TRD Hot Version Racing Series Club Open! (1016786)

  • Thread starter 787bcgr
I was about to start a series like this I am glad I found you guys. @787bcgr you are starting another series with the same cars? or something completely different?

Ok to add you guys?

I was about to start a series like this I am glad I found you guys. @787bcgr you are starting another series with the same cars? or something completely different?

Ok to add you guys?

well, the last run is coming and is open to all. I'm currently am taking suggestions as to what to do next.
Still going. Final run for the series on Saturday. Open to all, keep it clean and serious.
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Season 1 of the TRD AE86 N2 Series is now complete. We would like to thank everyone who competed in the season and we are looking forward too Season 2 with the AE86 N2's and we will be adding a second car for the week between races.
TRD AE86 N2 series update:
Me and CG have be taking about some improvements to the series.
  • Changing from laps to set time endurance races.
This is something we feel would me the races feel longer than they did at set laps. In season 1 we had set laps ranging from 7 or 8 on the longer tracks up to about 18 on the short tracks. This will be changing to 20 minute set endurance races across the season.​
  • Introduction of a TRD AW11 MR2 alternative season.
For those who have the urge to race a second classic Toyota on the saturdays between AE86 N2 races. We will be running a TRD AW11 MR2 racing series. Details and specs are TBD.​
Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of information over time. Anyways, getting strait to it, along side the main class of N2 Hachi Rokus, we will be introducing two new classes:
Tsukuba Circuit_1.jpg

Super GT250 MR2 AW

Tsukuba Circuit_2.jpg

Group A Supra MA80

Currently planned is the AW up next, with the Supra events being introduced later on. These will most likely run along side the N2 series. Have fun everyone.

Tsukuba Circuit.jpg
I'm in fellas however I'm busy at the moment and not on gt6 much once I get back online I'll start tuning some cars for these events.

See you guys soon race hard.
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One hour enduro. A 10 minutes quali starts the Sunday 28th, 7PM GMT. The race will be held right after it.

Special thanks to the TRD Hot Version Racing Series Club for allowing us to use their specifications for the race.

Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex ’83/ Corolla Levin GT-Apex ’83
  • 220Bhp
  • 850Kg
  • N/A only (No Turbo/Supercharger)
  • Sports Soft Tyres
  • Tyre-fuel wear
  • Full Damage
  • SRF = Off
  • Active Steering = Off
  • TSC = Off
  • ASM = Off

Tsukuba Circuit
  • Boost: No
  • Penalty: (time penalty subject to replay verification, no in-game penalties)
  • Grip Reduction on Wet Track/Track Edge: Real
  • Slipstream Strength: Real
  • Mechanical Damage: Light
  • Tyre/Fuel Depletion: Normal

This is our first circuit event! :dopey: Racing in a closed track needs a different type of driving. Racing
etiquette is a must.

Feel free to ask anything about the specifications / racing etiquette / penalty
system. 👍

Collaboration with Hajime racer's club.
to get more people you need to really do it later at night for us euro drivers as for a 7pm +0 GMT race would make it early afternoon for American drivers which many wont be online at..