That's it. I'm now officially done with GT7

  • Thread starter mattikake
When GT Sport was the latest GT game, someone commented on here that it wasn't a true GT game. I asked them what it needed to make it a true GT game, and two of the things they mentioned were dynamic weather and tuning. GT7 adds both those things, which that particular poster saw as defining features required to make it a true GT game, so I don't think it can be seen as just a clone of GT Sport when it adds features that some people attach so much importance to. The new tracks are pretty significant, too, I think people underestimate how much work it takes to create those.
He's simply wrong about what makes GT Sport not a true GT game. Firstly Sport has tuning, second, dynamic weather wasn't a feature in all past GT games. Yet some of those were true GT games. He's wrong on both.

GT Sport isn't widely accepted as a mainline GT game. GT7 is, yet however GT7 does not feel like a very deeply satisfiying game like GT4 or GT2... in their day...

What makes GT Sport not a true GT game? Well anyone can say it's missing X
What makes GT7 a true GT game? I could say because it has X
Are both these games true GT games? A lot of people would have mixed opinions, but for GT7 it's mainly yes or no..
Is GT7 or Sport True GT games? That's complicated questions...For me GT7 is not a true GT game, yet. It was released unfinished, and one day it will be complete, then I'll play it and be able to tell you if GT7 is a true GT game or not, as of now? No. Seems like it's got big shoes to fill and hasn't done it yet, though it's aspirations are high, it seems.
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I enjoy GT7 for what it is... I like the features that I had enjoyed in the previous game although built differently... the single player aspect of the game is back but they put it in the cafe books instead... the dynamic weather is cool but also can be annoying when I'm playing Lemans lol... I like the graphics a lot and I enjoy driving the cars... a lot of the stuff in the game is realistic like the interiors of the cars...It has been a slow process but I appreciate the new DLC tracks and cars they have been releasing even though its once a month

bad stuff about the game is a lot...the micro transactions and the overcharging of cars and tuning in general is just ridiculous... theres like only 3-4 races to make some serious money which you have to grind over and over instead of making a lot more races with similar payouts...this makes grinding even more repetitive... owning all the expensive cars feels like a waste because you cant drive it anywhere unless in arcade or custom race...still no option to sell cars even though they promised it...also theres a lack of newer cars I'm talking about that are from 5 years ago... it would be better with those cars instead of the vgt ones even though I enjoy them lmao...but just saying for new dlc cars I hope its anything but vgt since we got enough cars anyway
I'm not sure if tuning was the word he used, it may have been upgrades, those were in the first GT game but not GTS, and have returned in GT7.
GTS has most of the tuning of old games with some exceptions. In GTS you can change settings,, with some exceptions being you can't buy individual upgrade parts or move ballast. But you use mileage points to "upgrade" the car's overall performance in 5 stages in weight reduction and engine upgrades. You can change brake balance but can't install beefier brakes. Likewise, tuning of suspension, transmission and differential values is possible just like all other GT games but the difference is you can't buy more specific parts like a 3 plate clutch, so shift times are bad on most road cars when upgraded. Whereas in other GT games you could reduce shift times.
Just realised I haven't played GT7 for a over a month. I've loaded it to get updates, looked in lobbies or offline races maybe but always gone "nah", never entered a race and loaded GTS or done some housework. Even the heavily bugged PC2 I was still playing by this time, maybe because despite the bugs it still kind of worked enough. It's not just a principled refusal to play, it's total.

There's still no fix and to my knowledge, still not even an acknowledgement of these game-killing issues.

I bought a GT DD Pro in advance of the launch too. I feel like I've been scammed into supporting the games industry.
Just realised I haven't played GT7 for a over a month. I've loaded it to get updates, looked in lobbies or offline races maybe but always gone "nah", never entered a race and loaded GTS or done some housework. Even the heavily bugged PC2 I was still playing by this time, maybe because despite the bugs it still kind of worked enough. It's not just a principled refusal to play, it's total.

There's still no fix and to my knowledge, still not even an acknowledgement of these game-killing issues.

I bought a GT DD Pro in advance of the launch too. I feel like I've been scammed into supporting the games industry.

Are you using your DD Pro for other games, or considering selling it? I notice on ebay, used, they're commanding close to RRP due to there being no new stock.
Just realised I haven't played GT7 for a over a month. I've loaded it to get updates, looked in lobbies or offline races maybe but always gone "nah", never entered a race and loaded GTS or done some housework. Even the heavily bugged PC2 I was still playing by this time, maybe because despite the bugs it still kind of worked enough. It's not just a principled refusal to play, it's total.

