The Big: (Sim)Racing Gloves thread

  • Thread starter LogiForce
Added Fast Track Sims to the OP.
Btw, mhl0521. You have a typo in your website link. ;)
I'd love to review those gloves and shoes for sometime.
Wow, I never realized the difficulties you have to go threw for an order and I thought we had it bad in Canada. Apologies to you Coxis

No reason to apologize. :)

It sucks but I guess I could have it worse. At least I get to get new toys every once in a while. :dopey:
i feel your pain coxis (seems we are on the same city on mexico). i will send my sim shopping to an uncle in california and wait for him to send it here to gdl in mexico...

but well..., as you said, could be worse: no toys at all
Epic thread revival inbound...

You forgot neoprene (material) fishing (sport) gloves. :)

Was the revival only for that? :sly:

OP edited with the suggestions. :)
Blame wikipedia for the lack of said things (stole it from them). lol

So are the peeps that bought gloves still using them?
I am using them sometimes, but I really need to wash mine cause of sweat. Unfortunately my Sparco's need to go to the pro-cleaners. :yuck:
I have some traditional leather driving gloves - perforated black leather palms with beige net cloth tops - the sort that guys used to drive old sports cars with thin wooden rimmed steering wheels. The leather works well with a T500RS, but I only wore them for the endurance races in GT5 as my thumbs were getting sore.
I always wear my Mechanix gloves with the CSW, I think it's a must. I've cleaned the wheel rims 3/4 times since new with suede protector, just to keep them looking their best
What about an over-glove? To protect the finish of the gloves, while maintaining the finish of the steering wheel. And maybe some pedal pad sleeves and seat liners and sealed sleeves for the original packaging, receipts, manuals and printed invoices, emails, and forum posts? J/K just use the stuff, no need to keep it in museum quality IMO. Normal care and occasional cleaning is just fine. Alcantara can be redone too if it ever gets damaged. I also like a nice patina on wood floors and metal surfaces.
I'm not sure what type my gloves are... But they're red. My parents laugh at me, every time I use them.

I'll get a picture up, tomorrow.
What about an over-glove? To protect the finish of the gloves, while maintaining the finish of the steering wheel. And maybe some pedal pad sleeves and seat liners and sealed sleeves for the original packaging, receipts, manuals and printed invoices, emails, and forum posts? J/K just use the stuff, no need to keep it in museum quality IMO. Normal care and occasional cleaning is just fine. Alcantara can be redone too if it ever gets damaged. I also like a nice patina on wood floors and metal surfaces.

The sarcasm is really uncalled for.
I paid a lot of money for my equipment as did a lot of others so looking after it is normal. The same way we clean and tidy our homes, some call it common sense. Look after your belonging and they will hopefully last a bit longer.
If you don't like the thread or the opinions of those contributing, read something else
That Mark, plus some of us have a different sense of value and thus treat their equipment differently. Or they just have a more caring nature for other people and equipment in general.

*shrugs* this topic has been saddened by such remarks since the beginning unfortunately, but what can you do? People are individuals with their own opinions and values. So there will always be conflict of these opinions and values if they differ enough, which is like black and white on this topic with hardly a grey area.
I suppose we are dealing with three things here: feel, aesthetics and longevity. I don't think that gloves would improve feel for me in any way, but I wouldn't like my alcantara to get too skanky, or not live long enough to tide me over to an inevitable wheel upgrade. So far have never used gloves.

Suitable shoes are totally different for me in that they do improve immersive feel over socks and tactile feel over less appropriate shoes. A pair bought exclusively for the purpose can help in keeping gear a touch cleaner as well. I paid about $6 for a pair, provisos being that they needed very little distraction between pedal and foot, with good pliability, and made of a material that would not collect dust and the like.

