The Poem Corner

  • Thread starter RACECAR

I wish it was winter...

I wish to feel the cold embrace me
like a long lost lover...

I wish to walk along a solemn path
crushing fallen leaves that lay beneath my feet...

I wish to stand in the morning mist and watch the sunrise...
I wish to stand there until it has fallen to the west...

I wish to wrap myself in the whisper of the wind...
It speaks to me like a long lost friend...

I wish it was winter...

I wish to watch the world decay...

Just to prove that life still exists...

Inside of me...
Hi there, I'm new around here, so... yeah, I'll try and get used to the environment here. Anyway, I'm not that good at poetry, and I'm writing a few as a form of clues to my story, which is a puzzle of sorts. Many aspects, like storyline, characters, and even clues themselves have the ability to distort one's mind, making the reader in search on what the real truth is. This was one of the poems I've did, and I hope you will enjoy it. Thanks you.


A hand; stretching out for me,
I grasped it; only to be a marionette’s,
Chains; rusty that screamed tetanus,
Cuffed; firmly to my ankles.

A syringe; used and discarded,
Blood; dried and rotting
Wounds; open and infected,
Body; feverish.

A window; I viewed through it,
Devastation; I saw failed copies of myself,
Frustration; I huddled to one grimy corner,
A whip; forcing me to stretch out my arm.

Blood; my life force extracted,
Breaths; each one heavier than before,
Vision; blurred,
Conversation; slurred.

A yank; I woke up,
A hand; doused in blood,
I grasped it; but was shoved away,
I stumbled; stepped on countless times.

A howl; I wept,
Tears; in a form of blood,
Pain; surged throughout my body,
Time; a day has passed.

…Hellena Scarlatina…

If you want to know what the full story is, I've completed one part of the five, the one simply entitled 'Tokyo Battalions'. The one before it "Tokyo Battalions: 1939" will only be revealed after the storyline hits "Revenge", as it contains mostly answers to the puzzle, so don't worry about being lost and such.

The First story is actually two of them, one being the main, another as a helper, or distorter.

Tokyo Battalions (Main story)

Shattered Entity (Helper/Distorter) [The seriousness of the insensitivity of the story will mellow down when it hits around the 10th chapter, so hold on tight here.]

If I had went off-topic in terms of what I just typed in, then I apologise. And no, I'm not promoting my story or sorts, it's just that the poem is linked to the story I've been writing since mid-2006. No matter, thank you if you had taken the trouble to read through what I've just said. God, am I long-winded or what?

Impressive how you managed to compose a poem using the format you did..the idea or object being the first word of each line and details/actions following afterward. I find it quite uncommon yet ..unique. I have not yet read the story behind this poem, but judging from the composition above, it shall prove quite interesting when I do. :)
I liked the metaphors in this poem, especially "A hand; stretching out for me,
I grasped it; only to be a marionette’s" -- false hope, I'm assuming, is one of the key concepts in your writing? I also favored the "screaming" of the tetanus -- a human action given to the non-living does not always fit in with the rest of the composition. 👍

I wish it was winter...

I wish to feel the cold embrace me
like a long lost lover...

I wish to walk along a solemn path
crushing fallen leaves that lay beneath my feet...

I wish to stand in the morning mist and watch the sunrise...
I wish to stand there until it has fallen to the west...

I wish to wrap myself in the whisper of the wind...
It speaks to me like a long lost friend...

I wish it was winter...

I wish to watch the world decay...

Just to prove that life still exists...

Inside of me...

Tis like a song..harmony and melody weaving through the words..

Anyway, I just thought this poem was a bit repetitive in the "I wish" aspect..perhaps that is just your style of writing, but eight "I wish"'s in only thirteen lines is a bit too many of them in my opinion. Hmm..if I were debating the use of words in this poem, I would change a few of them to "desire" or "want"...
On the other hand, there were parts I did enjoy. Again, with the humanistic features -- "feel the cold embrace me" is one such detail. Usually, one would use "cold embrace," with "embrace" being the noun. Your use of "embrace" being a verb to describe the action of the "cold" is quite clever. 👍
My Sixteenth, "One"

