The Words of the Winds are Now all Clear

  • Thread starter amar212
Which amar didn't make, seeing as he doesn't actually have the ability to post to the GTP News blog...
April 2009 + 12 months - 30 nights = March 2010

When and where did he said December 09?

Leave Britney... ...I mean amar212 alone!!!
Leave amar212 alooooone!!!!
Which amar didn't make, seeing as he doesn't actually have the ability to post to the GTP News blog...
I believe the assumption is that my source of information for that post was Amar. (It was not.)
As for the Q4 2009 release, do any of you even know when SONY's fiscal Q4 is??? JANUARY-MARCH of the following year, so Q4 2009 fically for SONY is in fact January-March 2010... <- Well... What do you know....

This is their presentation for the fical Q4 of 2007, notice where it says (years end, March 31, 2008) If you look at their Q4 2008 report it's the SAME thing. (years end march 31, 2009).

So the Q4 release date IS STILL CORRECT, so drop it.
As for the Q4 2009 release, do any of you even know when SONY's fiscal Q4 is??? JANUARY-MARCH of the following year, so Q4 2009 fically for SONY is in fact January-March 2010... <- Well... What do you know....

This is their presentation for the fical Q4 of 2007, notice where it says (years end, March 31, 2008) If you look at their Q4 2008 report it's the SAME thing. (years end march 31, 2009).

So the Q4 release date IS STILL CORRECT, so drop it.
OK, Mr Pedantic, stating "Q4 2009" is NOT the same as stating "Q4 Fiscal 2009-2010". End of Q4 2009 is December 31st 2009, simple as that.
Good job suinit! You discovered what was discussed within 1 day of the brochure being release.

And now people are clearly showing that they need to be reminded. Or have you missed all of the posts STILL whining about "No Q4 release?! WAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! We were lied to! DOWN WITH SONY!" I don't get why you are so aggressive towards me.

@ G.T.Ace It was an OFFICIAL SONY brochure, and when a company releases that kind of information it is always with respect to the calender for THEIR fiscal year. PERIOD. I don't care what country it was released in, this is simply the way that businesses are run.
And now people are clearly showing that they need to be reminded. Or have you missed all of the posts STILL whining about "No Q4 release?! WAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! We were lied to! DOWN WITH SONY!" I don't get why you are so aggressive towards me.

@ G.T.Ace It was an OFFICIAL SONY brochure, and when a company releases that kind of information it is always with respect to the calender for THEIR fiscal year. PERIOD. I don't care what country it was released in, this is simply the way that businesses are run.

Businesses give a lot of information in fiscal year terms, but they don't give release dates for video games in fiscal years simply because it's confusing to the laymen who are the primary target for the information. It's a video game, so part of the target market is children. Are they expected to know about the fiscal year in their country?
@ G.T.Ace It was an OFFICIAL SONY brochure, and when a company releases that kind of information it is always with respect to the calender for THEIR fiscal year. PERIOD.
Complete and utter nonsense. Companies only use FISCAL years in FISCAL products/reports, like the one you posted. NO company mentions dates relative to the fiscal year in press releases, flyers or other material, because those are not related to anything fiscal at all.

They had it scheduled for Q4 2009, and they pushed it back (maybe because of bad feedback on the damage they showed, maybe because of GTPSP and the PSP Go, maybe because they 'just felt like it', who knows), what's there not to understand about that? Release dates get pushed back all the time.
Complete and utter nonsense. Companies only use FISCAL years in FISCAL products/reports, like the one you posted. NO company mentions dates relative to the fiscal year in press releases, flyers or other material, because those are not related to anything fiscal at all.

They had it scheduled for Q4 2009, and they pushed it back (maybe because of bad feedback on the damage they showed, maybe because of GTPSP and the PSP Go, maybe because they 'just felt like it', who knows), what's there not to understand about that? Release dates get pushed back all the time.

Simply because that DIDN'T happen. They NEVER guaranteed a release before the end of 2009. I don't care what you say, because companies release dates for products based on their FISCAL calenders A LOT OF THE TIME!
because companies release dates for products based on their FISCAL calenders A LOT OF THE TIME!
If it's so common, why don't you post a few links? (and no, fiscal/financial reports don't count)

Releasedates that are published to press/retailers/etc. are always based on calendar. You really think they'll spread a brochure/leaflet on an event visited by press, retailers and consumers with a fiscal release date in it? So the press, bloggers and retailers that are present can put 'Q4 2009' in their magazines, websites and online shops as a release date, while it's actually 'Q1 2010'? Makes no sense. ;)

Fiscal dates are for fiscal reports, nothing more.
If it's so common, why don't you post a few links? (and no, fiscal/financial reports don't count)

Releasedates that are published to press/retailers/etc. are always based on calendar. You really think they'll spread a brochure/leaflet on an event visited by press, retailers and consumers with a fiscal release date in it? So the press, bloggers and retailers that are present can put 'Q4 2009' in their magazines, websites and online shops as a release date, while it's actually 'Q1 2010'? Makes no sense. ;)

Fiscal dates are for fiscal reports, nothing more.

I extend the same challenge to you, show me a single time where you can prove that the Q4 meant OCT-DEC.

I worked for whirlpool corporation during a yearlong internship, and true it may not be video games but when we dealt with quaters we dealt SOLELY in our fiscal quaters. ALWAYS, regardless of what we were talking about. We did NOT SOLELY deal with our fiscal quarters when we discussed financial matters or reports. When we discussed releases of new dishwashers, (rough release dates mind you) we always dealt in our fiscal calander.