I do not begrudge anyone that feels that having a "special" name on them improves immersion, but that is no incentive for me personally. If I was to use gloves I would expect to be able to find some carpenter's gloves or something that would do the job. I would feel a little silly to be honest though.
Strange ...I wear gloves and do not feel strange at all. Its to prolong the life of the leather on the G27 and because my hands get sweaty in the excitement. Still, I do not feel strange ...nor weird in any way even when people see me ...and they do! I guess its an individual thing ...I know I have worn far worse things in my time!
I am forever torn between wanting to keep the Alcontera from mucking up with grease by wearing my gloves, and at the same time not wanting to wear gloves because I don't get the sensation of that lovely soft supple Alcontera on my fingertips. On the other hand, wearing gloves increases immersion factor a little more for me so that is the tie-braker. Gloves on for me
I just found this video (although a bit of a commercial) that was talking about what wheel you use for what purpose.
Here the guy especially mentions time and time again that the thinner suede (and thus also alcantara) wheels are for glove usage, while the thicker grip leather ones for bear hand usage.

Maybe something to consider when making and buying wheels/rims for ourselves in the future?

Nice videos Christiaan :)

Because i have received a new BMW rim last week, i'm going to try using gloves again. I did not see any difference between my (3 months old) used wheel and the replacement i received, but when you do see the difference, it's too late.

I have already tried the "big" racing gloves and i just don't like losing all the feeling of the wheel.

This time i bought some (medical) coton gloves at the local Pharmacy.
They feel pretty comfy and also give a very good "button feel"


Still i couldn't help feeling a bit like Michael Jackson when i tried them out the first time. :D LOL

Like Lemansfanatic i'm also torn between protecting my wheelrim and feeling the soft alcontara on my hands.
Im using Sparco Land gloves, they are really good. Dosnt get to warm or get super sweaty, also have a nice feel and touch on the Wheel too.

+ They makes me look and feel like a real race car driver :P
Btw: im not waring a helmet or use my sparco pit lane shoes on the sim, only gloves are needed.
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Take a look at these Henk. I use the original vent glove and they feel great they don't feel big at all. Must add although Latte's sparco gloves were a little tight on me I really liked his too.
My BMW rim does have signs of wear around 3 and 9 and o'clock where your thumbs sit, and I've always used gloves
I'm using bicycle gloves, those for racing in MTB class and Cross Country races, they are very comfortable, breathable and cheap.

Ill recommend

Cannondale Classic Long Finger Glove, they are really comfortable and just fantastic, but only flaw is that they are quickly scrap / destroy. So if you want to use them for a long time just buy like 5 pairs or more, Because after 6 months of hardcore racing they are gone. So it's going to be hard to switch from those gloves to something else.


Another real great gloves are Endura Full Monty Glove. Just super comfortable and last longer than cannondale gloves but less comfortable than cannondale's especially when you want to switch from something you already used to. But once your hands get use to them then it's real pleasure to race in those.

Take a look at these Henk. I use the original vent glove and they feel great they don't feel big at all. Must add although Latte's sparco gloves were a little tight on me I really liked his too.
My BMW rim does have signs of wear around 3 and 9 and o'clock where your thumbs sit, and I've always used gloves

I really like the look of those. 👍

I'm a car mechanic myself, so i use mechanic gloves all day. Most mechanic gloves have extra grip added on the inside of the glove. This extra grip will eat away the alcantara on your rim.

I use a couple of them every time i have to lift the 46" tv's on my desk. With them it's very easy to pick up the tv, without them the tv very easy slips out of your hands.

Here's a picture of the mechanical gloves i use, next to the medical gloves i use right now.


Although the medical gloves don't have the look at all, they feel really soft and it's the thinnest glove possible (besides a rubber one), thus allowing maximum feel of the rim.
These one's I have are soft and thin almost like alcantara. I use similar one's that you use for work too.

Wouldn't dream of touching the alcantara with them lol
Thanks for the reply Mark.:)

I'm still not 100% sure that will keep using racing gloves, but if i will that's the kind of glove i'm looking for.
Great find Rodney,

Somehow i already knew this. I have cleaned my previous BMW rim a couple of times by rubbing it with a wet towel and drying it after with a dry towel. Making my BMW rim look like new over and over. :)