[Tutorial] How to get ALL the DLC in GT5 (New Method) (Fastest and Easiest Ever!)

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The US of A
Ever wanted the DLC in GT5, but can’t get it due to it being pulled from PSN or maybe you had it once and lost it and have been unable to get it back again? Well, look no further than this tutorial, literally. Thanks to some recent discoveries, it is now possible to get them just by editing your save game. No need to install them into the game data, no need to connect to PSN, and best of all, what you get is the actual DLC cars and not some fake part swap that you’ll most likely lose if you update beyond 2.12. This even includes cars like the XJ13 and Edge Camaro that were only available in certain countries! :eek: That said, this can also be done on the latest update without issue. (good luck finding another tutorial like that)

I’ve been playing GT5 for nearly a decade now and I can honestly say this is the fastest, easiest and best method of getting the DLC I have ever seen. I could not find a better way if I tried. (no joke) With this tutorial, you can get everything from DLC cars, tracks, paints, and gear with ease! Before I begin, I need to address the big elephant in the room here because I feel like this needs to be said:
With all the tutorials on the internet already, why follow this one?
Over the years, I have seen a lot of tutorials on the internet telling you how to get the DLC cars via save editing. Most of which telling you to add a donor car and then swap its parts to what the DLC cars use, this being the most recent one I have seen. Honestly, don’t follow these types of tutorials. I have a lot of problems with them and here’s a list of good reasons why I discourage following them. I’ll use this thread as a point of comparison:
1. They’re not the “real deal”. While they may look and perform as they should, when you change the view in your garage and look at the white text box, you’ll notice it will still display the name of whatever donor car you used. For example, I followed the tutorial I linked above and used the Shelby Cobra as a donor car and then swapped its parts for what the Chromeline used like it said and this is what it says when I change the view in the garage:
Fake Cobra.png

As you can see, it still displays the name of my donor car (Cobra 427 ‘66), even though I swapped all of its parts, and is therefore not what it should be. Whereas if it was, it would have the car's real name (Cobra 427 S/C Chrome Line) and it’d be asking you to reinstall it. Internally, the game still knows you used a donor car for this and how this is so, is because theirs a car code in the save data that controls this, and since it doesn't change when following these old tutorials, that means it is still using the donor cars car code. This is what I mean by it not being the “real deal”, it’s literally just a series of part swaps and nothing more, you could say it’s “fake”. And no the name changer in GE 1.3.1 will NOT fix what is in the white text box. The name changer alters the car's name elsewhere and not what you see here, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
2. You’ll most likely lose them if you go to update 2.12 and beyond. Since the game still displays the name of whatever donor car you used and internally still recognizes it as that donor car due to the unchanged car code, it knows you swapped parts to get it. If you update beyond 2.12 and then view the car in the garage, theirs a chance you will lose that car. I say “most likely” because I have had some instances where I didn't lose them, but it’s hit or miss as to how it occurs. However, even if the car does survive after the update, I have had times where the car would be invalidated if I messed with it at all in a save editor.
3. You cannot do this on updates 2.12 and beyond. Due to the nature of how updates 2.12 and beyond will reset whatever cars you do part swaps to, you can’t really follow tutorials like the one I linked above as a result. This can be a problem if you updated beyond 2.12, want the DLC, but don’t want to delete your game data since you have stuff you don’t want to lose.
4. They’re kind of time-consuming. Having to add a car ticket and edit the course available, go into the game and redeem the ticket, and then load your save game into a save editor again to swap parts and such can be a little time-consuming depending on how many cars you add. In fact, upon following the other tutorial I mentioned, it took me over an hour to get all the cars and tracks together, when my tutorial only took about 12 and a half minutes.
So with all these reasons, I have listed not to follow these part swap guides that have been around for years, why should you follow the one I have here? Simply put, you won’t have any of the issues I mentioned above. This tutorial is way easier, way less time-consuming, the cars you get are actually the real deal, you won’t lose them on 2.12 and beyond and you can even get them on the latest update. And that means all the DLC, cars, tracks, paints, gear, and everything that was available before can be obtained here and it’ll be as if you actually own it, but with even less inconveniences.

To be fair though, I understand why these old part swap guides exist because, for a long time, that was about as much as you could do with save editing. However, it's such a flawed and outdated strategy that's no longer worth following since the relevant area to activate the DLC has been found in the save data. Unless you can't run this new save editor, theirs little reason to follow these old guides anymore.
With that out of the way, here’s what you need to get started.

