The Things That Annoy You

  • Thread starter ScottPuss20
I'm going to be a bit specific here, but this has to do with a few behaviors I have seen the A.I. do to me.

1. Getting rear ended by an A.I. driver who doesn't know how to slow down and go around me. The A.I. does it hard enough that they damage the engine of my car.

2. Getting the back end of my car pushed out as I am trying to make a turn or getting spun out completely and being left having to do a 180 in order to get back in the race.

These are the two things I really hate as I consider them foul play and worthy of a penalty to the A.I. driver. However, the A.I. never gets penalties for their often wreckless driving when they are around my car.
Okay, I can understand penalties for cutting pit lines. But I feel like they're a bit unfair when the game essentially chucks you across them upon pit exit.
Cutting you off and ramming you as you exit the pit should be a penalty for them as well. That has happened to me a few times. I got to watch out for drivers as I come out of the pits now, slow down for them or even stop and let them pass.
Still emphasis on FOREVERFantasyGT cars <== It wouldn't be so noticeable if the game included reasonable batch of new cars from 2019-onwards to now.
"Sorry long-supportive(forgiving) fans, best we can do is put an N livery on a 2013 Genesis" - PDI
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People compaling about LCD is what annoys me. There are several resources available to predict when the next car is coming. Look it up.
I'm going to be a bit specific here, but this has to do with a few behaviors I have seen the A.I. do to me.

1. Getting rear ended by an A.I. driver who doesn't know how to slow down and go around me. The A.I. does it hard enough that they damage the engine of my car.

2. Getting the back end of my car pushed out as I am trying to make a turn or getting spun out completely and being left having to do a 180 in order to get back in the race.

These are the two things I really hate as I consider them foul play and worthy of a penalty to the A.I. driver. However, the A.I. never gets penalties for their often wreckless driving when they are around my car.
If you get rear ended by the AI that reflects poor driving on your part. The AI in this game stop early on preety much every turn.. I have never been tapped from behind by the AI because im stopping when I should... You are stopping wayyyy too early.
I wish lobby hosts had the option of allowing / disallowing certain things individually like car category, drivetrain, and tyres. Would save hosts a lot of time having to kick people using (e.g a gr3 car in a lobby with no gr as a rule, a MR or 4WD car in a drift lobby that is FR only).

I really wish we could pick and choose what tires we allow to enter the track though. I like actual legit street car only lobbies (most say they are but are not, due to people using racing tyres), but as it stands now we either have to only allow comfort or only allow sport tyres to make a lobby like this, very annoying when so much of the hard work in this game has already been done, just to be let down by poor game design choices that could be improved in one update.

Speaking of which, its annoying how our only options as far as HUD is concerned is to have a screen FULL of info, ruining our view of the cars, or having NOTHING at all :lol:. A selectable menu of things to display or not or better yet a full custom custom option where we can move where the things are to our liking would be great. Or even just a mappable button to turn HUD on and off would be something. It's only since the last update or whatever that you can actually turn the HUD on / off when you're on the track now 🤯, a crazy lack of game design from a team behind one of the most popular game series ever,
Oh damn! Proper lobby options would be incredible.

I don't use the in-game HUD but have tried a couple apps (DashPanel, SimDashboard) up to display information on a separate screen... it's a nice alternative than the extremely limited options available.

If you have a phone or tablet mounted near the wheel it's pretty damn alright.
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If you get rear ended by the AI that reflects poor driving on your part. The AI in this game stop early on preety much every turn.. I have never been tapped from behind by the AI because im stopping when I should... You are stopping wayyyy too early.
Well for starters just pulling out the pits on the Sardegna grind you can get absolutely plowed by the AI... How have you not experienced this there before? Are we playing the same game?

Do you stop immediately after you recieve control and merge with a signal after your shoulder check? /s
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Well for starters just pulling out the pits on the Sardegna grind you can get absolutely plowed by the AI... How have you not experienced this there before? Are we playing the same game?

Do you stop immediately after you recieve control and merge with a signal after your shoulder check? /s
I've played sardegna at all levels many times and not been hit coming out the pits.

Many have reported that though.
I've played sardegna at all levels many times and not been hit coming out the pits.

