Synd1cate gt5 drifting organization

  • Thread starter KITslyd3r
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It is actually a rule to type in proper English with full grammar on here ?

Basically yes. I mean pretty much we can't make huge run on sentences. Specially can't text speak (as in U instead of you. Or ur instead of you're or your). And what he listed in the quote above too.
^^ I dont think that was necessary, and you need to type in full complete English.
See this is the crap I was talking about this quote was directed at proshooter and the mod's deleted proshooter's quote that was after mine. This is the mod's fault for not deleting spanks quote to so it looks like he's talking to me and door2door they set you up to say something stupid tada. Like I said stay off of here unless you absolutely need to address team matters only. Sorry to the members who are not on the roster geno is slacking.👍
Thank you buddy try not to look at it. :sly:👍

Just wish it had different initials so they don't confuse your little group with the real KDFA group.
Just wish it had different initials so they don't confuse your little group with the real KDFA group.

I am pretty sure they won't confuse it spank cause K.D.F.A. is a real life group not a bunch of gt5 alliances anyways.💡👍
I am pretty sure they won't confuse it spank cause K.D.F.A. is a real life group not a bunch of gt5 alliances anyways.💡👍

KDF is a real life group. KDFA was created by me on gtp. To bring together the members who drift purely for the fun.
It is actually a rule to type in proper English with full grammar on here ?

Yes, is that too much to ask? Grade 7 English don't fail me now!

In all seriousness though, the reason the staff of GTP ask that everyone use proper grammar is the same reason they ask everyone to use English, and not German, Japanese, Spanish, or any other that everyone can understand what is being said. GTP is an international site, frequented by people who speak all different languages. It can be very difficult for people who speak English as a second language to understand text-speak.

On another note....Overtaker, perhaps you could have a word with Kayce about her conduct in public lobbies. Deliberately drifting a section in the opposite direction from everyone else in the lobby, repeatedly smashing into 3, 4, and 5 car drift trains, and then having the nerve to blame those in the train for the collision (..."it's called a suicide drift! It's your fault you can't get out of the way, noob!"...) is not a good look for SYN-D1.

Kayce, until you grow up, don't bother showing your face in any NEMESIS rooms, as we don't tolerate that kind of childish, selfish behavior.

Anyways, hope to get sideways with you again soon Overtaker, maybe at NS? That SSR is goin' down...I joke I joke :P. and what's Geno's new PSN? I need to do some Aristo driftin with him!!
Yeah twitch I heard a few things about her I will handle it next time pm me I don't need that on my thread thanks for giving me the heads up though. As for geno his ps3 broke again but he said he just got another so not sure when he will be on again. I mean as you can see we have enough problems on here we dont need anymore see you guys thursday. Slick you know it's breadcrumbs for life!:dopey:👍
Breadcrumbs :lol:

Cheese and crackers yo!


Not me. Obviously.
I guess its more fun to play dumb these days than to just take the hint and move along.

At what point did I present a sarcastic remark ?

Shall i go on? Anyway sorry over; have your thread back.
Shall i go on? Anyway sorry over; have your thread back.

That wasnt sarcasm.

Breadcrumbs is code to get on COD and kill fools.

That meme is called "annoying childhood friend" thats how I really picture the people that like to add in 2 cents and be annoying.

The only person trying to be sarcastic is you.
Talkn' bout cheese and crackers, you aint even know whats going on.
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Wow no more hacked cars I don't know about you guys but I did like a few of my stupid hacks. As for modified cars I am for it as long as horsepower is respectable and cars are not to light and no downforce or grip multiplier. Truthfully I am greatfull that we all have to run no hacks but I have been using the ssr and gto for 4 or 5 years on gt5 and those are my favorite rides but you can only take it so far with a normal car.Thats what this game has been missing motor swaps and thats why alot of people switched to forza but chassis swaps and grippy tires and all the other crap was just ridiculously overkill. So I was glad to experience the true potential of gt5 for the little time we had but as for the new update pretty much took all my interests outta gt5 now it's the same game I have played from day 1 and I will wait for gt6 and hope it offers more then gt5 which I am positive it will but please give me a cts-v for god sakes wagon or coupe I don't care. As for all the cool cats I chill with on here it is time to make breadcrumbs on black ops add campinaSscracka and we can kill fools I will be on gt5 when I feel like being bored again lol peace everyone.:cheers::cheers:
Well black ops 2 is getting boring to. So I am back on gt5. So wake up gt5 its a even battlefield so were are all the battles? I see dori unit shut down darn.:sly:👍 Well peace out home slices.
Well black ops 2 is getting boring to. So I am back on gt5. So wake up gt5 its a even battlefield so were are all the battles? I see dori unit shut down darn.:sly:👍 Well peace out home slices.

You need BF3 it kicks black ops butt.
YOOO its me grand-drift-0251 do you still know me i will be more online so get sideways togheter add me then !!!:D
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