Star in a Reasonably-Priced Car

And the Star in a Reasonably-Priced Car has thus officially moved to it's new, permanent home.

Let's hope this gets the attention it deserves now.
This is such a good idea! I haven't even taken the Cee'd out around the track yet, and the game won't load a rival and it won't let me start the proper challenge. :(
...and even more importantly (imo) the correct camera angles.

Er, and no glass walls etc, etc. lol.
The stig would have written of the Konesegggggggg in GTs track.

Oh on second thoughts he wouldn't have.
how do you guys choose who gets interviewed?

From the first post.


Right. Stars will be chosen at random for the first four or five, afterwards there will be a set criteria which our Stars must meet before being called about to do an interview and take a run around the Test Track. That criteria is, at the moment, only known to the organizers and will likely remain that way. We can't very well have people feigning interest, can we?

Basically, make your presence known in a positive matter and there is a chance you will be selected.
Once again it's time to put a star in our reasonably-priced car and this week was a bit of an ordeal, our originally intended star may have been killed. Killed by a Canadian, the very same Canadian that took our offer without hesitation - ladies and gentlemen, SlipZtrEm!

- First off your name, it's "SlipZtrEM", how on earth do you pronounce that?

The same way your tame racing driver pronounces just about anything, actually! In all seriousness, it's from my first dive into the internet pool back in '98; as a young kid, I valued uniqueness over all, so what was originally SlipStream289 (a reference to a top speed in a certain video game), it became this, causing any English teacher in a five mile radius to suck their teeth involuntarily whenever it's uttered. No, but really, just say "slipstream".

- Were you made fun of as a child with such a name?

People were quite compassionate when they thought I was just a terrible typist. When the story above came out... mercilessly.

- You obviously aren't British nor American, what kind of an accent is that?

According to a friend from Texas (one HondaKid86), I actually am minus an accent! I can always toss in a few eh's and aboot's if people are unsure of my location, though.

- Forza Motorsport 4, after spending such a short time with the previous game you've come in to 4 with what's possibly the most unbiased perspective - what are your thoughts on the game thus far and how it compares to others that you've played?

It's certainly been a different experience, a very enjoyable month. I never thought I'd drop the money on a new system for a single game (plus the associated other expenses), but if racing games are an acceptable hobby, I see no problem. What strikes me most is the handling, specifically the tire model - it feels so organic, and is so communicative, even on a pad, that I really feel Turn 10's single best decision with this game was forming a partnership with Pirelli. There's a real sense of automotive enthusiasm shot through the entire game, right from the get-go: every car is available to take for a test drive if you fancy, AutoVista is automotive porn to the nth degree, and every single car can be tailored to your own personal tastes, utterly unique from anybody else's. It simulates the ownership experience better than anything I've played, without tying you down with the daily upkeep of real life.

- More on the topic of Forza, this time it's Photomode capabilities; how are you adjusting to that coming from Gra--that other game (We're not allowed to say that here without incurring the wrath of a certain company who doesn't like us)?

Oh, really? That's odd. It's... different. It's incredibly user-friendly in comparison, the slider approach meaning users only have to understand how each slider affects their images. The other game, you had to have a basic knowledge of cameras to really understand what you were changing, but as I've been playing with Nikons for a decade now, I felt much more at home with that. It is certainly more complex than what Forza offers, since you have so many more options, especially aspect ratios, image orientation, panning modes, and the AE Lock feature (when it decided to work).

- You're what's known as a "Super Moderator" here at Forza Planet, what can you tell us about that?

I can tell you the capes are made to measure, the donuts are made from the finest ingredients, and the yearly staff retreat involves a decommissioned space shuttle, a dump truck of those balls you find in McDonald's Playplaces, and the Pirelli calendar lineup of talent. I can't go into further detail.

- How are you liking it over here at Forza Planet?

It's a much less densely populated Planet, but that means a much closer-knit community, even in its infancy. People are very helpful to one another, and the site happily runs the same on any browser, something that seems a bit of a rarity in the Forza community.

- Moving away from that now, what's your daily driver?

Oh hello there. Actually, sometimes it's this guy too, or his much more punctual brother. I had an Integra a few years ago, but when I moved to Toronto for school, I didn't see the need for a car in such a big urban environment. I know, I am a bad car enthusiast, but it was school or wheels!

- What was it that sparked your interest for cars?

Oddly enough, it was Gran T... ow! Was that... was that a blow dart?

- Are you a racing fan at all, if so what are your favorite disciplines?

I rarely get to watch much these days, but I was always a fan of sports car racing over F1; probably because the cars resembled the ones I saw on the road. The merger between the FIA and ACO really has me interested again, especially as more and more manufacturers are getting involved. While even harder to catch, things like GT4, DTM, and SuperGT all rank highly for me.