Many have reported that though.
They patched it a while ago to release you a little bit away from the AI's massively wide line into Turn 1. Before that I'd get regularly sent to the shadow realm depending on my pit timing.
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Well for starters just pulling out the pits on the Sardegna grind you can get absolutely plowed by the AI... How have you not experienced this there before? Are we playing the same game?

Do you stop immediately after you recieve control and merge with a signal after your shoulder check? /s
That was a glitch that was fixed , plus he said he was getting hit by the AI during turns not exiting the pits. I hear this alot , if the AI is tapping you on turns , you just suck at driving . The reason the AI is slow in GT is because they stop too early. Logically that means you are stopping too early if the early stopping ai is hitting you from behind. I heard this same critique of drive club , never had an issue .
If anything I hate how early the AI stops making ME rear end them . A good example is the first turn at trail mountain , you can take it with just a bit of lift off; The AI hit the brakes...
I hate it when the AI tries to unlap itself(which they're entitled to do so as in real life) only for them to brake check you in response to the "Blue Flag" once they get in front.
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That was a glitch that was fixed , plus he said he was getting hit by the AI during turns not exiting the pits. I hear this alot , if the AI is tapping you on turns , you just suck at driving . The reason the AI is slow in GT is because they stop too early. Logically that means you are stopping too early if the early stopping ai is hitting you from behind. I heard this same critique of drive club , never had an issue .
If anything I hate how early the AI stops making ME rear end them . A good example is the first turn at trail mountain , you can take it with just a bit of lift off; The AI hit the brakes...
AI overshoots breaking points every so often, especially after trying to keep up with a player on a long straight before a corner. There have been multiple reports and videos of this behavior and show the AI either ramming into players, other NPCs or going off track. This usually has nothing to do with breaking too early, but is a common rubber band effect (especially in older racing games). Had this happen a lot on tracks like Mt Panorama and Circuit de la Sarthe.

Telling people they're playing the game wrong or they suck at driving... well, sucks. Yes, you'd have to break pretty early to have AI rear end you under normal circunstances, but there are numerous occasions where the AI shows irratic driving behaviour like overshooting break points, divebombing, cutting off, changing lines and punting the player off the track in some way or the other. AI in Wreckfest has higher self preservation instincts than in GT7.
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That was a glitch that was fixed , plus he said he was getting hit by the AI during turns not exiting the pits. I hear this alot , if the AI is tapping you on turns , you just suck at driving . The reason the AI is slow in GT is because they stop too early. Logically that means you are stopping too early if the early stopping ai is hitting you from behind. I heard this same critique of drive club , never had an issue .
If anything I hate how early the AI stops making ME rear end them .
Well that's a massive oversimplification, and wrong as a result. I've been hit in the back many a time, and I am faster than the AI like for like. But not every car is like for like and there are times your driving may be adapted for fuel conservation due to race tactics and times you may be slower out of a corner due to tyre wear, changing weather or a number of other reasons. There are times a corner isn't even involved. I've had AI in a faster car just drive straight into the back of me on a straight. If you rear end the AI you are a poor driver, you should never be on a cars bumper heading into a braking zone, that's a recipe for contact.
A good example is the first turn at trail mountain , you can take it with just a bit of lift off; The AI hit the brakes...
Another oversimplification. There are cars and levels of tune this is possible to do and cars and levels of tune it's not. So not a good example really.

But I won't argue the AI brake early and accelerate slow, but that's not to blame for them punting you in the back by itself. A lot is down to that the AI is very slow to react to your position on the track and a lot could also be down to the players driving. But if you brake early and the AI punts you that makes the AI no worse than when you punt the AI when they brake early. So think about that for a moment.
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One real annoying thing I lothe is.
The Auto top speed setting on transmissions being wrong.
Normally it is 10km/h or so higher than what you set it but there are those cars where it is 90km/h higher.

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Well that's a massive oversimplification, and wrong as a result. I've been hit in the back many a time, and I am faster than the AI like for like. But not every car is like for like and there are times your driving may be adapted for fuel conservation due to race tactics and times you may be slower out of a corner due to tyre wear, changing weather or a number of other reasons. There are times a corner isn't even involved. I've had AI in a faster car just drive straight into the back of me on a straight. If you rear end the AI you are a poor driver, you should never be on a cars bumper heading into a braking zone, that's a recipe for contact.

