STAR WARS General Discussion | Warning: Possible SPOILERS!Movies 

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
Agreed, she was a very believable young Ahsoka.

Also agree the first flashback mission is Ryloth, where she was given command for the first time and through her recklessness many Clones died.

I guess the point of it all (the "finish the training" lesson) was to get Ahsoka rid of her PTSD and understand the need to fight and move forward, not dwell in "what ifs" from the past. Apparently it went well, she smiles again.

Great episode, the TCW scenes got me goosebumps.

On to Peridea!
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  1. Okay, those special hyperspace effects are amazing!
  2. I’ll say it again, I’m glad Huyang is back, he’s a great character. His comment about “seeing it all” is genuinely funny.
  3. Man that hyperspace ring they’re in is one of the the nicer interiors in ships I’ve seen in Star Wars. 2nd to only the Coronet from TCW.
  4. I have a weird feeling Elsbeth is going to lose patience with Balin eventually, a feeling I’ve had for a while actually.
  5. Wow, I didn’t even realize there were dead Purgil in those rings until they got closer.
  6. So the Nightsisters are extra-galactic species?! Interesting!
  7. Live action Dathomirian witches?! About time! (I don’t count Elsbeth since she’s human) I like that they have the echo effect going on when they speak just like Mother Talzin did, that was something that always stood out to me.
  8. Balin’s story is interesting and suddenly has me even more convinced of what I said in #4.
  9. Thrawn! FINALLY! His ship sure is thrashed, not that I am surprised, but yeah. I really should’ve watched Rebels again before seeing this. 😕
  10. His stormtroopers sure do stand out more than expected, especially Enoch.
  11. Man, Thrawn’s voice is every bit as good as I remember. Wouldn’t change a thing about it!
  12. Sabine certainly hasn’t lost her feisty side it would seem.
  13. Okay, Enoch’s voice is epic! I hope we see more of him!
  14. I am surprised that the creature was as affectionate to Sabine as it was. I thought it’d be a vicious animal she would have to tame, but I am glad it wasn’t.
  15. About time we got confirmation on Ezra’s whereabouts. I have to say though, I know bringing animated characters to live-action isn't the easiest and I know he's supposed to be older, but he doesn't really look like him to me. I guess because of his thick hair. He does at least talk like him though, so that's a good thing.
  16. Now that we have another galaxy and planet established, I wonder what they’ll do with this later on.
Nice review! I was going to poke you by saying that I wasn't aware Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria, was a Jedi ... and then I found this:

This episode came off very Game of Thrones like, from the setting to the indication that we're going to get an army of the undead.

Enoch is awesome, especially because he's played by that guy.
Nice review!
Well, I am glad you like what I wrote! :) I'd hesitate to call it a review since it's little more just a compilation of random thoughts and first impressions I had while watching, but I appreciate the comment. :) This series has certainly given me more to think about than just about any other Star Wars show I've seen yet.
I was going to poke you by saying that I wasn't aware Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria, was a Jedi ... and then I found this:
Not too sure what you're getting at here, to be honest.
From the setting to the indication that we're going to get an army of the undead.
Okay, I know that's something they can do because we literally saw it once and maybe I need to watch the episode again, but where was that mentioned? I am sure it was somewhere, but right now, I am not sure I remember it.
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Not too sure what you're getting here, to be honest.

Nothing much, you referred Baylan Skoll as Balin. Balin is the name of a beloved and important character from Middle Earth, I merely repeated a famous Gandalf quote


But looking up I suddenly found about this other Balin, a Jedi I guess non-canonical. And I found this funny.
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Nothing much, you referred Baylan Skoll as Balin. Balin is the name of a beloved and important character from Middle Earth, I merely repeated a famous Gandalf quote

