Star Wars Battlefront ;)

  • Thread starter dice1998
What the 🤬? I read on IGN today this game will have a $50 season pass available from launch. FIFTY DOLLARS! Apparently all that gets you is 4 DLC packs or something, that's not even a mouse on a wheel.
At first I was fine with the limited content in the game, but knowing they've purposely withheld half the game to gouge our wallets is extremely frustrating. I'm considering boycotting the DLC.
but knowing they've purposely withheld half the game to gouge our wallets is extremely frustrating. I'm considering boycotting the DLC.

You should be. I won't buy Battlefield 4 because I hate that the player base has been divided by those who only own the base game, and those who own the DLCs.
You should be. I won't buy Battlefield 4 because I hate that the player base has been divided by those who only own the base game, and those who own the DLCs.

I'm not sure this is 100% correct. You can now choose for something like 'first year game edition servers'.. That's the base game and dlc released in the first 12 months.
You should be. I won't buy Battlefield 4 because I hate that the player base has been divided by those who only own the base game, and those who own the DLCs.
Not correct. Players in BF4 with dlc can still play with players that do not have dlc.
I'm not sure this is 100% correct. You can now choose for something like 'first year game edition servers'.. That's the base game and dlc released in the first 12 months.
Correct. Quite a few options to choose from. They handled it very well in BF4.
Not correct. Players in BF4 with dlc can still play with players that do not have dlc.

Correct. Quite a few options to choose from. They handled it very well in BF4.
But players that don't own the DLC obviously can't play with those that do. It was a bit of an issue in COD WAW where if a DLC map turned up everyone who didn't have the map pack would be kicked out of the lobby.
But players that don't own the DLC obviously can't play with those that do. It was a bit of an issue in COD WAW where if a DLC map turned up everyone who didn't have the map pack would be kicked out of the lobby.
It is like that with almost every online game. If someone purchased dlc, then those that didn't actually pay for it, should not be able to play on the maps with those that did pay for it.

That is why they have separate playlists to prevent that same COD issue from happening.
It is like that with almost every online game. If someone purchased dlc, then those that didn't actually pay for it, should not be able to play on the maps with those that did pay for it.

That is why they have separate playlists to prevent that same COD issue from happening.
But if game companies where not so focused on cutting game content to save it for DLC the issue would not be as big a problem.
Either way, all players should have access to the content without needing to pay additional money for it, or sign up for "Elite."

If you mean that the whole dlc business is wrong, I'm absolutely on the same level. I also hate what Ubisoft does, especially as an Assassins Creed fanatic. 'Pre order now and get the bonus 45 minute mission!!' Now I feel forced to pre order so I'm not 'missing out'..

But I like the game, I want to play it some more, I have money, why not..
If you mean that the whole dlc business is wrong, I'm absolutely on the same level. I also hate what Ubisoft does, especially as an Assassins Creed fanatic. 'Pre order now and get the bonus 45 minute mission!!' Now I feel forced to pre order so I'm not 'missing out'..

But I like the game, I want to play it some more, I have money, why not..

Exactly. With JC3, the preorder vehicles look awesome, but they're pre-order exclusive. That won't stop the modders because they will be able to spawn them whenever they want.
I wonder if they are going to reduce the power of the turrets. They seem insanely powerful. This was the result of me being in one of those for about 5 minutes. Seems way to easy to 1 shot kill someone. Surprisingly we actually lost this match. One of the only times I had seen the Rebel team lose. Didn't help we were outnumbered.

Screenshot-Original bf.png
What the 🤬? I read on IGN today this game will have a $50 season pass available from launch. FIFTY DOLLARS! Apparently all that gets you is 4 DLC packs or something, that's not even a mouse on a wheel.
At first I was fine with the limited content in the game, but knowing they've purposely withheld half the game to gouge our wallets is extremely frustrating. I'm considering boycotting the DLC.