So here we are with doubt and fear in our heart

fearing what happens next may split us apart

Taking our frustraition on entire nations

When not all are responsible for that situation

Grudges still being held in the midst of survival

When they should welcome help of any kind upon arrival

We should work together to try and survive

Instead, we fight and constintly divide

We must set aside our hostile beliefs

And work together for victory instead of defeat

Because eventually when it is all said and done

When the time comes, we must become one.
My Sixteenth, "One"

So here we are with doubt and fear in our heart

fearing what happens next may split us apart

Taking our frustraition on entire nations

When not all are responsible for that situation

Grudges still being held in the midst of survival

When they should welcome help of any kind upon arrival

We should work together to try and survive

Instead, we fight and constintly divide

We must aside our hostile beliefs

And work together for victory istead of defeat

Because eventually when it is all said and done

When the time comes, we need throw it all aside and become one.

Nice title 👍 sums up the whole poem.
Typographical errors aside, I believe the only con is the lack of a steady..rhythm..each line has a different number of syllables, so the transition between lines is a bit bumpy..rough. It does rhyme quite well, however -- the ubiquitous "heart" and "apart" pair as well as pairs not as commonly seen, such as "nations" and "situation"; "survival" and "arrival"; et cetera.
Overall, good job creating a poem dedicated to the topics of desired unity and doubt. 👍
Thanks for the comment, Speedyvroom. Some of the prejutice I've seen was what inspired me to put this together.I'll try to work on the rhythm.

Here's my Seventeenth "Fiction"

"All I do and all I say is fictional

Not one bit of it is believeable

My whole life is falsely conceivable

The truth inside is truly unretrievable

The other four people are the main story

while the minor and meaningless one is me

They struggle for normal life and happiness

And all I'm am is a mistake they regret

I'm unnoticed, I'm unseen

Seems like no one is gonna see me

Am I that much a waste of time?

Seems thats all I see with these brown eyes

It appears all the hope and the wishing

Won't serve to show what they're missing

I must their worst conviction

For it seems to be the reason that I'm pure fiction"

Mainly based off me helping working only to not get appreciation.
Thanks for the comment, Speedyvroom. Some of the prejutice I've seen was what inspired me to put this together.I'll try to work on the rhythm.

Here's my Seventeenth "Fiction"

"All I do and all I say is fictional

Not one bit of it is believeable

My whole life is falsely conceivable

The truth inside is truly unretrievable

The other four people are the main story

while the minor and meaningless one is me

They struggle for normal life and happiness

And all I'm am is a mistake they regret

I'm unnoticed, I'm unseen

Seems like no one is gonna see me

Am I that much a waste of time?

Seems thats all I see with these brown eyes

It appears all the hope and the wishing

Won't serve to show what they're missing

I must their worst conviction

For it seems to be the reason that I'm pure fiction"

Mainly based off me helping working only to not get appreciation.

👍 I like the rhymes..unique..hmm...ah. Although there is emotion and meaning in this composition, it could be deeper. Tis the sole iota of constructive criticism I have to offer as of now. The rhythm of this poem is more smooth and curvaceous than the previous 👍 👍 👍

Overall, your poems are really well-written..well-written to the point where if you were required to mass-produce rhyming compositions, you would probably be able to do so, efficiently and effectively. Tis the impression.. 👍
👍 I like the rhymes..unique..hmm...ah. Although there is emotion and meaning in this composition, it could be deeper. Tis the sole iota of constructive criticism I have to offer as of now. The rhythm of this poem is more smooth and curvaceous than the previous 👍 👍 👍
Thanks alot. I'm glad my rhythm is better

Overall, your poems are really well-written..well-written to the point where if you were required to mass-produce rhyming compositions, you would probably be able to do so, efficiently and effectively. Tis the impression.. 👍
Wow, Thats a really huge compliment. I didn't relize My poems were that good.
My poem Shadow was in a book. It was just a small book of elementary school crap though. But it was a real book from a real publisher and it was nationwide.
My Eighteenth, "Fire"

"A man staring at a chared remain

Remembers a night when things weren't the same

It was a night full of conflict

And a night that nearly took lives with it

Brothers that were scorned victims of deception

Their disagreement from words to aggression

The sight in his brother's eye showed his jealousy

His actions clearly stated his jealous-driven envy

He remembers that man and his ruthless attitude

As well as his thurst for vengence too

It was where he is standing that they fought

Over their mother's death for the truth he sought

They were going blow for blow no matter how

Nothing or no one could really stop them now

Finally, he had enough and lit a match in his hand

He then says 'maybe this will make you understand'

With a face of anger, he drops it to the ground

His brother charges at him and knocks him down

Quick to his feet, He knocks him out as he escapes

The building collapses as he jumps over the gates

And now six long years after that faithful night

He now stands on that once hellish site.

