The daily race event change. Good or bad?

  • Thread starter bmxmitch

The Daily Rave Event should be...

  • 3 Races every week

    Votes: 18 20.0%
  • 3 races daily

    Votes: 10 11.1%
  • 2-3 races daily + 2-3 races weekly

    Votes: 44 48.9%
  • other..

    Votes: 18 20.0%

  • Total voters
Some of you guys are something else. First when it was one week long you were whining and crying that one week was too long and you wanted it changed to daily. Now they go ahead and change it to daily and here you are whining about it and saying it's not enough time to learn the track. C'mon make up your mind! If you feel you're too unfamiliar with the track for that particular day, just practice it in a private lobby or time trial or whatever.

Having the track changed everyday is the BEST thing they've done so far and it's not even close! I know a lot of people that threatened to quit the game altogether had it stayed the way it was. It was getting boring and repetitive!!
- A slightly more even playing field as all people get less time practicing
I dont think this will be the case. The faster drivers will still be fastest, they dont need allot of laps to get up to speed. I reckon the gap will increase as the slower drivers need more practice laps to get close to top times.
BOP races (no tuning whatsoever) or races where you are given a loan car are fine daily. But I can see the point in races with tuning available taking longer than a day.
Personally, I really like the changes this week! Going from tuned cars to stock setups shows off the advantages and disadvantages of both. This way you can get to know your car... really get to know it. It will help you be a more complete driver in the end. If you understand your car both stock and tuned, you can't lose... experience is never a bad thing.

I hope they do both more often to be honest. Going from a tuned GT3 to a stock setup GT3 was a blast! Eye opening to say the least, and I'm learning in the process. Win Win in my mind!!! 👍👍

The lack of tuning will expose any failures in balance of performance as people will gravitate towards anything that could have an advantage over the field. Maybe that’s Polyphony’s intention, to gather car usage data in a controlled environment before the FIA Championships start, who knows.
Some of you guys are something else. First when it was one week long you were whining and crying that one week was too long and you wanted it changed to daily. Now they go ahead and change it to daily and here you are whining about it and saying it's not enough time to learn the track.

Who is this 'you' that you refer to? I think it's pretty safe to say the people complaining now are not the same people who were moaning when the tracks were up for a full week.

I was content when we had a full week of practice on each of the 3 races, so I didn't have any reason to comment. Now they have changed it away from what I was happy with. One side of the argument was too noisy, so they got the attention and now the other side is unhappy.
I like it weekly, but would add a 4th 24 car 30 minute endurance race that requires a pit stop. Endurance races rotate between the three GR classes.

Yep I like that idea. The daily races are fine for sprints, but a fourth longer race to sink my teeth into would be great. And based on the update PD gave on their webpage, this is probably where they are heading
At first I was not happy with the races changing on a daily basis. After tonight however I changed my mind:

I enrolled for the N300 Audi TT race, was able to get a qualifying time of 2:04:xxx to enter a race at P10, during the race I was able to get to P8 driving clean avoiding two cars swirling after an incident between the two.
Immediately enrolled for the next session for which I could barely squeeze out two qualifying laps but this time my fastest was 2:00:002 was realy pushing my third lap to get below the 2 minute mark, my time was down 1.7 seconds entering the last corner between start-finish when the screen went black for the matching process :-(

The second race my 2:00:002 was enough to start at P2, hit the brakes too late in corner 4 going very wide and had to let P3 pass me on the inside, after that it was a breeze to the finish line, keeping P2 about 200 meters in front of me and P4 out of side for the most part of the lap.

Conclusion, even with a little bit of practise I was able to have a few good races and even a decent result, and bear in mind that I'm not even an average driver because I can only race for about an hour a day due to other things (basicaly life :-) ) My current ratings are B and S, thank god for that S SR rating, as soon as I promoted to A all races were very clean!
This thread and the debate around daily races lacks a bit of context.
One very important factor in deciding the rotation of the daily races is how the championship seasons will look. Right now we have just two test races scheduled, and we don't even know how those sessions will work.

If I got to decide:
- Daily races are daily. Everyone always get the option to race fresh tracks with a SR/DR impact.
- The championship races are weekly or biweekly events. These are the races you practice (a lot) for. This is the main focus of your "Sport career".

I too have a very busy RL (business owner, father, etc, etc.), and rarely get more than an hour a day - if that - on weekdays.
However, as your skill as a driver progresses, adapting enough to a new track that you can hit braking points and be competitive does not take that long (I was close to the top 10 after 6 laps on the new Italian fantasy track yesterday, maybe that is because they took out tuning and made the counter steering exploit a non issue :P ;) ).
And with rotation most tracks will soon be familiar to us all.

