The AAWS (finished)

  • Thread starter IfAndOr


Still here.
The All American World Series.
The AAWS.jpg

In this championship we'll be taking 2 of the USA's iconic race car series out from their usual haunts and on a tour of the worlds racetracks. ( Yes other countries do exist :) )

We will be starting off each evening in the Ford Fusion stock car with a 10 minute qualification period followed by a 20 minute race with a rolling start.
The Ford is quite a heavy beast to throw around racetracks but is actually quite capable and pretty fun when you get to grips with it. I'd suggest using the stable circuit setup, the others can be a bit wayward. Remember to brake early, it's a hefty machine but still very fast.

Following on from the stockcar we'll be moving on to the Dallara IR-12 Indycar. This is a bit different(!) so there'll be another 10 minute qualification session to get used to the change of car followed this time by a longer 30 minute race with a standing start.
You'll find there are 4 versions of the Dallara to pick from. As shown in the above picture, use either of the 2 road course models, not the oval/speedway models. The Chevrolet and Honda versions I find are very similar, try them both and pick your favourite. Either of them has huge amounts of downforce so sticks to the road very well. They also have a KERS boost system. It's a limited one though and doesn't regenerate. You only have 10 goes at it, however each burst does last for a good amount of time. Use it wisely.

All told it should be about 90 minutes in length.

The Stockcar races will be held in fine weather. There might be some cloud cover on occasions but nothing to extreme. A morning setting will be used.
The Indycar races will be set in the afternoon and will be a little different to usual in that I'm going to try the game's random weather feature. It's a 30 min race and the weather speed will be set to x2 so that means there might be a change of weather just towards the end of the race - or there might not be. So there could be rain/snow/thunder/blizzard/etc, or it could also remain fine. Whatever the change is it will only be for a short while and will not come on abruptly. There might be a pitstop required if it begins to get wet. The Indy's tyres do wear down quite quickly anyway.

One other thing that is new... I think I'm going to enable tuning! This is really only because both cars, especially the Dallara, have quite low gearing, they will hit the rev limiter on long straights. The main thing I'd like everyone to adjust is the final drive ratio - it needs dropping one notch. Other things can of course be tweaked when enabled but I'd prefer everyone to refrain from tinkering too much. Make it about the driving not the mechanic-ing.
We'll discuss this during the test meeting.

ABS and TC allowed if needed. (TC useful in the stockcar)
Standing starts.
Damage will be Visual only.
Penalties - ON
Track limits - ON (Probably)
Drive Through Penalties - Off
Pit Exit Penalty - On

Tyre wear etc. - ON
Mechanical damage - ON
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Track list.

Week 1 - CotA
(GP layout)
Week 2 - Zhuhai
Week 3 - Barcelona
Week 4 - Monza
Week 5 - Nürbergring
Week 6 - Algarve
Week 7 - Le Man's Bugatti

Week 8 - Silverstone

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I'll be there Paul. i wasn't sure if I'd driven the Stockcars in Pcars, but now I'm confident that I hadn't; I'm sure I would have remembered. They're ACE!

I do agree about the handling setup, mind. Loose is a fantastic challenge when driving on a clear track, but I would find racing among others much more comfortable in stable I think.
(Stockcars) They're ACE!
I don't think I'd spent much time with them myself, they were quite a revelation. Loose is an aptly named setup in their case. They are certainly a bit different to the Indycars anyway.

I must remember tonight to ask about/test rolling starts, they might be more suitable. Oh and pitstops for the longer race.
After yesterday's bit of testing I've decided to begin the Stockcar races with a rolling start. The Indycars will be standing starts (unless this proves to be troublesome).

I'll do a bit more testing during the week and then post up any setup tweaks I've found useful.

I was considering a mandatory pitstop in the Indycars but with the tyre wear that they have I'll leave the choice of whether to pit up to everyone. You may need wets anyway.

Time of year will probably be set to summer. That way if the random weather decides to throw a blizzard at us it won't be quite so impactful!

Oh and I'll get the track list sorted out too.
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I think I heard mention of Spa being on the list of possible tracks in this series?

If it is, it gets a thumbs up from me. It really highlights the weaknesses of the Stockcars, and makes every completed lap something to celebrate. Woohoo!
I think I heard mention of Spa being on the list of possible tracks in this series?
Hard luck, you heard wrongly. 😉

I haven't finalised the list yet, it depends on how popular the cars are on how many circuits we visit.
But next Monday I think we'll start off in the USA at the Circuit of the Americas - CotA. Full GP layout for both cars.

