The Drag Racer's Resource Thread!

  • Thread starter Slash


United States
Indian Falls, NY

The stickies have been a little crammed with threads and new ones pop up every day that deserve to be stickied. Therefore, I've created and compiled this in depth guide that will provide every available resource to new comers without the hassle of having to search for such threads, from various posts throughout the board. Please keep in mind that this post is not complete, and it never will be. If anything is missing please post a request to have it added. Please provide a direct link to what is missing.

Please note that I will not inlcude on going tournaments and/or seperate competitions at this time. Please also inform me if there are any broken links so I can repair/remove them as soon as possible.

There is a known error when using Internet Explorer and viewing this thread that the Jump To tag for General Rules just links you to the top of the thread. While there is no rememdy for it and it's no big deal, your best bet is to switch and upgrade to a different browser for the best experience possible.


1. [jumpto="1"]General Rules[/jumpto]
2. [jumpto="2"]Tuning Guides[/jumpto]
3. [jumpto="3"]Miscellaneous Links[/jumpto]
4. [jumpto="4"]1/4 Mile and 3K Teams[/jumpto]
5. [jumpto="5"]Basic Tunes/Setups[/jumpto]
6. [jumpto="6"]High End, Top Tunes/Setups[/jumpto]
7. [jumpto="7"]Frequently Asked Questions[/jumpto]


Before continuing on, I'd like to ask that you take the time to read the rules for posting in the drag forum before going futher on. That way, there will be much less hassle on the forum goers that have been here for a while. It will also create less stress and drama that goes along with the sport. And last but not least, please search before posting if you cannot find what you are looking for here.

GT Planet's Acceptable Use Policy
Rules for Drag Posting ***MUST READ***
The Rules ::: Please Read Before Posting


Dr. Slump's Tuning Bible - HOT
1/4 Mile Transmission Tuning for Dummies (Fully Illustrated)
Viper's Tuning Bible


Drag Racers Dictionary Ver. 4
1/4 Mile Drag: The Car Classes
Every Drag Tune That Exists - Needs Updating
Maximum Horsepower for Commonly Used Drag Cars
GT Planet's 1/4 Mile Leaderboard (Pre Patch 2.08, Post 2.04)
GT Planet's 1/4 Mile Database (Post Patch 2.08)
Got a Room Open? Post it Here.
Drag Racing Free Agents Thread
Show Your Drag Cars
Cars That Have Better Traction w/ Stock Wheels
Stock Car Class Drags
Indy 1/4 Drag - How to Tutorial
GT5 Online 1/4 Drag Players
"It Takes No Skill to Drag" - Prove It
Steering Wheels Will Give You Launch Lag
1/4 Mile Drag Racing Setup Calculator
1/4 Drag - What Speed Do You Hit?
NDRA - National Drag Race Association
Need a Car? Try the Marketplace.
Vote for a Proper Drag Strip
GT Planet's Advanced Search


I would to make it clear that this is a not a complete list, nor will it ever be. There are many other teams that do not have threads or have members that post here on GT Planet. While I know of other popular teams, they do not have a thread here (at least on GT Planet) and I will not link to a seperate site. I would also like to make it clear that teams listed are in no particular order and no team is "ranked" above the other.

Team Hanglow
Team Hydro's Official Thread
"R" SpEc TuNe's Official Thread
TEAM DARK SIDE(T*D*S) Official Thread
Murder Inc. Drag Team
Team Rolling Guy Official Thread
Beast Mode Performance
Team Black Skulls
Hiboost Official Thread
~VTeC ReBel$ Official Thread!~
Team APL
Team Snurtle
Grease Monkey Engineering
Plymouth Superbird Drag Team
Team OT Inc.
XDragBeastsX Official Thread
Team Alpha
GT Planet's NHRA Drag Racing League
(D.M.S) Drag Multiple Supertunez
Street Dreams Drag Team
Team Vortex
HAG Drag Racing Team
LF>A Drag Team
Team Velocity
Team Nitro
(OverPoweredDrags) O.P.D Crew
Team Dramatic
Team Prestige
Team Tune
Jet$ Team
HoodRich Racing


I will not post tunes that are for one car. Threads only.

Midnight Tuner's Base Tune Garage
Thorough Bred Tunes
Andrew91133 1/4 Base Tunes
Swara96's 1/4 Drag Tunes
Kennyblanco's 1/4 Mile Indy Tunes
Dabest's 1/4 Mile Tunes
Slash's 1/4 Mile Base Tunes
Team Vortex Tuning Garage
IWinYouLooz's 1/4 Mile Drag Garage


I will not post tunes that are for one car. Threads only.