He then looks at the prison one away

One could imagine how was his brother enduring everyday

He thought to himself "No more trouble now that he is gone

and now she can rest as her spirit goes on"

As he turned his attention to a burning pire

He will never forget that fight during the night of the fire"
'Jealous-driven envy' :odd: ?

Apart from that oddity, not bad at all.

Thanks. I'm still thinking I could have put something better there, but at the time I couldn't of anything else.
One Gun
[city sounds]
Meet Corey, and hear his story/
No one could've predicted how it would be so gory/
A product of the streets, and a victim of influences/
Left covered in sheets, after hopping all the fences/
Growing up in Harlem, his family faced many problems/
Poverty and bad luck left them at rock bottom/
He always wanted a way out of the hood/
So he stayed in school and tried to be good/
One day, with lunch money that he saved/
He was just about to sneak under the turnstile into the subway/
Go to Payless, buy a new pair of shoes/
$20 in his pocket cause his old ones were worn through/
But he was blocked by a great figure/
And when he retreated to a dark corner, it only got bigger/
[talking in background of the next few lines, 'Gimme all your money! Come on, I aint playing! Hand it over!]
Blocking out the light, suddenly the man pulled a knife/
It was the first time the kid really feared for his life/
What could he do but hand over his savings?/
And be beating by his mom for losing the product of her slavings?/
And that's when he wished that he only had one gun/
That way he could protect himself instead of having to succumb or run/
[talking between verses; 'Hey... I need a gun.. can you give me one?' 'Why would I just hand you a gun?' 'So I can protect myself... come on, I'll do anything' 'Against what?' 'well, last week i got mugged...' 'okay, here's one clip and one gun. When you get the money back, you're gonna have to give it to me' 'okay'
So he goes to one of the school's gang bosses/
Who pretends to take sympathy in his losses/
He hands him one clip and one gun, and says/
"When you get the money back, you better give me some/
"Or you know what'll happen/
"like hunters, my boys will get to trapping and slapping, and kill your punk ass, and--"/
"Okay, okay! I'll get you the money!/
"Don't act like you think that I think this is funny."/
Now the boy feels untouchable, like Teflon Don/ (John Gotti, NYC Mafia boss, look him up)
He'll never lose anything again, or go crying to his mom/
Next time he sees the crook, he gets his money back/
And gives it to the other kid, adding to his money stacks/
No longer is he scared of the gunfire, going [gunfire] like a drum/
Because he knows that he's safe with his one clip and his one gun/
[kid getting mugged; 'wanna get stabbed' '..uh, no..' 'give me your money' 'i don't have any!' 'then give me something' 'I don't have anything' 'your jacket... if I don't get this money for drugs, they'll kill me.. hand it over, quick! Come on, I ain't play--' [gun cocking] 'hold up, hold up, don't shoot' 'back off' 'oh hell no, [running]]
But on the following week, he sees another kid getting mugged/
By a man who says he needs the money for drugs/
His heart is still pure, morality still there/
But now he has the ability to instill fear/
He scares off the man, and the kid that he saves/
Walks all around his hood and he raves/
Soon, tons of people follow him/
Some are younger than 13, while some can legally swallow gin/ [alcohol if you don't know]
They get toghether and have the idea to form a gang/
Protecting the neighborhood through friends and hired hands/
Hearing about all the violence in the world, he keeps his head hung/
But knows that he's making a difference with his one clip and one gun/
[talking, gunshots; 'we got you cornered now, you little sucka' 'you better stop interfering with our operations, y'understand?' [guns cocking] 'now, you die' [gun cocking, gunshots]]
But one day, a rival gang who they repeatedly stopped in operation/
Refuses to take part in his elation, instead they degrade him/
They're aiming guns at him, and shotguns are cocking/
But they all lay dead before he can even think of stopping/
He fires seven shots, one into each of their hearts/
And when he realizes what he's done, his fear starts/
In a panic, he picks up the shells and punches the wall, screaming "Damn it!"/
He never wanted to be a killer, but the others see it as an advantage/
He's known as the most powerful in his school/
Because those ignorant fools think that killing is cool/
They put him in power and he starts to abuse it/
"I got a gun, damn right, I'ma use it!"/
From a kid who got mugged to the king of the slums/
This is the power of one clip and one gun/
[talking; 'yo you got that crack for me? man i'm serious, you better have it by tomorrow.' 'i'll.. i'll get it...' 'tomorrow, or you'll never see the day after' 'i'll get it. ill get it' 'i got clients waiting who already paid me' 'don't worry I'll have it' 'you better']
Now he's connected to all the major crime rings/
Runs his block and the drug trade, and gets worse as time sings/
With one gun he could stick up the world, and be the most potent/
Unleash his vengeance on all who ever opposed him/
He can get anything that he wants/
Money and drugs, and jewels to flaunt/
Control the whole block with his glock/
People know what to do when they hear his gun ****/
But it all goes down when the police track him down/
He'd rather die then get strapped down, So he wears a bulletproof vest that he snaps down/
He's going down, they've got him surrounded/
But he fires at the roadblock, thinking he can get around it/
He gets shot down, and the whole hood is stunned/
Such is the power of one clip and one gun/
Gone is the hope for his family getting out of the slums/
Such is the power of one clip and one gun/
In his final hour, he nixes giving up and just runs/
This was the power of one clip and one gun/

