The Unofficial GT6 VS Project Cars Debate Thread (Read the Rules!)

  • Thread starter FoRiZon

How do you feel to both games?

  • PCars sucks. GT is the best!

  • PCars is cool but GT is better.

  • Both are cool.

  • GT is cool but PCars is better

  • GT sucks. PCars is the best!

Results are only viewable after voting.


Allright, now probably some of you had already played both. Now you know what the finished product look like, not based only on your feelings.

Now, heres the ultimate question: What do you feel about both games now? Explain your answers.

I felt that, instead of spam on the other threads, its better to bring up here in one thread.

1. This thread is focused on both games. If you wish to bring another game, then dont divert it so the focus is lost (ex. dont turn this thread into GT6 vs FM5, as the thread is already existed. However, you can bring it like GT6 vs PCars vs FM5.

2. Attacking other members or GT/PCars players without justification is strongly discouraged. Edited by Mod: Its not permitted full stop, attack another member and you will get a warning.

3. Trolling and spam will likely be reported. This include post without explanation like: GT/PCARS SUX PCARS/GT RULES, GET ONE NOW!!!, etc.

4. Keep it under AUP.

Now, lets begin.

Edited by Mod: The poll is quite clearly supposed to be humorous, treat it as such.

Oh and before you speak, let me remind you that console generations isnt an excuse to the shortcomings. The only aspect that the generation affects is the graphics and the AI count. It has nothing to do with AI itself, car and track roster, physics, sound, game immersion, etc.

Edited by Mod (again): Comparisons across different platforms are permitted here at GT Planet, this thread is no exception. Do not drag the thread off topic by complaining that its unfair.
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Maybe a dumb answer as I haven't played ProjectCars just yet. But it looks like PCars already won by default just by looking at it.
Maybe a dumb answer as I haven't played ProjectCars just yet. But it looks like PCars already won by default just by looking at it.
Never ever judge a game just for its graphics. Never.
Its a typical common fault of today's gamers. Very sad.

There are so many great looking games that are terrible to play, and average/bad looking games that are amazing to play.
That's like saying GT6 wins over GT4 just by looking at it. Yeah dumb answer :lol:
Offline career aside, GT6 is miles better though.
If you still have a working PS2 you would like to play GT4 again to realise that the gameplay and car handling feels very primitive.
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Is your 4th option supposed to say "GT is cool but PCars is better"?

I'll cast my vote when I buy the game in a month or two, I'm still busy with GTA V PC at the moment.


Not big enough font :lol: Anyway, Pcars is great IMO, I had a chance to play on PS4 which my mate have. Still needs a lot of work though, even basic stuff like car data is still inaccurate ( the Evo X FQ400 for example ) Thinking that less than 100 cars, SMS would build them all as accurate as possible. If I have PS4, I would have a Pcars replica garage for some of the cars :lol:
If PCars is like... Need For Speed Shift 3 (same developer), it means its terrible.
Same devs. But many people says it drives more realistic and far less floaty unlike Shift. The visual effects does, but still it plays like a far better than Shift.
I said PCars sucks only because there are no regular sports cars. It's all race cars.
Actually there are (Huayra, McLaren P1, road versions of modern race cars,etc...), but much less than in GT6 that's for sure.

If PCars is like... Need For Speed Shift 3 (same developer), it means its terrible.
Honestly, I didn't like Shift2 on many points and I was very skeptical about pCARS until I had some feedback from people I trust but it has nothing to do with the SHIFT series. Or very little.

GT6 and pCARS are opposite philosophies, quantity on one side, "quality" on the other. Now to be clear I don't mean GT6 is a bad quality game (hence the quotation marks), just that obviously when your dev team is working on 1200 cars they spend much less time on each, not to mention the tracks, the AI and moreover the physics engine.

My personal preference leans on pCARS for now but it's very early and we are yet to see GT on PS4 too. But honestly I don't think I would put the current GT6 on PS3 above pCARS one day and it absolutely isn't a matter of visuals.
i put about 3 hours into project cars on saturday, 2 of those were screwing around with my G25 trying to get force feedback working. this is my biggest grip with the game, too many settings with too little info for each setting. do i honestly need 30 different sliders for force feedback? we also tried to get AA working by using the GPU to override ingame settings, yet that did nothing. still playing with all that stuff to make it look pretty while keeping framerate high. my good old GTX680 is still strong enough to play it well at 1080p, which makes me think about picking it up for PS4. but then i need a new wheel.

its funny that i wish GT6 had more prototype cars, and that pCars had more sports cars.

actual gameplay which was easily under an hour, was not fun. having no feedback with the karts means i kept pushing it past the limits. and their grip model makes no sense. ive raced carts in real life so i know how they should feel. when i bumped into someone i had a slow motion like fall, wtf!

