Thrustmaster T300RS - random button presses issue.

  • Thread starter prarts
I slided to PS3 mode, so far so good.

I tried sliding the switch to ps3 mode today. For a few laps I thought it was going fix it, no issues during practice, but then the options button press happened in an online race when I was entering a right hand corner.

Good idea though, as the manual for the T300rs says the wheel is suppose to have the share and options button disabled if switched to PS3 mode, unfortunately I can report in here that it didnt fix the pausing issue.
I tried sliding the switch to ps3 mode today. For a few laps I thought it was going fix it, no issues during practice, but then the options button press happened in an online race when I was entering a right hand corner.

Good idea though, as the manual for the T300rs says the wheel is suppose to have the share and options button disabled if switched to PS3 mode, unfortunately I can report in here that it didnt fix the pausing issue.
Too bad, but I am doing this for 2 days already and it is fine, no pause menu popping up for me so far.
that won't work as you will get delays when changing gear.

I had this problem and the way the shift registers operate contribute to the problem but are not the cause. Basically a high voltage 1 is off and a zero voltage 0 is on, i.e. when you press a button it grounds the input to the shift register and this is communicated to the PS4 or PC via serial link.
I can confirm the problem exists on PC, I get a random gear shift every 2 or 3 laps and normally when the wheel is rotated to turn a corner. There always seems to be a slight kick in the FFB which suggests a power or earth problem. When I had the rim connected via the PS2 connector if I removed the rim and then put it back on without cleaning the connector it solved the problem for a few weeks but eventually it would start random activation again. It also activated the L3 R3 buttons on the base. Here is a list of what I tried to identify the problem but none of these helped.

1. Hardwired the wheel rim from the base removing the ps2 connector
2. Replaced the power supply with the supply from my G27.
3. Used Arduino to simulate the shift registers with a custom wheel rim.
4. Re-soldered the base connections (as many as I could) to try to eliminate any dry joint.
5. Put a separate power supply on the USB connector (2 wires are for serial comms and 2 for voltage supply)

Also I should point out my base was replaced as it suffered from the calibration failure problem. I had random button activation with both old and new wheel base. So it is a design problem and everybody I know with this wheel has had random button activation. The people out there who think they may have solved it will probably again suffer from this problem. I don't understand why removing the rim and then replacing gives a couple of weeks of trouble free use. Maybe static electricity build up, I just don't know and unfortunately neither do Thrustmaster. Shame as it is a great wheel but gathering dust on the shelf while I use my fault free G27.

I have been reduced to refitting the wheel periodically as a a stopgap which is disappointing as I really like the wheel!
Guys this is not a T300rs problem I am getting this with the t500rs I have just bought a brand new F1 rim and its pause menu on f1 2017 all day long. I am going to try the firmware update to v46 if that doesn't solve it I am gonna ask tech support. I can't see it being the brand new rim which is under warranty. The only problem is the base is fine with the GT wheel so tracing the problem is gonna be hell 🤬🤬🤬:banghead:
Guys this is not a T300rs problem I am getting this with the t500rs I have just bought a brand new F1 rim and its pause menu on f1 2017 all day long. I am going to try the firmware update to v46 if that doesn't solve it I am gonna ask tech support. I can't see it being the brand new rim which is under warranty. The only problem is the base is fine with the GT wheel so tracing the problem is gonna be hell 🤬🤬🤬:banghead:
And to disengage the pause my wheel needs to be horizontal, try do that in a hairpin and then get it back when it goes live again!! How do you do a firmware update?
I slided to PS3 mode and played GT Sport for more than a week now, no more ghost button to pause menu now.
Mine's been Doing this like Crazy,(It's only couple weeks old),I'm going to switch it to PS3 mode and Hopefully it clears Up? Thanks..
After the 1.06 GTS patch, the phantom pause has not returned om my T300rs wheel when playing GTS. It appears to be fixed. Maybe GTS implemented countermeasures to detect deliberate presses versus ffb vibrations accidently pressing it. A whole week of play and not one ghost pause anymore.
After the 1.06 GTS patch, the phantom pause has not returned om my T300rs wheel when playing GTS. It appears to be fixed. Maybe GTS implemented countermeasures to detect deliberate presses versus ffb vibrations accidently pressing it. A whole week of play and not one ghost pause anymore.
Not working for mine. I will stick to PS3 mode.
After the 1.06 GTS patch, the phantom pause has not returned om my T300rs wheel when playing GTS. It appears to be fixed. Maybe GTS implemented countermeasures to detect deliberate presses versus ffb vibrations accidently pressing it. A whole week of play and not one ghost pause anymore.

1.06 ive played many hours and no ghost pause.
After the emergency 1.07 patch the ghost pause is back.
1.06 ive played many hours and no ghost pause.
After the emergency 1.07 patch the ghost pause is back.

1.06 patch fixed it. I went many days and sessions of play no issues.
1.07 emergency patch came out, first day of play it ghost paused three times.
1.08 emergency patch and first two days of play no issues. All seems good again now with the latest 1.08.
Ok so you can use the T300 on a PS4 with the switch in PS3 position? If so, why does the wheel have a switch?

If you run it in ps4 mode it is seen as a T300 on the ps4. For the ps3 switch position it is seen as a T500 which is an older wheel and was supported on ps3. So what you are doing is telling the console it is a T500.

You loose the ability to use the share button and navigate in some menus of the game. You will also need to use the controller to navigate the ps4 interface.