There's still no fix and to my knowledge, still not even an acknowledgement of these game-killing issues.

I bought a GT DD Pro in advance of the launch too. I feel like I've been scammed into supporting the games industry.
I like AC more than PC2, even in it's vanilla, PS4 form. The only thing I don't like about it is that the car list is lesser than PC2.

Been a week since I stopped playing GT7, shame because the driving feels better than ever for a GT game but I just couldn't push myself to play it (even for daily marathon) anymore.
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Yeah got by rig setup as AC was dying out. Not a fan of GT3 cars so ACC doesn't attract me, but damn am I looking forward to AC2. Please Kunos save us (again). If that doesn't do it then it will be time to bite the bullet and enter the expensive world of iracing... Sony have rone nothing to earn loyalty from me.

All communities I'm in are still playing GTS for league racing. The tracks and cars are getting boring though. Kind of answers @B80 's question too.
Yeah got by rig setup as AC was dying out. Not a fan of GT3 cars so ACC doesn't attract me, but damn am I looking forward to AC2. Please Kunos save us (again). If that doesn't do it then it will be time to bite the bullet and enter the expensive world of iracing... Sony have rone nothing to earn loyalty from me.
Oh yeah, although the trailer for 1.8 update makes me want to try it. Shame the update only available on next gen. Hopefully AC2 improves on everything.
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Yeah got by rig setup as AC was dying out. Not a fan of GT3 cars so ACC doesn't attract me, but damn am I looking forward to AC2. Please Kunos save us (again). If that doesn't do it then it will be time to bite the bullet and enter the expensive world of iracing... Sony have rone nothing to earn loyalty from me.

All communities I'm in are still playing GTS for league racing. The tracks and cars are getting boring though. Kind of answers @B80 's question too.
AC2 projected release date is 2024, so a long way off yet...

I looked into iRacing a few months back when going down the sim racing rabbit hole. Impression I got was its not 'overly' expensive in scheme of things, as you don;t have to buy every car, track etc. No doubt many who are really into it purely play that and nothing else. Don;t need a particularly powerful pc either, like you do with ACC.

IIRC 2k USD was mentioned if you want to buy every single asset in the game, can;t recall if that factored in monthly sub fee for x amount of time too.
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Yeah I used to do PC gaming. I even skipped the ps3 because of that but returned to console because I got sick of continually upgrading pc's to keep up and the perpetual fixing of issues. But I've been looking at reasonable spec gaming laptops/desktops and they aren't that much more than ps5's atm...

All the communities I'm in are on ps as well of course.

But the most annoying thing [with the failure of gt7] is the gt games are easy to play which means you get much closer and more consistent racing. The full sims tend to spread the fields out and races are often resolved by mistakes, ime.
Yeah I used to do PC gaming. I even skipped the ps3 because of that but returned to console because I got sick of continually upgrading pc's to keep up and the perpetual fixing of issues. But I've been looking at reasonable spec gaming laptops/desktops and they aren't that much more than ps5's atm...

All the communities I'm in are on ps as well of course.

But the most annoying thing [with the failure of gt7] is the gt games are easy to play which means you get much closer and more consistent racing. The full sims tend to spread the fields out and races are often resolved by mistakes, ime.

Oh really. Can imagine that spoils buzz/excitement a bit if they turn in processions. I have decent spec pc (well very 64gb ram, i9 extreme proc, but rubbish gpu, as it was bought for business purposes initially, so considered getting 3xxx card few months back). Just can;t be bothered gaming on it, moving wheel around all the time, sat here for work a lot, so will spend half my waking life sat at the pc :D. Something nice about sitting on couch, or in front of main tv with the wheel. Little things that add up to make console gaming much more appealing. May have been different if I was gaming pre covid, where I was basically sat at my pc for work and then additional business for large parts of the day/night for 2 years through covid... Plus my pc usually blue screens each day and I think its due to the psu tbh, but I'm too lazy to confirm for sure, after ruling out other things. Can live with BSOD for work, but would be annoying for gaming, particularly if online.

I know pc gaming is much more plugnplay, stable compared to previous years, but still involves p1ssing around with settings more than on console if you want to optimize for your setup and/or have ocd :D. The overall console 'package' for gaming much more appealing all things considered.