Another oversimplification. There are cars and levels of tune this is possible to do and cars and levels of tune it's not. So not a good example really.

But I won't argue the AI brake early and accelerate slow, but that's not to blame for them punting you in the back by itself. A lot is down to that the AI is very slow to react to your position on the track and a lot could also be down to the players driving. But if you brake early and the AI punts you that makes the AI no worse than when you punt the AI when they brake early. So think about that for a moment.
No , you getting rear ended by slow AI is your fault and me crashing into AI that stops when they shouldn't stop is the AI's fault. That's logically consistent, the party at fault is the one stopping too early . Also following too close ? It's racing not street driving , watch a F1 race where they tail each other into a turn with little room or a v8 race on bathurst, bumper to bumper !
You can test to see how the AI stop to early out in a one make, the AI shouldn't be hitting the brakes on trail mountains first turn or on Kyoto's Esses where you can take them full speed . It's not mu opinion , it's a fact that the AI in this game stops early . It's the #1 issue with their speed in this game and every granturismo since 4. Funny how I've never been punted by the AI but it's a chronic issue for you...
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Items locked behind the RNG wheel. Including parts, engines and invites.

But just to make it worse they have added parts you can buy in the tuning shop. So this highly decreases the chance in you actually getting the part you want. It could take literally years before you get the part you want. You mite actually never get the thing you want which is just outrageous.

I am never buying a GT game again after this. Gt7 has left such a 💩 taste in my mouth.
No , you getting rear ended by slow AI is your fault and me crashing into AI that stops when they shouldn't stop is the AI's fault. That's logically consistent, the party at fault is the one stopping too early . Also following too close ? It's racing not street driving , watch a F1 race where they tail each other into a turn with little room or a v8 race on bathurst, bumper to bumper !
You can test to see how the AI stop to early out in a one make, the AI shouldn't be hitting the brakes on trail mountains first turn or on Kyoto's Esses where you can take them full speed . It's not mu opinion , it's a fact that the AI in this game stops early . It's the #1 issue with their speed in this game and every granturismo since 4. Funny how I've never been punted by the AI but it's a chronic issue for you...
I see you took one small not that significant part of my post, misunderstood what I was saying and ignored the rest. Well done.

But to answer your question, reaction time and experience play a big part. If a racing driver is behind another car and he knows that car will brake sooner than him, he will not enter a braking zone on the other cars bumper unless they intend to brake early too. To go into the rear of that car is the following drivers fault most of the time. You know the AI will brake at a different point to you, therefore entering a braking zone on it's bumper and hitting the AI car because you didn't brake is your fault.

I know the AI brake early, that's not something I am questioning at all yet you seem to think it is by your response. That along with the fact you completeLy ignored my main point and picked on a minor one suggests you didn't read my post.
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Someone was saying the spoiler on the 964 RS is fixed/inactive. I’m looking through pics and videos to see why.
The rear spoilers are deployed for racing.

1992 964 RS with active spoiler at time stamp.

Not sure why PD locked this spoiler, when other cars in the game have active spoilers rear and even front(see Mitsubishi GTO). The locked front spoiler on the Alfa GTAm is another wonder. PD saw fit to make it a purchasable front spoiler option. I don’t know much about Porsche variants, but odd choices throughout this game.
Also following too close ? It's racing not street driving , watch a F1 race where they tail each other into a turn with little room
You mean like this?

I agree that in general the AI loves to slam on the brakes at every opportunity but, in my experience, it's only been a problem when they do so on the apex.

How is it not your error if you cannot exploit that behaviour to overtake them and instead crash into them?

And there definitely are tracks where the AI will happily miss their braking point and overshoot the corner (often into the back of your car). Maggiore Turn 1 for instance.
You mean like this?

I agree that in general the AI loves to slam on the brakes at every opportunity but, in my experience, it's only been a problem when they do so on the apex.

How is it not your error if you cannot exploit that behaviour to overtake them and instead crash into them?

