Suggestion Box.

  • Thread starter boombexus
I would say they choose them cars because they want to win. If youre that worked up about it and i can clearly see why, maybe you should enforce some different rules, only FR or MR, certain cars not allowed etc.

Imagine driving big americian Vetts, Vipers, Stangs and Camaros around a wet track or on sims. that is definetly skill.

When you set down a the rules for the races each week, my job as a competitor and valiant supporter is to choose the car combination that gives me the best chance to beat my fellow compitors / valiant supporters, Rarely will i choose to drive the slower car. If i want to driver slower cars id go check out Flat outs mini races his set up or compare my times in the Time comparesment thread. But To me WRS is about learning to drive and tune the car to the best of my ability not choosing to drive a slower car, just because i wont win in the fast car. The only way i can truly compare if im getting better or if im any good is to run the fastest car available so then there is no excuses like (oh my car wasnt as fast etc). I really like the challenge i trying to keep up with CFM and Hugo Boss etc, just in the last month ive improved dramatically, if however i choose slower cars on purpose then i wouldnt have been pushed as far, and would not have improved as much. I can understand choosing slower cars everynow and again (week 100) but not often. Its difficult to improve your time if there is noone competiting against you. I ride motobikes and i can always ride faster when im chasing/ being chased by someone then when im on my own.

My point is Kent as the rule maker you have to decide on the rules to make, many people here will try for the outright win, so next time you should consider it from there point of view.

Dont take any of this personally im mearly explaining my opoinin/veiws.
For the track suggestion poll for WRS 104, I give my vote for Grand Valley Speedway (I or II, doesn't matter - to me anyway)

For the reason people pick the best cars... well I have to agree with Small_Fryz.
I think the point of racing (for most, anyway) is either to be up there on the Podium when the race is over, or (in my case, and in Small_Fryz's case, and few others') is to become a better driver. I joined the WRS soon after I joined GTPlanet, and after I first posted on the Need Help Getting Better thread, where Azuremen (among others) suggested for me to become a part of the Weekly Race Series Community. And so I did, and I am glad :D 👍 If it was all about winning for me, I would have taken the obvious choice in my first race at the Complex String II (WRS 100) - the 094/S car 👎 Instead I went with my good ol' trusty Denso Supra (one of my favorites). Didn't do extremely good with it, but not too bad either.

If people belong to the first category, the obvious choice is for them to try to maximize their chances of winning by getting the fastest/best grip/best handling vehicle they can find and that doesn't break the rules for that particular week. It's the obvious choice and what makes the most amount of sense. If you want to win, you don't race with a Suzuki Alto Works (with its whopping 3 and a half horsepower - don't know the actual digits here - never bothered to drive the thing - just being sarcastc :D) If you want to win you take the best car that fits within the rules.

Which leads to an obvious conclusion (same conclusion that Small_Fryz came to):
if you want people to race less powerful/gripping/handling cars, just change the rules for that particular week and they will all be forced to drive 'non-super-duper' vehicles. :D

My 99 cents... ;)

The Wizard.
I understand your point.

However, I probably didn't put my point across very well...

What I am saying is that, I do not see a point in pushing for wet races or sim tire races when the first action taken in those races is an action intended to defeat the very nature of the race.

Why ask for a sim tire race if the first action is to get in a 4wd?
Or why ask for a wet race when the first action taken is to use the car least effected by the wet conditions?

I just don't get it.
And for that matter...
I don't see any difference in skill levels needed when comparing "regular racing" with "the other racing forms" we are discussing.

Do you really think it takes more skill to win a race on sims compared to winning on T8s?

I think it is just as hard to win on both since for each race every racer has the same handicap.


btw, I never wanted people to run on sims or wet tracks... I wanted people to have fun, not frustration! :lol:

Also, since about 90% of the racers involved in "those" races picked the "obvious" choice I would have to say it was never about testing skills and working towards getting better on slicks.

I would have to say it was always about winning.
And that's the thing... from time to time I feel like putting people on slicks or on wet courses is just a way to try and upset the balance so slower racers might get an advantage of sorts. :indiff:

I could be wrong though. :lol:
kent i understand your point completely, but that being said gettin a clean/ half decent lap on sims is very much harder than T8's. If anything the difference from good to not so good drivers increases, as throttle, brake, steering, weight shifting and line selection techniques come into play a lot more than a faster more grippy car which is a lot more forgiving.

However i do think that if your gonna set up a Sim/Wet race you need to outlaw certain cars so that way your whole point of the race is enforeced.

I think its just as hard to win on Sims as it is on T8's but its way more easier to be consistent and to look "half decent" on T8's as Sims are difficuilt to drive on no matter what the car is.

Wizard Grand Valley is a great track as well 👍
And as Smallz and I found out... AWD isn't gonna be an ultra trump card. MR-S on sims vs ALto works and a 22B.

You could look at the rules and set it up so the uber grippy car can't be used. Wet just seems like fun to me :D
Kent just choose the car as well as the track.

Job Done.

We all thrive off of the difficulty.
It was mentioned earlier that a dirt race was being considered. All I would like to say is please dont confuse rally with the other various forms of limited grip racing being discussed here. rally racing is a totaly different animal. I like rally. and I dont have time to run in two competitions one week so if a rally could make it into the WRS at some point it would be great.
Have we done a 2 or 3 lap race in a while? Hotlaps are getting a bit old for me at the moment, and I think it might be neat to see something different. Maybe a Grand Valley race?
I think two laps should be used, since then you have to prove your consistency over a two lap period, rather than fluking off one hot lap to claim the crown.

lets av it.
Thinking in the future towards GT4, probably end of March when everyone has a copy and a couple weeks to play. Not sure if you plan on making the switch or if you plan on running "WRS 3" and "WRS 4" simultaneously.

