Star Trek - where next?

  • Thread starter Famine
Saw the new movie, not a huge star trek fan or anything, but I enjoyed it an awful lot. I have to say, the visuals are truly something else in this movie. So many times my jaw was on the floor.

I honestly can't think of anything in particular that I didn't like, other than the usual invincible characters/ships. Solid 8/10.
If you hate the song... steer clear of the movie. :lol:


Have seen it. Immensely watchable and entertaining. Bit light on the character development, but this is already the third film in the series... most of the characters are in the middle of their life arcs, and the majors, at least, do get deep personal philosophical conundrums to deal with.

Lots of Trekkie in-jokes there, got quite a few giggles out of the first thirty minutes of the film. Lots of action, despite supposedly slashed budget.

Feels safe to say that, like Star Wars TFA, it treads some familiar ground. I mean:

not so spoilery, this info is in most online synopses
...this isn't the first time we've seen the Enterprise crash-land on an alien planet. This isn't the first time we've seen the crew split up and reliant on their own wits. And this isn't the first time that something from the Federation's past has come to haunt them. And this isn't the first time that we've had a warlord with a mega-weapon featured in Trek movies.

That said, it moves quickly, is rather watchable, is funny and is very comfortable with itself... the cast have been together for quite a while and it shows in the chemistry.

Don't expect the movie, plot-wise, to make much more sense than previous Treks. But like SW:TFA, it keeps moving briskly Though that discussion is better saved for when more people have watched it.

Still, much better than the last movie, even if the pathos isn't as deep. Give it an 8.5/10.

With a franchise with as many movies as Star Trek has, I am completely comfortable with any possible revisits. I know that is most likely due to the bias I have for Star Trek, but man, there was so many parts in that movie that brought a smile to my face.

The end of the movie was absolutely one of my favorites I have seen in any film. The picture of the STV crew and the reintroduction to 1701-A were reasons for happiness!
Yeah, definitely a lot of feel-good moments there. Still:

Real spoilers now...
Cannot ignore that the plot made absolutely zero sense...

Firstly: Krall was the Commander of the Franklin, yet conveniently left it abandoned, with all of its tech... ALL of its tech intact. That the ship also managed to take off at the end was flabbergasting.

Secondly: As in the first Star Trek reboot, the villain waited an awfully long time to take his revenge. He's had decades of planning, an armada of drone ships that can tear apart a Constitution-Class Starship in minutes, and easy access to the Yorktown, whose defenses melted like butter under his assault.

He could have killed every man, woman and child on Yorktown without the ancient mega-weapon.

Thirdly: That weapon. The feared bio-weapon. A weapon which - unlike the drone ships - couldn't eat through glass or steel (in other words, it would probably be stopped by a space-suit), couldn't move very far or fast in gravity, wasn't as "invisible" or insidious as an actual nano-tech swarm, couldn't swim/fly against a strong breeze, and was only deadly to single creatures. Kirk spent minutes in the air chamber with the buzzing but stationary swarm, and it never moved to attack him. Not even once.

Fourthly: "Sabotage". Really? Fun, but a little contrived. The explanation that the Federation wouldn't have known what frequency to transmit at to jam the swarm's communication systems without Spock and Bones boarding a ship first, that's passable, but there has got to be more than one song in the entire Trek-verse.

Fiftly: The Yorktown has probably the worst in-house security in the Universe. No flying patrols. No defensive cannons inside the sphere. No mobile police force. Nothing. And there's just one high-ranking Starfleet officer on the entire base? With the security being manned by a single X-Wing pilot? :D

There are a bunch of other issues... I still enjoyed it... it's apparent from the beginning that the film doesn't take itself too seriously... and isn't meant to be taken seriously. And the actions sequences were quite inventive. Stand by my original score, but if you're expecting something profound, this isn't the Trek for you.
Yeah, definitely a lot of feel-good moments there. Still:

Real spoilers now...
Cannot ignore that the plot made absolutely zero sense...

Firstly: Krall was the Commander of the Franklin, yet conveniently left it abandoned, with all of its tech... ALL of its tech intact. That the ship also managed to take off at the end was flabbergasting.