And there definitely are tracks where the AI will happily miss their braking point and overshoot the corner (often into the back of your car). Maggiore Turn 1 for instance.

If it's my first try at a course there is no way of knowing. On trail mountain you can exploit them by going wide as as possible in turn one avoiding the pile up they cause .
Also that video you sent me was a risky move that has nothing to do with hitting the brakes too late , he tried to goat him into defending twice and paid for it.
The two that I always harp on about piss me off so much because they COULD fix it in a jiffy if they wanted to:

- The HUD options, namely lack of customisation. There are technically three settings, but they're all functionally useless bar the default HUD setting. I mean "Display race info only" is useless because you can't bring up the MFD at all. That is simply idiotic. They need to introduce proper customisation for HUD elements. I would love something minimalist.

- The view customisation. Why no FoV/dashboard display options is ridiculous.
Drifting is so terrible with a wheel that I cant believe its how it was sent out..

Ive drifted in real life for almost 20 years.. Drifted 600hp cars and 150hp cars.. Ive drifted on gt3, gt4, and gt5 using a variety of logitech wheels and always been very competent..

But for the life of me, i can not setup any car in gt7 that doesnt immediately drop the rear when trying to power out of corners and link them to the next one..

I can do it with a controller with basically no worries, but no matter what car, what setup, what ffb settings for my wheel, it just isnt right.. And searching online shows im not the only one, in reality it seems to be a super common complaint..

It is really really annoying me, and im now looking at buying Assetto on my pc just so i can get my fix..
Drifting is so terrible with a wheel that I cant believe its how it was sent out..

Ive drifted in real life for almost 20 years.. Drifted 600hp cars and 150hp cars.. Ive drifted on gt3, gt4, and gt5 using a variety of logitech wheels and always been very competent..

But for the life of me, i can not setup any car in gt7 that doesnt immediately drop the rear when trying to power out of corners and link them to the next one..

I can do it with a controller with basically no worries, but no matter what car, what setup, what ffb settings for my wheel, it just isnt right.. And searching online shows im not the only one, in reality it seems to be a super common complaint..

It is really really annoying me, and im now looking at buying Assetto on my pc just so i can get my fix..
I totally suck at drifting so always thought it was just me lol the only way i found to get any sort of combo going was to force a lower steering rotation which is not easy on a thrustmaster wheel but can be done.
I am certainly not sure which update it was, the 1.26 or 1.27, BUT defo one after the GT world finals. I have noticed a major glitch in-game, with a couple of newly added clubman races, one at Mount PANORAMA (bathhurst) and the other at BRANDS HATCH. These are two races I have done multiples times, but after I win the race it glitches and says there is no gold cup showing that I won it.

This is quite embarrsing as simple glitch that need to be fixed by PD pronto. I have done them mulitple times and then viewiing on the course selection screen where you see the race on the track it still states NONE. Althought they have been completed. I keep having to do the race again and forgetting it already done!

Please fix this PD!!! :banghead:

Motorcycle Spinning GIF by AFV Pets

NOTE: Will try a and post a pic up later on. For now this GIF will be as accurate as possible.
I am certainly not sure which update it was, the 1.26 or 1.27, BUT defo one after the GT world finals. I have noticed a major glitch in-game, with a couple of newly added clubman races, one at Mount PANORAMA (bathhurst) and the other at BRANDS HATCH. These are two races I have done multiples times, but after I win the race it glitches and says there is no gold cup showing that I won it.

This is quite embarrsing as simple glitch that need to be fixed by PD pronto. I have done them mulitple times and then viewiing on the course selection screen where you see the race on the track it still states NONE. Althought they have been completed. I keep having to do the race again and forgetting it already done!

Please fix this PD!!! :banghead:

Motorcycle Spinning GIF by AFV Pets

NOTE: Will try a and post a pic up later on. For now this GIF will be as accurate as possible.
Known issue on here mate. After last update.
This should be what this site should be called. Seems to me the whole forum is on this topic. I dont see why we need a separate thread to complain when thats what most topics are anyway. Just sayin. Some legit questions and discussion but mostly just complaining about the things that annoy folks.