What you’ll need
GT5 2.10 or above.
(I highly recommend 2.11 though)
USB flash drive (one in FAT32 format is preferred since the PS3 supports it, most flash drives are FAT32. As long as the PS3 can read it, you should be fine)
GT5 save game with at least one car in the garage (Not the backup save, but the other)
GT5 Save Editor (latest version is v0.0.10.3)

Once you got what you need, let’s get started! While this tutorial is long, my goal with this thread is to help you get all the DLC’s you want and to break it down enough so even those who have never done this sort of thing can do it. It’s really and truly not hard though. I have tested this method on both 2.10 and 2.17 prior to posting this and it works just fine.

Now here’s where we begin!

1. Plug your USB flash drive into your PS3, go to save data, and copy your save game to it. There are two save games, one is the regular save, the other is the backup. We only need the regular one, you can’t copy the backup anyways.

2. Plug your USB flash drive into your computer.

Hint: I recommend copying and pasting your save game somewhere on your computer before opening it in the garage editor, that way if something goes wrong, you have a backup. This will also help the creator fix whatever issue you may encounter.

3. Open the save editor you downloaded earlier. You might get this message if you’re on Windows 10:

Just click “More info” and then “Run Anyway”. Don’t worry, this program is not malicious or dangerous.

Note: If you can’t get it to open, download the latest version of .Net Framework and it should work then. If that don’t work, you may have to disable your virus protection. (I haven’t had to do this though)

4. Once the save editor is up, click “File” and “Open”

5. Now navigate to your USB drive and find your save game. It’s a folder labeled “PS3” and then inside that folder, there is another called “savedata” and finally inside the save data folder, theirs your save. Mine is in a folder labeled “BCUS98114-GAME”, but yours might be named differently if you live outside the US. Once you found it, click on it and then click “Select Folder”.

6. Once your save has loaded, click the DLC tab.

In there, click on “Persist DLC’s without license files (vou). This function tricks the game into thinking you have the DLC installed and allows you to use it simply by editing your save game.

7. Pick your DLC! Just click on whichever DLC on the list you want and it will come up with this:

Just click install and it will give you a message saying it has been installed or you can click "Mark as installed" if you don't want them in your garage yet. Now you don’t have to pick what I chose here, it can be one of them, it can be all of them, you can pick any DLCs you want here really, the choice is yours. I should note the Stealth cars, Chromelines, Gamestop Camry and that Edge Camaro are NOT in the DLC tab, but you can find them in the tickets tab though and they will work just fine if you followed step 6.
Audi R8 5.2 FSI quattro Chrome Line
BMW M3 Coupé Chrome Line
Jaguar XJ13 Chrome Line
Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 Chrome Line
Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Coupe Chrome Line
Shelby Cobra 427 S/C Chrome Line

Stealth Cars
Audi R10 TDI Stealth Model
Honda NSX GT500 Stealth Model
Mazda 787B Stealth Model
Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Stealth Model
McLaren F1 Stealth Model
Nissan GT-R GT500 Stealth Model

Chevrolet Camaro SS "Edge Special"
2010 Joey Logano #20 GameStop TOYOTA CAMRY (Fantasy)
Note: The “Special Racing Gear” pack is currently disabled, but it may be available in a future update.

Warning: The Red Bull Charity C gives the Red Bull X2010 JP Flag Color, which was removed after 2.12, so you will not be able to use it if you’re on 2.12 and above. (the function does work though)

8. Once you pick the DLC you want, click “File” and then “Save”.

9. Eject your USB drive.

10. Plug your USB drive back into the PS3 and copy your save data back to your PS3.

And if you did everything here, the following things should happen:
1. If you installed DLC cars, they will be waiting there in “Car Delivery”
2. If you installed DLC tracks, they should show up in “Practice” and Arcade Mode. With the Speed Test DLC, you should see that option show up on the menu in GT Mode.
3. If you installed paint and gear-related DLC, it should all be in your “Items” section.


If you have any questions or concerns let me know! Be sure to read the FAQ's! I must note this tool is a work in progress, so let me know if you have any issues with the program and I'll tell the creator. This program works for me though.

If you have any issues following these steps, please provide the following so I can help you sort it out:
1. Error text. This is generated by the editor itself in the directory you have the editor in and whatever information is on it can be useful to understanding the issue.
2. What GT5 update are you on? This is very important because the editor is designed to work on certain updates and some issues can be easily rectified when I know what you're on.
3. Have you tried running the program as administrator?
4. Are you on the latest .NET Framework? This program relies on this sort of thing to run.

I may have more questions if none of these help, but if all else fails, you can attach your save here and I can look into it.

Note: If you're having issues with the editor that aren't related to obtaining the DLC, please post them here and not in this thread. Also, please don't quote this entire post.
Can this be done on the latest update?
Answer: Yes it can, I tested it myself.

Do I need to be connected to PSN?
Answer: Nope! Everything is done via save editing, PSN is not required!

Will I lose the DLC’s if I update to 2.12 and beyond?
Answer: Nope! I have tested this myself and you will not lose it as long as you followed step 6.

Do I need the Family Upgrade?
Answer: No, you don't need the Family Upgrade. Tested it myself without it installed and it works just fine! 👍

Does this install them into the game data?
Answer: No. What this tutorial does is it edits the save game and enables a debug feature in the game allowing you to use the DLC without it being installed in the game data. So that way you can add them via save editing without having to install them to the game data like you would normally do.

Why do I need to have at least one car in my garage before following this tutorial?
Answer: Theirs a database in the save game that the tool reads and it needs to have at least one car in there or else the editor will not be able to load it. And that ain't just with this editor, pretty much any garage editor for GT5 has to have it in order to work correctly.

Why do I need to be on at least 2.10 to follow this tutorial?
Answer: Because all the DLC was added to the game data by then and you would not be missing out on any of it by updating to at least 2.10.

What happens if I try to follow this tutorial on an update below 2.10?
Answer: I haven't experimented with this a whole lot, but if you add a DLC car that wasn't yet introduced through a certain update, the game will crash if you try to open the ticket.

For example, I experimented with adding the 2014 Corvettes on update 2.09 once, but since they weren't added until 2.10, I obviously could not obtain them and the game crashed upon opening the tickets.

Why do you recommend 2.11 the most?
Answer: It's not strictly required, but it is what I recommend the most because Update 2.12 and beyond started removing content, namely the X2010 JP Flag Color, and taking measures against people hacking their save games. Can you still follow this tutorial on 2.12? Of course you can, but you just would have to avoid adding the Red Bull pack that has the X2010 JP Flag Color.

How long does this tutorial take?
Answer: For me, it took about 12 and a half minutes, but your time may vary.
Credits to Razerman (aka xfileFIN) and all the people over at the Discord chat for making this possible! 👍
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I have all the DLC for GT5 for a very long time on my account, when my PS3 died I had to buy another one. So I put GT5 and the updates and then I installed all the DLC content like cars & stuff. Once I got all the DLC cars in my garage to use them in the game I had to download the Family pack to use them offline.

Does your Garage Editor allow you to use the DLC cars without installing the Family pack ?.
I have all the DLC for GT5 for a very long time on my account, when my PS3 died I had to buy another one. So I put GT5 and the updates and then I installed all the DLC content like cars & stuff. Once I got all the DLC cars in my garage to use them in the game I had to download the Family pack to use them offline.
If I remember correctly, the family upgrade makes it so every user on that PS3 gets the DLC and not just the one who bought the DLC. I don’t recall ever having issues getting the DLC work offline with or without the family upgrade.
Does your Garage Editor allow you to use the DLC cars without installing the Family pack ?.
It’s not my editor, I didn’t make it, xfileFIN did.

I have tested it without the family upgrade pack and it works just fine.
If I remember correctly, the family upgrade makes it so every user on that PS3 gets the DLC and not just the one who bought the DLC. I don’t recall ever having issues getting the DLC work offline with or without the family upgrade.
It’s not my editor, I didn’t make it, xfileFIN did.

I have tested it without the family upgrade pack and it works just fine.
What I am saying without the Family upgrade pack I can not use the DLC cars in the game, because way back when GT5 was online I had the DLC cars & stuff but I could only use them DLC cars for online only. Then I contacted Playstation support about can I use the DLC cars offline without the internet for GT5, and you know what they told me, you must download and buy the GT5 Family upgrade pack at the PS store to use them offline and this is true.