on the plus side, and this is a major plus, i love the menu screen music.
In terms of simulation, both are similar if you would drive on the limit like in real life. But in GT6, you can throw a car way too hard into a corner and cars have too much grip at high slip angles; they don't scrub off as much speed as they are supposed to be. But the way the grip is lost is more gradual (not linear, but gradual) and the road feel is very good, making drifting and sliding very natural and fun. The fact that the game uses a fundamental set of physics calculations and then feeds individual parameters for different cars into it is top notch, although lacking the fine detail that an individual approach would give. Aero physics are quite off though. Track accuracy in GT6 is as good as it gets and the general suspension movements are just top notch, contrary to what some people like to think, since it is 'only a console game'. Weight transfer physics remain excellent in GT6, maybe not quantitatively in some cases, but certainly qualitatively for every single car, which I love very much. FFB is, although sort of artificial due to being heavier when gaining grip and looser when losing grip, something that I am very much used to and I feel that it's possible to be very precise in terms of picking a racing line when on the absolute limit.

pCars is supposedly a hardcore sim and they use it as an excuse for having little variation in cars, but that has made me very sceptical over the past few years. In the final product however, I find that there is still a little bit of Shift 2 physics in there, especially when a car goes a fraction too fast into a corner. What happens is that the car oversteers in a very unnatural way, as if steering lock is completely unrelated to how the front wheels regain grip. To me, it feels even like Codemaster's F1 at times. For this reason, the road cars feel way off and it's impossible to drift like in GT6, which is much more like the real road cars when equipped with the comfort tyres in the game. However, when driving on the absolute limit of grip, pCars does feel very nice, and I enjoy the accuracy of the aerodynamics. I even experienced that cars in front would actually slow you down, since there seems to be a conflicting balance of forces between slipstreaming and receiving 'dirty air' (highly turbulent) from the car in front. In general, I find that the tracks are off, since only a handful are laserscanned. The tracks are also too bumpy and the FFB feel is at first very bad, but with a few tweaks (Jack Spade FFB Tweaks) are pretty nice, although still lacking the exact feel of when a car loses grip, which unfortunately makes the Shift 2 physics appear again. Due to the FFB, it's still not so easy for me to be as precise as in GT6 and I have to guess more about what the car is doing. For racing cars that's no problem, but for road cars there is more difficulty. Overall, it feels to me as if in pCars, every car is finetuned and adjusted until it feels right, instead of having a general physics engine which works based on parameters of a car. Therefore not all cars feel as correct and I feel as if the handling model is, even though specifically tailored, a bit flawed, especially for road cars.

Additionally, going off road (grass, sand or gravel) in pCars is not good as the cars remain to have too much grip and the collision physics are bad too. However, taking curbs is spot on and better than in GT6.

Despite the shortcomings in the physics engine in pCars, the biggest difference for me is the racing experience. The sounds are both accurate and throaty, which I do enjoy so much. AI is not the best, since it is aggressive at times and not aware of the player for most of the time, but since no game ever has made decent AI, I really cannot complain.

So to me, pCars was hyped too much by some people here, and it turns out not to be such a hardcore sim at all. Overall I enjoy both GT6 and pCars at the same level; GT6 for the fantastic car feel and the huge car roster, and pCars for having awesome sounds and racing experience. The games are complementary to each other, one not ruling out another.
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the FFB feel is at first very bad, but with a few tweaks (Jack Spade FFB Tweaks) are pretty nice, although still lacking the exact feel of when a car loses grip, which unfortunately makes the Shift 2 physics appear again.

which wheel do you have and what kind of changes did you notice with the tweaks?
which wheel do you have and what kind of changes did you notice with the tweaks?
G25; at first the FFB from the bumps is overwhelming compared to the lateral forces, which made it very unprecise for me to pick a driving line as the wheel tended to jerk my hands off the road. When adjusting for less FFB (the overall strength slider just called 'Force Feedback'), what happened is that those jerking forces coming from the road surface were reduced, but the steering was so light that I was all over the place.

Now that the tweaks did was mainly balance those components; now the bumps can be felt, but are not overwhelming. Simulataneously, there is a good 'wheel weight' when turning the car. What remains however, is that there is not as much feel about how dynamic wheel loads are at a given moment, i.e. that wheel weight doesn't really change as much, thus indicating very little. In GT6 that is done by artificially making the wheel heavier and sloppier to indicate grip, but pCars is still a bit of a guessing game for me.
Personally I will just repeat what I said in another thread.

If GT want's to trade on its looks and car count then on those two bases its still top of the pile.

However if its physics, feel, AI, single player experience, replicating how race events actually work and range of options then PC walks all over GT.

My first season in the Clio Cup championship on P Cars, with FWD physics that actually replicate how FWD cars behave (GT has never managed this), practice sessions, qualifying, tyres that actually behave like tyres and react to temperature and weather conditions as tyres should, a sprit race and a main race with mandatory pit stops, throw in AI that can both be scaled and doesn't just follow the line. Oh and you actually have to manage the start yourself (not just rolling starts to mask screwed up low speed physics), which while a small change is a brilliant one.

All of that provided more enjoyment and better physics that I found in my entire time with GT5 and GT6.

On a few specific points others have mentioned I would rate the weight transfer and suspension modelling in P Cars far higher than that of GT, mainly because its an area GT is not good in, in particular FWD and RR cars simply do not behave as they should in GT.

As far as track modelling goes I've had the advantage of driving a number of the UK tracks in reality and all are extremely well modeled.

