The Caterham Cup - FinishedPS4 

  • Thread starter IfAndOr
Hopefully @Skip7950 it'll carry on as normal and you won't notice any difference in your experience. But it's good to have something in place just in case we need it at any time. There never has been before. And it's useful for me to have a backup to my opinion, makes me feel less omnipotent. :P
So just go along if nothing has changed, because nothing has really. 👍

Sorry @Hun200kmh, we are not nearly as serious as this has been sounding. It's all about an hour or so of fun at the end of the day and we'll try and keep it that way. ;)
No worries Paul, I will just enjoy the experience and continue be as courteous to everyone as I can....meant no offense to you or Rich....I know you guys are fighting for championships, and of course us backmarkers are not. That is why I try to hold back at starts, and when not actually racing someone for a position, drive with map and mirror more to stay out of the front runner train as much as I can.
Looking forward to the Caterham series...really fun cars to drive in competition! Vroom, vroom!
meant no offense to you or Rich.
Absolutely none taken. Well not from me. Not sure about Rich since he lives in a shed and gets grumpy when it's cold. :D ;)

I know you guys are fighting for championships
Championship? I'm there just to enjoy myself. There's no prize. And if there was I'd have to send it to myself if I won it. I'd probably have to drive Andreas off track first though. But then I'd have to get Half to review it, then probably end up warning myself! :lol:

I'm looking forward to the Caterhams too. I think they'll be interesting. Especially around Bathurst - those walls seem very close!

*Note Guys. I forgot to mention (but Hun thankfully brought it up earlier) that you can make use of both ABS and Traction control if you think you need it. You just need to set it in the options. You don't have to but if you're having problems controlling any car you might as well have a good a race as you can. It might help in preventing a few accidents as well.

@AndreasR - I also keep forgetting to ask. Are you OK with posting the results up on the thread? There'll be 4 races most weeks. You probably don't need to include the 2 qualifying sessions.
Sorry @Hun200kmh, we are not nearly as serious as this has been sounding. It's all about an hour or so of fun at the end of the day and we'll try and keep it that way. ;)

I'm sure it'll be ok, especially because you all have been racing already. Some 12 years ago ( :crazy: ) I was in your shoes so I know there's a tricky balance to keep in these issues :). In the end all we want is to have fun and that won't be hard to achieve!

*Note Guys. I forgot to mention (but Hun thankfully brought it up earlier) that you can make use of both ABS and Traction control if you think you need it. You just need to set it in the options. You don't have to but if you're having problems controlling any car you might as well have a good a race as you can. It might help in preventing a few accidents as well.

Uh ... actually what I reported is that although I followed your setting, supposedly allowing ABS and TCS to both cars, still the game wouldn't let me activate neither driving aids. Again, I may have done something wrong and this will need a re-check, maybe by you or someone else.

Meanwhile, here another video from last night (this one I saved for a later viewing and today decided to share). It's the last 3 laps from a 15 minutes race. Online lobby but, no surprise there, other human players came and went so I was racing alone AIs at 65% (10% aggression). WIth this setting they lap at around 1.53, but the main problem is that they are very inconsistent, fast in places and slow in others. Anyway, it's better to race them then to be entirely alone hotlapping.

The only difference to the event's settings is that I didn't set a mandatory pitstop.

Brief account. After a miserable first few laps, filled with stupid mistakes, where my best lap so far was a 1.59 :ouch: I tried to get some composure and get back to some focus. The video starts with my last serious mistake (before lap 5 ends) and ends with race end, so you have 3 full laps (6, 7 and 8). My best lap by then was a 1.47 (somewhat more respectable).

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Championship? I'm there just to enjoy myself.
If you want to be my team mate, you'd better change that defeatist attitude buddy!

@Skip7950 I completely agree with your point of view by the way; I have a habit of sounding more serious than I am; just want to make sure that if we are doing it (and I don't think we need to, but am putting my hand up to help if we do), that there are some boundaries, so that it doesn't become a weekly review of 10 incidents; having to fwd and rew through footage means my whisky-hand is not free and that is not acceptable for any length of time. As @IfAndOr said, in practice almost definitely nothing will change.

Bring on the new series; should be a good one.
that I didn't set a mandatory pitstop.
That will only be for the 2 longer races at Bannochbrae and Bathurst. The rest are pitstop free. Of course you can always stop if you want to. :)

If you want to be my team mate, you'd better change that defeatist attitude buddy!
Oh yeah sorry. In the first races I'm just there to have some fun, in the 2nd two I'm deadly serious. Better?
*** There's one thing I've forgotten to mention. ***

The SP300 has a KERS function that gives an extra boost of power when active. It is, I think, the 1st car we've used that has this ability. You only get 10 "goes" of boost, it doesn't regenerate. So if you do use it, use it wisely.