Fast Tunes w/ HD Video Tutorials
Nuke's Top Tunes
Simple Matt's Top Tunes
KT's Tutorials and Top Tunes
Beast Mode Performance


Here are some frequently asked questions that I see around the forum and decided to include in this post so that the number of people that ask them is cut down a little bit.

Before we get started, please take a look PTK’s “Drag Racer’s Dictionary” to familiarize yourself with some terms used in this FAQ you may be confused about or unsure what something means.

Q: Why I do I have so much wheelspin? How can I fix this problem?

A: Wheelspin is good! Only when you have a lot is it bad. This problem can usually be resolved by increase the driven wheels toe angle, and lengthening your launch gear out more. Wheelspin is your friend provided you keep it under control.

Q: What should my torque distribution on AWD cars set at?

A. A general setting for AWD torque distribution should be around 45/55 or 40/60. Other settings can apply depending on the car. You should always test and tune with the trial and error method. This goes for anything on the car you are working on.

Q: What is quick shifting?

A: Quick shifting is a method of changing gears very rapidly upon launch in order to attain more traction in some cases, thus giving faster times and increasing your cars performance online.

Q: What is retro-launching?

A: Retro-launching was named after a guy named Retromania, after he popularized this method of tuning. In short, you lengthen your launch gears out so that when you launch and quick shift in to your 2nd gear, your car’s engine bogs, increasing traction. After this gain in traction, your car launches forward hard enough that you can achieve a faster time on Special Stage Route X. This is due to a flaw in Gran Turismo 5’s physics. This method of tuning is forbidden amongst most offline tuners. It does not work online.

Q: Why don't we have a list of top drag racers and/or teams?

A: Simply put, it causes problems with people. We all like to think we are the best team don't we?

Q: Is there a list of individuals whom you respect the most?

A: No, because some people have rather large egos that can be hurt by lists such as these. The last time we had a list such as this it lead to several people raging and some even being permanently banned from GT Planet.

Q: Is there any lists of things like these?

A: Yes there is a list of teams of which you can find [insert link] (please note this list is NOT complete). Other lists are not created because most of the time they end up getting the thread locked from arguing or they never stay complete.

Q: Why do we drag on Indianapolis Motor Speedway and not Special Stage Route X?

A: There is a grip difference and length difference between the two tracks which is covered in Team Hydro’s "How to be Fast" guide for newcomers to the sport of drag racing. There is also a "two lane" setup in which people believe is more fair instead of running several cars at once and a return lane is also featured. It is noticeably shorter, up to 30 meters or several car lengths, however special tuning called "Indy tunes" makes up for this. More of that [insert link].

Q: What is required to get fast?

A: That is covered in Team Hydro's "How to be Fast" guide, found [insert link].

Q; How do I get my name out there and known to people?

A: The short answer to this question to added guys you see that are fast in lobbies and race them a lot. If you start beating them, people will start to notice. When you enter rooms and lobbies that were once full clean out, you know people know who you are. Add members from this site, we will all show you the direction to go in.

Q: I can't find a tune for [car] at all. Where can I find one or request one be posted?

A: If you cannot find a beginners tune to a specific car, you either aren't searching hard enough or one hasn't been posted. Most cars have been covered, at least popular ones have. Although some people won't go ahead and tune the car for you, they will be willing to help you tune it and get it faster. If you put the work in with their help instead of asking, it will show that you really want to learn and they will be less likely to judge you later on and refuse to help.

Q: No matter what I do, I cannot get this car faster?

A: We all have cars that stump us once in a while. The best thing to do would be to contact a member or post a thread with your setup so that they can take and identify what is wrong with your tune and give you some direction and tips to follow. There are also plenty of guides that explain things back to back and extremely in depth as well as why things happen the way they do.

Q: Why do people still drag race if Gran Turismo 5 is has so many exploits?

A: A lot of good people have quit drag racing because of these exploits. Realistically, most people that play Gran Turismo 5 and drag race don’t have a GT Planet account and are unaware of most of these exploits. Those that do know about them either exploit them their selves or avoid them and can identify most of them. Gran Turismo 5 is nowhere near realistic however it’s fun so most of us continue to do it.

Q: Why are the majority of drag racers from the United States?