Close to a poem kind of.
Ever Wondered In Paschendale
By: Outlaw-2

Ever wondered why; debris looks this appealing
Ever wondered how; this devastation occurred?
Ever wondered when; you wanted to try making a difference?
Ever wondered where; I swore you could make it out alive?

A brave new world; population by millions wiped out,
A reality; no one could ever think of,
Stupidity; I thought I was one,
Yet wiser; I knew I was learning the truth.

Strange gas; yellow in colour,
Toxic, fatal; dangerous, murderous,
A trench; we scrambled,
But selfishness; we shoved our comrades into the cloud of death.

Screaming, wailing; we ignore, we wrench our fragile hearts,
Water mud; the instant killer,
One would step into; and disappear into the hellish abyss,
No cry, no pain; perfect for suicide.

A stalemate; we knew this was hopeless,
Many lives come and gone; we could no longer bear,
We raced, we risked; raiding the Allied troops,
They ran, they scamper; they were outnumbered.

One by one; men of fifty fell to ten,
God damned water mud; the double edged nature’s weapon,
We ignore; we fought,
Bullets driven into our bodies; we collapse, we lay still.

From then onwards; we realized the stupidity of war,
Nothing was achieved; only lives were lost,
A brave new world?
Ever wondered the term ‘Meaningless War’?
My Eighteenth, "Fire"

"A man staring at a charred remain

Remembers a night when things weren't the same

It was a night full of conflict

And a night that nearly took lives with it

[I just feel that the two lines differ quite a bit in the number of syllables used. . .]

Brothers that were scorned victims of deception

Their disagreement [perhaps insert a verb ~ one syllable ~ here for balance?]from words to aggression

The sight in his brother's eye showed his jealousy

His actions clearly stated his jealous-driven envy [I concur with Sak - awkward phrase.]

He remembers that man and his ruthless attitude

As well as his thirst for vengence too

It was where he is standing that they fought

Over their mother's death for the truth he sought

They were going blow for blow no matter how

Nothing or no one could really stop them now

Finally, he had enough and lit a match in his hand

He then says 'maybe this will make you understand'

With a face of anger ["A face of anger" seems a bit...cliche here. Would you consider rephrasing?], he drops it to the ground

His brother charges at him and knocks him down

Quick to his feet, He knocks him out as he escapes

The building collapses as he jumps over the gates

And now six long years after that faithful night

He now stands on that once hellish site.

He then looks at the prison one away

One could imagine how was his brother enduring everyday

He thought to himself [Not really needed... it breaks the reminiscent mood a bit.]"No more trouble now that he is gone

and now she can rest as her spirit goes on"

As he turned his attention to a burning pire

He will never forget that fight during the night of the fire"

A rather interesting story put into poetry. I have commented on several mini sections of the composition in the quote above. :)
Today was so bright
I could barely see,
And I grew so cold;
Neither a feeling,
Nor a single thought
Had entered my mind,
For all that I saw
Were ants: Wandering;
Wandering along
A scripted pathway—
Like a written book:
Their freedoms, duties,
And obligations,
Even desires,
Laid in front of them;
Just words on a page
Followed to the end.


