The Earth is Flat?

  • Thread starter Corsa
You can do what ever you want with "mathematics".

You can't though. There are strict rules in mathematics and a given calculation always have the same result.

The distance to the sun can be calculated with trigonometry and astronomical observations. You don't have to go there yourself.
Okey, this is going nowhere you lack the understanding in what I am saying. I am not questioning FE because I use it as a tool for me to question the accepted viewpoint of the world we have been given and have accepted on blind faith.

I have been like this for 34 years, and when FE came it woke me up and I started to think for myself and question a lot of what I considered as simple fact, but I have never taken FE itself as a "fact" itself. This is what I am saying that you are on open minded at all as you point at me saying stuff that you have no clue about. and when I reply with this is really uncomfortable you think that I am an american hillbilly ala My name is Earl. :P

For a FE viewpoint you need to forget about space and all the theoretical astro physics in order to start over with more basic world view. Therefore everything that comes from scientifically institutions in that segment needs to be ignored as fabricated stories. And FE have a lot of oddities and contradictions for this kind direction.Like this for example, some astronauts said stars were not seen at all and some says stars are seen clearly even during the days. Some physicists say the universe is accelerating and expanding but others says it actually does not. FE just ignores that because of to much inconsistency and uses science that can make the FE possible without going to extreme mathematical goodnight stories. :P

Anyway, I am like I said before not considering myself as a pure Flat Earhter but you seem to lack the understanding what I am saying. :P Consider me as somebody that enjoy FE but I am not buying everything that FE says as I myself dont care that much either way, but I do not trust our institutions about everything flat out anymore all thanx to FE.

So a super duper science dork cant become religious all of a sudden or become a loverboy or what ever? Maybe like for me the super duper dork found the science to be full of holes that was explaind with, we cant really test this but the mathematical formulas are right. Okey. stuff that I can see, and touch and use are what I belive in regardless of any FE or not. I know that the truth that was a mathemetical sound formula will change 200times because it need to fit the picture some are chancing. that is not science, for me.
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Anyway, I am like I said before not considering myself as a pure Flat Earhter but you seem to lack the understanding what I am saying. :P Consider me as somebody that enjoy FE but I am not buying everything that FE says as I myself dont care that much either way, but I do not trust our institutions about everything flat out anymore all thanx to FE.

So, you actually learned how the scientific method works, and then you went on and accept parts of the FE nonsense.
If Flat-Earthers believe that the Sun is small and close, how have they measured it? Have they also gone into space and been in physical contact with it? Or do they get a pass on any requirement to demonstrate their claims?
This is impossible. Remember that some, or maybe all of the flat earthers, believe in a dome and the sun and moon are inside this dome. So they cannot go into space. :lol:

Joke, you know that, don't you?
So, you actually learned how the scientific method works, and then you went on and accept parts of the FE nonsense.

What is there to learn? We are born into this ie the "scientific world" or do you mean that you are born in a bushman society? I am surprised people ask what you asked. Who does not know of how the scientific method works, what kind of educations do you guys get? And like I said I am still not a FE, not flat out :P If you like bmw do you get or mickey mouse or what ever it is okey to or make fun of you? If you have such a time with FE and it disturb you then dont talk about it.

Like I said, I am impressed how you react to people that dont really share their point of view, and want them dead.

If you dont like and cand stand what they say than don watch their videos or comment what they say.
Okey, this is going nowhere you lack the understanding in what I am saying. I am not questioning FE because I use it as a tool for me to question the accepted viewpoint of the world we have been given and have accepted on blind faith.

I have been like this for 34 years, and when FE came it woke me up and I started to think for myself and question a lot of what I considered as simple fact, but I have never taken FE itself as a "fact" itself. This is what I am saying that you are on open minded at all as you point at me saying stuff that you have no clue about. and when I reply with this is really uncomfortable you think that I am an american hillbilly ala My name is Earl. :P

For a FE viewpoint you need to forget about space and all the theoretical astro physics in order to start over with more basic world view. Therefore everything that comes from scientifically institutions in that segment needs to be ignored as fabricated stories. And FE have a lot of oddities and contradictions for this kind direction.Like this for example, some astronauts said stars were not seen at all and some says stars are seen clearly even during the days. Some physicists say the universe is accelerating and expanding but others says it actually does not. FE just ignores that because of to much inconsistency and uses science that can make the FE possible without going to extreme mathematical goodnight stories. :P

Anyway, I am like I said before not considering myself as a pure Flat Earhter but you seem to lack the understanding what I am saying. :P Consider me as somebody that enjoy FE but I am not buying everything that FE says as I myself dont care that much either way, but I do not trust our institutions about everything flat out anymore all thanx to FE.

