The Official Glitch/Bugs Thread

  • Thread starter 87chevy
I don't know whether this has happened to anyone else since I haven't read the rest of this thread but today while I was doing the pimping missions around Los Santos every cop car I drove past had no wheels. Not just popped tires but no wheels what-so-ever.
I can't be bothered reading through the thread to see if anyone has experienced something similar, but anyway. I started a new game a few days ago and it appears as though I can get busted or wasted without losing any money and weapons. Note: I haven't even got up to dating Denise yet, so I'm not dating Katie and Barbara to achieve the same thing. Hell, I'm only just up to to OG Loc's missions...

As for cars disappearing from garages, I've only noticed it happen with more than 2 vehicles in the garage. In both of my San Andreas saves, I've limited myself to 2 vehicles per garage and haven't noticed any cars disappearing. However, when I've had 3 or 4 in a single garage, one of the vehicles decided to grow legs and walk away...

I've also noticed the weird death positions. I ran over a group of Ballas once and they all just froze upside down like they were a break dancing crew. :lol:

Oh, and I forgot that once I bailed into water from a fairly high altitude (without opening the parachute). When I hit the water, the game must've thought I was still up in the air as CJ was in the mid-air parachuting position (arms out, belly first) in the water and I couldn't do anything. I had to restart the damn console.
Were they still 'driving' like normal or what?


The cops were still trying to drive their cars but all that was happening was the engine was revving and the car moving nowhere, unless it was on a hill whereupon it slid down the hill slowly. The cars burst into flames and exploded after a while.
Wow, that's cool! Did it stop when you finished doing the pimping missions? Was it happening to any other vehicles?

@Shannon Jimmy Enslahsay started a new game a while ago and said he couldn't lose his weapons when he got killed, but he was dating Katie on his previous game. I think he could lose his guns when he got busted, he could probably tell you in more detail ;).

When I stopped pimpin' the cars regained their wheels. And it was just the cop cars which did lacked wheels.
I did some more pimpin' to see if it happened again and it did, instead of picking up the next girl, when you have no time limit, I just drove around looking for cop cars. I counted 31 police cars without wheels before I got bored. The HPV1000s have wheels though, in case you're wondering. Now I'll go see if Enforcers appear without wheels if I have wanted stars.
Wow, that's cool! Did it stop when you finished doing the pimping missions? Was it happening to any other vehicles?

@Shannon Jimmy Enslahsay started a new game a while ago and said he couldn't lose his weapons when he got killed, but he was dating Katie on his previous game. I think he could lose his guns when he got busted, he could probably tell you in more detail ;).

Hmm... the settings must roll over from the previous game. Like the "Purple Nines Glitch" from GTA:III. I was dating both Katie and Barbara (allowing me to get wasted or busted without losing any weapons) in my previous game.
Yeah, it seems like stuff like that must roll over. Maybe next time you plan on starting a new game, rest the console without a memory card in it. That should work I guess.

@Shannon Jimmy Enslahsay started a new game a while ago and said he couldn't lose his weapons when he got killed, but he was dating Katie on his previous game. I think he could lose his guns when he got busted, he could probably tell you in more detail .
First of all, the name's Enslashay. :P

I only dated Katie, so when I restarted the new game, I was able to go to hospital without losing weapons, but I would still lose them when getting arrested. Blake's suggestion would work. Start a new game without the memory card. Insert memory card. Save.

Yeah, it seems like stuff like that must roll over. Maybe next time you plan on starting a new game, rest the console without a memory card in it. That should work I guess.

But I like not losing my weapons without the the hassel of having to date chicks. :P
Thats a good glitch-- maybe Rockstar is paying us back for the purple nines glitch.

If you want to try and remove it, maybe removing the card, starting a new game, then reloading your saved game may remove it-- I doubt it but who knows???
But I like not losing my weapons without the the hassel of having to date chicks. :P
Then don't do it :lol:

I guess it would make going through the game again cheaper, not that it was hard to get money anyway, with all the gambling and stuff :rolleyes:. I haven't dated either Katie or Barbara so it really wouldn't effect me.

This makes me wonder. Possibly if you get to San Fierro, and you have dated Michelle, her garage is open automatically? Barbara's shed is automatically open? That would be good.
I was thinking of locked cars being unlocked but they don't appear untill you start dating do they?

No they don't. And also, I don't think there are any other carry-overs apart from the rewards you just get for dating them. I don't think uniforms have carried over, either.
Jimmy Enslashay
This makes me wonder. Possibly if you get to San Fierro, and you have dated Michelle, her garage is open automatically? Barbara's shed is automatically open? That would be good.
I was dating Michelle too (yes, I get around :dopey:). When I get up to San Fierro I'll have to check it out. I wasn't dating that other chick though, the one with the shed. She said I had too much muscle and I couldn't be arsed sitting around waiting for it to decrease. :grumpy:
Jimmy Enslashay
No they don't. And also, I don't think there are any other carry-overs apart from the rewards you just get for dating them. I don't think uniforms have carried over, either.
I'm pretty sure uniforms don't carry over.
I've searched the forums for this, but I haven't found anything about this glitch/bug.