Edit - T300 is officially licensed for ps4 so it can fully operate the console. T500 is a supported wheel by the games on the ps4 but it is officially licensed for the ps3 not the ps4.
F1 Wheel same issues...:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: I can say though I change the wheels regularly and the issue has dramatically reduced.
Yep, the problem is in the wheelbase itself, wheel rim PS2 connector is a main suspect as pointed before.
Mine fixed itself: few weeks of GTS racing and not a single button press. Everything in my setup is the same, haven't changed anything. Strange as fcuk.
Isn't the GT Sport's update fixed the ghost button issue? Mine has not had the issue for a long time already.
Nope. Had an activation a few days ago. Def reduced though as I would get it at least once a session last year.
I find that it seems to happen in high torque situations. I had assumed that it was my transducers shaking the rig too much but at this point I'm at a total loss. Random problems are notoriously difficult to pin down and correct. Add the fact that thrustmaster has little financial incentive to correct the problem, I suspect we're on our own. I've already made my mind up that when the base dies I'm changing all my gear over to fanatec. Not that any of these brands are without issues. Operating in niche markets give the manufacturers more leverage than in traditional scenarios.
Will see how it goes over the next few months and whilst inside the warranty period take it back and try again....
I figured out my problem. I've had two different problems.

1. Random button presses when I was not pressing buttons. I confirmed this was happening with a regular controller as well as the T300. The solution to this problem was to uninstall the game and saved data and re-install.

2. Random T300 disconnects where all inputs stopped working and would not resume. The problem was a faulty connection between the usb cable on the T300 and a USB extension cable to the PS4. Diagnosis was to jiggle the connection around and re-create the issues. Solution was to buy a new USB extension.

I now have a working T300 with the rim being controlled by an Arduino Nano and it has solved my random button activation problem.
I got pretty much all the technical information from this guy who has done a fantastic job to help people create a custom rim.

I had previously tried using an Arduino Nano emulating the T300 rim shift registers but I had problems with random gear shifts which I recently found out was caused by a faulty cable that I had installed. I replaced the cable and have been testing for about 4 weeks and I have not had 1 single random button press.

When putting it together and testing I found that if I wiggled the connection of the SS (slave select) input to simulate a bad connection then it would randomly activate “all buttons together” including the R3 and L3 which are on the base and that is what confused me earlier and made me think it could also be a problem in the base somewhere.

The shift registers are binary 1 for off and depressing a button will ground the input forcing it to a binary 0 which is on. The button presses are stored in 3 bytes and the info is transmitted 1 byte at a time (that is my understanding). The lsb of each byte in default button map is

Byte 1 lsb - Gear shift up
Byte 2 lsb - Menu
Byte 3 lsb - Dpad-up (brake bias on PS4)

So if the SS has a bad connection then all the bits go to zero then the PS4 or PC will read the lsb first and, according to what I have read, the above buttons are the ones people have the most problems with.

So the random button activation may be caused by either a bad connection or the chip used for the slave shift registers having communication failures with the master on the base. In my case it wasn’t the din connector as I previously took that out and soldered the wires through so maybe it was a bad connection somewhere on the rim or a faulty shift register.

PS4 users will have more random button presses than PC users as the PC does not read the d-pad inputs and also there is no menu button for the PC.
PS4 users can map another function to the d-pad up like a horn or lights if the brake bias random activation affects them. I don’t think it is possible to map the menu button though.

Perhaps not an easy solution for most people as building the wheel rim is not a simple task.
I now have a working T300 with the rim being controlled by an Arduino Nano and it has solved my random button activation problem.
I got pretty much all the technical information from this guy who has done a fantastic job to help people create a custom rim.

I had previously tried using an Arduino Nano emulating the T300 rim shift registers but I had problems with random gear shifts which I recently found out was caused by a faulty cable that I had installed. I replaced the cable and have been testing for about 4 weeks and I have not had 1 single random button press.

When putting it together and testing I found that if I wiggled the connection of the SS (slave select) input to simulate a bad connection then it would randomly activate “all buttons together” including the R3 and L3 which are on the base and that is what confused me earlier and made me think it could also be a problem in the base somewhere.

The shift registers are binary 1 for off and depressing a button will ground the input forcing it to a binary 0 which is on. The button presses are stored in 3 bytes and the info is transmitted 1 byte at a time (that is my understanding). The lsb of each byte in default button map is

Byte 1 lsb - Gear shift up
Byte 2 lsb - Menu
Byte 3 lsb - Dpad-up (brake bias on PS4)

So if the SS has a bad connection then all the bits go to zero then the PS4 or PC will read the lsb first and, according to what I have read, the above buttons are the ones people have the most problems with.

So the random button activation may be caused by either a bad connection or the chip used for the slave shift registers having communication failures with the master on the base. In my case it wasn’t the din connector as I previously took that out and soldered the wires through so maybe it was a bad connection somewhere on the rim or a faulty shift register.

PS4 users will have more random button presses than PC users as the PC does not read the d-pad inputs and also there is no menu button for the PC.
PS4 users can map another function to the d-pad up like a horn or lights if the brake bias random activation affects them. I don’t think it is possible to map the menu button though.

Perhaps not an easy solution for most people as building the wheel rim is not a simple task.
To be perfectly honest just over the whole thing! Took the wheel back after 4 months and have exchanged. The real the last week have had 2 random events. If it continues looks like a fanatic or Logitec will be replacing it..................
Started using a new T300 on Saturday and have experienced at least 2 random button presses. Previously owned a t300 for over 2 ýears with no issues. Thinking I should send this wheel back unless this is more of a GT Sport issue.
Is it possible it's a static electricity issue? Socks rubbing on plastic pedal base, you turn the wheel and thumb makes contact with metal part of rim? Would be totally random and possibly not affect rigs that are better grounded? Wood rig would be worse than a metal rig. Pro Pedals would be better than regular plastic pedals? Just thinking out loud here. Going to test this out.

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