Autumn Ring Mini, in well..... a mini or some other small car (lots of fun in AE86)
Tsukba for faster cars, but it's a fairly simple course.
Grand Valley East, haven't raced this one yet but saw a friend do it and it looks pretty cool.

Had a blast racing hte Opel speedster on Infineon (probably my favourite car/track combo so far)

Moderately challenging
El Capitain

very challenging race (at least for me)
Opera Paris
The WRS is going to make a full switch over to GT4.
Count on it.

Well that's another story.
I have to get the game and then play it enough to become familiar with it.

However, during that time I will keep everyone posted on my progress (since that will be the main time basis for the switch).

I will also keep the wrs running on gt3 until it is time to make the switch.

So yeah... Gt4 👍
But it's not here so please don't waste such quality post on suggestions for a game that isn't even out yet. ;)
But it's not here so please don't waste such quality post on suggestions for a game that isn't even out yet. ;)

Yea yea yea, I'm too excited I guess, going to my friend's house again to play it this weekend.

As for GT3, I just had a thought since you wanted quality. With everyone wanting multiple lap races, how about a 5 lap race, T2 tires. Allows for some stradegy with the pits.

Do I go to the pits, or run it on red tires and take the 2 second hit?

Like someone else said about the One Lucky Lap, this will get rid of that. If you could get 5 lucky laps in a row, it probably wouldn't count as luck anymore.
5 laps huh?
Better get off of the T2s then. :lol:

Multi-lap racing does indeed stress consistancy.

Points all taken and I'm sure you will all be happy with next week's run.
Then again, not all of you since not everyone is posting in here.
But all of you posting in this forum will be happy. :D :lol:
The WRS is going to make a full switch over to GT4.
Count on it.

Well that's another story.
I have to get the game and then play it enough to become familiar with it.

However, during that time I will keep everyone posted on my progress (since that will be the main time basis for the switch).

I will also keep the wrs running on gt3 until it is time to make the switch.

So yeah... Gt4 👍
But it's not here so please don't waste such quality post on suggestions for a game that isn't even out yet. ;)

Ok Kents but then there's another problem:

1.Not all of these people will have GT4 directly(I think)
2.Some people won't be far enough in the game to compete in some events.

But yeah it would be great, GT4 WRS 👍

* EDIT *: I would wait a month or two after the release of GT4 to switch.
Why? Because the release dates are different in America then here in Europe

and its normally last in Australia :(.

but im all for GT4 WRS, im sure it wont take us long to unlock the things needed. and im gettin a DFP with GT4, so you guys better watch out :sly:.

i really like this week kent 👍 lots of fun and isnt too hard to get clean / fast lap. Lookin forward to next week.

i dont mind mulitple lap races, though its a lot more difficult, and the car needs to be better than the ai cars otherwise its just stupid. I remeber doin a 2 lap race at midfield II in a mecedes race car way back when, lots of fun.
Not to worry fellas. 👍

The gt4 switch will not occur immediately.
In fact, it will only come once I feel that there has been ample time to unlock atleast some of the game's content.

There will also be hold ups because of something that the gtp is going to do once gt4 is out... A database. :D

That's right, the GTP is going to create a times database!

So on that note it should be mentioned that I am the most active and possibley the chief on-line racing moderator.

With that being the case, I have been charged with working on and creating the design elements of that database.

I figure that between working on the database and conquering GT4 there will be enough time for all of us to get to work on gt4 and unlock enough that competition will be possible.

Whatever the case, I will surely be patient about making the switch.

No rushing here. :sly:

btw, thanks for all the comments regarding this week's race as well as all the suggestions regarding what next week should be. 👍

Now in conclusion...
not to be an arse, but let's try to leave gt4 out of the wrs for now. ;)
We still have great racing to do and wk104 is nearly here.

So get the party favors ready because week 104 should be an interesting week to say the least. ;)

btw, I don't think I mentioned it...
yesterday I went through all of the previous weeks in the wrs archive to see my personal stats.

Total Submited Races: 57
Total Podiums: 28
Total Wins: 7
(D1) Wins: 4
(D1) Podiums: 22

Lots of racing there. :D
I think I may have the most submitted times of all the people in the series!
Fitting since I'm the mod. ;) :lol:
(That is, if I am the most active racer lol)
Total Submited Races: 57
Total Podiums: 28
Total Wins: 7
(D1) Wins: 4
(D1) Podiums: 22

Lots of racing there. :D
I think I may have the most submitted times of all the people in the series!
Fitting since I'm the mod. ;) :lol:
(That is, if I am the most active racer lol)

Thanks for the credit Pink. :D

Now regarding next week. ...

I've got something in mind but I wanted to come in and warn you all. ;)

It's going to be a hard week's race.

However, I am sure you all will be able to enjoy it. :mischievous:
Thanks for the credit Pink. :D

Now regarding next week. ...

I've got something in mind but I wanted to come in and warn you all. ;)

It's going to be a hard week's race.

However, I am sure you all will be able to enjoy it. :mischievous:

Oh yeah, but it's not going to be an FF race is it? 👎 :grumpy: :ouch: :dunce: :crazy: :ill: :yuck:

(I hate FF cars 👎 )