So a super duper science dork cant become religious all of a sudden or become a loverboy or what ever? Maybe like for me the super duper dork found the science to be full of holes that was explaind with, we cant really test this but the mathematical formulas are right. Okey. stuff that I can see, and touch and use are what I belive in regardless of any FE or not. I know that the truth that was a mathemetical sound formula will change 200times because it need to fit the picture some are chancing. that is not science, for me.
FE does not use science or the scientific method.

To even attempt to say it does smacks of drinking deep from the FE cool-aid.

Nor has anyone I've seen posting here either accepted established science as a blind faith or promoted that others should.

I have however seen you say that's happening or that others have done so or are doing so. Something that is demonstrably untrue.
I am not questioning FE because I use it as a tool for me to question the accepted viewpoint of the world we have been given and have accepted on blind faith.
The scientific method is the opposite of blind faith. It encourages everyone to test everything themselves. Anyone who thinks that the scientific method is blind faith has someone who taught them science doing a terrible job of it.
Maybe like for me the super duper dork found the science to be full of holes that was explaind with, we cant really test this but the mathematical formulas are right.
Knowledge is always full of holes. The scientific method works to close them.

Crap like Flat Earthism always works by finding such a hole and shoving an answer in there, then ignoring any further evidence while making a fuss about how science "can't explain everything". It's known as the "god of the gaps" fallacy, after those in positions of power in the church (pick a church, any church) found advancement of human knowledge diminishing the description, powers and abilities of their deity and, because the scientific method doesn't always result in a 100%, comprehensive explanation of everything all at once, seizing on the areas where the science was incomplete and placing a deity into them - with "science can't explain this, therefore GOD!"...

Almost all pseudoscience is similar - Intelligent Design is, in fact, identical - but instead of god it's a conspiracy that "They" don't want you to know about, presented with just enough complex phrasing to make it sound credible. Flat Earth is no different. "They" is the world order, or NASA, or the illuminati, or science, or atheists, who've conspired to make everyone think the world is a spheroid and a tiny part of a maddeningly huge cosmos - which it obviously can't be, because of how clever and important we are and how God made us as his special children. And because a map is rectangular and doesn't fit onto a basketball, or some rubbish.

It's incredibly easy to test, phenomenally easy to demolish, and stands up to barely any scrutiny at all. It only survives because its proponents don't accept things they don't understand (like how an astronaut's shadow can appear in a reflection the opposite way to how they think), can't accept things that contradict their beliefs and refuse to put it to any kind of test.

Again, anyone who's willing to accept any part of Flat Earth as anywhere close to reality has had someone who taught them science doing a terrible job of it. A "super duper dork" wouldn't give this claptrap houseroom.
Okey, this is going nowhere you lack the understanding in what I am saying. I am not questioning FE because I use it as a tool for me to question the accepted viewpoint of the world we have been given and have accepted on blind faith.

Nope, nope, nope. You once again highlight your complete and utter lack of understanding of the scientific method. We have not been given the accepted view point. Many of us, probably all of us, have used the scientific method to check theories ourselves and come up with the same conclusions based on the results of the experiments we have conducted. That gives us an understanding of the scientific method and allows us to believe a theory that has been proved if we can see that the scientific method has been applied to its proving. We do not blindly believe what we are told by scientists, we believe in the method they have followed to achieve their results if they can demonstrate it to us.
This is what I am saying that you are on open minded at all as you point at me saying stuff that you have no clue about.