Yeah this is the same DLC method they use for all of the Dice shooter games, 4 packs you can buy separately or get "Premium" or "season pass" to get all of them. In Battlefield they really aren't worth it because after about a month the server providers stop using most of these maps while the majority of players just stick to the vanilla maps. With Battlefront though I think the matchmaking system plus the starwars hype will see the DLC maps get plenty of use. But at the end of the day it's $50 for some different maps and a few exclusive weapons. Definitely wait and see what these maps actually are and you only save $10-$15 if you buy the season pass vs getting them individually anyway.
My opinion has changed slightly after playing the BETA for a while. I get the feeling that this game is going to become repetitive very quickly. Without customisable races/classes it really doesn't offer any immersion.
Things like the ability to play as Luke Skywalker/Darth Vader are really grinding on me. It's not even implemented very well.

It doesn't feel authentic. The creative folk at the developers must be tearing their hair out because I'm pretty sure the person in charge of this project doesn't really like Star Wars.

With Star Wars 1313 scrapped (which looked like a really gritty game) I'm wondering in which direction the franchise is going in.

I expect the demand to deliver revenues to Disney to keep the license means they have to create something that is going to appeal to the mass market. Sadly that leaves little room for experimentation and risk taking.

Can't we just give the license to Rockstar Games and let them make a third person shooter using their awesome engine and team.

I can only hope that EA has another game in the pipeline not related to the Battlefront series.
My opinion has changed slightly after playing the BETA for a while. I get the feeling that this game is going to become repetitive very quickly. Without customisable races/classes it really doesn't offer any immersion.
Things like the ability to play as Luke Skywalker/Darth Vader are really grinding on me. It's not even implemented very well.

It doesn't feel authentic. The creative folk at the developers must be tearing their hair out because I'm pretty sure the person in charge of this project doesn't really like Star Wars.

With Star Wars 1313 scrapped (which looked like a really gritty game) I'm wondering in which direction the franchise is going in.

I expect the demand to deliver revenues to Disney to keep the license means they have to create something that is going to appeal to the mass market. Sadly that leaves little room for experimentation and risk taking.

Can't we just give the license to Rockstar Games and let them make a third person shooter using their awesome engine and team.

I can only hope that EA has another game in the pipeline not related to the Battlefront series.
Well, I mean, lets be honest here, EA is developing it. It has been years since they have put out a game didnt suck. They are more concerned with jumping on popular concepts and idea and then wringing out every last bit or originality in favor of a mass consumable money pot. Spore and Sim City are two fine examples. I must admit that, I too, at first had let my hope rise a little that this wouldn't be like every other EA title, then I watched some footage of the flight mechanics they are using the tie fighter/x-wing battles... At best it is a simpletons version of War Thunder, minus actually having full control of your ship. Really? Barrel rolls and loops are special maneuvers with a cool down? GTFO. What bunch of lazy, weak coding garbage. I was hoping for something that could fill the void of the old SW flight games from the Genesis/CD/32X systems. Back in the day, Sega and Lucas Arts had that on lock. Sadly, it seems EA took the old code, updated it to run at todays standards and never thought to actually improve the mechanics.

Absolute typical EA garbage. This would have been a day one purchase for me... Not after seeing that though. I'll wait till after launch, see how things pan out, watch some youtubers take if for a round or two, and then decide if any of the other game play modes might peak my interest. Honestly though, the flight part was a huge draw for me. THere are a lot of other FPS in the chute, one of which I am getting next weekend, R6. So I dont really need that fix, and as an MMO style FPS, I think that Planetside 2 is much better, more fun, and a lot more free. A crap game with a Star Wars theme is not going to get my money.
I'm on the fence with this one, I love the original trilogy, I still have the original Battlefront on PS2, and I used to play it a lot. The Demo was fun, gameplay felt solid, I played both maps and the single player multiple times, the graphics are simply gorgeous. The main problem I have is that I'm just not that into games like this anymore. It's the same thing with fighting games, I used play them relentlessly, mastering every move, didn't matter the game, Street Fighter, MK, Tekken, Soul Calibur, but then they just grew stale and I quit buying them. I feel the same way about most platformers (unless they are really intriguing).