So, if Polyphony does the right thing and schedule enough championship events to get an active season going, I will be more than happy as that will really bring the best of both worlds to the game.
For for daily races, I think tuning shouldn't be allowed, because that just gives an additional advantage to people who have all day to experiment with different setups to gain a 1-3 second advantage.

For weekly races, I'm OK with tuning being enabled, because that gives people enough time to experiment. In general, though, I prefer fixed setup races because I want the fairest possible races. With tuning enabled, people who want to be competitive either

i) need to spend hours and hours experimenting themselves, or they
ii) need to just copy-paste setups published by people in the community.

I don't consider those options fun.
I'm in the middle of where it was and where it is now. I think that 3 races that last a few days would be the best compromise. It is enjoyable to keep working at a track and be able to place better an better and get placed with better drivers. Having said that, it didn't take long to be knocking on the door of the top 10 at Maggiore GR.4 yesterday, so as long as you are with similar drivers it just means you need to be up to speed faster. Will see how it feels after a week of daily rotations.

I did notice that after being promoted to DR/A and SR/S that the races are extremely clean and respectful and very hard to win. Managed a 2:09.400 during GR.4 qualifying which I was happy with but it also means that I am now with a lot of top 10 drivers and the races are very very challenging, it's brilliant :)
Just get dupes and tune each for a different track, There aren't many to tune for in that case, Might aswell make use of the livery name creator e.g Momo Racing (Lago Maggiore) for example on the dupe that is tuned for that track, It's abit misleading if the daily races are only changed every week, Plus changing them constantly prevents things getting stale quickly due to sheer lack of variety.
The lack of tuning will expose any failures in balance of performance as people will gravitate towards anything that could have an advantage over the field. Maybe that’s Polyphony’s intention, to gather car usage data in a controlled environment before the FIA Championships start, who knows.

The FIA championships are gonna be with fixed cars.At least thats what I saw when I last checked Manufacturer/Nations cups in Sports mode.
And with that said they already have data.Tuning or not,they should know by now that some cars (NISSAN,VW in Gr 4 for example) are faster than anything else.Everybody knows that by now.Just check every top 10 lap times in that group from beta until today.GTR 4 is dominating everything.BoP is not working the way it should.
Either you use 2-3 brands or you are at disadvantage.
I know that in RL not all cars are equal.Some are performing better than others.BoP in a number of series is a way to make the field "even" but its not always working.
In some tracks,some have advantage,in other tracks they have a disadvantage.
Problem is that no matter the track some cars have always an advantage in GTS.And BoP is actually the cause of this.
Some people who are suggesting more than the 3 races might not realize that too many races would thin the participation in each one too much. Last week, having one gr.3 race that ran once per hour is a method of maintaining a stronger participation count per race, than having the races more frequently or more races.

Personally I like the limited number of races and times for this reason, so each race has maximum amount of people qeueing for good matchmaking.

I would vote for the same tracks staying around for 3-4 days to get more proficient at it each day. I had lots of fun on gr.3 nurburgring, after 10 races my lap time dropped 2 seconds from when i began and i had a real good feel for the track, I enjoyed getting better at it.
Yep, the daily change is just too much. I need a day (evening basically) to focus on qualifying. Then day 2 is when I start racing.
As I wrote on another thread:

I'm one of those who don't like new sport mode races every day. You can't test which stock cars are better, you can't test setups, you don't master the track and the likelihood of making mistakes or getting bumped (lowering your own DR/SR and those around you) while racing are obviously higher.

At least 1 race (G.4 or Gr.3) should stay there for the whole week.

I won't be playing sport mode so often that's for sure. Yesterday tried to put a good qualifying lap around Lake Maggiore to get to know the track as best as possible so today I could do same races and get some wins. Made a 2:08:629. Today I turn on my PS4 and the Gr.4 race is around a Kyoto layout with 5 turns and Gr.3 around a track with 3 turns... Great. Basically I spent my time yesterday getting to know the track and putting a top10 qualifying lap for no reason.

I think daily races everyday is good for slower, less competitive people to be honest. If you're serious about competition and want to do your best, you'll want to get to know the track and the car as best as possible throughout the week.

I mean, even F1 have 3 free practices and a qualifying day before the race. That's almost 4x more time to know the track and get the most out of the car than the time of racing.

