekend).

Here's my Sweden, and boy was it a mixed bag.

First up a confession, I messed up and set-up a four day rally, but stopped after the first two days, so that (I hope) should be OK still.

SS1: From 0:45 Managed to finish without any incident, quite happy with that and hoped it would set the tone for the next three stages, how wrong I was.

SS2: From 4:35 First corner, forgot it was a hairpin and drove straight into the barrier, which messed up my car, almost as if the handbrake was stuck on, a further crash halfway through seemed to free it up, but the car and my rhythm was shot by this point and the stage was a disaster.

SS3: From 12:54 Day two, car repaired (mostly) and off I go, took its reasonably carefully and finished with only a minor half-spin and I felt better about my overall performance again.

SS4: From 20:00 It was going so well, up until the halfway point when I miss heard a call and took off over a crest and landed headfirst into an armco barrier (watch from 23:29 for the fun)! The front end of the car was gone, the gearbox was screwed to the point I only had first and second, the front right tyre was gone and the front left suspension was broken. The car was an utter mess and it was a challenge just to be able to drag it to the end.

Overall Time: 23:43:396

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@Scaff 4-day rally is OK. The first four stages are set up exactly the same as the two-day. Thanks for scrolling down at the end of the rally so I could see your Power Stage time.

So far we have alepontearg with a 22:23.166 and ScaffUK with a 23:43.596. Both had accident-filled rallies. SLRE does not pardon errors so make sure to be careful.
In my case P1 got 19:34.421, and I was 1:27.714 away, so I am at 21:02.135 I think. Last stage i was rolling with a puncture which cost me 1:12.093 alone! That's Hard AI ofc and with absolutely Zero training. Fired it up and went for it. What an intense game! 20180520_222034.jpg 20180520_222028.jpg
I'll upload the video asap.
@Scaff that puts you in 6th out of nine in Monte. Just four seconds ahead of Georgeagea! Power Stage 7th out of nine.

I have added your eight points to Monte and updated the standings. It will show in the tally after Sweden.

Here are the other competitors' streams so far:

nachosimo97 (provisional 1st):

jfferrero73 (provisional 2nd):

alepontearg (provisional 4th):

I hope to run before the weekend.
Lucas_Picone1 Victorious in Sweden!


Once again, full report with quotes (@Scaff your press conference was so good I translated it all!) in Spanish:

I will post the most important data here.




Round 3: Mexico - '70s Class



SS1: Guanajuatito - 10,38 km
SS2: Las Minas - 5,49 km
SS3: El Chocolate 10,23 km
SS4: Los Mexicanos 5,14 km (Power Stage)

Rally Configuration should look like this:


Shakedown will be on Los Mexicanos 2, the eighth stage in Single Stage mode:


The following cars are available in the '70s class:

  • A112 Abarth (FWD)
  • Mini Cooper S (FWD)
  • BMW 2002 TI (RWD)
  • Lancia Fulvia HF (FWD)
Note that three are front-wheel drive while the BMW is rear-wheel drive.
What an awesome combination! This was my most enjoyable rally yet! I made like a couple of big mistakes on each stage and I'm probably way off pace but i felt the flow of the rally!

Overall time: 25m:22.337s
Last stage time: 4m:21.33s
@Georgeagea kudos for using H-shifter + clutch!
Curious how did you know?!

EDIT: OH I've just watched some of my video and I think the sounds clearly depicted that!
My wheel is kinda rusty (opened it like 3 times to repair it already); my brake pedal is a bit also noisy because I have the GTEYE mod installed; the whole chair, which is DIY is flexy and noisy... This isn't so nice to hear I admit.
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