I don't think they've changed much. I've run Spa for 40-50 hours and still gold is out of reach for me. If anything, the circuit experiences are still a little too difficult.
At Goodwood there is no way one can make the Martin shift sideways like the replay does. I'm .113 off of gold on that sector, bronze on the full lap, and gold on the rest.
As posted, I golded High Speed Ring yesterday but I think that just came with game experience. I didn't attempt Trial Mountain.
Overall I think GT7 is going to wind up with the Arthur Award for difficulty. I mean, why waste time on the last three licenses at all when you can just buy all the cars they offer? Why suffer the frustration golding the first two? And those stupid chili races, with Missions there are tons of them. If I'm having trouble, I want the option to turn the difficulty down but nope! Screw the player. Then there's the constant battle over the Tokyo 600. Never mind Spa, PD wants to make that one race as difficult as possible. There's also the MTX. I wouldn't mind it asuch if it would stop trying to steal my IRL money! Every Time I spend $20, it takes several minutes to show up, but if I spend another $20, they both show up immediately. Why can't the first one show up that fast?