TL;DR Daily races suck. There's no point in spending time trying to pit in a good qualifying lap.
I don't care what they do as long as they disable tuning. It isn't fair that the first day I was1.42s stock with the GT4 car last week, only to find alien lap times a few days ago thanks to tunes.
I don't care what they do as long as they disable tuning. It isn't fair that the first day I was1.42s stock with the GT4 car last week, only to find alien lap times a few days ago thanks to tunes.

Actually tuning is making things more fair since BoP and "stock tuning" are not balanced and some cars are way faster than others.Top 10 times are always the same cars,no matter the tuning,but at least that gives a chance to people that dont want to use those said brands to be a little more competitive.
Race A for one day with fixed setup/car, short race.

Race B for two days with BoP but adjustable setup. Few more laps too.

Race C for three days. BoP? Adjustable setup and longer race. Restricted driving aids and possibly forced pitstop.

Time of day in races B and C could be changed daily just for fun.

Edit: also next cars and tracks in future races should be announced daily so we could practise and/or tune before the "daily update".
The lack of tuning will expose any failures in balance of performance as people will gravitate towards anything that could have an advantage over the field. Maybe that’s Polyphony’s intention, to gather car usage data in a controlled environment before the FIA Championships start, who knows.

Could be true, and they can easily re-adjust the BOP settings per car to boost the weaker ones a bit and nerf the faster ones a bit. I really like the system, or at least what they could do with it. :)
Actually tuning is making things more fair since BoP and "stock tuning" are not balanced and some cars are way faster than others.Top 10 times are always the same cars,no matter the tuning,but at least that gives a chance to people that dont want to use those said brands to be a little more competitive.
Also, tuning can help out those who use a DS4/Wheel as the stock setup will cater to either one or the other and not be equal for both.
I don't care what they do as long as they disable tuning. It isn't fair that the first day I was1.42s stock with the GT4 car last week, only to find alien lap times a few days ago thanks to tunes.

One thing I'd like to point out, while I can see where you are coming from, you also have to acknowledge the fact that the fast people ("alien" as we call them) will be fast regardless...tuning or no tuning. Yesterday, in the measly 2.5-3hrs of play that I could manage to put in, I raced at Suzuka with the Gr3. After doing a few good laps to get a feel for the track and trying 5 different cars, I managed a 2.03 lap time which was only good enough to start P11 or P12 in 3 races. Though I kinda knew where I could have save more time and get in the 2.02 range, I gave up on trying...because well, daily races...and at 11PM, I couldn't even play anymore cause servers were down. To the point I was trying to make, the top 2 in my region were lapping mid to Lower 1.59. The interesting thing was the folks in the top 10 used different cars to set their laps with only a few having used the same car.
Opinion: I am a working dad and this daily change has kind of ruined it for me. The weekly was idea and a lot of fun for me. However, I understand the game isn't just about me and my situation. I agree having the Gr.4 and Gr.3 as weekly and the Nx races as daily is a fair compromise. Last night I started running the Gr.4 but only had a couple hours to play. After about 30 minutes I had the feeling "what is the point to practice? It will be different tomorrow" I shut the game off and most likely will not start it back up tonight either. I do not normally get 4-5 hours to play in a single day. If anything I will just play with friends now and again and forgo Sport Mode if the game stays status quo.

As for the settings, I can see locking the N Daily down but the weekly should be open. Yes, they have exploit and balance issues right now but they will fix it. So perhaps a temp lock down until they do but honestly, leaving it open is the best way to find the issues and address them. Let the community find the holes while the game is young so they can be addressed.

My real disappointment is that I bought this game knowing that the weekly races were the main part (IMO) of the game and much of the reason I got it. To change it so drastically after I purchased the game it a bit hard to swallow. And to do it because a bunch of people complained about it is just silly. The complainers were in the forums while the one's that liked it were in the game. They should have put some research poll up in the game before making a change like this. Now, they will get the reverse. (Besides the people that just like to warrior the forums of course.) I hope they fix this to some kind of compromise because right now it feels much like a bait and switch.
Opinion: I am a working dad and this daily change has kind of ruined it for me. The weekly was idea and a lot of fun for me. However, I understand the game isn't just about me and my situation. I agree having the Gr.4 and Gr.3 as weekly and the Nx races as daily is a fair compromise. Last night I started running the Gr.4 but only had a couple hours to play. After about 30 minutes I had the feeling "what is the point to practice? It will be different tomorrow" I shut the game off and most likely will not start it back up tonight either. I do not normally get 4-5 hours to play in a single day. If anything I will just play with friends now and again and forgo Sport Mode if the game stays status quo.

