torque99's GTP 'Fun' DriveClub Challenge_Hardcore mode#Jawehawk

  • Thread starter torque99
@KennyL74 I think most the cars have always done that before every race or have they :indiff:? I can't think now if the hyper cars do that. I will have to try a few cars out and listen:cheers:

Great time:bowdown: Those other cars keep getting in my way in the first few sections! :lol:

Edit: Do you have the names on the cars when racing? or is that just for the replay?
Well done all on this tough A45 merc challenge. I didn't get a chance to really give this a go with too much going on (GT Sport beta and xbox ForzaH3 challenges ;)).

Freddeeze came in at the end with a 3.05.100! (wow) in the wet with AI on legend too!

Freddeeze I don't think has an account on GTP but only on PSN/Twitter so I let them know they won the challenge!


I'm going to take a little break from these to catch up with things but if @Jawehawk ;) wants to do a few 'Expert/Legend' challenges feel free to use this thread (joint) or start your own etc 👍👍

I shall take you up on that offer :cheers:

Hardcore Challenge featuring the Ferrari F430 Scuderia on Wester Ross is up and running. Send me a friend request on PSN as well as a message expressing your desire to join the challenge, and I shall forward it to you. Remember to turn on Hardcore driving mode!
Well, only one person aside from myself attended the Hardcore challenge, so I didn't bother going any further with it. Perhaps the monthly GTP meet will take over, and will become the new thing.