Secondly: As in the first Star Trek reboot, the villain waited an awfully long time to take his revenge. He's had decades of planning, an armada of drone ships that can tear apart a Constitution-Class Starship in minutes, and easy access to the Yorktown, whose defenses melted like butter under his assault.

He could have killed every man, woman and child on Yorktown without the ancient mega-weapon.

Thirdly: That weapon. The feared bio-weapon. A weapon which - unlike the drone ships - couldn't eat through glass or steel (in other words, it would probably be stopped by a space-suit), couldn't move very far or fast in gravity, wasn't as "invisible" or insidious as an actual nano-tech swarm, couldn't swim/fly against a strong breeze, and was only deadly to single creatures. Kirk spent minutes in the air chamber with the buzzing but stationary swarm, and it never moved to attack him. Not even once.

Fourthly: "Sabotage". Really? Fun, but a little contrived. The explanation that the Federation wouldn't have known what frequency to transmit at to jam the swarm's communication systems without Spock and Bones boarding a ship first, that's passable, but there has got to be more than one song in the entire Trek-verse.

Fiftly: The Yorktown has probably the worst in-house security in the Universe. No flying patrols. No defensive cannons inside the sphere. No mobile police force. Nothing. And there's just one high-ranking Starfleet officer on the entire base? With the security being manned by a single X-Wing pilot? :D

There are a bunch of other issues... I still enjoyed it... it's apparent from the beginning that the film doesn't take itself too seriously... and isn't meant to be taken seriously. And the actions sequences were quite inventive. Stand by my original score, but if you're expecting something profound, this isn't the Trek for you.

I decided long ago that the reboot of Star Trek (issues and all) is better than not having a Star Trek at all. I really have missed watching Star Trek movies that highlight the continuing voyages of the Enterprise.

Plus, like you said, you enjoyed the movie, and THAT, is what movies should be about in my opinion. We got to have fun at the cinema while watching Star Trek. How exciting!

#1 - We don't know the entire back story of the Franklin. I left that as unexplained.
#2 - I attributed that to the Kirk commanded Franklin and their actions.
#3 - Unknown weapon is unknown. Perhaps there is more to it then we realize. Perhaps it takes times build up its power?
#4 - Fun, and unpredictable to me. I enjoyed that entire scene because I didn't expect it.
#5 - Great point. Perhaps arrogance at its finest? Nothing new though concerning Starfleet and their Space docks.
I was hoping for a post Undiscovered Country setting, but this will do for me. I am not sold on the design of the USS Discovery yet either.

Nah same here. I get it that the design is seemingly based on a well known McQuarrie design, but the design feels nothing like a Federation ship, especially if this is going to be set 10 years ahead of TOS.
We're going from the NX01 which was a rounded saucer and would have had a rounded engineering hull if the series hadn't been cancelled. Then we get Discovery which is a crazy mix of circular saucer on triangular styled hull, only to go back to the circular/rounded style on the TOS Enterprise. I could let it pass if the Discovery was a prototype, but we can already see in the teaser that is has its NCC registry, so it is not an experimental vessel.

You can go on deviantart and search for images people have made of Federation Starship recognition charts and there are numerous designs on those charts which I assume some are canon and some may be made up, but alot of them feel a whole lot closer to what I assume a pre-1701 Fed ship to be like.
Nah same here. I get it that the design is seemingly based on a well known McQuarrie design, but the design feels nothing like a Federation ship, especially if this is going to be set 10 years ahead of TOS.
We're going from the NX01 which was a rounded saucer and would have had a rounded engineering hull if the series hadn't been cancelled. Then we get Discovery which is a crazy mix of circular saucer on triangular styled hull, only to go back to the circular/rounded style on the TOS Enterprise. I could let it pass if the Discovery was a prototype, but we can already see in the teaser that is has its NCC registry, so it is not an experimental vessel.

You can go on deviantart and search for images people have made of Federation Starship recognition charts and there are numerous designs on those charts which I assume some are canon and some may be made up, but alot of them feel a whole lot closer to what I assume a pre-1701 Fed ship to be like.

