Am I understanding correctly that tonight will be 6 laps of Nurburg and then 6 laps of Nurburg reverse?

No, reverse grid is the car positions. First in race 1, would start in last race 2. Last race 1 would start in the front, and each position would be reversed and so forth.
Am I understanding correctly that tonight will be 6 laps of Nurburg and then 6 laps of Nurburg reverse?

Edit: Also, is it possible to change my wheel color to the stock wheels? They look too nice on this Audi. :)

No, it will be reverse grid. In other words, if you finished the 1st race in 1st place you would start the second race in last place and vice versa.

The color combinations are optional, so changing the wheels to the stock ones should not be a problem at all.
Lol. For some reason I read that as tracks in reverse, not reverse grid. I thought it might get messy tonight. :lol:
Glad to have you join Finalfantasykid psn FFK13 just a couple things though if you could change your color combination one of the other drivers chose that color combination already, your car number is all good though. You can find the drivers list with all color combinations and car numbers on the first page of the op. Its fine that you cant make first race you can start with us anytime you are ready just drop ua a line. We will send the friend request later today, and remember once you have the fr's you can go to those lounges anytime you would like for practice or pick up races with other Turtle Racing memebers.
Thanks again and welcome to Turtle Racing.

Ok I'll go with Yellow Car / Green Wheels
Sorry I missed tonight NASCAR trumps all other activities for me. I hate Nurburgring anyway. Hopefully see you guys next week.
I never got FR's, i sent 3 of them out. Tried to join several hour's before it started, even added a few people who had FR's with turtle Div2
Sorry I couldn't make it tonight guys. Work is killing me lately. I thought Saturday nights would be perfect for me to race but apparently no night is. So I'm gonna just ask to be removed from the series. Hope whoever did make it had a fun time. Good luck to all.
Sorry some of you guys could not find the lounge lastnight, maybe we were not clear with the instructions.
What you have to do is accept fr's from all Turtle accounts sent to you then when you are ready to race you go to gtlife in game then go to community and scroll through your freinds list till you find the Turtle lounge you want to enter and select, then go to coffee cup icon ( it will look like no one is in there ) click to join when the list pops up it will show that there are people racing as long as someone is actually racing, if not you can join anyway. You are all welcome to post on here and use Turtle_Town for pickup races or anything you like really. We do expect all races to be run clean and friendly.

Race 1: Nürburgring Nordschleife
Car: Audi R8 4.2 FSI R tronic ’07
Laps: 6
Date: June 30, 2012

Race 1 - Division 2

1st Place: martin_ky (Fast Lap - 7:10.125 with windshield wipers on :sly:)
2nd Place: Psycho-Tuber (Fast Lap - 7:12.102)
3rd Place: mbobb1969 (Fast Lap - 7:15.931)
4th Place: TX_Executioner (Fast Lap - 7:16.415)
5th Place: DREX81 (Fast Lap - 7:25.352)
6th Place: Ghost_White (Fast Lap - 7:24.205)
7th Place: G_I_Jonesey (Fast Lap - 7:52.006)

Race 1 - Division A

1st Place: jbica (Fast Lap - 7:36.306)
2nd Place: yardclip1 (Fast Lap - 8:08.963)

Race 2 - Division 2

1st Place: Psycho-Tuber (Fast Lap - 7:14.413)
2nd Place: DREX81 (Fast Lap - 7:17.334)
3rd Place: martin_ky (Fast Lap - 7:13.067 with windshield wipers off :odd:)
4th Place: Ghost_White (Fast Lap - 7:19.680)
5th Place: mbobb1969 (Fast Lap - 7:14.835)

DNF: TX_Executioner
DNF: G_I_Jonesey

Race 2 - Division A

DNF: jbica
DNS: yardclip1

Final Results

Division 2

1st Place: Psycho-Tuber (93 points)
2nd Place: martin_ky (92 Points and Pole)
3rd Place: Drex81 (81 Points)
4th Place: mbobb1969 (78 Points)
5th Place: Ghost_White (72 Points)
6th Place: TX_Executioner (39 Points DNF 2nd Race)
7th Place: G_I_Jonesey (27 Points DNF 2nd Race)

Division A

1st Place: jbica (48 Points DNF 2nd Race)
2nd Place: yardclip1 (45 Points DNS 2nd Race)

Race Recap

We had a great night of racing! The races went off almost perfectly (jbica started a race during qualifying). Please give special thanks to MBOBB1969 for the meticulously well organized races. Congratulations guys!
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WTF-4 hours after you had your race(s) , MY friends list showed that there had not been any activity in any of the turtle rooms iIve friended for 14 hours or more. ? I must be really lagging. Guess I'll keep looking. L8R Pshyc.