- Back to Forza for a second, is there anything that stands out to you more than anything else?

Rivals mode! A fantastic way to really tap into the competitive nature of every player, which should be an absolute priority in any racing game. My schedule precludes me from getting a lot of races in with friends, but Rivals mode is the next-best thing, since there's no hassle to download ghosts or search times.

- I hear you're a bit of an accomplished graphic artist, how'd you get into that?

It was an organic process, borne out of my love for drawing as a child. Getting into high school, a string of peace-loving, hippy art teachers turned me off the traditional medium, and that thing called the Internet was booming. I wanted to make uniquely designed websites, and that meant learning my way around Photoshop. It expanded into other things over the years, heading back towards traditional drawing a bit in the form of digital illustration, and typography is a massive interest to me now, but really, it all started at the age of five, because I wanted to work for Disney.

- You're Canadian, you're a lover of cars, and you're responsible for who stays and who doesn't here at this forum - now it's time to brighten up your life with the most incredible experience you'll ever have -- your lap. How was our car with it's ridiculously-stupid name?

It has ridiculously stupid tires, too. What are they made from, anyways? The limits are lower than expectations for a Michael Bay flick.

- Where do you think you've come?

I'm hoping for an upper-half finish. As long as I beat that kid Grint (Rupert, 1:45.5), I have no complaints. This was my first serious go at getting used to the clutch, so I'm glad the smell doesn't transfer over to the audience.

- Anything you'd like to say?

No, seriously, where'd this dart come from?
I need to find a way to join the staff so I can go on one of those retreats. :D
I'd just like a donut but by the time I show up, all the good ones are gone and the coffee tastes nutty. :guilty:

Great interview, SlipZ! :cheers:
Loving this feature, your interviewees are all articulate and entertaining. Once you've done all the staff I hope regular posters like Spagetti, Luminis and that Brony guy make the cut. Hopefully we can find out whether Spagetti really does sound like Windsor Davies in real life as I imagine when I read his posts.
Wow, so I looked up Windsor Davies and he sure had a weird commercial about chocolate candy bars. :lol:
No one is. Hush!

Episodes 5 and 6 will be featured this week now that I'm done with my site duties and whatnot. Business will resume normally until more tasks befall my lap.
After a long break of paying bills and sorting various pieces of unimportant papers, it is once again time to put not one, but two stars in the reasonably-priced car. Our first guest is a man who likes dead mice and smashing things with hammers - all while being drunk. And our second guest has fond memories of something called a "Dreamcast", and calf-deep snow -- ladies and gentlemen, t.o. and Luminis!


- What kind of a name is "t.o."?

It's short for Total Ownership but most people online just say "T.O.".

To make a long story short I used to beat my friends so bad back in the Dreamcast days and before , when they'd get home I'd have an email waiting for them with the word "Ownership". Before "pwn" was ever a thought, the good old days.

- I understand you have quite the infatuation with "Lo-Jack", has your car been stolen before, or perhaps yourself are a criminal?

Part 1: Yep, between my pops and me, we've had quite a few stolen from us.
Part 2: I refuse to answer that without the advice of my attorney. I mean NO of course not.

- Stig says you were quite distracted during the test run. What was going through your head at the time?

"Man I hope nobody steals this car when I'm finished. I didn't know Top Gear was so cheap to make me responsible for it for the whole day"

- Right. How'd the two of you meet?

At an R & S Strauss. Back when motor oil came in cans I saw this guy open one with his thumb. I knew this dude knew his cars. Well that and the 24 hour helmet.


- Being a man of German ethnicity, surely you must know who Michael Schumacher and Sebastian Vettel are, or perhaps you're more of a Mika Hakkinen man - a person with an inane amount of talent, no facial expressions (even when he laughs, which is odd), and a man of very few words?

Well, yeah, I know who Michael and Sebastian are, even if I don't follow F1 anymore. Or rather, not as closely as I did some time ago. I guess you can't not know them, though; they're all over the place in advertisement and the like. Sebastian is, at least. Michael, not so much anymore...

As for being a Hakkinen man, I don't quite get how you're associating that guy with Germany :lol: I loathed him, back in the day, when he was Michael's rival. I'm also not a lot like him. I like to talk a lot (most of which is stupid rubbish) and I'm largely free of any talent whatsoever.

- I have to ask: Do you drink a lot of beer?

Eh... I knew you'd ask that :lol:

Actually, no, not a lot. I don't drink too often, and I generally don't need more than a fistfull of beers to get myself wasted.

However, I have the bad habit of always drinking right before someone wants me to do something I shouldn't do while being drunk. Tough luck, I guess. I mean, I'm used to it, but it makes me look like a drunkard.

So, about the the London Porter you promissed me...

- Apparently, you like madness. What can you tell us about that?