Your problem seems to be that you think we don't know about flat earther "arguments" and just say "nah that's stupid" because we've been told otherwise. When in fact we have looked at their "arguments" and are fully aware of them and can prove in lots of ways that it's complete 🤬. The reason why we all ignore what the flat earthers say is we have lots of evidence from observations you can make at home that only fits with the Earth being a globe, and that is completely at odds with it being flat. It doesn't help that they always say the same nonsense, don't even try to attempt to explain most of the flaws in their "theory" and when they do try to explain things their "explanations" would never produce the observations they say they do.
Again, what do you know about me and how and when I use my scientifically methods? I still subscribe to my science magazines but that the FE has simply opened up my mind for new things.

Flat Earthers do not ignore science at all, they even use science to explain a lot of things, they simply ignore space and all that. Because of many scientific inconsistencies that the FE crowd points out, why are you ignoring those? For example: Can you see stars or not? Do you have delay in communication or not? Why are we seeing bubbles, and floating stuff in space? Why do we see divers or even thumbs sticking out through the glove in space? Stuff like these is what made me more pro FE that the accepted world view when FE is in the picture.

In this thread I defend the FE topic itself, not if FE is true or not because all that I know is collected through the FE videos and arguments therefore I can not 100% claim to be a true flat earther. Do you follow?

I still follow many interesting stuff that are about space, quantum mechanics and what not, but I am not blindly believing it. How hard is it for you to understand this?

What I am surprised by is that your lack of understanding that people may change their stance on something like an atheist becoming a religious or vice versa. To be honest I think in my case something like FE is just a new fresh take on the world view regardless of how it really is because I am getting older, maybe it is a step in a religious direction or maybe it is just a phase but it is interesting.

And you dont need to drop everything else to being interested in something new? What are you freaking out about? What gives you the right to say that people like the Flat earthers are stupid and it seems you include me here without knowing anything about me at all.

To me you sound just like a religious mob that is out to burn the witch :P

There is not a single shred, letter, word, number photo, algorithm or equation of evidence that shows us that there is a chance of a flat earth.


If you can't accept that, there is a serious flaw in your thinking.
Again, what do you know about me and how and when I use my scientifically methods? I still subscribe to my science magazines but that the FE has simply opened up my mind for new things.

Flat Earthers do not ignore science at all, they even use science to explain a lot of things, they simply ignore space and all that. Because of many scientific inconsistencies that the FE crowd points out, why are you ignoring those? For example: Can you see stars or not? Do you have delay in communication or not? Why are we seeing bubbles, and floating stuff in space? Why do we see divers or even thumbs sticking out through the glove in space? Stuff like these is what made me more pro FE that the accepted world view when FE is in the picture.

In this thread I defend the FE topic itself, not if FE is true or not because all that I know is collected through the FE videos and arguments therefore I can not 100% claim to be a true flat earther. Do you follow?

I still follow many interesting stuff that are about space, quantum mechanics and what not, but I am not blindly believing it. How hard is it for you to understand this?

What I am surprised by is that your lack of understanding that people may change their stance on something like an atheist becoming a religious or vice versa. To be honest I think in my case something like FE is just a new fresh take on the world view regardless of how it really is because I am getting older, maybe it is a step in a religious direction or maybe it is just a phase but it is interesting.

And you dont need to drop everything else to being interested in something new? What are you freaking out about? What gives you the right to say that people like the Flat earthers are stupid and it seems you include me here without knowing anything about me at all.

To me you sound just like a religious mob that is out to burn the witch :P
FE don't ignore science, but do ignore space. The largest part of the universe we live in!

If you can't see inconsistent nature of that claim then you have swallowed what they are selling hook, line and sinker.

You don't get to ignore data simply because it doesn't work for you.

Oh and it's not your scientific method.

There is not a single shred, letter, word, number photo, algorithm or equation of evidence that shows us that there is a chance of a flat earth.


If you can't accept that, there is a serious flaw in your thinking.

That stance is simply an ignorant one if you ask me. How do you know, have you been in space? Why are the continents in differnet size on the ball earth when you compare them, why are there so much strange inconsistencies when it has to do with nasa and especially the moon landing.

Stuff like these make people question the narrative we are given, FE or not. So i can really understand how you can say that so proudly :P

FE don't ignore science, but do ignore space. The largest part of the universe we live in!

