The GTPlanet Gear List Thread

  • Thread starter G.T


United Kingdom
Ak Paganister
What digital camera do you own? Sample pictures as well if you can.

I have a Fuji S5500/S5100.

Sample picture of the new Millennium Tower in Portsmouth:

Edit: I can't seem to get my picture to work but there are sample pictures HERE

My Dad has a Fuji S3 Pro.

No sample picture because the pictures are huge. Its a 1MB upload limit to Imageshack I think. The pictures are 5MB jpeg format.

They're both great cameras.
I never found that thread.
Did you try the search page ?...

If you search for "digital camera" it's 5th in the result list - Would've been 4th if you haven't started this thread..

Anyway - I STILL use the ancient Nikon Coolpix 900 2Mpixel POS...
I own a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ3.


Here's a sample straight off the camera (only rezised):

Did you try the search page ?...

If you search for "digital camera" it's 5th in the result list - Would've been 4th if you haven't started this thread..

Anyway - I STILL use the ancient Nikon Coolpix 900 2Mpixel POS...
Yep I did that. I must have been blind... :nervous:
I have a Fuji S5500/S5100.


I have a nisis dv4, which is basically an aiptek dv4000. I bought it 1 year ago because of it's movie function. I want something better now though, i'm sick of the useless macro, ad the lack of optical zoom. It's also really slow between shots, which is a pain when taking shots of anything moving - you take one shot, and when you take the next shot, the person/animal has moved 300m :grumpy: .
I used to own a Cannon S50. I was never really happy with the zoom so my parents bought me the S5500. It has a really good 640 x 480 movie recording option which doesn't stop after a minute like some do. It has RAW file mode which REALLY boosts picture quality. Its supposed to be the only camera in that price range to have RAW format. It's pretty quick between picures as well. You can take three (except RAW) in a row quicky.
It has a really good 640 x 480 movie recording option which doesn't stop after a minute like some do.

So does mine, and mine doesn't run out until i run out of memory.

Difference is, that mine was £129.99 when i bought it, and urs was more than twice that!!! :lol:, so i went for the cheap option :dopey:
Just anyone who wants to know, my Dad found out be accident that a new S5100 will be released around August time. The man who told my Dad wasn't allowed to tell anyone. :D

My Mum will be waiting for it. So anyone who wants a S5100 now you can wait till August for the new one or get one now. Just to let you know the new one will be around £20 more than the current one.

Ooops I probably wasn't allowed to let you know. :D
I own a Nikon D70 with a 17-70 AFS DX (equal to a 28-105). I also have a Sigma telezoom 100-300 (equal to 150-450) F4, nice for motor racing shooting sessions.


PS : the photo is better quality in real, on my computer.
A sample picture from my S5100 I took:


This picture below is 1920x1440 pixels. The picture is more compressed than the picture above resulting in a little loss of detail.
Sony DSC P 100

This picture is not a good one, but it is already uploaded on GTP so... I take this one ( My 2002 STi 300+ PS and the Civic Type R of my dad)

Please, nobody else embed these rediculously large images into your posts. Thumbnails linkint go them is fine. It's such an eyesore to see a raw image just sitting there when it adds nothing to the discussion.

On that note, I've probably posted in here before... I have a cybershot DSC-P100
My pics are on

I've got a few raws floating around in there as well if you dig through my scraps folder.

Panasonic DMC-LC20 2MP Camera. I've had it for about three years, and paid little over $150 back then. It's OK, but could do better with $150 today.
Pictures I've taken with it:

My buddy's Land Rover

My car's (frozen)grill. :ill:

My Mini at work.
I just recently bought my first digital SLR; the Pentax *ist DS. I already had a film Vivitar camera body that used the Pentax K-mount lenses, so it made sense for me to buy a digital SLR camera that used the same mount as the lenses I already had.

The *ist DS is nice in another way because it's one of the smallest and lightest digital SLRs around. It uses the same chip as Nikon's D70 so it's not too bad. My sample images may be seen here: I downsized them from 2400x1600 (and sometimes 3008x2008 pixels) to a more reasonable 1024x768 for image size and 320x240 in thumbnail size. I also cut the image quality down to 57% so what you see on the site isn't what I have stored on my computer drive. Still they give you a sense of what I can do with the camera.

I have a focusing issue with my mondo 650-1300mm lens, I think the thread -> k-mount adapter is failing, causing a slight bend between lens and camera body. When I do get the shot, it looks awesome! I'll be replacing that adapter very soon.
can't somebody make a link out of that huge picture...
pictures of that size just don't belong in threads,
they screw up the layout and the scrolling is very annoying.

anyway, i also got the fuji s5500/5100. its brilliant, especially considering its price.

...damn, were the **** is the reply button?
Right now, i have a Canon Powershot A95. Not so great...but for it's price, I like it.

I've been really meaning to get a Digital SLR...anyone have some suggestions?
I've been really meaning to get a Digital SLR...anyone have some suggestions?
@ MoNkEy_MaGiCx, All 4 big brands are good, but if you are really interested in quality the biggest gain is to invest in good quality optics. So a base camera e.g. Canon 350D would be the 1st step. Dont go for cheap lenses, buy the best you can and you can't go wrong.

Now I'm not sure if posting the following link is allowed but since it's not a gtp competitor and is not related to GT in anyway I assume the Moderators will not have a problem with it. (Otherwise please remove)

The link gives info and writeups on a lot of digital cameras.

Personally I shoot with Canon 1D MII & EOS1Vhs (analog, slide film only).
Lenses, only the best from 20mm to 400mm 2.8

@ MoNkEy_MaGiCx, All 4 big brands are good, but if you are really interested in quality the biggest gain is to invest in good quality optics. So a base camera e.g. Canon 350D would be the 1st step. Dont go for cheap lenses, buy the best you can and you can't go wrong.

Now I'm not sure if posting the following link is allowed but since it's not a gtp competitor and is not related to GT in anyway I assume the Moderators will not have a problem with it. (Otherwise please remove)

The link gives info and writeups on a lot of digital cameras.

Personally I shoot with Canon 1D MII & EOS1Vhs (analog, slide film only).
Lenses, only the best from 20mm to 400mm 2.8

Thank you very much, I'll look into them.
Digital Rebel 300D... I love it!

This pic is a bit grainy because it's not exactly in focus... it was one of the first pics I took from that spot, but I like it the best so I posted it. Maybe I'll get one of a car in focus later.