For me GT7 is going to need to up its game a significant amount to even get on the list as currently P Cars is more than enough for a sim and DC more than enough for a pretty arcade run.

Old gen versus new gen, apples to oranges. While I'm sure PCars is a good game, I'll probably wait to play it until GT7 comes out. Heck, I don't even have a PS4 yet.
Doesn't matter you can still compare them as long as you keep that consideration in mind, and older generations don't mean that a title is not comparable, after all both Enthusia and Richard Burns Rally had physics engine elements that still are not in GT or FM.
Same devs. But many people says it drives more realistic and far less floaty unlike Shift. The visual effects does, but still it plays like a far better than Shift.
Well, it may be so, otherwise...

By the way, the video you posted in the first message is quite useless, you only can compare the graphics. and the machines are a PS3 versus a powerful i7 PC of nowadays. I mean... *facepalm* I told the video uploader to do a comparison of Out Run (1986) VS PCars or AC, for that matter.
...So to me, pCars was hyped too much by some people here...

under the same impression. for what I've seen PCars is a good game but doesn't feel to add anything really new or special to racing games catalog. feels just like another one, the latest among codemaster's F1, driveclub, asseto corsa, gran turismo, etc. its a good game but not special. maybe its my mistake but i don't feel SMS's words in it.

"Project CARS is the most authentic, beautiful, intense, and technically-advanced racing game on the planet" SMS

DRIVECLUB™_20150214183101.jpg DRIVECLUB™_20150214183204.jpg DRIVECLUB™_20150430151824.jpg DRIVECLUB™_20150508152345.jpg GT6 Brands Hatch Grand Prix Circuit.jpg GT6 Circuit de la Sarthe 2013.jpg GT6 Tokyo R246.jpg PC2.jpg PC3.jpg PC5.jpg The Order_ 1886.jpg

@NUNOpt and GT6 graphics despite being on a very old machine feel more natural and photorealistic than some of those new PC games that are supposed to have the ultimate graphics. You look the last GT6 pic and you think "this might be a real life photo" but you dont think the same for the PCars ones... you easily spot that are videogame captures.
my apologies, i know this isn't the main topic and i'll end it here but... @dimassa19 you mean in terms of graphical realism because all games look better at PS4 just not more photo-realistic. the best graphical realism at PS4 is theOrder1886, some pictures without humans in it could be confused by real pics.

The Order_ 1886_20150418175703.jpg
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@NUNOpt and GT6 graphics despite being on a very old machine feel more natural and photorealistic than some of those new PC games that are supposed to have the ultimate graphics. You look the last GT6 pic and you think "this might be a real life photo" but you dont think the same for the PCars ones... you easily spot that are videogame captures.
Yeah that's true and GT6 is still amazing considering the machine it runs on but... photos aren't rendered in real time. I don't know about the other pics on the same message but in GT6 that's for sure. But anyway it's kind of pointless to directly confront the 2 on this level.

To achieve what GT6 does but in real time I guess it's a matter of time with the new engines and hardware.
my apologies, i know this isn't the main topic and i'll end it here but... @dimassa19 you mean in terms of graphical realism because all games look better at PS4 just not more photo-realistic. the best graphical realism at PS4 is theOrder1886, some pictures without humans in it could be confused by real pics.

View attachment 364528
Oh, yes... Some of non racing games are attaining this status.(Ryse-Son of Rome)
I looked at this....


I'm really surprised by how members voted that, considering the majority of people thinks that GT sucks nowadays and how people with their over hype on Project cars.

I didn't bought Project Cars on PS4 yet because i'm currently busy with school stuff and i won't be free until 8th June but from what i have seen, Project cars have really cool Career Mode, better Sound engine, Better Physics and such but it all focuses on race cars mostly with really few road cars which what i prefer in GT compared to PCARS.
G25; at first the FFB from the bumps is overwhelming compared to the lateral forces, which made it very unprecise for me to pick a driving line as the wheel tended to jerk my hands off the road. When adjusting for less FFB (the overall strength slider just called 'Force Feedback'), what happened is that those jerking forces coming from the road surface were reduced, but the steering was so light that I was all over the place.

Now that the tweaks did was mainly balance those components; now the bumps can be felt, but are not overwhelming. Simulataneously, there is a good 'wheel weight' when turning the car. What remains however, is that there is not as much feel about how dynamic wheel loads are at a given moment, i.e. that wheel weight doesn't really change as much, thus indicating very little. In GT6 that is done by artificially making the wheel heavier and sloppier to indicate grip, but pCars is still a bit of a guessing game for me.

Wow thats odd, I had the exact opposite feeling. I plug my G-25 into my PC for the first time and the feedback was missing, as if there was no calculation being done, just a little more resistance as the wheel was turned (I could only compare it to a force feedback wheel trying to mimic a rubberband wheel). We downloaded profiler and other tools to test things out and get values, and increased ever setting in the game to finally get some response out of it. I still don't know if settings in-game or set into the wheel with profiler made the difference. I'll have to download the tweaks and give it another try. I want to like the game, and I think I will, but first I have fix their launch bugs.