If you can't see inconsistent nature of that claim then you have swallowed what they are selling hook, line and sinker.

You don't get to ignore data simply because it doesn't work for you.

Oh and it's not your scientific method.

Let me ask this, do you live in space or on the ground, have you even been up in space?
Data can be falsified, you know and people on the ground central would not know that it is false :P
Because of many scientific inconsistencies that the FE crowd points out, why are you ignoring those? For example: Can you see stars or not? Do you have delay in communication or not? Why are we seeing bubbles, and floating stuff in space? Why do we see divers or even thumbs sticking out through the glove in space?

Okay, show us. If you use videos then please give a time code for the bit you want to discuss.

I can already answer "yes" to "can you see stars?" and "yes" to "is there a delay in communication?".

Why are the continents in differnet size on the ball earth when you compare them

Draw a circle on a ball and look at it from different angles, you'll see why.

why are there so much strange inconsistencies when it has to do with nasa and especially the moon landing.

That stance is simply an ignorant one if you ask me. How do you know, have you been in space? Why are the continents in differnet size on the ball earth when you compare them, why are there so much strange inconsistencies when it has to do with nasa and especially the moon landing.

Stuff like these make people question the narrative we are given, FE or not. So i can really understand how you can say that so proudly :P

Jesus christ.

You have been told numerous times now how YOU and YOU alone can check pretty much every fact thrown at you without leaving earth.

I'm starting to doubt that you're buying and reading scientific magazines, if this basic knowledge flies so far over your head that it sees the curvature of the earth.
That stance is simply an ignorant one if you ask me. How do you know, have you been in space? Why are the continents in differnet size on the ball earth when you compare them, why are there so much strange inconsistencies when it has to do with nasa and especially the moon landing.

Stuff like these make people question the narrative we are given, FE or not. So i can really understand how you can say that so proudly :P

Let me ask this, do you live in space or on the ground, have you even been up in space?
Data can be falsified, you know and people on the ground central would not know that it is false :P
No one is asking you, they are telling you, you're just too obstinate and ignorant to understand, I've never understood people who get off on contrarianism.
Flat Earthers do not ignore science at all, they even use science to explain a lot of things, they simply ignore space and all that.
So "space" (astrophysics) isn't science... Jeepers.
Because of many scientific inconsistencies that the FE crowd points out, why are you ignoring those?
Define "scientific inconsistencies".
For example: Can you see stars or not? Do you have delay in communication or not? Why are we seeing bubbles, and floating stuff in space? Why do we see divers or even thumbs sticking out through the glove in space?
What on Earth is all of this drivel about divers and bubbles? And what are you talking about with stars and communication delays? Yes, you can see stars (hey, here's a thought, go outside on a clear night) and yes, you have a delay in communication of roughly one second for every 186,000 miles distance.
I still follow many interesting stuff that are about space, quantum mechanics and what not, but I am not blindly believing it. How hard is it for you to understand this?
How hard is it for you to understand that nobody needs to blindly believe anything? I've explained over and over and over again that the entire point of the scientific method is that you can test it out for yourself.
How do you know, have you been in space?
Why are you stuck on going into space? You still didn't answer why Flat Earthists don't need to go into space for their measurements on the Sun and Moon to be accepted, while anyone who says they aren't small and close does need to.

Why is going into space relevant?

Why are the continents in differnet size on the ball earth when you compare them
What? :lol:

Do you think all the continents are really - and coincidentally - exactly the same size? I have no idea what you're trying to convey here.

why are there so much strange inconsistencies when it has to do with nasa and especially the moon landing.
There aren't. Although Flat Earthists bring up the photographs a lot, because they don't understand how convex mirrors work and - crucially - never, ever test it for themselves and just settle on "I don't understand it, so it's fake".
Flat Earthers do not ignore science at all

That is the bulk of what they do. At best they take their experiences from everyday life and then refuse to consider that the world can behave differently in situations very far removed from your usual experience.

A good example, the video creator "debunks" the speed of light just because he can't imagine delayed response over long distances. He does not even consider what the time delays are for human sized objects, instead he essentially goes by "I've never seen it/don't understand it so it's not real". This is your typical flat earth attempt at science.

