Here's my opinion on this. The use of assists are set up to allow the most people to participate in and enjoy Sport Mode.
CSA should help beginners and casuals have cleaner, more enjoyable races. But it does not need to be so competitive. Why can't CSA still cater to beginners and casuals, and cater to serious racers by being 0.5 seconds off ultimate achievable lap pace?
The best players don't need the assists and will learn to not use them.
Yes, they don't "need the assists". But some of the best drivers DO use CSA in the FIA events. Some of the winners have won with CSA! Sure, it doesn't give you an advantage in ultimate achievable pace, but it doesn't give you a disadvantage if you know how to use it, and it can help slightly with their personal pace. It can certainly provide an advantage of the course of race, where I have seen even the best (non-CSA) drivers lose control of their car where CSA may have prevented it, and also suffer from inconsistency which CSA may have helped.
Is it worth qualifying for one of the big events relying on assists and completely embarrass themselves in public when they can't drive without assists?
They can drive without assists. But there are those top drivers who know how to use CSA to their advantage, and nothing is stopping them from getting its benefits. They are not going to embarrass themselves in public. But the point is, they qualified, and someone missed out. Without CSA, they may not have qualified, and someone else may have qualified. Regardless of how small a chance that is, it's still a chance.
I would strongly argue that the people at those levels can drive no matter what the rules are.
A "serious" driver should beat a "casual" driver regardless of assists in most situations. I really don't feel that the assists make drivers so much more competitive that they need to be altered to slow them down more. I think it's fairly well balanced. I'm not an alien by any means, so I can either push with assists or drive more conservatively without them. Which is faster for me? It depends on the car and track. That will probably be different for everyone based on their preferences and driving style.
When did I even mention that? Obviously a serious driver will beat a casual driver regardless of assists. I'm talking about serious driver vs. serious driver with CSA. Where there can be an advantage over the course of qualifying and race, not always, but depending on the situation.
When I mentioned casual driver, I meant that CSA can still help them, and cater to them. But, it shouldn't be so competitive for serious drivers using it that they can win FIA championships with (as has been done).
I think it's a fallacy to say a B driver with assists is equal to an A driver without assists (I'm not implying you said that exactly, just an example based on your comment of "...being so competitive.")
Maybe my wording was slightly off, but I meant, it should cater to casuals and beginners, without being "so competitive" ...that you can use it and still win FIA championships.
Overall, the best will be the best with or without assists. Beyond them, nerfing or banning assists will most likely cause more people to stop playing than it will cause people to start playing. I think that's very significant to PD and the success of the franchise.
I'm not asking assists to get banned. Yes I do want CSA nerfed. Why does it have to stop people playing? It's not going to affect casuals and beginners at all. It's going to help them! They won't even notice that they are only able to get a 1:48.000 and not a 1:47.500 on Suzuka Gr.3 LOL! And if they get to the skill level where they do start to notice that it's slowing them down slightly, they will want to improve, so they take it off!