I completely agree with what you are saying here. After analyzing the Discovery, there are some facets of the ship that I really like such as the saucer section and I can even accept the nacelles. However (and that's a BIG however), the Klingon looking secondary section of ship looks so out of place. Regardless of where or whom they got the initial design from.

You never know though, the Kelvin Timeline Enterprise finally has grown on me, so I am going to see what the backstory is behind the Discovery and give it chance. This design may be influenced by some unknown mission or factors that we aren't aware of yet.

Just excited Star Trek is back on TV.:bowdown:
Seen some stories recently that the design of the ship is still being tweaked. Hopeful for a good change
Meh. Got to keep it current.

The problem with Trek is it's old school sci-fi. It hasn't aged quite as well as, say, something like Starship Troopers.

A full reboot of the Universe could do wonders for it.
Enjoy all things Star Trek so anything new will be welcome. Enjoyed NG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise. The films are pretty good too! Just keep bringing more, I'd like to see more, and Star Wars is doing this, new things in multiple so we can get our fix.
Try as I might I still can't come to terms with the Klingon redesign for Discovery..... it just seems too far. I know that the showmakers are saying that they are doing the redesign because of the difference in Klingons between TOS and TNG and later. However, that sort of was explained away in Enterprise with the augment virus.

Now, in Discovery, set 10 years before TOS we will have JJ style Klingons, wearing what I can only compare to a court jesters outfit!


Thankfully we also have the following image, which shows something a little more to what we are used to. Militaristic outfit, heavy looking leather like material, etc. I can forgive the lack of hair, because we already have the example of General Chang in the prime timeline, but I hope they aren't going the way of practically every Klingon being bald. It's taking a beloved Trek people and totally changing them for no good reason that I can think of.

The whole thing is going to be a total trainwreck imo, I'm a big believer in cannon and however they spin it this does certainly not look like 10 years before TOS. It looks like the JJ universe dumped in the prime timeline in completely the wrong era. If they wanted free reign to do what they want they should have set it after Nemesis.
The whole thing is going to be a total trainwreck imo, I'm a big believer in cannon and however they spin it this does certainly not look like 10 years before TOS. It looks like the JJ universe dumped in the prime timeline in completely the wrong era. If they wanted free reign to do what they want they should have set it after Nemesis.

Yeah, I mean I don't mind them trying something set ahead of TOS again but at least have some respect for what has come before, and figure out what timeline you're going with. I thought Discovery was going to be prime timeline, but so far as you say @Robin it's feeling very JJ.
Yes the NX-01 had way more hull detail than the NCC-1701, but overall the ship with its technology felt more primitive, especially when they had to use a grapple instead of a tractor beam for example.

I don't mind the JJ films, I actually really enjoyed them, and I'm happy for them to continue that Kelvin-timeline in a movie series, but I think maybe it is time Trek looks forward again. For all its failure at the box office, Nemesis did leave us with some interesting potential stories with which to continue Star Trek.

  • Riker going off to command the Titan, with Troi: Would be so interesting to see a series based on the Titan. We've seen Riker be a total badass with statements like "The purpose being... I intend to shove it down the S'ona's throat." and when he took no crap from the Klingons when he was exchanged to the Pagh. I think his character is brash and gung-ho like Kirk, but having most of his career under a Captain like Picard how would Riker do with his own command? Plus, with Troi involved at least there would be some familiar faces in a new series among a brand new crew.
  • Federation and Romulan peace? Giving that the Romulans were barely used in the TV series, compared to other speices, I was happy when Nemesis came out and gave us some more of the secretive Romulans. Loved the idea that they had planned to clone Picard and replace him, but Nemesis leaves us with a Federation and Romulan society that is on the cusp of starting a potential alliance or treaty. How would that shift things in the alpha quadrant?
  • Bringing in more familiar faces/cameos: I loved Janeway showing up in Nemesis as a Vice Admiral. It gave me a little smile when I thought back to Generations when Kirk said to Picard, "Don't let them promote you". So Picard has turned down the promotions, and Janeway is now above him. So Kate Mulgrew can continue the odd cameo if needed when an admiral needs to communicate to Riker, but why not have Picard show up say when the Titan is in a spot of bother, still commanding the flagship of the Federation.
I don't know. It just seems like they tried the pre-TOS thing before and it didn't work out, so why try again straight away instead of going back to a more updated time?
Whether they are generally liked or disliked by the more dedicated Trekkies, now we have the JJ Abrams films, it makes no sense to jump back to the TOS timelines for a new TV series. Assuming the JJ Abrams era of films continue, a concurrent TV series set in a different universe/timeline makes no sense from a cross-marketing point of view.