To make use of it you need to map the function to a spare button (if you have one). You probably don't need lights, wipers or even the handbrake this series, so perhaps you could use those buttons.

I'll update the first post with this info.
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I don't quite know how you managed both John but...
Skip7950 - 620R Orange metallic ¦ 300SP #18

I don't mind if you both have the same but you might want to have another look. :)
Hey John,
If you really want the orange cars, I don't mind changing for you. Let me know...
@Skip7950 , why don't you go for the White/blue stripe Seven? Not saying this because we're team mates, but it is after all the iconic livery of one of the greatest american racers ever ;)

@John Wells Thank you for the kind heads up on that other series you guys race on.

Have to say I haven't played GTS for a very long time now but those S800 races sure seem like fun. And what's more you already have a portuguese guy racing there (what are the odds ... :cheers: ) However I'm not sure I can be a regular on wednesdays, but if it is possible to enter only the races I can (and there are slots available then) I'm very much interested. My "old gang" from online racing has all but vanished and I'm getting tired of offline or online racing with randoms, so it is nice to again have like-minded people to race and have fun with.
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And what's more you already have a portuguese guy racing there
Oh we used to have another guy from Portugal, @Tavilha. We had to get rid of him because he was too fast. :D
Actually his life got busy and he had other things happening on Monday's. Hi Tav if you read this, you're always welcome back. 👍

I used to very much into GT but that passion faded as I moved to PC, 2 and now 3. I play GTS only occasionally now. Rich has tried to lure me away onto Assetto Corsa but I always drift back to Pcars. :)
@Skip7950 , why don't you go for the White/blue stripe Seven? Not saying this because we're team mates, but it is after all the iconic livery of one of the greatest american racers ever ;)

@John Wells Thank you for the kind heads up on that other series you guys race on.

Have to say I haven't played GTS for a very long time now but those S800 races sure seem like fun. And what's more you already have a portuguese guy racing there (what are the odds ... :cheers: ) However I'm not sure I can be a regular on wednesdays, but if it is possible to enter only the races I can (and there are slots available then) I'm very much interested. My "old gang" from online racing has all but vanished and I'm getting tired of offline or online racing with randoms, so it is nice to again have like-minded people to race and have fun with.
Paul, do you mind if Hun and both use the white w/blue stripe on the Seven?
Paul, do you mind if Hun and both use the white w/blue stripe on the Seven?
You use what you like Skip. I don't mind if we all use the same car. Obviously we can't all get in the same car, they are very small, but you see what I mean. :)

I'll swap you over on the list. 👍

Edit: Perhaps I should have thought the team idea through more and put all team members in the same colour cars. Maybe next time.
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You use what you like Skip. I don't mind if we all use the same car. Obviously we can't all get in the same car, they are very small, but you see what I mean. :)

I'll swap you over on the list. 👍

Edit: Perhaps I should have thought the team idea through more and put all team members in the same colour cars. Maybe next time.
I didn't miss your humor there...just forgot to mention it :D
College kids here in the sixties use to cram 20 or 30 kids (slightly exaggerated) into a VW beetle just for kicks, so maybe we COULD all fit in the Seven! Send me an airline ticket and I will help you try!:lol:
LOL, all I had on you guys was previous practise advantage, and that faded away quickly, in our last go at Snetterton we were all very evenly matched! I think Richard gave me a glimpse of what level you guys are used to when he suggested that I set our AI buddies to 110%. I gasped (had them set at 65%, ok that's slow, but ... 110%!!! :eek: ). In the end we kept them at 65%, I admit I'll need to beef them up somewhat, will try 80%

(I only use AIs because I really don't like hotlapping alone and they do they create both traffic and a benchmark, also a learning oportunity for overtaking spots)

Meanwhile, me and my team mate Skip have arranged to meet, chat and practise this afternoon, 6 PM GMT so if anyone wants to join I'll have a running public lobby (worry not, some curious folks step in only to immediately decide it's too difficult for them and go away), and will add AI if Skip isn't against it.

Cheers all, have a great weekend :cheers:
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I suppose it's not exactly being fast, we all can have our moments, it's more about being consistently fast. Keeping your concentration focused, that's the trick. (24 hour races would hone that! ;))

@Skip7950, I think you'll be happy with your teammate's performance. :)
I suppose it's not exactly being fast, we all can have our moments, it's more about being consistently fast. Keeping your concentration focused, that's the trick. (24 hour races would hone that! ;))

@Skip7950, I think you'll be happy with your teammate's performance. :)
Sounds like I will just need to get out of his way! :eek: