Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
Well, I' m not going to beat myself up about it...


I was going for a pun about vitrious and aqueous humor.... but it seems we're sticking with a self harm joke that I'm not quite familiar with.... perhaps my wit isn't as razor sharp as it could be, or perhaps the humour is just in a different vein.

I was going for a pun about vitrious and aqueous humor.... but it seems we're sticking with a self harm joke that I'm not quite familiar with.... perhaps my wit isn't as razor sharp as it could be, or perhaps the humour is just in a different vein.
Well, I can tell you that this is one thing we don't need this close to Christ-mas - a schism...

So I can put the cutting wit into the bin - ocular puns is where it's at. I sense you'll be a good pupil.
Well, I can tell you that this is one thing we don't need this close to Christ-mas - a schism...

So I can put the cutting wit into the bin - ocular puns is where it's at. I sense you'll be a good pupil.

I appreciate that I risk hitting a nerve with such puns... better put a lid on it before people lash out.
What are you insinuating huh?
No insinuations, just a straightforward question.

Do you, someone who works in the dairy aisle of a supermarket and thinks helping people find the products in that aisle is beneath him, calling such people "plebes" from the lofty position of having a job working in the dairy aisle of a supermarket, actually read what you type before you post it?

Only 'I have zero tolerance for stupidity because I work where the cheese is and normal people ask me where the cheese is and my job working where the cheese is means I'm too important to bother helping normal people' (paraphrased) doesn't come across well. I mean... you work in the dairy section of a supermarket. That's one of the jobs teenagers can do before they find a career that they like, if they don't like working in McDonalds. If not absolute bottom-rung employment, it's pretty close.

Rather high and mighty of you to look down on us ordinary people who might occasionally wander into your purview and dare to think you might be willing to perform some customer service and help us out finding cheese. I'm amazed you can stomach being here on GTPlanet with so many people so far beneath you in your tower constructed from the volume-selling of bovine lactation products.

How about just come out and say how you feel about me. Get it over with.
Does "absolute antipathy borne from not really knowing anything about you, or caring, to this point in time" count as a feeling?
I appreciate that I risk hitting a nerve with such puns... better put a lid on it before people lash out.
I appreciate the con-ciliary-tory tone. If we don't stop, violens may follow!
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I know the job is crap and Ive been in much better places before. I'm working my way back. I can play all three movements of Moonlight Sonata but they'd never know
I can play all three movements of Moonlight Sonata but they'd never know
And the "plebes" might all have remarkable talents that you would never know either - because it's a customer-employee conversation and not Tinder or LinkedIn.

All they want is the guy who probably works near the cheese to help them out finding cheese. It's not too much to expect the shelf-stacker to help instead of just looking down his nose at them like he's a Supreme Court Justice.
It's not too much to expect the shelf-stacker to help instead of just looking down his nose at them like he's a Supreme Court Justice.
I'd hate to think what would happen if they were fresh out of Red Leicester, didn't have any Tilsit before Monday, and hadn't received their delivery of Caerphilly for a fortnight. Might have to resort to the runny camembert ... assuming the cat hadn't eaten it.
They're sh
I'd hate to think what would happen if they were fresh out of Red Leicester, didn't have any Tilsit before Monday, and hadn't received their delivery of Caerphilly for a fortnight. Might have to resort to the runny camembert ... assuming the cat hadn't eaten it.
Forgive my being American, but what?
I always imagined there were specific brands of anything sold exclusively in certain regions.

Anyway, I guess it's only me, but I find it a bit odd that there's people that need help locating something like cheese in a dairy aisle anyway. I mean, it's usually in a very obvious spot from my experiences.
No whey...

They're styles of cheese, specifically a dry cheddar, a semi-hard, another crumbler, and a bloomy rind...respectively.
I always imagined there were specific brands of anything sold exclusively in certain regions.

Anyway, I guess it's only me, but I find it a bit odd that there's people that need help locating something like cheese in a dairy aisle anyway. I mean, it's usually in a very obvious spot from my experiences.
I find it more odd that people want to talk to a stranger when shopping. I usually just go about my business and find what I need and get it over with. I may ask about a specific item, but to ask where an entire section is confuses and annoys me.
I'm more curious, are they brands or types of cheese I've never seen in U.S. stores?

They're types of cheese and I know at least 2 of them are sold in the U.S. (Tilsit and Camembert)

Anyway, I guess it's only me, but I find it a bit odd that there's people that need help locating something like cheese in a dairy aisle anyway. I mean, it's usually in a very obvious spot from my experiences.

I worked in a grocery store for 7 years and I eventually came to the conclusion that it's usually one of 2 things.

1) They have a rough idea but just want to make sure they're heading in the right direction. With cheese it's actually pretty understandable since some types might not be by the rest of the cheese.

2) They don't feel like they get their money's worth unless they ask every employee they see a question.