We haven't used CotA lately. I know the Indys get around it okay. I've not tried the Stockcar yet.
his track choice is provocative.
How do you know about my Stockcars around the kart tracks plan? 😀
Ok they won't be wide enough to overtake on and you may have to do a 3 point turn to get around some of the corners, but they are just minor problems.

Good to see you and your internet are back Mr @xeronima. Good to see the caravan gone. 👍
Would be good to have it on for COTA, even though I am likely to fall foul of it.
I'm glad you mentioned that because I had been undecided since it is a tricky track. I'll leave track limits on. And then blame you if anyone moans. 😉

I have been making a few tweaks to both cars, mainly to the Stockcar though. I was going to write them down on here but it's easier to share them on Monday if anyone wants to try them out. I'll try to open a lobby early to do this.
I've tried the Stock car for a few laps today and only switched on SC. That seemed to calm it down enough and stopped the low speed oversteer issue.
Yes Napalm, setups are allowed in this series.

a very quick recap

Race 1 - Did a fantastic lap in quali and was very happy with my setup only to realize with horror (slight exageration lol) that I forgot to add fuel for the race. So I lead until pitting (midrace) and after that I got to fight Napalm and Simon (we were 5th, 6th and 7th). Spun in corner 1 last lap so lost to both (although got classified as 6th in the end due to a 30-second penalty Simon got for some unexplainable reason)

Race 2 - Managed 2nd on the grid and for the first part of the race just watched race leader @half_sourly pulling a gap on me. Come the last 15 minutes that gap started to shrink, I wasn't sure why, but all became clear in the end when half was (i think) the only one that didn't stop for fuel. In any case it was a very brave decision from him because the circuit became fully wet for that last lap, but it paid off, congratulations! As for me I ended as I started ... 2nd, which isn't nothing to cry about! :D

See you all next monday! :cheers:
Yes Napalm, setups are allowed in this series.
That means I got wrong Paul's message:
I think I'm going to enable tuning! This is really only because both cars, especially the Dallara, have quite low gearing, they will hit the rev limiter on long straights. The main thing I'd like everyone to adjust is the final drive ratio - it needs dropping one notch. Other things can of course be tweaked when enabled but I'd prefer everyone to refrain from tinkering too much. Make it about the driving not the mechanic-ing.

Acctually it doesn't matter because I am noob at setups and will use default settings anyway.
because I am noob at setups
Oh me too. I'm not changing very much because I'd probably make things worse. For the Dallara all I've done is lower the final drive plus adjust the brake balance and pressure to my liking. The downforce I'll probably tweak for each circuit. On the Ford I've done much the same plus also had a go at changing the diff settings to help it turn.
Default will also work for both, it's just that on circuits with long fast sections they will be rev limited.
Track list - To follow

Week 1 - CotA (GP layout)
Week 2 - Zhuhai
Week 3 - Barcelona
Week 4 - Monza
Week 5 - Nürbergring
Week 6 - Algarve
Week 7 - Le Man's Bugatti

Week 8 - Silverstone
Sorry Paul that I didn't show up last race (through work) and next monday it's the same story, hpope to see you all in two weeks !
Greetz Don.
Brief recap
Race one never got to terms with the stock car
Race two flying start and no Kers during qualification. Had a few spins over heated the tires and couldn't cool them again do ended up retiring. Don't understand that I had fastest lap. There's at least three seconds more in that indycar really loved it even if it's the first time I drove it

Noted that the lack of a screen to the projector made distance judgement very difficult but the screen should arrive tomorrow. And not to self. Fix the pedals to the på playseat so they don't run away from me and i have to pull them back every few minutes.
It was great to be back online
And note to self. Fix the pedals
I saw your image over on PSN and thought "He's going to have trouble with those pedals". 🙂

You'd probably need to change the FOV in the game's settings to suit the projector image. But since you're going a screen, don't bother.

The Ford does take some getting used to. Hopefully at Barcelona next week it'll be better since that circuit has a better flow and fewer slow corners to brake for. It doesn't like stopping!

It was great to be back online
Your connection was better than mine. I'm not sure what's going on with that. I thought I'd fixed it, I managed to complete the restarted 1st race without problems but then DC'd during the 2nd. Perhaps that was the game though. I might have another tweak in the router's settings but I can't test it again until next week's meeting.

I wonder how long they'll keep the online services going for PC2 now it's been delisted (and SMS has been disbanded).
I wonder how long they'll keep the online services going for PC2 now it's been delisted (and SMS has been disbanded).
I sure hope they'll keep it alive. Ultimately that's why I've got a psplus subscription 😂

The wall has too much texture. So the picture is very unclear when you're focusing. I'll be looking forward to trying in the weekend when there's a screen.

And I've gotten an idea for the pedals. Hopefully that'll work
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