For a split second,
There was clarity
When I saw, at once,
Just one detractor,
One small outlier,
Who defied the rest,
And did not follow:
I saw him approach,
And he crossed my path
—And I realized even
Then, in that second,
In total silence,
I was not alone.
And he disappeared,
Only followed by
Another small ant,
Who read the same words.​
No title yet, between me and my friend. Written all by me, some ideas by him.

These children-stay-cryin cuz they villains-aint-dyin
And the superman can’t save em all, cuz sometimes he aint even lookin-or-tryin
In these pans of worldly hell, people are cookin-n-fryin
The third worlds, people don’t care bout the killin-n-violence
like Africa, ****** can’t afford AK’s so they grip-the-machete
And in the 'hood, ****** get pissed off and people get hit-with-the-semi
Like these kids-weren’t-ready, doin unspeakable-acts,
much worse than an underaged sip-of-the-henny
But I’m preachin-the-facts, keepin' my people-on-track,
No matter what they say cuz these evils-is-wack
What’s up with racism, and cats kickin the fake-rhythm?
Thinkin that we strapped with bombs and gon blow ya face in?
Tutsis-and-Hutus civil warrin for the government’s-power
People starvin-to-death, take up arms-'fore-they-rest,
and even the few graves they made aint covered-in-flowers

[Hook] (I don't have one yet)

[*****] (me)
(unh!) back in the day, I wasn’t likin-rap
The women degraded, I was like 'why aint they fightin-back?'
Why would you follow the hype-with-that?
And I was like 'who could like this? the writin’s-wack!'
I grew-up-in-Queens, so I could’ve blew-up-my-dreams
But I stopped myself, clocked myself though I knew-some-of them-fiends
While they pops preachin, moms teachin, they out in the streets dealin
Like if they knew of ya reasons, wouldn’t they both be weepin?
And it’s unforgivable, the unforgettable-violence
It’s too regrettable, the blue-and-red-devils'-sirens
I knew dealers, I knew killers and I knew buyers
I knew gangstas, knew wankstas, and was a liar
Ever since I got mugged, I’m 'packin' steel' like I’m 'back-in-the-foundry',
(METAPHOR: a foundry is a place where you make metal parts, packin steel means carryin a knife)
Gotta be careful cuz these kidsll sell you crack-in-their-brownies
And there’s always desperate-kids, reckless-and,
Wantin to jack-all-your-bounty, all over the back-of-the-county
And I know a guy whose cousin in the Ghost-Shadows
Got booked for shootin-at-Jin cuz of the mood-that-he-in when he choked-battles
Matter-of-fact, each of my best friends is a batter-at-bat
With two strikes, one more and we’re all blasted back-to-the-track
Ever since the Wendy’s-massacre, Flushing ain’t-been-the-same
It’s late-in-the-game, and I’m so hot I can taste-all-the-flames
So many people-died, it’s a shame, cuz even evil-cries
How you think the kid at Columbine didn’t hesitate to kill quick like eagle-dives?


Yo, kids starvin in Africa [I’m sorry], can’t even afford insurance
On a car I can’t even buy [Ferrari] and no one offers assurance
And now in the 'hood, the world gettin' paranoid
All scared cuz they thinkin does he carry a glock
In his apartment, and is he carryin' rocks
In his glove compartment?
He packin? what’s that bulge in his pocket?
Is he gon start clappin? Is it a gat or does it fire rockets?
The fire starters, Them true terrorists, and liars, partner
Tryna get that haram money, they die in part for it
Unh! What’s wrong with society these days
If you move ya hand, they call SWAT, but still so many G’s slain
Kids gettin murdered and jacked, they aint turnin back
But worse kids doin it and caught in the act!
Now is history’s most tough times, and still,
I suck up rhymes like swallowin pills
This my vitamin, it can be your daily supplement
Centrum silver, cuz I resent you killers, and I wanna be done with this