I am mad. Some say I am, at least. My ex-girlfriend does.

What can I say, sometimes, sanity can be a bit boring, so there's nothign wrong with a bit off madness in life. I had a lot of that in the last five years, and they changed my life for the better.

Plus, it's a quote from GIR, from the cartoon show Invader Zim, which I happen to like, as well.

- Stig also said that between the two of you, you seemed to be a lot more calm and attentive. Did it feel that way to you?

I focus a lot more on what I'm doing after a few beers, yes. However, that's mostly because I know I'm gonna mess up big time if I don't.


- How long have you both been car enthusiasts?

t.o.: Hmmm... when waiting for a bus an hour late in calf deep snow or maybe when I was a kid. That's probably better. When I was a kid back in the 70's.

Luminis: For a long, long time. My dad used to own a modded Peugot 205 GTI and was a member of the local rally club. I sat in that car as a toddler. You could say I was raised that way.

- What was it that sparked your interest in cars?

t.o.: Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse and the Cat Mobile. Seriously, the Cat Mobile.

Luminis: I'd have to, again, point to my dad. He's always been about cars and bikes.

What really got me into cars were the scale models he collected. I loved looking at them even when I was a kid. I loved to smash them with a hammer, too.

- So, the lap. How was it out there?

t.o.: Interesting, the car didn't tell me much about what it could and could not do.

Luminis: Blurry and shaky. Tried my best, didn't seem to work well however. And I thought I heard the Stig talk. can you believe that?!

- ForzaPlanet, you're here, is there anything you'd change?

t.o.: Besides calling it "T.O. Planet" , naw nothing I'd change. It's great.

Luminis: Not really. Only thing I'm missing from GTP is the premium subscription and the infield. Daily babe thread in particular.

- How long have you been an active Forza player?

t.o.: FM1 BABY, FM1 !!!!

Luminis: I started out with Forza 2. I would've looked into Forza 1, but I never had an original Xbox.

- Our previous guest, someone you may know, was killed by a mysterious dart for mentioning a certain other game. What are your thoughts on that?

Luminis: The game or the killing? :lol:

I don't really like either. Don't get me wrong, that other game has its moments and its actually not that bad of a game, but given the franchise, it could and should've been a lot better. I just feel my time is better spend elsewhere.

t.o.: ...Aren't bullets cheaper?

- What's your daily driver?

t.o.: 2007 Chevy Impala or as I call it, Sominex.

Luminis: An Oracle Solaris 10S, for the most part:

- It says here that you like a band, or rather, a man by the name of "deadmau5", is that correct?

Luminis: Yup, true. I'm usually not very much into electronic rock and prefer good, old rock 'n roll, or some metal of sorts. You know, AC/DC, Disturbed, that stuff. Can't put my finger on any specific reason, but I fell in love with deadmau5's music the second I heard it. Now, if you're looking for someone with talent, he's the one to look to.

t.o.: ...Are there any of those darts around?

- Jay Leno once told me he was quite generous with some chaps and his McLaren F1; If you were in that exact situation would you have done the same, or would you simply have driven away?

t.o.: Drive away? Are you kidding? Leno can make people "disappear".

Luminis: I doubt I'd let anyone near an F1. Then again, I can't even imagine being that rich, so my opinion on that topic might be a bit pointless.

But an F1 would be my precioussss. You never saw Gollum being generous with that little preciousss of his, did you? I'd likely be just like him.

Minus the looks. And the schizophrenia.

- And where do you think you've come?

t.o. Can't say, but definitely can't be dead last. Not dead last right? Please tell me I'm faster than Cameron Diaz.

Luminis: Somewhere humilating, to be quite honest. Am I going to make excuses about the weather, the tyre pressure (which wasn't checked), or me being drunk?

Well, no, I won't. Let's see how I did and get this over with...
Keeping the order of things flowing, it's that time again - time to put another star in our reasonably-priced car. Now, today's guest likes to read books. I know, shocking isn't it? Ladies and gentlemen - ScareCrow!

- ScareCrow? Are you a Wizard of OZ enthusiast?

:lol: Not in the slightest. I'm more of a Beck enthusiast, and he's a bit of an enthusiast of scarecrows. Whether he is a Wizard of Oz enthusiast is unknown to me.

Also, I hate Toto.

- If I can be honest for just a second, you're quite the good-looking chap, tell me, are you a ladies man?

Thank you, Jeremy. Well, I wouldn't say I'm a ladies' man. I do all right, though. ;)

- Have you been enjoying Forza 4?

Immensely. I have to admit, however, I haven't been on it as much lately. A couple of other games have come out since, and I'm sort of enveloped by both of them.

My burning desire to drive virtual cars will win in the end. I assure you.

- We're told you were quite excited when you received the call but once you arrived, The Stig, who doesn't have what we'd call a "face" seemed rather mad about you being here - is there some history between you two?