Edit: With the DLC in the Garage Edition now that xfileFIN did, that is a good thing, because I could get some of them using the Garage Editor 1.3.1 that I got now, but not all of them 👍.
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What I am saying without the Family upgrade pack I can not use the DLC cars in the game, because way back when GT5 was online I had the DLC cars & stuff but I could only use them DLC cars for online only. Then I contacted Playstation support about can I use the DLC cars offline without the internet for GT5, and you know what they told me, you must download and buy the GT5 Family upgrade pack at the PS store to use them offline and this is true.
Come to think of it, I don’t think I ever had the DLC without the family upgrade back when the servers were up.

Anyways, you can get the DLC with this new editor and it will work offline just fine, even without the family upgrade. I tested this method on a separate HDD before posting. I should note if you want to get it for other users on the same PS3, you’ll have to edit the save games for each user to do so, but it’s very easy.

Another thing I should note is this method does not install the cars into the game data, rather it just tricks the game into thinking it is installed there, thus allowing you to just edit your save to get them.
because I could get some of them using the Garage Editor 1.3.1 that I got now, but not all of them 👍.
Tracks are about the only DLC you can get with that editor. That editor was never intended to be used to obtain DLC, the track part however is an oversight.
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Hey great thread i must get round to download i must get round to downloading 0.7.3 i love the step by step tut' btw.

One thing i noticed with the stealth and chrome tickets when i tested them on an old save the BHP and torque figures arw slightly diffrrent from what they are when they are redeemed straight into the garage, why i wouldnt know might be some unbroken in thing if they are deemded as new by the game thats my best guess.

thanks for all this.
Just a question: would this method avoid freezing of some tracks (for exemple some snow tracks and other like in the AMG challenge are automatically freezing)?
Thank you for this! I'm loading the game now.
I just wish this was possible without actually getting the tickets, I'd rather still have to purchase the cars as I'm doing a playthrough.
EDIT: That seems to be possible, I just need to clear all tickets in the save editor :D
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Thank you for this! I'm loading the game now.
I just wish this was possible without actually getting the tickets, I'd rather still have to purchase the cars as I'm doing a playthrough.
EDIT: That seems to be possible, I just need to clear all tickets in the save editor :D
Also sorry if you already knew this but it was the same when you purchased the DLC through PS Store you got one of the DLC cara for free in v3hicle delivery and were also unlocked for purchase whenever you wanted in the car dealership.

thanks for all this.
You're welcome! :)
Just a question: would this method avoid freezing of some tracks (for exemple some snow tracks and other like in the AMG challenge are automatically freezing)?
No? I've never had issues with them freezing like what you've mentioned. I think something may be wrong with your game or console because I have never heard tell of this.
Thank you for this! I'm loading the game now.
You're welcome! :)
EDIT: That seems to be possible, I just need to clear all tickets in the save editor :D
Yea the editor has the ability to do that, I haven't tried it, but I am pretty sure you can install the DLC without getting the tickets by doing this. Which is useful in your situation and I can understand why you would want to do that. Voucher cars like the Chromelines, Stealths, Gamestop Nascar and Edge Camaro are a bit different though.

Edit: I think you could probably just click "Mark as installed" and it will allow you to buy the DLC cars available in the dealer without giving you the free tickets. (I haven't tested it though)
Also sorry if you already knew this but it was the same when you purchased the DLC through PS Store you got one of the DLC cara for free in v3hicle delivery and were also unlocked for purchase whenever you wanted in the car dealership.

Yeah I actually found that out today. Still, I'd prefer not getting them totally for free, but getting the DLC and then removing the tickets works fine.

Yea the editor has the ability to do that, I haven't tried it, but I am pretty sure you can install the DLC without getting the tickets by doing this. Which is useful in your situation and I can understand why you would want to do that. Voucher cars like the Chromelines, Stealths, Gamestop Nascar and Edge Camaro are a bit different though.

I never knew about these cars in GT5, so it would be cool to have them, but are they that special other than in terms of liveries? If the Edge Camaro performs the same as the normal version, I could just deduct the number of credits for that stock car and give myself the Edge. Other than that, I'm happy with the DLC :)
Awesome, thanks for posting this, Sonygamer455. :) Looks like I'll be busy this weekend, enjoying my New and Improved GT5, assuming everything goes right.

What I like about this method is: if I lose another Playstation 3 like I did a few years ago, I won't have to rely on setting up new PSN information.

And ya know... just in case somebody at Polyphony Digital ever reads these threads, I would have paid for all that DLC a second time it it were available. :mad: It makes no sense to me that all of that gets taken down, which ultimately means LESS money in your pockets.

Anyways, ranting. Kudos to those who have found back doors such as these.
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Im having some troubles where every car/gear/paint dlc works, but the tracks dont appear in game
The DLC tracks only unlocked in free run areas they didnt appear in the main races, for example go to test drive I think it is far right panel near gt auto and hit world tracks then you should see spa, twin ring, original tracks for SSRX and i think the new kart spaces, i would have to recheck to make sure.
Awesome, thanks for posting this, Sonygamer455. :) Looks like I'll be busy this weekend, enjoying my New and Improved GT5, assuming everything goes right.
You're welcome! Thank xfileFIN and the people at Discord for finding out about this!
What I like about this method is: if I lose another Playstation 3 like I did a few years ago, I won't have to rely on setting up new PSN information.
Yes! It's bugged me for years how we needed PSN to get them, especially when I wanted to stay on 2.11 and it bugs me even more being a CFW user now. This method is something I had wanted since at least 2013.
And ya know... just in case somebody at Polyphony Digital ever reads these threads, I would have paid for all that DLC a second time it it were available. :mad:
Same here! I always feel better about owning it, but when that option is no longer available, that's where this comes in.
It makes no sense to me that all of that gets taken down, which ultimately means LESS money in your pockets.
It confused me as well when they took it off, but I wonder if it was due to licensing.
Im having some troubles where every car/gear/paint dlc works, but the tracks dont appear in game
Okay, let me ask a few questions:

1. What update of GT5 are you on?
2. What version of the editor are you using?
3. What tracks did you select?

Also, try following what Billy95Idol said above if you haven't already. I should note where he says "test drive", he means the "Practice" section in GT Mode. DLC tracks can be played there if you enabled them and if you chose the Speed Test Pack, the option should be on screen as soon as you go into GT mode.
For some reason, I wanted to believe that all the DLC will be received automatically once online service ends... or am I just making a fool's wish?

Anyway, I'd like to know if this Save Editor will be updated. It doesn't seem to have reached the Version Mark.
1. What update of GT5 are you on? 2. What version of the editor are you using? 3. What tracks did you select? Also
Billy95Idol[/USER] said above if you haven't already. I should note where he says "test drive", he means the "Practice" section in GT Mode. DLC tracks can be played there if you enabled them and if you chose the Speed Test Pack, the option should be on screen as soon as you go into GT mode.

-I am on the latest version of GT5
-I used version of the editor
-I selected all the tracks, When I enter GT mode, The speed test dosen't appear and in arcade mode none of the other tracks (twin ring motegi, route x, etc...) do not show up.

When Ill be able to hop on my ps3 later I will test what @Billy95Idol says and I will keep you updated.
For some reason, I wanted to believe that all the DLC will be received automatically once online service ends... or am I just making a fool's wish?
Nah they never did that. However, they did release an update that allowed the DLC to still be installed after the server shut down. I imagine you may have confused it with that.
Anyway, I'd like to know if this Save Editor will be updated. It doesn't seem to have reached the Version Mark.
Like I said, it's a work in progress. It certainly will be updated in the future, but the creator doesn't really have a lot of time to work on it usually.
-I used version of the editor
I would double-check just to make sure. I do recall being like this, hence why was created.
-I selected all the tracks, When I enter GT mode, The speed test dosen't appear and in arcade mode none of the other tracks (twin ring motegi, route x, etc...) do not show up.
Try loading it into the editor again and look to see if the tracks are installed and if they aren't, install them. Even if they are installed, try reinstalling them. You did follow step 6, right?
When Ill be able to hop on my ps3 later I will test what @Billy95Idol says and I will keep you updated.
If you keep having problems, upload your save here and I'll have the creator take a look at it.
Try loading it into the editor again and look to see if the tracks are installed and if they aren't
So I had the game downloaded and not on a disc so I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it and it worked. Thanks for the help and tips!
It confused me as well when they took it off, but I wonder if it was due to licensing.
Okay, let me ask a few questions:

1. What update of GT5 are you on?
2. What version of the editor are you using?
3. What tracks did you select?

Also, try following what Billy95Idol said above if you haven't already. I should note where he says "test drive", he means the "Practice" section in GT Mode. DLC tracks can be played there if you enabled them and if you chose the Speed Test Pack, the option should be on screen as soon as you go into GT mode.