As for the settings, I can see locking the N Daily down but the weekly should be open. Yes, they have exploit and balance issues right now but they will fix it. So perhaps a temp lock down until they do but honestly, leaving it open is the best way to find the issues and address them. Let the community find the holes while the game is young so they can be addressed.

My real disappointment is that I bought this game knowing that the weekly races were the main part (IMO) of the game and much of the reason I got it. To change it so drastically after I purchased the game it a bit hard to swallow. And to do it because a bunch of people complained about it is just silly. The complainers were in the forums while the one's that liked it were in the game. They should have put some research poll up in the game before making a change like this. Now, they will get the reverse. (Besides the people that just like to warrior the forums of course.) I hope they fix this to some kind of compromise because right now it feels much like a bait and switch.
Agree with this but i will still play. Maggiore reverse took me 2 laps to know and races were fun too coz everybody was learning. Now when next time Maggiore comes up, i will nail it.

Getting pole is difficult but i still had fun with suzuka and Maggiore yesterday.
Agree with this but i will still play. Maggiore reverse took me 2 laps to know and races were fun too coz everybody was learning. Now when next time Maggiore comes up, i will nail it.

Getting pole is difficult but i still had fun with suzuka and Maggiore yesterday.

How in the world can you know a track like Maggiore reverse (harder than the normal version) in 2 laps? I ran around 2h in qualifying just to try to find the best line and I couldn't do it...

Unless you're racing against really slow people, 2 laps on a new track are pretty much useless, IMO.
Actually tuning is making things more fair since BoP and "stock tuning" are not balanced and some cars are way faster than others.Top 10 times are always the same cars,no matter the tuning,but at least that gives a chance to people that dont want to use those said brands to be a little more competitive.
I don't mind using the same car. Have a different car every couple of days. As long as everything is the same for everyone.

One thing I'd like to point out, while I can see where you are coming from, you also have to acknowledge the fact that the fast people ("alien" as we call them) will be fast regardless...tuning or no tuning. Yesterday, in the measly 2.5-3hrs of play that I could manage to put in, I raced at Suzuka with the Gr3. After doing a few good laps to get a feel for the track and trying 5 different cars, I managed a 2.03 lap time which was only good enough to start P11 or P12 in 3 races. Though I kinda knew where I could have save more time and get in the 2.02 range, I gave up on trying...because well, daily races...and at 11PM, I couldn't even play anymore cause servers were down. To the point I was trying to make, the top 2 in my region were lapping mid to Lower 1.59. The interesting thing was the folks in the top 10 used different cars to set their laps with only a few having used the same car.
I made it to the top 10 stars twice before tuning. Even in that GT4 race I was close to the alien lap times. After the tuning I was like 2-3s off. That is just too much.
Opinion: I am a working dad and this daily change has kind of ruined it for me. The weekly was idea and a lot of fun for me. However, I understand the game isn't just about me and my situation. I agree having the Gr.4 and Gr.3 as weekly and the Nx races as daily is a fair compromise. Last night I started running the Gr.4 but only had a couple hours to play. After about 30 minutes I had the feeling "what is the point to practice? It will be different tomorrow" I shut the game off and most likely will not start it back up tonight either. I do not normally get 4-5 hours to play in a single day. If anything I will just play with friends now and again and forgo Sport Mode if the game stays status quo.

As for the settings, I can see locking the N Daily down but the weekly should be open. Yes, they have exploit and balance issues right now but they will fix it. So perhaps a temp lock down until they do but honestly, leaving it open is the best way to find the issues and address them. Let the community find the holes while the game is young so they can be addressed.

My real disappointment is that I bought this game knowing that the weekly races were the main part (IMO) of the game and much of the reason I got it. To change it so drastically after I purchased the game it a bit hard to swallow. And to do it because a bunch of people complained about it is just silly. The complainers were in the forums while the one's that liked it were in the game. They should have put some research poll up in the game before making a change like this. Now, they will get the reverse. (Besides the people that just like to warrior the forums of course.) I hope they fix this to some kind of compromise because right now it feels much like a bait and switch.
Agree and understand 100% with everything said here. I wanted a online GT experience with some purpose, that’s why I got the game. I wanted depth. I wanted to squeeze everything out of the cars, the tracks and my opponents instead of this ADHD Sport mode we have now.
Agree and understand 100% with everything said here. I wanted a online GT experience with some purpose, that’s why I got the game. I wanted depth. I wanted to squeeze everything out of the cars, the tracks and my opponents instead of this ADHD Sport mode we have now.

....And most of you are still acting as if the Championships do not exist. That is where your efforts should be directed.