A: Drag racing is a huge part of American culture and it is wildly popular because every second counts in a drag race. It’s first to the finish, as fast as you can make your car go in a quarter mile. This is why you mainly see American drag racers because the sport isn’t so large in other parts of the world. Winners from races in real life have come down to being .0001 second apart!

Q: What is the difference between “Indy” and a “SSRX” tunes?

A: The difference is that Indy is a shorter track, by around 30 meters and several car lengths. In a nutshell, you shorten your last gear in your range of gears (notice I didn’t say final gear because that lowers all your gears by a little bit, effectively slowing you down) to compensate for those lost meters. At Special Stage Route X, when you cross the finish a good tune will have your RPMs on the peak of your engines power band, while at Indy, because it’s shorter, the engine won’t have that time to get the revs that high. Shortening your last gear will allow your engine to rev higher faster, making up for the lost distance, and crossing the finish line at your peak power. This can help win a lot of tight races and is highly recommended when racing there.

Q: Why do some people use automatic transmission tunes when tuning in Special Stage Route X?

A: Some people start by using automatic transmissions to work out kinks in their suspension before tackling the manual transmission and custom gearing. Because an automatic transmission shifts at the same spot every time, it rules out manual errors and gives you consistent times. These times, combined with a black screen launch, will let you know if your suspension tune is working. You will see your times get slower or faster, and times will be consistent. This is the most effective way to tune a suspension.

Q: How do I identify ghost lag?

A: There are several ways to identify ghost lag. The first being that your opponent keeps launching before you, before you see the guy who is ghosting, go ghost. Other ways is your opponent going really far down the track before you, or you not seeing the ghost at all. This can also be reversed, where you go before your opponent does. Identifying it comes with time and experience.

Q: No matter what I do, I always have ghost lag. How can I fix it?

A: There is no solid way to fix constant ghost lag but there are ways you can improve your reaction, which can be found in Team Hydro’s “How to Be Fast” thread.

Q: Why do I always get kicked when I use cars like the X2010/X2011, Bugatti Veyron, Nissan GT-R R35 TC, Formula 1’s, and the Suzuki Escudo Dirt Trial car?

A: These cars extremely overpowered, and they basically have no competition in the game except themselves. Most people intentionally run into others repeatedly resulting in getting kicked out, however use of these cars also will get you kicked in good rooms for the simple fact that they are just too fast.

Q: When do I go and leave the starting line?

A: When the person that sits in front of your goes transparent, called “ghosting”. Since Gran Turismo 5 does not have a proper tree, this makes up for it but it is still very flawed.

Q: What is racing for pinks?

A: When you race for pinks, you wager the ownership of your car versus your opponents ownership. If you win in a pinks race, your opponent loses his car and you take ownership of it, as well as keeping your own car. If you lose, you are forced to give up your car and your opponent takes it. Forever. You don’t get it back. Choose your battles wisely.


I just spent the better part of 3 hours scrounging 52 pages of threads to make this. I hope I didn't miss anything and you all enjoy it. That makes it worth the effort in the end.
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Nice thread. Very organized and love the Vette!! American Muscle (well chevy is). Best stock handling muscle car.

Thanks, took me a really long time to gather all those links.
Me a Matt both made one of these, and they didn't get Stickied. I was meant to get an update about mine ages ago but never did. Good luck though.

I'm giving my bhp thread a revamp this weekend as well.

Do you need a new 'Every Drag Tune that Exists'? Because it needs updating but Matt has been blocked hasn't he?
Nice work slash! Credit to the effort it takes to nearly present so much information. I agree that the 'every drag tune that exists thread' is also in need of a serious update. Thanks for including my thread (hd vids) in your list too! Kraig.
Another thread of the same stuff, funny you seemed to have missed my team when they have been the most talked about for the past few weeks. Wonder why that was? Oh, that's right.

You could have at least used pictures from GT5, even the drag photo thread was full of cars not made for drag considering the suspension had been lowered. Looked just like every other photo thread, hence the similiarities here and the stickies already existing.
Another thread of the same stuff, funny you seemed to have missed my team when they have been the most talked about for the past few weeks. Wonder why that was? Oh, that's right.

You could have at least used pictures from GT5, even the drag photo thread was full of cars not made for drag considering the suspension had been lowered. Looked just like every other photo thread, hence the similiarities here and the stickies already existing.

This isn't a photo thread. *facepalm*
Another thread of the same stuff, funny you seemed to have missed my team when they have been the most talked about for the past few weeks. Wonder why that was? Oh, that's right.