Now as for the bold. You are stuck in the thinking that Q1 HAS to be Jan-Mar of that year which is not the correct way of thinking. When it comes to SONY Q4 2009 is Jan -Mar 2010, PERIOD, and Q1 2010 is Apr-Jun 2010. So your statement is the one that doesn't make sense.
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"Internet Fight!"

:lol: Nah, it's not a fight until we start personally attacking one another, and start calling each other idiots and douche bags. lol. But, we won't take it that far, isn't that right NLx?
How about:

1. Some of these idiots stop blaming Amar for again, something he could not control

2. We just stop and come to the conclusion for the millionth time that we have likely had multiple tentative release dates (which means "Subject to change") and it ended up being changed. At this rate, alot of people are gonna annoyingly complain until march:indiff:
If it's so common, why don't you post a few links? (and no, fiscal/financial reports don't count)

Releasedates that are published to press/retailers/etc. are always based on calendar. You really think they'll spread a brochure/leaflet on an event visited by press, retailers and consumers with a fiscal release date in it? So the press, bloggers and retailers that are present can put 'Q4 2009' in their magazines, websites and online shops as a release date, while it's actually 'Q1 2010'? Makes no sense. ;)

Fiscal dates are for fiscal reports, nothing more.
Only the release dates were never published to the press or anyone for that matter. There was a brochure with a mention of q4 2009, there is a reason that the press did not jump on this. There is a reason why there arn't hundereds of articles all stating that either Sony or PD have confirmed that GT4 will be released before christmas. I'm quite sure that the brochure wasn't GT specific, it was a borchure noting the more highly anticipated games due q4 2009. It was not a public press release it a was a trade advert. That's it. There is absolutely no reason to think that it was stating GT5 would be released between now and January. TGS was the first time either Sony or PD have actually given GT5 an actual official release date.
I extend the same challenge to you, show me a single time where you can prove that the Q4 meant OCT-DEC.
I asked first. :P Note that all press releases on Sony websites (or any other website for that matter) mention either the specific month or season, no fiscal quarter is ever mentioned. Then again, they don't mention quarters in any sense (fiscal or otherwise), so I guess it would be hard (or impossible ;)) for either of us to prove a point here. ;)

But, we won't take it that far, isn't that right NLx?
Nope, but some people just don't understand that a discussion is something other than a fight. ;) If people would all agree, there is no point in having a forum, right?

It was not a public press release it a was a trade advert. That's it.
Exactly, and why would they mention a fiscal quarter in a trade advert? Again, it makes no sense to spread a leaflet (at a games convention no less) with a specific quarter mentioned if they are going to release it in another, or if they don't want to spill the beans, in which case it would have read 'T.B.D.' (in German of course ;)) instead.

I find the fact that they were in fact planning a Q4 2009 release and delayed more plausible, given the folder, the bad responses to the damage shown, and Kaz's interviews. Can I prove it? Nope, not without breaking into Sony's headquarters, hacking their servers and read through all their mails and documents. :lol: But neither can you prove the opposite. ;)

2. We just stop and come to the conclusion for the millionth time that we have likely had multiple tentative release dates (which means "Subject to change") and it ended up being changed. At this rate, alot of people are gonna annoyingly complain until march:indiff:
True, but we need something to keep us entertained in the mean time right? :lol: And who's complaining?
Trade advert, T-R-A-D-E, trade more often than not deals in fiscal years. it was not picked up by the media nor was it accompanied by an annoucnment. That and the fact that given Kaz's comments about GT5's release date probably being announced at TGS suggests that he alraedy knew the date at that show.

We don't need to prove anything, bottom line is that even when the brochure was shown Kaz strongly hinted that the release date would be announced at TGS and it is you making a claim to the contrary. GT5 may have been internally delayed, in fact like most big games I'd assume it has, but it's not had it's release date pushed back. Before you settle on a a release date you deal with prospective dates, a lot of propsective dates get moved about during production. Don't get a prospective date confused with a proper release date.

But it seems to me that you're just arguing for the sake of arguing. The bottom line is that TGS was the first official announcment for GT5's release date, it's not a stretch to assume that a trade advertis talking about a fiscal year quarter especially when that falls in line with the actual official release date and that Kaz already knew the release date would be announced at TGS and thus must have known what the release date was at the time this brochure was spotted.
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I asked first. :P Note that all press releases on Sony websites (or any other website for that matter) mention either the specific month or season, no fiscal quarter is ever mentioned. Then again, they don't mention quarters in any sense (fiscal or otherwise), so I guess it would be hard (or impossible ;)) for either of us to prove a point here. ;)

Exactly the point I was trying to get across! I am glad you picked up on it.

Nope, but some people just don't understand that a discussion is something other than a fight. ;) If people would all agree, there is no point in having a forum, right?

Indeed. It is a shame when some can't see the difference.

Exactly, and why would they mention a fiscal quarter in a trade advert? Again, it makes no sense to spread a leaflet (at a games convention no less) with a specific quarter mentioned if they are going to release it in another, or if they don't want to spill the beans, in which case it would have read 'T.B.D.' (in German of course ;)) instead.

I find the fact that they were in fact planning a Q4 2009 release and delayed more plausible, given the folder, the bad responses to the damage shown, and Kaz's interviews. Can I prove it? Nope, not without breaking into Sony's headquarters, hacking their servers and read through all their mails and documents. :lol: But neither can you prove the opposite. ;)

I believe Dave made a very good point.
Aww man whatever the case, the point is now we have to wait till March. Who cares whether PD planned it beforehand or delayed it further, from what I know, everyone was preparing themselves for a December release, they either interpreted it wrong or it was interpreted correctly stating a December release, the thing is you guys shouldn't have jumped on the conclusion that GT5 was CONFIRMED for December.