But looking up I suddenly found about this other Balin, a Jedi I guess non-canonical. And I found this funny.
Oh, that's interesting! I forget how Baylan's name is spelled half the time, so any reference to another character is unintentional on my end. :P Reminds me of how Star Wars Legends literally has a character named Kybo Ren, who despite being similarly named, has no relation to Kylo Ren in Canon. (though I wonder if the writers for the character even knew he existed)
Okay, I know that's something they can do because we literally saw it once and maybe I need to watch the episode again, but where was that mentioned? I am sure it was somewhere, but right now, I am not sure I remember it.
I don't think they outright said it, but Thrawn's Night Troopers are supposedly based on the troopers from the book Death Troopers, which is about a group of troopers who are undead thanks to a virus. The troopers were also loading caskets onto Thrawn's ship and I believe they said they were from the catacombs. They're likely going to be similar to the Army of the Undead that we saw Daka conjure during the Battle of Dathomir.
I don't think they outright said it, but Thrawn's Night Troopers are supposedly based on the troopers from the book Death Troopers, which is about a group of troopers who are undead thanks to a virus. The troopers were also loading caskets onto Thrawn's ship and I believe they said they were from the catacombs. They're likely going to be similar to the Army of the Undead that we saw Daka conjure during the Battle of Dathomir.

Death Troopers and it’s indirect prequel, Red Harvest, are excellent reads.
I don't think they outright said it, but Thrawn's Night Troopers are supposedly based on the troopers from the book Death Troopers, which is about a group of troopers who are undead thanks to a virus. The troopers were also loading caskets onto Thrawn's ship and I believe they said they were from the catacombs. They're likely going to be similar to the Army of the Undead that we saw Daka conjure during the Battle of Dathomir.
Oh okay, I ain't read that book, but that does make sense. When I said we had seen it before, I was referencing the Battle of Dathomir and what Daka had done. Given how it was among one of my favorite things to happen in TCW, you honestly got me even more excited to see what happens next. :dopey:

Now if you can find the World Between Worlds in real life and make the next episode come faster, that'd be great. :lol:
  1. Once again, that Asian guy, who I can never remember the name to, really needs to shut up! He might as well be an imperial because he’s about as likable as one. In fact, I am starting to wonder if he really is one and is secretly trying to tear them apart from the inside. For the record, I don't know this character outside this show, so I could be misunderstanding him. 🤷
  2. Oh, I just love Hera’s response to him!
  3. C-3PO! This was unexpected!
  4. Didn’t hate the court scene like I thought I would, it actually had a pleasant ending to it that made it worth the watch!
  5. Yay, more Anakin!
  6. Gosh, I knew they were prepared for the Pergil arriving, but not this much! They certainly took Thrawn’s order seriously! I feel bad for those Pergil.
  7. On a related note, that minefield reminds me of the security system they called “Droll” on season 1 of TCW and the way Ahsoka hides in the debris reminds me of how Obi-Wan did on the Rings of Geonosis in Episode II.
  8. About time we got a closer look at the “rings”. I’ve wanted to know more about them.
  9. I like how Huyang said “pulverized” there while in the field. Leia once said the same thing in the asteroid field in Empire Strikes Back.
  10. Okay, those whispers from the witches sound just like the ghosts from the zombies map Buried in Call of Duty Black Ops 2. Suddenly I wonder who the actresses are.
  11. I wonder what Baylan is up to and why he’s staying out of it. His exchange with Shin is interesting, I wonder what they'll do next.
So what's with Baylan Skoll?
I'm still in the dark with what he wants.
I guess we'll never know :(

I don't think they wrapped the season up very we'll. Left too much open for a second series. In a lot of ways it felt like a penultimate episode, setting everything up for a grand finale.

it was only towards the very end of the episode, after Thrawn had jumped to hyperspace, that i realised we'd seen nothing of Baylan or Shin. Considering the actor is now dead, i can't see how they can wrap up what Baylan was upto. It obviously had some deep meaning. Unless they'd already filmed some footage that expanded on it but decided to save some of it in post production, following Ray's death, to use at the start of the 2nd series?
I guess we'll never know :(

I don't think they wrapped the season up very we'll. Left too much open for a second series. In a lot of ways it felt like a penultimate episode, setting everything up for a grand finale.

I think they'll recast and they probably should, there's potentially a good interesting story there.
Man, I've been meaning to post my thoughts on the Ahsoka season finale for a while now, but it seems I either forget about it or some other thing happens.
  1. I recognized those words from The Great Mothers they gave to Elsbeth. Those were the same words Mother Talzin gave to Ventress in TCW.
  2. So I guess now we have an explanation for what happened to Sabine’s parents and her thoughts on the purge of Mandalore?
  3. I just love how Sabine took out those Tie Fighters by ramming them, that was fun to watch!
  4. Wow, Thrawn certainly did what he could to stop them from approaching. That scene was intense!
  5. Zombies! Finally!
  6. Are those Death Troopers wearing Beskar armor?
  7. So Sabine finally found her force powers, nice!
  8. Morgan Elsbeth’s fighting skills have improved and she’s honestly nothing to joke about. She held her own very very well, her death actually surprises me in a way.
  9. I can see Ezra still likes to do his voice impressions. He used to make me cringe when he did this Rebels, but this was actually acceptable.
  10. The Great Mothers didn’t seem to like their temple being bombarded. I sense a betrayal coming!
  11. Okay, I’m 35 minutes in as of writing this and I wonder, where are Baylan and Shin?!
  12. Nice to one of those owls in live action again, hope this ain’t the last!
  13. Okay never mind what I said then, there they are! :lol: And also, those statues are of the “The Ones” we saw in TCW. Makes me wonder what galaxy they came from.
  14. Maybe I didn’t pay close enough attention, but how did Ezra get off that ship? Whatever way he did, I’m glad he reunited with his crew and I love that entrance. It was nice to be reminded of how he loved wearing stormtrooper armor as a disguise.
  15. More Anakin! I really wish he had done more than stand around though.
I don't think they wrapped the season up very we'll. Left too much open for a second series. In a lot of ways it felt like a penultimate episode, setting everything up for a grand finale.
I agree. Was it as bad as The Bad Batch Season 2 in that regard? No, but it was underwhelming and I honestly was expecting more from it. Whatever they're planning though, I am sure it will be worth it when we finally get to see it. I do wonder what they'll do with Baylan's character since his actor is dead now, but as Dave said, I think he'll be recast.

I've seen people speculate that what he and Shin are after could potentially be Abeloth. Having read about her in Legends over the years, I think it'd be fantastic if she was brought into Star Wars Canon as long as she's not nerfed to oblivion. And if we don't get her, maybe we'll get a character like her? Either way, I am anxious to see where this goes from here.
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I've seen people speculate that what he and Shin are after could potentially be Abeloth. Having read about her in Legends over the years, I think it'd be fantastic if she was brought into Star Wars Canon as long as she's not nerfed to oblivion. And if we don't get her, maybe we'll get a character like her? Either way, I am anxious to see where this goes from here.
Even if Ray Stevenson hadn't died, I don't think we'd be spending enough time on Peridea to develop the Mortis arc to that level. I think Baylan was chasing the power of the Mortis gods, but the story was only ever going to be in the context of him and the power, rather than them and their backstory. I'd also suppose that his efforts would somehow lead Ahsoka to a world-between-worlds gateway, and that's how they'd get back to their own galaxy.

That is of course assuming S2 wasn't going to just be Ahsoka and Sabine versus Baylan and Shin for the entire season - which I suppose was a possibility if they're going to use Thrawn as the antagonist for Filoni's Star Wars film.

.. but Stevenson did die, and there'll probably have been a years hiatus in development of whatever's next because of the SAG-AFTRA strike, which might be giving them the time to develop an alternate strategy.
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So this dropped today:

I don't have a lot to say here, but I am glad we're apparently going to find out about Wolf and what went on with him. However, Ventress making her return is what really stands out to me. I haven't read into the whole cut Dark Desciple arc from TCW, but I seem to recall she died there. However, either they're retconning that event (which I hope not), or maybe she somehow survived. Regardless, I am still really glad we're getting something on her again.

