The Trick to Braking?

  • Thread starter Max0r
Originally posted by Savington
To hell with ABS: Brake skill is trying to bring a racing kart from 55mph to 15 in the space of 40 feet with a single rear rotor and no ABS. You can't pump the brakes.

well, ABS helped save many lives

think about it

btw, sorri about that incident Frustrated Palm :(
Yes, i think ABS is good on the road, it has saved quite many lives...
i actually just got in a very serious wreck in the beginning of october. i was in the hospital for 3-4 weeks and that was thought to be pretty short for the wreck it was.

i was in an 88 M3 and got clipped on the left side of the car by a 5 ton truck going in the opposite direction, at probably something like 40mph (that was the speed for both cars, so it was almost like going 80mph into a brick wall). The car didnt even have an airbag, because it was built in 88. the 90-91 cars had airbags.

My only injuries were a fractured hip(that healed in the first month, and didnt keep me off of my feet), broken knuckle on left hand, and oh yea i have a titanium eye socket and cheek now. lol. I have a very small facial scar and thats it.

Why did i say this? would it have mattered if i had abs? not really. i didnt even see the guy coming at me. just all of a sudden wham, and i woke up a week later with morphine in my arm and people around me.

in another scenario though, no doubt abs would have helped.
no it isnt. i bought it from the insurance company for $400 though and could make $4000 pretty easy by selling it to someone who needs parts. I will find another though, just too damn bad another e30 had to be destroyed.

thx, ive been feeling normal for a while. too bad another member on the boards just lost his brother in a wreck. he apparantly fell asleep at the wheel. i forgot his name, but maybe you saw it in his sig.
! A titanium cheek and eyesocket :eek: Like Thio said, at least you're still here...:)
Thoi whats the crying about? You didnt think my aunt died did you? :lol: We slid onto the road below. She takes anything that comes at her, especially a sandwich :lol: .....
anyway, back to the main topic...if the red number next to where it says what gear your in, does in fact suggest to you what gear u should be in, then why does it says +3 when im going down the back straight on trial mountain?
It says +3 because you should be braking down to third gear when you come up to the next corner. You should start braking about where the number begins to flash. The number isn't always dead-accurate, and the flashing braking point isn't always very good, but it's a decent approximate.
I agree...I never pay attention to what gear the computer thinks I should be in...I'd rather listen to my engine's revs and maybe check the tachometer. I've noticed that half the time, I wind up in a different gear than the computer suggests. Sometimes, you don't need to downshift at all.
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Traction: Think of it this way. Your tires have a number of points, based on the tires, of traction to spend every click of the processor clock. The game doesn't use this points system (I think), but it is a solid way to look at it. You can spend these traction points on 3 things:

Accelleration -- Speeding up.
Decelleration -- Slowing down.
Turning -- Changing direction.

Let's say super-soft's have 100 points of traction. If you're acellerating full-bore in 4th gear, just over the redline, you're using, say, 90 points of traction. You come to a turn, and you have 10 points to spend in turning. I hope it's a shallow curve!!

Now a n00b, like me, will crank the wheel into the direction of the turn and try to spend 100 points of traction on turning. However, he's already spending 90 points in acelleration... so he creates 90 points of slippage on the tires (slippage is traction defecit). He goes careening into the wall.

After being schooled by his buddies at work, the n00b comes back. He says, "By golly I need to slow down!" So he lets go of the gas and crams the wheel to the right. 100 points of turning still, but coasting only dropped him to spending 85 points of traction. SCREEEEBOOM 85 points of slippage! So he decides to read the manual, but doesn't "get it" and says, "Oh! I need to brake in turns!"

So Mr. n00b screams down in high 4th, slams the brakes just before the turn, a moment later jerks the wheel to the right and keeps braking. He's spending 100 points on braking, then--still spending 100 points on braking, spends another 100 points on turning, so creating a 100 point slippage defecit. SCREEEEBOOM.

Mr. n00b finally gets schooled by his girlfriend, who can also drink him under the table BTW. So he starts braking at the 50m marker with his thumb hard on the button. Gently, in a feminine manner he trades pressure on the brake button for pressure on the analog stick, trying to turn the stick only as much as he's eased off. Magically, he takes the turn beautifully--at some processor ticks, he creates 2, 5, maybe 10 points of slippage. Some ticks he still has 2, 5, 7 points of traction he could have spent. But he's learned to turn.
Brakes: Mr. n00b is tuning his car. He goes to the brakes option. "Wow! I can set my brakes to 24! Well bigger is better, so let's do it! What kind of chump would set them to anything else?"

Mr. n00b comes up on the first turn at Rome, which he just mastered, and slams on the brakes. SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEBOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!

I'll make this a little quicker. Mr. n00b's girlfriend is watching. She kicks him in the face for being a dumbass and tunes the car. She puts the front brakes a little higher than the rear, and both way below 24.

Ms. n00b comes up to the turn. She presses the button almost--but not quite--all the way. Magically, she gets the car to stop on a dime, while turning, way sooner than Mr. n00b ever could on a straightaway. "Look ma, no smoke!" she says, pointing out that she did not make the tires smoke with her masterful tuning and handling.

Because, whether for real or just for "as close as makes no difference," if you jack your brakes up to 24, most times you're going to get almost the same effect as if you just used the hand-brake all the time. You may not lock the wheels up, technically, but for all intents and purposes you're screwed. If you don't believe in trail braking, then go for it. If you're drifting in an FF, then jack your rears up to 24. Go for it. But your brakes setting--going back to the traction post--is a multiplier to what you intend to spend. Let's say at a setting of 10, you spend 1 point for every 1 point you intend. Then at 24, you're spending 2.4 points when you intend to spend 1... and 48 points (almost half your traction!!!) when you just wanted to spend 20 during a trail brake.

Now for me, with just a Dual-Shock, I never crank my brakes above 20, and usually it hovers around 10. That way if I press a little on the brakes, I get a little. If I slam on the brakes, I only "lock up" or create a slippage defecit if I'm turning while slamming the brakes.

Accelleration: Just like braking. When coming out of some turns, there is an amount of time that you will want to only press some of the way down on it. Most people who drift will understand this--drifting is a matter of overspending your traction, creating a slippage defecit. The amount of defecit is how slippery/how much you're going to drift. If you've got a 2000 HP car that weighs 10kg and you slam on the gas coming out of a turn, you're going to spin out. Just because you're driving a 400HP car with 1000kg doesn't mean it's not possible either.
Well said, Sctn2labor or however you spell your name. So I take it your girlfriend scooled you? :D
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Ohhh yeah. It was a little less dramatic, but all's well that ends well: a little later that night, she taught me how to be gentle with the buttons. :D 💡 :mischievous:
Ohhh yeah. It was a little less dramatic, but all's well that ends well: a little later that night, she taught me how to be gentle with the buttons. :D 💡 :mischievous:

Ha ha! I was seeing this girl last year and all she ever played was the Sims. She called it Doll House. She had absolutely no interest in any of my games! which is good bc I woulda baked her at GT. But I tried the Sims Get a Life mode for awhile...believe it or not, I sucked at it. Had to go on the internet figure out how to progress to the next level and stuff. :embarrassed:
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That extra speed you carry out of a corner will require an adj to your braking for the next corner. A lot of times in a group of corners you don't really have time to check your speed. Thats where the blinking red light helps. After a while you just know when you have driven the corner just right and you will know to brake a little harder or sooner for the next corner.