1. I am not sure which version I am up to. If I connect to the internet the game informs me that I need to install 2.17. So I am assuming I am up to 2.16.

I have downloaded the Zip archive but the program itself doesn't run. I try to open GT5SaveEditor but nothing happens. I have Norton virus protection, but it doesn't seem to be interfering. Norton always flashes a message if it's blocking something.

So I am stuck with the .NET framework part, and that's not working either. Keeps saying the latest version is not supported by my operating system. Is it because I've got Windows 8?
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My ps3 is modded and I had the game downloaded from a website ( I don't remember wich one) =
I'm still a little confused as to how this happened to you though.
1. I am not sure which version I am up to. If I connect to the internet the game informs me that I need to install 2.17. So I am assuming I am up to 2.16.
You can look by going to the game data utility on the XMB and then pressing triangle and selecting information on GT5.
I have downloaded the Zip archive but the program itself doesn't run. I try to open GT5SaveEditor but nothing happens.
Hmmm, my first guess is it's something to do with the framework thing, but I don't know for sure.
I have Norton virus protection, but it doesn't seem to be interfering. Norton always flashes a message if it's blocking something.
This is true, I have used it before and it's very very zealous about certain programs. I'd try disabling it anyways just to see if you have any luck.
So I am stuck with the .NET framework part, and that's not working either. Keeps saying the latest version is not supported by my operating system. Is it because I've got Windows 8?
Could be.

I'll discuss this with the creator and see what he says. In the meantime, I can edit your save for you if you want me to.
No kidding, you'd edit my save? Listen though, I have 16 different saves (I have a GT5 game for all 16 of the PS3's profiles). Would all 16 of those need to be altered?

I will try disabling Norton first, and if that doesn't work, I can take saves to work. We have windows 10 there. :)
No kidding, you'd edit my save?
Sure. :)
Listen though, I have 16 different saves (I have a GT5 game for all 16 of the PS3's profiles).
Wow, that's a lot of profiles!
Would all 16 of those need to be altered?
Pretty sure they would have to be. That's one downside to this from the official method really.
I will try disabling Norton first, and if that doesn't work, I can take saves to work. We have windows 10 there. :)
Yeah I would do that and if it doesn't work on Windows 10, just install the latest framework and it should be fine. I should note this is a good program despite being a work in progress, but it's designed with Windows 10 in mind pretty much.
Question is, how do I disable Norton? Damn. Seriously, I do not know. Nobody ever assumes they're going to turn it off! I'll have to google that, which is weird.

And actually, maybe only one save would be necessary. That's all I need for now. Because all I want is the Machine Tests and Test Track X. I can just do any testing on that one PS3 profile.

I will PM my email to you, but first let me see if I can get this done on that work computer first. Because I want to actually use the save editor, I want to know how it works.
Question is, how do I disable Norton? Damn. Seriously, I do not know. Nobody ever assumes they're going to turn it off! I'll have to google that, which is weird.

And actually, maybe only one save would be necessary. That's all I need for now. Because all I want is the Machine Tests and Test Track X. I can just do any testing on that one PS3 profile.

I will PM my email to you, but first let me see if I can get this done on that work computer first. Because I want to actually use the save editor, I want to know how it works.

I think to disable Norton, open up (Click Your Up Arrow At The Bottom Right Of Your Screen)
Now provided its there right click your Norton Antivirus Icon and it should pop up with an option to temporarily disable it... If this fixes your problem and you can open the file you need, you can create an exception now to do this it goes something like this, open your Norton using a shortcut or exe, once open look for something like options, settings or a little gear icon, in there, look for something like exceptions or create exception, click it and browse for your file that your antivirus is blocking and follow the antivirus interface... note i think its pretty much the same for all antiviruses, atleast thats how it works for AVG as well. I really hope this helps
Okay thanks Billy Idol. I watched all your videos in high school / 1980s, by the way. :lol: Kidding. Anyway, thanks. I'll see if I can disable Norton.

If not, I tried attaching my save to GTP but that didn't work so I added my email into the PM conversation..