Because of many scientific inconsistencies that the FE crowd points out, why are you ignoring those? For example: Can you see stars or not? Do you have delay in communication or not? Why are we seeing bubbles, and floating stuff in space? Why do we see divers or even thumbs sticking out through the glove in space? Stuff like these is what made me more pro FE that the accepted world view when FE is in the picture.
And they test none of it. They just point these things out over and over and assume it supports their point of view. Some of these things are beyond their ability to test, and this need to be acknowledged to be fair to them. They won't be able to put a camera on the Moon to test the visibility of stars. This is not an out for flat earth however. If they can't test it, how can they say whether something is true or not? If they can't explain it then it's simply unexplained.

In this thread I defend the FE topic itself, not if FE is true or not because all that I know is collected through the FE videos and arguments therefore I can not 100% claim to be a true flat earther. Do you follow?
Yes it's what you said months ago when the topic first came up. I don't see what there is to defend. The flat earth community simply does not do science.
There aren't. Although Flat Earthists bring up the photographs a lot, because they don't understand how convex mirrors work and - crucially - never, ever test it for themselves and just settle on "I don't understand it, so it's fake".

Mythbusters did an episode on it, and presented it in such a way that even a dead fetus would understand it.
There is nothing, except perhaps a pair of titties, that will make me watch or read anything that defends anything flat earth related.

Ya, but those titties would be flat.

And how do you know this for a fact?

There's been experiments and photographs to back up it as fact. With the Flat Earth nonsense there's no proof anywhere except for some idiots who skew everything to fit their hypothesis. There's a time to be skeptical and there's a time not to be, this is one of those times not to be.

I'm also curious, how would you explain how other planets in the solar system are round? Or do you think they're all flat?

when FE came it woke me up

Were you asleep or something? I use an alarm clock or a phone to wake myself up, not a fictional planet. I mean Jesus tap-dancing Christ, how big is your bedroom if a fictional planet can swoop in and wake you up?
Okay, show us. If you use videos then please give a time code for the bit you want to discuss.

I can already answer "yes" to "can you see stars?" and "yes" to "is there a delay in communication?".

Draw a circle on a ball and look at it from different angles, you'll see why.


Haha okey, you dont understand why I asked this in the first place. I asked this because there are inconsistencies here.
Wait I will try to find the video when some legendary astronauts says they never saw any stars but those at the iss station say that they see them even during the day :P

And when it it about the communication delay in some clips there is a delay but in other there is no delay at all, but that is an old video. I think it is found on the Jeranism channel, but the first one must be when Rob Skiba is having a presentation.
Haha okey, you dont understand why I asked this in the first place. I asked this because there are inconsistences here.
Wait I will try to find the video when some legendary astronauts says they never saw any stars but those at the iss station says that thay see them even during the day :P
You people will believe anything... anything other than verifiable facts based in reality, is yours so poor that you desperatley have to resort to fantasy and make believe like an impoverished child?
Haha okey, you dont understand why I asked this in the first place. I asked this because there are inconsistencies here.

There are inconsistencies because the universe is a very inconsistent place. That’s why the scientific method uses controls.

Also, I’ve never seen someone argue so strongly for something they claim to not believe. :lol:
You people will believe anything... anything other than verifiable facts based in reality, is yours so poor that you desperatley have to resort to fantasy and make believe like an impoverished child?

You people believe anything? Okey? I feel like I am the only one here that actually try to read other posts. What do I say repeatedly? That the FE topic have done to me? Well I do not believe anything that I simply read or hear about anymore if I myself can confirm it...

Again.. how many times do I need to repeat myself Haha, funny :)

There are inconsistencies because the universe is a very inconsistent place. That’s why the scientific method uses controls.

Also, I’ve never seen someone argue so strongly for something they claim to not believe. :lol:

It is a topic I find refreshing and need a bit of explanation how and why the FE "believe" because you people are very fast to condemn people as stupid and what not.

I say one thing and I get am getting "bombed" with replies that are borderline offensive because I am supporting a group that do not see the world as you do.

And I need to watch my language because If I write that someone is obnoxious that is a no go but for others to say that I am ignorant and other negative stuff is ok. I get it :)
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