*edit* - Ignore, i didn't realise Discovery wasn't set in the new films timeline. :dunce:
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*edit* - Ignore, i didn't realise Discovery wasn't set in the new films timeline. :dunce:

That's the big problem here, if it wasn't set in the prime timeline most of what they are doing I would be OK with.

I did enjoy the JJ movies and they worked well contained in that timeline but an alternate universe TV series would be kind of irksome.... which is probably why they are trying to pawn this of as prime!

It seems like they are scared of doing traditional Trek because it might alienate new viewers, if that's the case then they really have done a number on the fans. There is this misguided belief that traditional Trek is boring but I don't buy that at all, it can be intellectual and exciting at the same time if they do it properly.
For some reason when I look at the new Klingons I see Scarrans from Farscape.

I personally would have loved to see another series in the same vein as TNG, DS9 & Voyager and a lot less like the JJ movies.

While I will watch the new series it will be with a very critical eye.
when I look at the new Klingons I see Scarrans from Farscape
Hehe, good spot :D

I can't believe I wrote this thread twelve years ago. And I can't believe that they still seem to have cocked it up.
It seems the show runners are abandoning the rules set out by Gene which kept the other series going and were what made the shows what they are today.

I'm not holding much hope for this.

Star Trek was always known for it's positive thinking, the undying belief in the good of mankind and upholding rules and morals over everything else. It was supposed to symbolise that we had moved on from the world we live in today. It may have been a bit too utopian but that is Star Trek and if your making Star Trek you stick to it!

If they are just going down the route of corruption, betrayal, insubordination, cruelty etc its not the Starfleet I want to see!
Star Trek was always known for it's positive thinking, the undying belief in the good of mankind and upholding rules and morals over everything else. It was supposed to symbolise that we had moved on from the world we live in today. It may have been a bit too utopian but that is Star Trek and if your making Star Trek you stick to it!

If they are just going down the route of corruption, betrayal, insubordination, cruelty etc its not the Starfleet I want to see!

Me neither.

My fiancée and I have just finished re-watching TNG for the umpteenth time. We also watched the TNG Movies too. While some of the protagonists do something wrong or against the Fed etc, the show always resolves the conflict by the end of the episode.

The only time I remember seeing really horrid federation people was, Sloane from DS9 (he eventually got his just deserts. Also the crew of the Equinox using processed alien remains to get home sooner. They also get their comeuppance.

If the new series skips the Prime Directive and all the good of the Federation then it will be a hard watch. However if they explain this away as events which lead to the Prime Directive then I might be able to forgive it.
I'm an avid fan, and Discovery sucks imh,ho.

Ruins the asthetic of the universe more than Enterprise did. The first officer was pretty annoying in my opinion too.

Quentin Tarantino is planning to make a Star Trek movie

Quentin Tarantino is boldly going where he's never gone before and no-one ever predicted he would: the Star Trek universe.

In a rather surprising move, the filmmaker has apparently thought of an idea for a new movie in the major sci-fi franchise and if everything goes to plan, he could even direct it. According to Deadline, Tarantino has already shared his proposal with Paramount and JJ Abrams, who'd join as a producer. But first, they're gathering a team of writers to hear Tarantino's idea and then work on a script.

Of course, Tarantino has only ever directed his own original movies. He did direct a few episodes of CSI and ER for TV, but this would be his first big step away from his own work – and what a franchise to choose. Abrams directed 2009's Star Trek reboot and its 2013 sequel Star Trek Into Darkness. He also produced the follow-up, last year's Star Trek Beyond.

It would probably be pretty good :lol: