Submit Questions for Suzuki's Interview HERE, closed for questions.

  • Thread starter Loon
Ok, thats 3 votes for Suzuki now, looks like its going to be him unless someone else starts getting votes.
Go with Suzuki. That way it's from a different team. Ske, BL and TRi are all on IDM(Technically).

Let's get another perspective. :)
Suzuki, do you prefer turbo, N/A or supercharger engine types, and is throttle lag a big deal to you?

Is too much angle a bad thing? Under what circumstances?
How do you feel that Xlink helped your drifting and why?
Well we have 9 questions so far, we definetly need more. There's no limit on the amount questions, nor is there a limit on how many questons a single person can ask so go ahead. ASK!
Is it bad/noobish to put 5+ camber on your rear tires? I do that, and I read we shouldn't cuz its cheap, a while ago.