The GT Sport Livery Editor Competition 51 (24h of LeMons) - CLOSED

  • Thread starter Cytoria
Unbelievable what you guys are coming up with!
I guess I set off an avalanche with that theme – and there's still two weeks to go!
Be creative and have fun! :gtpflag:

It helps that I'm not allowed leave the house.
My bonus Willow Springs photo is so boring. Is there a thread where someone can teach me how to take good race shots?

Try to get a shot where the car is the main focus but it's framed by the circuit or yout gone off on the dirt so stones are being thrown up.
When I got mine I drove into as many cars as possible to get that much needed added damage.
Some of us may not have noticed it, but at Willow Springs (exclusively) you can leave the track and experience the off-track scene.
Simply choose an Arcade race and determine "not to return to track automatically" or something like that.
So you will be allowed to explore the complete region as you like.
Woah, woah, woah!!!!
How am I only just now finding out that the theme this time around is LeMons?!?!

Bonus points to anyone who nails a replica of one of the Hooncorp x GTPlanet Lemons cars! Happy to supply reference pics if anyone's keen :P (And we'll chuck your replicas up on Hooncorp's social media for all to see)

I would, but I'm sort of tied up at the moment on another project.

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Blunderbird 2

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Blunderbird 2

The non Brits may be confused at the reference here but I love it
Blunderbird 2

Had no shortage of ideas for this round, but struggled for a while to develop one that I felt truly happy with. Then, at some point during the process, I got inspired to do a Gerry Anderson parody livery, having grown up watching a handful of his Supermarionation shows (Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet) as a child. This in turn rejuvenated my interest in Anderson's work, and eventually I realised that the A80 Supra would work well as a lookalike of my favourite International Rescue craft, Thunderbird 2.

My experience with custom decals is limited to text, numbers and basic patterns, but I was able to create a set of authentic-looking Thunderbird 2 'parody' decals using Photoshop and the fonts Eurostile Condensed Heavy and Nobel Black. Default shapes were used to create the stripes, windows, intakes and thrusters, along with lines across the roof representing one of Thunderbird 2's 'pods'. As GT Sport doesn't let you add fake engine assemblies, wings and thrusters, and the thrusters I created looked unconvincing, I then added default gradient shapes over the rear bumper to give the effect that it had been scorched by the larger and hotter exhausts.

I recognise that some on here won't be familiar with Thunderbirds or Supermarionation shows as a whole, but felt it would make an interesting addition to the LeMons crowd considering that this beast exists. Highly recommend visiting the official Gerry Anderson YouTube channel if you want to get up to speed with his works.
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Had no shortage of ideas for this round, but struggled for a while to develop one that I felt truly happy with. Then, at some point during the process, I got inspired to do a Gerry Anderson parody livery, having grown up watching a handful of his Supermarionation shows (Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet) as a child. This in turn, rejuvenated my interest in Anderson's work, and eventually I realised that the A80 Supra would work well as a lookalike of my favourite International Rescue craft, Thunderbird 2.

My experience with custom decals is limited to text, numbers and basic patterns, but I was able to create a set of authentic-looking Thunderbird 2 'parody' decals using Photoshop and the fonts Eurostile Condensed Heavy and Nobel Black. Default shapes were used to create the stripes, windows, intakes and thrusters, along with lines across the roof representing one of Thunderbird 2's 'pods'. As GT Sport doesn't let you add fake engine assemblies, wings and thrusters, and the thrusters I created looked unconvincing, I then added default gradient shapes over the rear bumper to give the effect that it had been scorched by the larger and hotter exhausts.

I recognise that some on here won't be familiar with Thunderbirds or Supermarionation shows as a whole, but felt it would make an interesting addition to the LeMons crowd considering that this beast exists. Highly recommend visiting the official Gerry Anderson YouTube channel if you want to get up to speed with his works.
All I can is you have great taste in TV, loved those shows as a kid!
Well...hello again. Been a bit.

I know I'm not in the same league as y'all are, but seeing the Mazda and Supra liveries gave me an idea. I got a laugh out of it and said "Eh, what the hell." I've been wanting to get involved again, but every time I've tried for dirty or scuffed-up looks, my attempts look awful and quickly get abandoned.

Backstory? Ehh...The body was fine, but all the mechanical bits are frankenstined together with bits from Jeep, Eagles, and a few legit bits from a Javelin.

Link to the Livery
Blunderbird 2

Livery link added - see quote above.
I thought it would end yesterday or tonight and was about to say I couldn't get in, but I've seen I still have some time.
Hopefully I'll be able to come up with something, but while some people stay at home because of the lock down (is that the correct word?), I'm stuck at work 12h a day... So I don't know!

Great entries so far, you guys rock