I think it may be Stiggy's time of the month, or maybe he's giving birth to a new brand of racing helmet...who knows.

When I got the call that I was going to be on the show, I called the Stig and told him I had embarrassing photographs of him and a Storm Trooper and that I would expose them unless he doctored my lap time to put me at the top. He didn't bite -- mostly because he doesn't have a mouth --, probably because he somehow knew I was bluffing.

I'm kidding, anyways. Maybe he's seen my driving and is... Threatened...? ;)

- How was the trip out here?

Long, boring, and the flight attendants were ugly. The in-flight entertainment was inspiring suicide, as well. I mean, you try sitting through the Twilight movies without wanting to physically harm yourself.

- You sound like a previous guest we've had, are you also from Minnesota?

I am, how did you knooow?

- What are your thoughts on this place, ForzaPlanet?

I like it. I like the fact that there isn't as much heartless debate between Forza and thatothergame. I'm not on here as much as I'd like to, but I try to make an appearance every once in awhile.

- Do you have any hobbies?

I like to write. Probably the only thing that I like more than writing is reading. Yeah, I'm one of those boring literary folk.

- I understand you're into Formula 1? Were you at all surprised at Sebastian Vettel taking the title by such a huge margin?

I'm more surprised by the large margin, not the fact that he actually got the title. I'm actually a huge JB fan, so I'm very happy he was able to put up at least a little threat to Vettel. I'm hoping next year Vettel will become humbled by Button, and put that 🤬 finger away. :lol:

- I also understand you're quite the fan of something called "Metal Gear Solid", what is that, and why do you like it so much?

Much like a lot of video games around the first Playstation era, Metal Gear Solid is probably my first and ultimately my all-time favorite. I love it because, as you know, I'm a writer and I love deep and well-written stories. I also love stealth and espionage, so this game is pretty much my entertainment wet-dream.

- You're a bit of a petrol head I take it; what's your favorite car at the moment?

That's hard. I'd say the McLaren MP4-12C is my current favorite. I have to say, I'm excited to see how the Alfa Romeo 4C will turn out. Also, the 2013 concept lineup from Lotus that debuted at last year's Paris Motor Show really got me all fluttery.

- When was the first time you looked at a car in any way other than it being just a mode of transportation?

Now, I'm not the biggest Porsche fan these days, but when I was in single-digits for my age, I was with my mother shopping around for Star Trek toys. We accidently wandered into where the Hot Wheels and the die cast models of cars were. I spotted a Porsche 911 Cabriolet, and I instantly fell in love. Inevitably, my mother bought it for me. It still exists, but in the hands of my nephew in Alaska. I dreamt about that car (and subsequent 911s) for most of my youth. A very special moment in my petrolhead-dom, indeed.

- What are you driving now?

This is a little embarrassing, but I have a 1991 Olds Cutlass Supreme. I bought it for $700 after the motor blew in my Subaru SVX. I loved my SVX, and I wish I still had it. It's okay, though. The Olds is practical, and it gets me from A to B so I don't complain too much.

- Right. Time to get down to business, the real reason you're here: how was it out there?

Shaky. It's been a long time since I've driven aggressively. Although, I think I put in a reasonable lap in the reasonably priced car.

- And where do you think you've come?

I'd say... I'll be happy with being in the middle. Those are some pretty fast times there, and like I said, it's been a long time since I've driven aggressively.

- Anything else you'd like to say?

Yes, I have a question. Where is an exit to this building that I could use that I wouldn't cross paths with the Stig? He really frightens me. :scared:
Another neat interview, guys! 👍 The way, uh, "Jeremy" leads questions, there must be a backstage interview before the televised one. Or maybe the show is just a cover for JC's secret career as an international spy. :sly:

This is a little embarrassing, but I have a 1991 Olds Cutlass Supreme. I bought it for $700 after the motor blew in my Subaru SVX. I loved my SVX, and I wish I still had it. It's okay, though. The Olds is practical, and it gets me from A to B so I don't complain too much.
Nice. My best friend had an SVX for a couple years. It was his late-teenager/early-20s irresponsible sportscar purchase. Since then I've seen a couple other friends go through the same phase (one is currently looking to offload his beat-to-hell imported Porsche 928S). :lol:

Not to say you shouldn't have had it. They're really neat cars, and my friend's experience with Subarus (another guy helped him to get an old GL wagon for DDing to work) led me to purchase the '97 Legacy wagon I have now. Dat flat six sound... :cool:
Hey good ScareCrow, I didnt realize how many of us Minnesotians are on here.:lol:

Good stuff, and keep'em coming.(when your not overworked):)
Episodes 7 and 8 will debut this week.

We really need a recorder since that would make things more presentable. Any volunteers?