I hate that this is going to be the last season thought because I like this show a lot and I really hope this season has a better conclusion than the last because I hated that cliffhanger ending we got so much.
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Welp The Bad Batch is finally back and it's about time too because that cliffhanger ending from the last season has had me wanting more ever since.
  1. I wonder what will happen to Nala Se when this is all over. I honestly don’t expect her to survive.
  2. Thought for sure that hound was going to bite Omega, but I am glad it didn’t.
  3. Crosshair's character has certainly changed a bit since season 1 because he wanted to take Omega with him near the end of the season, but now he wants nothing to do with her.
  4. Okay, that droid getting crushed and later electrocuted was satisfying to watch.
  5. I do hope they kill off Hemlock later on. He’s better than Nolan from the last season, anybody is better than him honestly, but I won’t miss him if he gets killed.
  1. Okay, since when do female Devaronians have horns? I may be wrong, but last I recall only male specimens had them.
  2. Wrecker certainly hasn’t forgotten about Tech it would seem.
  3. I had wondered what would happen to the young cadets, now I know!
  4. I wonder what the purpose of those slither vines was.
  1. Well, I’m glad we have an explanation for why Nala Se destroyed Omega’s samples, but I wonder why having them tested endangers her.
  2. Yay! More of the Emperor!
  3. Okay, the way Omega kicked that mouse droid was funny.
  4. I just love how Crosshairs delivers his lines to the guards and then proceeds to take them down after. It’s as if he has reawakened again.
  5. Wow, that was a narrow escape if I ever saw one!
  6. Crosshair seems to be more faithful to Omega now than before despite his initial thoughts on her plan.
  7. I knew that hound Omega took care of would matter later.
So this dropped today:

I don't have a lot to say here, but I am glad we're apparently going to find out about Wolf and what went on with him. However, Ventress making her return is what really stands out to me. I haven't read into the whole cut Dark Desciple arc from TCW, but I seem to recall she died there. However, either they're retconning that event (which I hope not), or maybe she somehow survived. Regardless, I am still really glad we're getting something on her again.

I hate that this is going to be the last season thought because I like this show a lot and I really hope this season has a better conclusion than the last because I hated that cliffhanger ending we got so much.

I posted this earlier, but I've realized some interesting things since then.
1. I wasn't too sure at first, but that temple they showed I believe is the same one on Teth where they went to rescue Jabba's son in the TCW movie.
2. I didn't catch this, but Crosshair apparently does escape because he's shown in his armor again, assuming it's not a flashback anyhow.
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He doesn't want to be the thing that gets her caught, killed or whatever.
And I got to thinking the same thing as well and I imagine he didn't want to get killed either. He did lack confidence at first.
I'm guessing, but I believe it could be the Drengir from the High Republic.
Can't say I am familiar with that, never really paid much attention to The High Republic.
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He did lack confidence at first.

I'd say he was mid way between wallowing in self pity and accepting his fate as punishment for decisions he may now regret.

never really paid much attention to The High Republic.
I've struggled with it. The first full Novel 'Light of the Jedi' was really good, but the amount of characters etc. is hard to follow because they've jumped around the timeline a bit. The comics help a bit. I hope they bring the High Republic to animation (if not live action) at some point.
I'd say he was mid way between wallowing in self pity and accepting his fate as punishment for decisions he may now regret.
Sounds about right!
I've struggled with it. The first full Novel 'Light of the Jedi' was really good, but the amount of characters etc. is hard to follow because they've jumped around the timeline a bit.
While I haven't read those books, I do get where you're coming from. When they jump around timelines in books, it's hard to follow sometimes.
I hope they bring the High Republic to animation (if not live action) at some point.
Me too, if it had the same animation style as The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch, and Tales of the Jedi, I would certainly be interested! 👍
  1. I do think it’s nice Omega and Crosshair are getting more 1 on 1 time with each other.
  2. I do like how Nala Se referred to the test result as a false positive, that's actually pretty clever.
  3. Thought for sure that random imperial was going to be trouble during that game, but he was surprisingly decent.
  4. Oh wow, when they let those animals loose, I think those birds are the same ones we saw on Abafar season 5 of TCW.
  5. Okay, the camera keeps focusing on that one trooper with the goggles, what’s that about? I speculate it’s Fennec Shand since we saw her in the trailer and she had an interest in Omega previously.
  6. Nice to see Omega reunite with them again! What planet are they on though? 🤔
  7. Really curious to see what Crosshair does next and I really hope they get straight to it in the next episode. Whether or not he rejoins isn't the big question for me, how he's going to act around them again and his thoughts on Tech being gone is what I really want to know.