Everytime We Touch Remix
Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling
Everytime we kiss i swear i can fly
Can’t you feel my heart beat fast, i want this to last
I need you by my side
Cause everytime we touch

[*****] (me)
Baby it may not seem like I’m a man for sweet-talkin/
Gotta keep my feet-walkin, gotta keep my skillz to speak-awesome/
But ride with me, and I’ma give you a treat-often/
And we can be together to the day we see-coffins/
My style is heaven-sent, but it takes two-to-toy/
And nothing is equivalent to your moods-of-joy/
If you’re happy, so-am-I, if you’re down, I wanna be showin-my/
Concern-for-you, I’ll freeze or burn-for-you/
Cross the Sahara just to learn-from-you/
Girl, you’re my godess, perfection in-my-eyes/
I wanna hold you close, even if I have to win-you-twice/
We belong next to each other, like 3-and-4/
So just gimme a chance, I wanna show you what I keep-in-store/

Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling
Everytime we kiss i swear i can fly
Can’t you feel my heart beat fast, i want this to last
I need you by my side
Cause everytime we touch...
I like it. A rap?

This is a piece I wrote some time ago:

A long week I stood,
But no one, even I, cared.
When I realized that I was just an observer,
in the grand intersection of my short existence.

Everything passed me by,
But I can tell you what I saw.
An entire lifetime passed before me,
sitting on the corner for one week.

Over time, I saw people, and still not enough.
They met, chatted, waited, sat, loved, drank, smoked, and cussed here.
Or, that’s what they would like you to believe,
But yet I saw more.

This is supposedly a nice residence,
But when no one’s looking,
People also defaced, devalued, decimated, and degraded,
My and their own world and morals.

The black night brings no relief.
You would think that sleep would fall here too,
But the worst crimes and sins
Are what I sight when I cannot see.

I have seen things you will never spy,
Indeed, life here cannot be conceived.
And the thought of it would make you cry.
And even things I have not fathomed came to be.

Just as dawn cracked open a fresh day,
I was truly airborne, on a gratifying high,
then touched down in a sobering instant.
I was gone, to my exile and ultimate destiny.

Free verse!
Thank you. And suddenly it gets ugly: it was one I cobbled together for a school assignment.

Here is a poem written by an anonymous source, again in free verse:

A Game of Cat and Mouse

I thought the mouse
Was going left,
But it went right
And I ran into
the closed glass door.

Then he tricked me
Once more,
Because I thought
there wasn’t.

It sings in the day,
and sometimes the night
while stealing away,
in swift silent flight.

Furtive as feathers
on the wings of an owl,
it flies through the air
with nothing gone foul.

Now in the sky
from the ground hard to place,
it speeds up and up
on the fringes of space.

From this altitude
its sight is quite vast,
and its eyes take all in,
while travelling fast.

Returning to perch
a new bird of a new age,
it quietly drones
as it sleeps in its cage.

The next day at dawn
through the skies fighters soar.
Could this stealthy bird
be the cause of a war?

Representing the SR-71 Blackbird.
Inspired (in a bad way) by the trend of modifying perfectly soulful cars for the purpose of "expression," I decided to try my hand at some poetry:

Ferrari's Dream

What stands before me, cold and still as stone?
It's clearly not of Earth at all, but strong,
And built with great intention but still prone
To freedom of expression all along.

A man with skill and soul once made this thing
To strike up awe and passion in the world.
Internally the beast was made to sing
And with the human touch the song unfurled.

And though the beast still yearns to sing its song,
The insufficient love it now receives
And pitiful disfigurement so wrong
Means sadly he, now frozen, lies and grieves.

And what could so destroy Ferrari's dream,
But this misled expressionist regime.

Not sure if it's technically correct (should that last stanza end in a question mark?), but it's essentially my first experience writing poetry not in a classroom. Comments and criticism would be appreciated
Here's something I thought up on the spur of the moment earlier this year (in June I believe), 'twas inspired by a girl. :P

True Person

A true person is more than a face
A true person is someone more than a white smile or perfect hair;
a true person is the one you can't understand...
A true person is someone more than the mind could conjour
A true person is more than the words written in a book or on this page...
A true person is more beautiful than the definition allows
A true person is someone that doesn't recognize failure, sadness or depression only the smile of another...

Only the smile of another.