When you go to the gym in Las Venturas, go boxing with the guy who asks "you think you can last a round with me"

There's a guy standing at the left from him and it seems he keeps appearing after everytime you beat up the "teacher".

So eventually after you killed him (they count as kills) for about 15 times, there are 15 guys in one, at the same spot standing next to the boxing ring.. Really weird.. :crazy:

I usually kill all of him eeerm.. them
It was more by luck than judgement that I managed to survive long enough to check while still driving the freaking broadway and avoiding the helicopter that was filling my car with bullets but Enforcers and FBI Ranchers also lack wheels while I was pimping.
Didn't survive long enough to check if Barracks and Rhinos don't have them? Assuming the Rhinos have wheels in this game, I haven't checked yet.

Just for fun i started a taxi mission in LV and picked a guy up and then drove to LS, obviously failing the mission and on the way i collected a few stars so i decided to go to the pay and spray with the guy still in the Taxi. When i went in, the guy got out of the car but the garage door closed before he could get out.
When the garage opened, i tried to kill him but he started running so i got my desert eagle out and shot. The crosshair went black indicating he was dead but he carried on running!! so i threw a grenade and it was a direct hit because the guy got tossed into the air but he was still alive!! :grumpy: OMG.
Yesterday, I was trying to take over some territories. So, I got a police car after me.
I shoot at the police car, it starts to fire, then the police men goes out of the car but the car is already blown up when he comes out. But after the car exploded near him, he gets and starts to walk against me but after a few meters he collapses.
Slick Rick
yea, thats happened to me, sometimes it takes a couple of secs for the policeman to realise hes dead!
It never happened to me before so I was like "WTF!!??". I tought he survived the explosion.
I came across the invisble engined NRG-500 the otehr day. That was a first for me, but I remember it being mentioned before.
Sorry if this was already mention cause I don't have time to read all 10 pages of this thread.

One time I followed the train tracks in the direction of Las Ventures, I don't think I was on a mission but I got to the road block and just looked around for a bit when suddenly a train popped up. A tiny bit of the train was sticking out of my end of the road block, but just enough for me to get in. This was the first time I found out you could drive trains. When I got in I couldn't move forward but I could go in reverse. I was able to explore a bit of Las Ventures without worrying about the cops cause all they did was ram into the trian and didn't hurt me. But I didn't realize your could got too fast and half way across the third island I derailed.

Also my friend told me about this one. He fell from a high distance ( not sure if from plane or building) and hit the ground. Still standing, didn't even bend his legs and didn't lose any health. But he took a few steps forward and collasped dead.
Well, I were playing SA with Cosmic, and as we usually do when bored we jumped from that starshaped building. I spawned a Rhino so it accidentally fell down, so I jumped after it. :D When starting to reach the ground I press circle without any result so I keep falling. About 0.5m above ground I just stop. I float in the air, and I can't do anything, except changing my parachute to a golf club or gun. I were like that for like 10 min before I got inpacient. :D

I might post pics later, if I can upload it from my bro's cameraphone.
This is a small glitch:

All the ZR-350's I drive have infinite gears. Constantly upshifts and never reaches 5,6,7,8,34905860286th gear. Just keeps upshifting.

My big glitch:

All of my save icons dissapeared once, for about 3 hours. Gone. The little diskette thingies in all of my save houses were just gone— not invisible, GONE. I even phoned rockstar and they said it was the first case they've had something like that happen and asked me a bunch of questions to see if I've done anything to cause it. I tried killing myself, getting busted, getting busted while on a mission, losing a mission, dying on a mission, dying on a mission and thus losing a mission and everything and nothing reset it. It wasn't until my fourth time allowing myself to die whilst on a mission (one of Toreno's, I think) that it reset and the diskettes reappeared.

Oh, and I've had the police-car-stuck-in-the-ground glitch happen to me 1000 times, and in Vice City. Actually, almost during every police chase in vice city. That's how i got my record-setting-jump was by going full speed and hitting one of the windsheilds sticking out of the ground.

And Matt, I've had the same glitch with pedestrians landing in funny positions. Some of them are quite entertaining.

My favourite though, is getting a ***-****** wanted level and going near the water whilst on a boat-- preferrably near a cliff/building where cops can jump off of, and somewhere with shelter to hide you from the chopper, and letting the cops on foot jump off the edge and drown themselves-- then shooting or blowing up their drown bodies!
So the ZR-350s aren't just running through the same gear over and over again? Sometimes cars will do that, it sound like an upshift, but they don't get any faster. If you had infinite gears, you'd be going infinitly fast. Or shifting constantly.

New stuff from me:
-There's a forklift at the LS docks that spawns in about 80% submerged. It actually took me a few seconds to figure out what it was the first time, but it's been there every time I've gone back. Have I posted this one before?
-There's a gas station on Mulholand just north of sunrise. Part of the roof* is at the level of the overhang around the station, not the roof. CJ's about waist deep in the roof when walking around.
-Probably not a glitch, but since starting a new game I've been falling through the ground a lot. Like, 5 times last night alone, and only once with anything approaching a good reason (a police rancher parked on top of me while I was on a freeway). I can't even remember the last time I fell through on my 100% game.


North is up there
west half of roof is down here
____|<glitch part