You could have at least used pictures from GT5, even the drag photo thread was full of cars not made for drag considering the suspension had been lowered. Looked just like every other photo thread, hence the similiarities here and the stickies already existing.

seems someone just wants to get at slash. slash please lock this thread before this kid starts another war here and gets it perma locked like all the others.

wait, you are not premium anymore are you? so you cant do it i think... crap...

Thank you
I hope this isn't a thread that we say should be stickied but the moderators just ignore 👎

I don't remember where it was stated members get to make the decisions on what is and isn't stickied. We're not at your beck and call. If the staff deem a thread important, then it is stickied.

Another thread of the same stuff, funny you seemed to have missed my team when they have been the most talked about for the past few weeks. Wonder why that was? Oh, that's right.

I'm sure you've noticed that list up there is clickable, right? It's a list of team threads. Actually, I'll even requote this:

I would to make it clear that this is a not a complete list, nor will it ever be. There are many other teams that do not have threads or have members that post here on GT Planet. While I know of other popular teams, they do not have a thread here (at least on GT Planet) and I will not link to a seperate site.

You could have at least used pictures from GT5, even the drag photo thread was full of cars not made for drag considering the suspension had been lowered. Looked just like every other photo thread, hence the similiarities here and the stickies already existing.

A few months ago, the staff (read: mostly Famine) consolidated the massive amount of stickies in the GT5 general area and the Q&A section into one main stickied thread, with all the links there. The reasoning is simple: too many stickies cuts down on the viewable active normal threads outside of the app, and it increases the chances of people overlooking them. As far as I can tell from Slash's work in here, that's roughly what he's doing, for the Drag section.

If you're just here to start yet another row in yet another thread, it won't be tolerated, so I highly recommend dropping the attitude now and avoiding problems.

(NINJA-EDIT) - As for the topic at hand; the only suggestion I have, Slash, is to drop the "Official" bit from the thread title 👍
Me a Matt both made one of these, and they didn't get Stickied. I was meant to get an update about mine ages ago but never did. Good luck though.

I'm giving my bhp thread a revamp this weekend as well.

Do you need a new 'Every Drag Tune that Exists'? Because it needs updating but Matt has been blocked hasn't he?

I can do that when I get some time unless you wish to.

Maybe you should add in something explaining what is lag getting tree'd and that?

I beleive Dr. Slump covered that in his guide. If not I have no problem adding such information in.

Another thread of the same stuff, funny you seemed to have missed my team when they have been the most talked about for the past few weeks. Wonder why that was? Oh, that's right.

You could have at least used pictures from GT5, even the drag photo thread was full of cars not made for drag considering the suspension had been lowered. Looked just like every other photo thread, hence the similiarities here and the stickies already existing.

You're team doesn't have a thread to linkto so I didn't include it.


Thank you

You're Welcome!

I don't remember where it was stated members get to make the decisions on what is and isn't stickied. We're not at your beck and call. If the staff deem a thread important, then it is stickied.

I'm sure you've noticed that list up there is clickable, right? It's a list of team threads. Actually, I'll even requote this:

A few months ago, the staff (read: mostly Famine) consolidated the massive amount of stickies in the GT5 general area and the Q&A section into one main stickied thread, with all the links there. The reasoning is simple: too many stickies cuts down on the viewable active normal threads outside of the app, and it increases the chances of people overlooking them. As far as I can tell from Slash's work in here, that's roughly what he's doing, for the Drag section.

If you're just here to start yet another row in yet another thread, it won't be tolerated, so I highly recommend dropping the attitude now and avoiding problems.

(NINJA-EDIT) - As for the topic at hand; the only suggestion I have, Slash, is to drop the "Official" bit from the thread title 👍

Will do. The only thing I was attempting to accomplish was to remove all the extra stickies we currently have and contain them in one thread, similar to what was done in the GT5 forum. Picture updated.

@swara, the max HP thread was included in the OP


I will be creating a FAQ for this probably tomorrow. I could use suggestions on what to include! Also I would like to section this off with clickable links that will send you to a creatin section of the post becuase of it's length, making it easier to navigate. I'm trying to make this as noob friendly as possible so any and all suggestions are very welcome!


It was a no brainer to include your thread. After all this is a resource thread.
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Thanks bro!

No problemo, although it did kinda sting a little to see my garage (BMP) listed as base tunes. Those were my actual tunes I used, and pretty decent ones if I do say so myself lol. But awesome job regardless. Very organised and helpful info! 👍👍

Go Falcons!!!!