We'll see where I end up on this one but I probably won't pick it up until next year, If I end up getting it at all.
That is understandable since you are not really into mp vs games especially large chaotic ones like this. The co-op mode is probably about all you would enjoy since this game does not have a single player at all. There are so many games coming out in November, I might pick it up later but it is quite low on my list of priorities. Basically a watered down mix between Halo and BF4. Has a LOT in common with Halo. A LOT.
That is understandable since you are not really into mp vs games especially large chaotic ones like this. The co-op mode is probably about all you would enjoy since this game does not have a single player at all. There are so many games coming out in November, I might pick it up later but it is quite low on my list of priorities. Basically a watered down mix between Halo and BF4. Has a LOT in common with Halo. A LOT.

I'm definitely more into Co-op games, games like Battlefront are fine, I'll probably just get my butt handed to me the whole time, with the occasional good run. I think it could be fun but I won't pay full price for it if I end up getting it.
I'm definitely more into Co-op games, games like Battlefront are fine, I'll probably just get my butt handed to me the whole time, with the occasional good run. I think it could be fun but I won't pay full price for it if I end up getting it.
I also prefer co-op by a longshot. There are very few games I enjoy the VS mp.
Not correct. Players in BF4 with dlc can still play with players that do not have dlc.
That's not quite true, people who do not have the DLC can't play other maps in map rotation, and the ones that did bought the DLC not to have servers full enough to play on them.

I don't get why someone would like pay to play a map where the people won't stick long, because usually children buy this thing out of a rush, and then stop playing when the next shiny thing comes out, rendering the ones that did want to play cheated as the half base won't be able to afford the rest, because the other ones can't afford it and it reduces the server population by accessible restrictions. Undermining the whole multiplayer structure.
My opinion has changed slightly after playing the BETA for a while. I get the feeling that this game is going to become repetitive very quickly. Without customisable races/classes it really doesn't offer any immersion.
Things like the ability to play as Luke Skywalker/Darth Vader are really grinding on me. It's not even implemented very well.

It doesn't feel authentic. The creative folk at the developers must be tearing their hair out because I'm pretty sure the person in charge of this project doesn't really like Star Wars.

With Star Wars 1313 scrapped (which looked like a really gritty game) I'm wondering in which direction the franchise is going in.

I expect the demand to deliver revenues to Disney to keep the license means they have to create something that is going to appeal to the mass market. Sadly that leaves little room for experimentation and risk taking.

Can't we just give the license to Rockstar Games and let them make a third person shooter using their awesome engine and team.

I can only hope that EA has another game in the pipeline not related to the Battlefront series.

All of the appearance options were locked in the beta, as were most of the weapons. We will be able to play as several different races as the Rebels and the stormtroopers will also have visual customisation options as well. As for being authentic, I'm not exactly a Star Wars fan but all of the characters/outfits/vehicles/maps are probably as close to the movies as you can get, so visually it's authentic at least. It's still an FPS game at it's core so if you don't play FPS games you probably won't like this.
I've been rewatching the original SW trilogy last week and I was amazed how close the game comes to the movies.
All weapons I've seen in the beta look like exact replica's from the movies. Also the Hoth Walker Assault map looks very close to the movie locations. After looking at the Hoth battle in the movie, the unbalance towards the Imperial team actually makes a lot of sense.
I personally don't find it unfair nor less fun. The satisfaction if you do win as Rebels is much higher. And as far as fairness goes, you'll be alternating between Rebels and Imperials, so at the end of the day you shouldn't be having any disadvantage...
But that doesn't necessarily make it fun, nor fair.
Yeah, I disagree, and if you want fairness, then the Endor moon battle, if done right, will have the same unbalance in favor of the rebels. However, since everyone wants accuracy, until they are sick on the disadvantages team, this won't be the case. At which point, I guess accuracy be dammed.
Kind of reminds me of how Geonosis was in Star Wars Battlefront II on instant action. I remember the CIS always seemed to be a better team on that map. It was probably because they had more vehicles as well as the help of the Geonosians while the Republic only had the AT-TE and no native forces to aid them. You can still win with the Republic, but it takes some effort. If you like winning, pick CIS, if you like a good fight, pick Republic. Their is always an inconsistency somewhere and this doesn't surprise me too much.

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