Iwas looking at vr for pc, but will hang on for the new psvr2 I think. VR will be biggest game changer for a long long time. Can;t wait, I expect/hope it will take things to whole new level of immersion/enjoyment.
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i uninstalled this game after the first car update, and thought about reinstalling so i came on here to see whats new and good with it, only to see that the game seems to be p much the same as 7 months ago; and they had the nerve to ask us to be patient lol
i uninstalled this game after the first car update, and thought about reinstalling so i came on here to see whats new and good with it, only to see that the game seems to be p much the same as 7 months ago; and they had the nerve to ask us to be patient lol

I guess we're not patient enough!
I paid $15 for PC2. Couldn't be happier.
:cheers: i just got PC3 for £12 and feel the same way m8 i know it's not great but it's fun

I was in at the start for pc1 invested £40 for early access and made back £120 on release adding up all the dlc for 1 & 2 i paid for plus £12 for 3 it's been a pretty good deal 😎
Even sport mode for Gt7 feels empty at least GT sport had 20 players even if 4 leave you have like 16 people racing while in GT7 it falls down to 7 to 9.
Even sport mode for Gt7 feels empty at least GT sport had 20 players even if 4 leave you have like 16 people racing while in GT7 it falls down to 7 to 9.
Yeah I don't really understand this either, I was expecting the numbers to go up not down... In my wildest dreams we'd have had 32 car lobbies, but at the very least to go up to 24. If they wanted instead to provide a solid, smoother experience for 20 then great but they haven't even been able to do that, to match the previous game! Even in WS races it's gone down to 16 for the most part.

There are no major advancements in Sport mode, it's not like we have dynamic weather or even day night cycles anymore (at least we had a taste of this at launch) so it's not like it's needing to do more and is therefore limited, I really don't get why we're getting a lesser experience than the previous title.
Yeah I don't really understand this either, I was expecting the numbers to go up not down... In my wildest dreams we'd have had 32 car lobbies, but at the very least to go up to 24. If they wanted instead to provide a solid, smoother experience for 20 then great but they haven't even been able to do that, to match the previous game! Even in WS races it's gone down to 16 for the most part.

There are no major advancements in Sport mode, it's not like we have dynamic weather or even day night cycles anymore (at least we had a taste of this at launch) so it's not like it's needing to do more and is therefore limited, I really don't get why we're getting a lesser experience than the previous title.
Yep. Not using the dynamic weather and time for dailies is a miss of humongous proportions, even more so considering people were complaining the dailies were getting boring. Why did they even add this feature if they're not going to use it? At least set it to random and let the algorithms decide. No two races are the same irl so why is it here?

I honestly don't think the head is connected to the body at PD.
Talk about being done with gt7, I'm officially calling it quits with GTS, I'm not plying it anymore for a long while, I've only gotten 2 wins out of a mere 276 races, go look on Kudosprime and enter my username to find out my stats/progress. It is: rising_glass1.

I don't blame people wanting to ragequit cause they get frustrated in a online race, I'm sick of being in a good position and then when I try to brake/turn someone runs into the back of me which causes me to run off course or run into the wall. It makes me ill cause it destroys the hard work I put into getting in 1st-4th and then that happens half the time which drops me to 7-12th usually. Annoying as hell!
Talk about being done with gt7, I'm officially calling it quits with GTS, I'm not plying it anymore for a long while, I've only gotten 2 wins out of a mere 276 races, go look on Kudosprime and enter my username to find out my stats/progress. It is: rising_glass1.

I don't blame people wanting to ragequit cause they get frustrated in a online race, I'm sick of being in a good position and then when I try to brake/turn someone runs into the back of me which causes me to run off course or run into the wall. It makes me ill cause it destroys the hard work I put into getting in 1st-4th and then that happens half the time which drops me to 7-12th usually. Annoying as hell!
Carlos Sainz will rage quit after last weekend race, he got pole position and..., so frustating for him, since he learned to walk that he is driving, laps after laps for countless years, no roullet luck either, he must drive the same car every weekend and now this, he got murdered in T1 and we are talking about F1, bunch of amauters they are...
Same for Alonso in a straight line got blocked and almost died, both of them will not race anymore...

Gt7 really miss in so many things XD
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I'm sick of being in a good position and then when I try to brake/turn someone runs into the back of me which causes me to run off course or run into the wall.
There are ways you can minimise the risk of this happening, FWIMBW.

One "method" is to learn to finesse your braking to be as late and light as possible, thereby carrying more speed into turns than the driver right behind you. Chances are that if he's not skilled-enough to avoid ramming you, he also won't attempt to go into a turn as fast as you.
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